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  1. Funnily enough, the game already has shades of that, where some contacts' will have their unlocks be more focused on a specific item category (customizable clothes, preset weapons, preset vehicles, vehicle parts etc.). However, for whatever reason the actual non-preset weapon unlocks are tied to role progression instead of contact progression, which is good on paper because you're not tied to a specific district to unlock new guns, but the numbers themselves have never received any kind of fine-tuning. This is especially bad with the current playercounts; expecting people to get 10,000 kills per category to unlock 3-slot variants is insane. Even considering that this game is a free-to-play title and thus needs to incentivize people to spend money by letting them skip the grind, and even with a "normal" playercount, getting 10 thousand kills 5 times over to unlock the 3-slots for the main 5 primary weapon categories is a truly deranged number that I think I would only be somewhat willing to accept as an account-bound grind, not a per-character grind - and even then I'd be for lowering the requirements. Chrome skins can stay at 20k as a cosmetic reward for those truly dedicated, but let's not gate gameplay improvements behind such steep numbers. Back when Secrets was part of the dev team, they stated in the LO Discord that optimally the Permanent Weapon Selector from the tutorials shouldn't be a selector of one 0-slot gun, but a care package of all the basic guns in 0 slot versions, just so progress is always possible in each weapon type without having to spend APB$ first — a sentiment I entirely agree with. Whether this will be realized remains to be seen. If I remember correctly, that's what Little Orbit want to do: move matchmaking from district level to world level so you can be moved wherever a good mission would be feasible, so that's neat if/when we get that. Other than that, yeah, your ideas sound neat. The car flipping part is one I'm kinda iffy about (can't think of a good rationalization for that one, even taking into account that this is a game where you can have kevlar implanted under your skin and take pills that numb you so much you don't feel a car slamming into you), the rest is neato.
  2. Is annoying to send everytime back and forth, honestly. Would love to see smth like you have the same one in every single character (like account bound) but if/when you put one on auction the other duplicated one will disappear of course from the other characters. Also allowing multiple attachments via mail would be.. so awesome.
  3. Everything in it should be account bound as described, not so sure about the weapon camos but i believe that's their default skin on each wep which you can later modify with other skins.
  4. I'm trying to upgrade a character bound weapon to an account bound one but the weapon I want to upgrade is still showing a full price of 2.7k G1C, any fixes for this?
  5. Hey im here to spread TheMaoci word, cause this needs to be told, and solved So b4 you even start to buying weapon: - test it on another account using try weapon now - if you like to buy weapon buy it BUT ... 1. Go to ARMAS 2. Select proper weapon you want to buy 3. Click on Try it now (dont ask just click - it gives you 35% off from the price - tested on premium account, dont know how it will occur on non premium one) 4. a) now we can start buying weapon account bound (if u not want to cause any "bugs") 4. b) if we want 2 weapons of same kind(on one character - thats the key word) for example 2x OSCAR NFCP3 - so we bought an character bound weapon and after that (we can login to character retrive this weapon thats how i do this) bought account bound (with 73% off - because we have an character bound) 5. now we have cheaper weapon by 35% account bound OR gun cheaper by ~20% with second copy on one character PS thats TheMaoci Screenshot - he throw that "bug" to Matt a longer while ago FIX SOLUTION: - deleting auto send weapon to character mail - adding button with function send this item to character (if item was bought already) / you can check that by purchase history or characters inventory - 2 statements above will prevent from strange duping thing and will eventually adds an secure to player so if he accidently remove weapon from character he will not need to create support ticket to retrive that back ... I could say that adding more rewartd for loyality (in ARMAS) should be done im already pass 40k G1C like twice propably - maybe other boxes/weapons/skins to select ? ... will be great to see thats coming on (about skins just a "select one from a list" type)
  6. Would it be possible to change the subject line to be more descriptive for e-mailed weapons, vehicles, purchased items, etc? Currently it shows [purchase] and I think [rewards] (I'm at work and can't verify this right now) for when you get items from joker boxes and from other methods. The problem with this is that if you have lots of e-mails (I have 15 pages of emails), some from joker box purchases others from account weapons, etc I don't believe there is any quick and easy way to see if the weapon is a permanent item or how long of a lease it is (i.e. - 10, 30, 180 day lease). For permanent items, can we at least change the text to read [permanent] or something along those lines? And maybe add something to the body of the e-mail that tells you if the item is a permanent item, account or character bound, or a lease for x amount of days? Part of the problem is that when you buy a pack of joker boxes and open them, it does so in one action and you don't see what you get. You have to go back in to game and check the e-mails to see what you opened. And then you can't tell if it is permanent or leased without retrieving the item. Back in the day, when you opened joker boxes, it was one box at a time and it showed you on the same screen what you unboxed. Thoughts on the above? Merged. Also came across [gift] last night. Still, no way to know whether or not it is a perm item account wide, perm item character bound, or a lease of x amount of days without retrieving the item. If changing the subject line is too cumbersome, it would be super helpful if the body of the e-mail explained the length of time and whether or not it is character or account bound. For the subject line, I was thinking something like: [PERM, ACCT] [PERM, CHAR] [LEASE, 10 D] [LEASE, 30 D] [LEASE, 180 D] And, nothing fancy in the body of the email is needed as you can see what the item is in the subject line, as well as by clicking on the attachment (but not retrieving it), just something along the lines of: Permanent, Account bound Permanent, Character bound Lease, x days Anybody else have other subject line and email text naming suggestions on how to differentiate between permanent - account, permanent - character and leases?
  7. Very late edit, just realized you asked about Armas, somehow I read Joker, my bad Off the top of my head AP45, 4x4 customizable with kits, NSSW (3slot), Atac (3slot), TAS/CSG, whatever has the option to be account bound, it's worth it. And avoid buying reskins or items that are given as loyalty awards
  8. R3ACT3M

    Weapon reskins.

    I have a feeling LO might want to totally remove the armas. Make JT more mainstream. I like how the purchasing of them goes. You buy enough JT not only do you get a chance at a legendary but you can also spend enough to get a golden box that can yield some awesome goodies. Maybe make ARMAS simply an account bound only type deal, since that's the only stuff I buy there now Be kinda stupid to by a character bound gun since most are in the JT. (I know not all, like the norseman for example)
  9. Schoolgirl and goth schoolgirl packs account bound for a limited time? I have multiple characters, 1399 per character is a bit steep. Could also make all guns 50% off, but that might be a little too dark.
  10. Hi everybody! A week ago I asked a question on the social district ingame about the weapon account bound upgrade. Let me clear up the situation. I have 2 chars on my account, one is a crim, the other one is an enfo. I have a char bound weapon on the crim, and if i know it right, i should have the opportunity to upgrade this weapon from char bound to account bound. But i don't have this opportunity. On the social ingame they said that i know it right, and it should work. I tried everything, but i can't see the discounted price for the update on the Armas Marketplace. They told me that i should write a ticket to the support, and i did it. It was a week ago. I got no answer at all... Im so disappointed right now. I don't know its a bug or something on my account, or why i can't see the discount price to upgrade? Please help me to get a proper answer for this, cuz i don't know that its a bug or what. Thanks!
  11. i second this also add account bound clothing packs thx
  12. oca nano and sitting duck are both joker box legendaries - not available as account bound options, nor are they available in any bundles check your other characters
  13. I cant use carbine... But i have a stac 10 account bound 0 sloted and i run around with it rekting people... While a 3 sloted carbine just sits there eating dust...
  14. why did you delete the character? armas is usually pretty clear about character bound vs account bound
  15. You are damn stupid, do you know that? More than half of armas guns are available in JT but why are people still buying from Armas? Also what is this FREE you are talking about? Who's giving anything to anyone for free? You should seriously get your head out of your patootie, i have more than 7000hours, a player who spent arond 1700$s on 2 accounts , with 9 255 chars , a few low ranked ones. You are just a RANDOM PLAYER WHO IS ENTITLED TO NOTHING OTHER THAN THE PROMISED SERVICE. A service that you and i were promised. You couldnt even come up with a proper counter argument and you had to go look at out of context factors like join date to makeup .... well an argument.......... Also keep your insults to your self. You might need them lil princess ! OK HERE GOES AGAIN. Do not reply back to this or the thread, if you want come talk in PM. 1) I didnt suggest taking away armas items. There is literally a link posted on the first post showing the blog made by MattScott about "dropping unpopular items from armas" 2) You are just butthurt you spent money on something. Understand this princess, you paid for the item and you got the item before anybody else. You gave money and they gave you something. This in noway is gona make you more entitled. They didnt promise that they wont give it away for free, they didnt promise that they wont change it, they didnt promise you ANYTHING other than, giving you the item [char or account bound]... You are entitled to nothing other than that. Its just like paying for early access, you can EITHER pay for early access or wait till everyone gets on for FREE. 3) Most of the players will agree with me on the fact that those guns are just NOT worth it and are underrated because there are better counterparts . 4) Why would anyone spent a dime? To get the item they want, WHEN THEY WANT. You paid for a service which was delivered and thats it. Nobody, i mean NOBODY asked yo to spent any dime. You are talking like only you have spent money on this game.... FYI, i have 29 account bond weapons .
  16. just adding on that secondary weapons are all standardized to $12 usd ($10 usd premium) for character bound and $15 usd ($12 usd premium) for account bound
  17. "repeat winners even on a different character were being kicked" As the skin will be account bound.
  18. Unlocks obtained for events = ACCOUNT BOUND PLS. Instead of doing each character
  19. could be a good idea, you character is account bound, to the point that in any game from the same company uses the same characters, at least as a base, then you can have a nice "social hub" game ... and almost use it as a launcher... the metaverse
  20. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters Yeah, but what they mean is that doing this will harm people with more characters that default, because then those people would earn considerably less. The best way I see around it is making the JT account-wide but putting a weekly cap on it based on the number of active characters in your account. This might make it easier for people with additional character slots to earn JT in comparison to F2P players with less slots, but tbh people who payed for additional character slots kin of deserve the little advantage, the additional character slots need to have a bit more value than just another character in my opinion. I already wrote this above, but this time I wanted to add that the cap will be based on the number of characters in the account, which will balance it more I feel.
  21. His argument makes perfect sense, and if these changes go through he won't be the only one pissed off. I own the TAS20 Stock (account bound), which has Improved Rifling 3 and Tagger, and use it often. This change outright destroys that gun, makes it unusable in actual gameplay. I'm already debating putting in a support ticket for a refund or variant exchange. This gets even worse if they choose to not limit the effect to shotguns, because then it would kill another gun I own, the Temptress. That one I can't even request a refund for, because it was obtained via non-paid methods, nor can I request a variant exchange, because it has no variants that would be valid to exchange. The gun would just be a hunk of wood and metal in my gun locker, forever.
  22. I am not a fan of this title, but I expected it to be account bound at least. Another disappointment with this event
  23. How matchmaking works (thoughts) collect weapon score ratio collect thread level (silver bronze gold etc) collect kd ratio (it should take this in calculation but it doesnt) collect what threat this guy have while entering district (plus 5 last entries [unique] ones so 1 per day etc - if system finds outu are gold and drop to silver than again get gold than u are takes as middle silvgold and system will select you twice of the opposition in bronze server and worst players in gold) (again this system not do that as well) how to "fuck" matchmaking ? take off ur primary weapon and equip fbw only try to not shoot enemies all the time (lower your accuracy) - possible be banned if admins figureout u dethreating - possible easiest way to drop threat (easier then losing and killing team mates) if u have team 3 silvers and 1 gold let the gold take off primary wepon (system will be glitched and match 4 silvers against work only it there are 4 silvers in team ;] ) about getting gold thread system is glitched as well it shoudl compete all statistics like accuracy mission doing etc. but now if u have god accuracy u will be gold or if u do missions u will be gold as well (in slower times) as i think threat system is calculated (i think so) from district time / kills you made if it ticks the gold thread you are gold etc. (and its ultra easy if u drop from that gold to silver to get gold again) how to fix that staff ? threat for each character seperatly (not account bound) change script that compare kd ratio without doing mission and vice versa eventually change stats needed to get that thread in like 25% more to get gold silver bronze and green(stays like it was) so it will separate silvers with golds and even bronzes from silvers + made system that will unallow gold playerd go do silver district (ONLY) and silver players to go to green (as it is now) additional to point above increase backup needs if u meet silver player on bronze 1 silver player = 2 bronze, 1 bronze = 1 bronze, 2 green = 1 bronze 4 green = 1 silver, green is T as well so from now we will see gold players plays with gold players, silver plays with silvers and eventually silvers plays with bronzes (to propably teach them a game etc. but with more opposition)
  24. sorry mate, but u forgot that community is splited in 2 general category: who got 120 fps and who not. putting both broke not only PVP but also MM. the hackusation, the low population,the broken matchmathing ,the dethreating and the toxicity are all in the same chain. for solving hackusation we need separate instance due to latency and fps after this population will increase so MM can works a bit better. solving MM will help to stay on own district with more pleasure, and without dethreating (with some lock for goldies) the toxicity will be reduced. recently had been not funny play a balanced mission until the goldie raging kid equipped the Trueogre. (literally impossible to beat, neither in 2 vs 1) and this happen 1 mission on 2. ofc there will be people that love APB but dont like be stomped with 0/34 k/d. and here we can talk about PVE for them. 20 euro is neither the 10% of an average experienced player account total cost. and is neither the cost of a VASC2 account bound revolution. i dont see any other way for save the boat.
  25. Yeah, last time I was buying stuff for APB I really wanted Rhino kit account bound but on a... limited budget, hard to justify KTTW price tag.
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