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  1. Great point made, this part sounds interesting to play-test. Definitely interested in how both scenarios would play out in practice. This is exactly why the voice of veterans is needed in balancing. No, I want all guns to behave like the ISSR-C in ADS mode. This way you'll help both the less-skilled and more-skilled players. More accuracy isn't bad, it just needs a slightly longer TTK than what guns in this game have. I'd like to see experiments conducted around 0,9 - 1,1s TTK Funny how one can tell a lot about the skill level of a player from the way one wants to balance the game
  2. Yes, we've had this conversation, I'm not against it. I'm against pushing this when there are guns which are <0,8s (<800ms) and especially <0,7s. oh and the "controlling part", you're basically elongating the ttk up to a certain value, depending on how fast the bullet spread resets (thus achieving potentially achieving the same u'd do from just X seconds of basic tracking without bullet spread meme) dont see a reason for this over my proposed version (no spread & no movement penalty in ADS at all, along with MMship_Mod = 0 on all guns) in another thread, but all of this talk is in vain anyways so whatever.
  3. This does not work with the current TTK of this game. The game needs a longer TTK to be able to sustain a healthy gunplay in this direction, if these changes were to be implemented. It will not happen, sadly, as the current designer does not seem to want to even consider this idea (while making guns such as the Coroner and ISSR-C into basically that...) scrubbing the idea off entirely. All of the games long-standing issues can be fixed/done in a single content patch, but they just wanna do these byte-sized.... blobs of barely anything? Even simple things, such as: - High-fps slide bug (it's insane that Matt can even utter the word "THIS IS A COMPETITIVE GAME" when a game-breaking bug such as this exists?) - a WORKING FPS CAP (its also ridiculous that they haven't made one for +10 years already, relying on garbage config editing), - a WORKING granular sensitivity (>5 decimals) input field, - Missing kiosks in Social district Gallery, - Missing unbundled weapons & items from Armas in JT and vice-versa - SPECIFIC weapon statistics instead of vague bars, so new users can gauge guns based on values are undoable for them. The priorities are just not on the right places. I don't understand how they even consider marketing this game to the Epic Games Store in this state, it's like they haven't tried a single game outside of APB to see how boring it will get for everyone?
  4. Can you finally fix the horrendous high-FPS sliding bug already? It's unacceptable. Along with implementing a in-game FPS cap inside the menu, so we don't have to edit the config every time.
  5. The OP of this thread seems to be someone with their mechanical skill in the lower than average region of the normal distribution curve of skill in this game. The ISSR-C is a monster in it's range and dare I say it's one of the best guns in the game right now. They seemingly decided to mix short TTK (<0,8s) with high ADS accuracy and no movement penalty while in ADS. I wouldn't mind the accuracy concept of the ISSR-C while in ADS be implemented across all guns, but mixing both concepts together in a single gun is a recipe for disaster. Especially considering the fact that other guns don't come close to the level of accuracy you can get with the gun while ADS. It's as if one is playing a whole different game compared to everyone else while using it.
  6. This is just one of many moves they've done, while being clearly opposed to prior to it. More examples include: - Bringing a (1-)slotted CSG (for a limited time!) to the game, - Making a 2STK Jumpshooting weapon (VBR Enchantress), - Adding secondaries with lvl 3 mods (hard to balance) or any kind of mods (cant think of anything else anymore) The game is too dead for anyone to care about this, everyone is waiting for it's end.
  7. "We all need to have faith in the anti-cheat, because it's just #1. You know, it's a competitive game. Anything that affects those matches has to be our top priority" (c) MattScott, Dec 2024 AMA (@ 00:05:35) Order of priority: - More Anti-Cheat work - More Matchmaking work (they're moving to "instancing" / "phasing") - A little bit of mission work (@ 00:43:20) - PvE (tutorial district, won't happen before Easter) district ("Redhill will better suited for new district" @ 00:49:17) - examples: mission against bots, common enemy, technological elements,... - Next big patch will include 2 new contacts (around Easter), cross-world matchmaking & "some more content behind those contacts" & "other things we're working on" They'll edit contacts which are in-files already and re-release them "way, way cooler" (@ 00:48:30) The two new contacts won't be Redhill and they're Matt's favourite contacts in the game "which are thrown away and underutilized" Small tidbits: Game will come to Epic Games Store "soon" (@ 00:06:13) CQC will get looked at "soon" (@ 00:11:00) Car "teleport" will get nerfed by adding a delay, it's "on their list" (@ 00:12:02) Clan system & player (monthly) leaderboards talk (@ 00:16:50) Private district talk (@ 00:19:00) NA-East server talk (@ 00:29:35) "New district & some other stuff" will happen afterwards - post Easter (inventory, more than 100 layers, music studio was mentioned as post-easter as well, "possibly even post that patch") (@ 00:57:15) EMP was created for RIOT and will release for the next big patch. (@ 00:55:30) A new login screen is "very low priority" "Hairstyles are tricky...and a bit lower on the list" (@ 01:02:43) Plans to make a "Disable Garbage Collection" option in settings. "The more modern way technique is gonna be doing it in another thread" (@ 01:09:00) High frame-rate slide issue is "an artifact of framerate and animation timing" and it's "fixable but sorta low on the priority right now" (@ 01:12:50) HUD glitch is "sky-high priority and is on their radar" (@01:13:25) Mouse-sensitivity issue - is completely unknown to them (don't expect anything from it) (@01:14:04) More vehicle mods will be coming, according to Frosi Spawn points are "high on their priority" and work was started on it but got sidelined for anti-cheat (@01:18:20) Melee weapons won't happen. (@01:22:32) Login rewards & gifting system mentioned but not elaborated on. (@ 01:32:00) Personal comments: The fact the sliding bug & GC being something which are low priority is... very sad, considering the statement at the top. Not to mention the fact that they're completely unaware of the mouse sensitivity issues this game has. (IT NEEDS A SEPARATE THREAD AS WELL) EMP Grenades will break the game, both in balancing & in it's performance impact on the client. Just look at the Flare Gun, the particles are mega FPS bombs. Very similar to last AMA in the end...
  8. Hitreg is fixed by playing the most accurate guns in Marksmanship mode such as the Scout (with HS3), ISSR-B, Oblivion, Coroner and hoping the server will register shots. Oh, and increasing server tickrate would help tremendously.
  9. I'm not sure that we're playing the same game. You have to be standing still or crouched to have usable accuracy in hipfire. This is akin to any non-CQC gun in this game apart from obvious outliers such as the ISSR-B, Oblivion, Coroner Are you referring to the fact you don't gain bullet spread when bursting someone while you're stationary? Adding more bullet spread to hipfire won't solve what you're trying to achieve. The jump accuracy is still less than clearly superior guns at the moment and I sincerely don't see why it's an issue. This is a completely different topic. This is a issue of the underlying game design (short interval TTK & low character health, inseparable variables) than anything else. Increasing it's equip delay won't solve the issue it has, it will only make the gun feel clunkier (as seen with similar nerfs throughout the years) All heavy-hitting guns suffer from the same issue you're referring to (tag & finish off with pistol scenario)
  10. it has a 1.2s TTK mate... If you die by an OBIR in CQC, then it's purely a skill issue. ^ two examples of people who don't understand that: Close-Quarter-Combat Guns Are Supposed To Be Good In.... close quarters. The Whisper has a 50m range fyi.
  11. ISSR-C 'Kingdom', OSCAR, ISSR-B 'Dogear', ISSR-A, OBIR, Coroner, Oblivion, Scout, SWARM (with LRR), N-SSW 74 (with LRR) Rest is irrelevant.
  12. I'm under the impression that segmenting updates in chunks every few weeks is not a sustainable way to balance a dying game. This is a live-service with 300 pop, drastic changes are necessary. The game designer is a person with 10 years of experience in this game. One can easily pinpoint the big hotspots the game has in terms of game design. Just look at them basically copy-pasting a previous event (look at post above). I can think of a more creative event on the spot without the need for duplication due to lack of means / creativity: A melee-only candy cane Beacon event game.
  13. The "Redhill Experiments...?" and "Prototype Testing Grounds" events are ENTIRELY IDENTICAL in essence. Did you have any testers to tell you this? What is this absurdity? No, it's not fun to play in a 1STK weapons in a (smaller) district in which you stutter every second from unoptimized particles. Everytime I play the STAR 'Deadeye' and PMG-SD 'Staple Gun', I get reminded how bad almost every gun is in this game. In terms of accuracy numbers (disregard TTK), the no-accuracy penalty from movement and MM_Mod ~0 on them are amazing. Now imagine that, ~0.9 - 1.1s TTK and the return of sprintshooting? Amazing. I forgot how great sprintshooting is in closing in on corners when someone is holding you. No wonder it was a mechanic that was a thing since RTW days. It was there for a reason, to balance out pushing people pixel-peeping you from corners. Longer TTK was also a thing cause of the situation above. I will say, however, the OSCAR Bricklayer's FoV when in marksmanship mode is FANTASTIC. Playing around with FoV as the main differentiator between Hunting Sight (IT SHOULD NOT AFFECT THE MM MODIFIER) levels is how it should be done.
  14. I sincerely don't understand why it took you so long to nerf the OBIR's damage, when it has been a talking point for quite some time amongst lesser skilled players? Neither do I understand the reason for nerfing the M1922's and Coroner's range, when the whisper has a 50m range? You're adjusting the wrong statistics. Do any of the "testers" and main game designer (who is considered a "veteran player") play this game at all? All of these weapon changes you've done for the past few months could've be done in a single patch, I don't understand the reason to be splitting them up into pieces every 2 weeks. The experience is present, but apparently the foresight as to what to do isn't? When on the topic of the joker store: Can we get a 4-slotted skinnable Coywolf for Joker Tickets, along with all the other missing items (such as the Beret or other clothing items from Armas) from there? This is such a trivial addition and there's no reason it's taking so long. Oh, and I'm gonna start the trend already. #RevertBackToOldDispatchSystem #AbolishCDMM
  15. That is your definition, the game does not use these terms from my understanding. What you're referring to as "Spread" is actually the following: x = Accuracy Radius at 10m * Marksman Modifier I agree with you on this, this is a big nuisance on all guns. What you're referring to as "bloom" (the word is used in context of the visual effect originally) is actually called bullet spread (this is the unified term for the area of a cone's base where the bullet object can hit, reliant upon a randomized number generator algorithm) I personally think bullet spread shouldn't exist in Marksmanship Mode in any way, only in hipfire. (something akin to the PMG-SD 'Staple Gun', but only applied to MM mode) Bullet spread is a way to elongate short TTK games, it is not a mechanic meant to catter mechanically good players.
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