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  1. Funnily enough, the game already has shades of that, where some contacts' will have their unlocks be more focused on a specific item category (customizable clothes, preset weapons, preset vehicles, vehicle parts etc.). However, for whatever reason the actual non-preset weapon unlocks are tied to role progression instead of contact progression, which is good on paper because you're not tied to a specific district to unlock new guns, but the numbers themselves have never received any kind of fine-tuning. This is especially bad with the current playercounts; expecting people to get 10,000 kills per category to unlock 3-slot variants is insane. Even considering that this game is a free-to-play title and thus needs to incentivize people to spend money by letting them skip the grind, and even with a "normal" playercount, getting 10 thousand kills 5 times over to unlock the 3-slots for the main 5 primary weapon categories is a truly deranged number that I think I would only be somewhat willing to accept as an account-bound grind, not a per-character grind - and even then I'd be for lowering the requirements. Chrome skins can stay at 20k as a cosmetic reward for those truly dedicated, but let's not gate gameplay improvements behind such steep numbers. Back when Secrets was part of the dev team, they stated in the LO Discord that optimally the Permanent Weapon Selector from the tutorials shouldn't be a selector of one 0-slot gun, but a care package of all the basic guns in 0 slot versions, just so progress is always possible in each weapon type without having to spend APB$ first — a sentiment I entirely agree with. Whether this will be realized remains to be seen. If I remember correctly, that's what Little Orbit want to do: move matchmaking from district level to world level so you can be moved wherever a good mission would be feasible, so that's neat if/when we get that. Other than that, yeah, your ideas sound neat. The car flipping part is one I'm kinda iffy about (can't think of a good rationalization for that one, even taking into account that this is a game where you can have kevlar implanted under your skin and take pills that numb you so much you don't feel a car slamming into you), the rest is neato.
  2. Hello Matt, I have a few questions regarding about all this. I've been a member of the console community since 2017 and I have been waiting for an update for over 5 years ever since you guys took control of APB, but kinda disappointed that it came down to this ending. Here are my following Questions: 1. Since I do have multiple accounts, is it possible for me to actually merge all of them into 1 GamersFirst account? I have around 5-6 Characters spread across my accounts and I wouldn't want to have 1 GamersFirst account for each Console account I've had. 2. Will we get some sort of compensation for this happening? I mean we are losing the platform we've been playing on. It was fair for you guys to not do something about this since we technically were 1 Engine Upgrade ahead of PC, while PC had the new content like newly released Weapons, the new car, clothing etc. But now that Console is being shut down what would we get once we first tune in on PC? 3. Personally I've spent more than 400$ on my account, buying account bound weapons and packs such as Juggernaut Pack, Revelations Pack, Key To The City Pack and even some Jokerboxes since they are still around there. I've read that there is some loyalty rewards thing going on, and would my spending count towards it? 4. I am also a symbol designer and sometimes make clothes too, if I switch to PC, would all of it go to PC without any issues or will there be a level of distortion and make me have to rework on the designs on my Avatar, Symbols and Vehicles. 5. Will we get the opportunity for us to get past event items/titles? Like I've pointed out before, we didn't get around 5-6 years worth of updates, so I'd like to know if we will be given the opportunity to get those. 6. Would there be a day where you guys would revive the game back on consoles, but with the new Generation Hardware? I mean it's obvious that I will get slandered on by whatever diehard PC player around here with them saying console is a mistake or whatever. But at the same time console is just more accessible to the community, while also giving the chance that others from there may spend a lot more compared to PC players, since you also said that "Console users spends as much if not more than PC players". I guess it'll take a lot of effort to do rerelease APB on Consoles, but at least there wouldn't be the same drawbacks you guys had with working on 2 different codebases, and would ultimately make the game available for everyone. That is all, I hope that ultimately everything would turn alright, only thing that we may appreciate is for you guys to turn on Voice Chat for one last time before it's all gone, I guess we deserve at least that while it lasts. Have a nice day
  3. Okay well that’s unfortunate. in my case, I have about 15 total character across two Xbox accounts and a Playstation account. If I were to transfer everything (if I can) into ONE PC account, Im guessing I’d have to rename all my characters and lose the names they had? Would all my account bound purchases apply to my PC account? Do we get to keep all of our characters stats intact (playtime, kill count?). Will all of our Cash, JT, and G1C transfer aswell? If we do transfer, would all our console purchases also apply for loyalty rewards on PC? This news really blows for me because I spent a ton of money and time on this game and it hurts to see it go, but hopeful if we can transfer every single thing without losing anything in the process. I likely wont play too much on PC anyway since I cant play Keyboard and Mouse too well but hopefully we can go back to console in the future if that ever happens edit: Also I have a Gamersfirst account but play off a Steam account on PC that uses the same email, how do I know which account to transfer to?
  4. Might I suggest you also compensate every account on the console version with a free account bound unsilenced Oca-Nano as a sweetener? I'm not a console player but that idea doesn't sound so bad to me.
  5. no account bound option makes you look scummy af also why is this vehicle listed under emotes lmao, literally no part of this release is bug free mind boggling fumble at the 1 yard line, if you'd just kept the car under wraps instead of trying (and failing) to distract the community from the stagnant roadmap you could have released a decent piece of content on your own time
  6. First things first, massive thanks for breaking the silence and coming forward with an AMA stream (though I do understand the reasons behind the silence as described in the recent blogpost; again, my condolences, and I wish the best for the future). As for the actual questions I would have, trying not to repeat the ones I've already seen here: For all of the love I have for the game as a whole, I'm also eager to point out that APB's first time user experience (FTUE) is absolutely abysmal. The tutorial system is clunky and uninviting; some time ago I'd managed to get a friend of mine to give the game a shot and he said he found my advice a lot more comprehensible than the tutorial menu. I remember that plans to improve FTUE were already brought up in the past, but approximately speaking: how much of a priority is improving FTUE? One of the things from APB's past which I would actually say was a good idea is the Refer-a-Friend system... on a conceptual level. Its implementation left a lot to be desired, owing largely to the fact that the actual invited players saw no profit from the system and the inviter got to reap the full benefits, including some really good items to get as account-bound. Would LO be willing to reintroduce the Refer-a-Friend system in some shape or form at some point? Otherwise, are there any plans to encourage or incentivize players to recommend the game to others? The interface of the game is honestly a bit dated in various ways. Besides having mechanical issues (the UI running on both Scaleform and Kismet being probably the biggest one, but there's also the reliance on non-descriptive bars instead of exact values) I think it's also showing its age visually and aesthetically. Are there any plans to modernize or otherwise update the game's user interface? I think that's it from me. Looking forward to the Q&A!
  7. I grabbed it account bound. Got a Huntress out of a gold box as well so money wise it all worked out.
  8. Make it a 3 slot for 2,999 G1C (account bound) and I'll actually buy it.
  9. It's a one slot csg for close to 25$ for an account bound version and 20$ for a character version. Why would anyone want to buy this, most people are just going to put IR3 on it anyways? Seriously 1 open slot for 20$ when you can buy a version of the CSG that has the mods people will put on that gun for half that price. If it were a 3 slot csg for 20$ then maybe to someone it would be worth it. But for 90% of your player base 1 open slot does not justify 20$
  10. Is it? I can either pay once with my real money for a rental gun that has 3 open slots that will cost a ludicrous amount iirc. Or I give LO 30$ for an account bound permanent version of it. It's definitely not a clear answer. Like sure you can get that gun in game for free. But until LO allow players to either make more OR make these rentals cost less. It will always feel P2W, the W is very general in this context where "Winning" is just being able to keep more money every week instead of spending it on weapon rentals. I mean shoot, I have a huge arsenal and can't remember the last time I rented a gun. Imagine trying to rent just 3 guns for 1 week. (all 3 open slots)
  11. I think they should globalise JT among characters, as well as remove account bound and character bound on the JT store. Some of the prices there I feel do need streamlining.
  12. Not getting it (yet). But to those who have it Cheetah M2/Raptor SRX + Kit Is this include an account bound mikro or is it just the kits for crim and enf? thx
  13. This was like reading the intro sequence to star wars Yea there are a lot of fundamental issues with everything in this game. The only thing that aged well is the customization, it is still by far the most in-depth and lets me make the characters I WANT to make. Games these days have such terrible face models where no one is allowed to look hot or handsome because it will offend someone im sure. Missions I hard agree on, none of them are fun. They attempted to expand the mission roster but the mission types are all the same and they're all terribly designed. I think a HUGE stepping stone for this game would be to start over from scratch a lot of this game's systems when it comes to combat. I think everyone agrees that VIP is the WORST mission your sorry butt could get stuck doing. If your team is newer and your opposing are veterans you can count on your VIP getting rushed by them in a VEGAS until the game is done with. The runner up for worst mission would have to be the ones where you take the item to your base and defend it. God forbid that it's a heavy objective because it will be taking you 3 years to get it anywhere and once you loose momentum the game is over before that last objective started. There are countless other examples but missions are more or less Go here -> Do task -> Go here -> Do task - Go here -> Do task -> alright now for a 7 minute deathmatch. Can we just skip all that intro garbage and just go to the mission's finale? It just feels like such a waste of time to struggle over breaking into a car for 4 minutes getting absolutely slaughtered to have to deliver the car only to do a similar objective for 6 minutes. Missions should be short and chaotic, Have 1-3 objects per dispatch and have like 5 vs 5 player minimum. This would be FAR more fun than the constant 2v2, 2v3, and 3v3 the matchmaking CONSTANTLY puts you in. I personally hate this game's modification system. There is a clear meta for certain things and a lot of the struggle with balancing this game stems from these mods. Imagine if all the guns in the game had no mod slots. Think about how easy it would be to balance them all. Because right now you more or less have to ruin the base gun because people put HS3 and IR3 on it, or CJ3 and RS3. Then there are character mods and just about everyone runs Clotting agent three or you're just at a disadvantage. I've been running 2 as of late and have been liking it. So my proposed solution would be to remove mod tiers, example: Take CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 and replace them all with just 1 mod: Cooling Jacket This would allow for LO to instead of having to screw with every gun in the game to try and balance it to only have to worry about the handful of mods that someone COULD put on the gun. I just feel like this would be the best compromise of keeping mods in the game while also sliming it down to be more coherent. Then when something like this is done go back and make the base weapons stronger and have these mods be a tool for players to *nudge* a weapon in a direction of their choosing VS making it a MUST to have these mods on the gun. Next progression in the game is also not amazing. I think the idea is there, that you gain trust/respect from contacts by doing missions for them which in turn they give you better gear. But this style of leveling is only suitable for a game that is PVE focused. Which APB has none of ATM outside of ram raiding. I think a compromise here would be to change what contacts give as rewards. The whole idea behind leveling is that when you do hit that max rank your character should look the best they can or at least have the tools to do that. So I would remove any mods, and guns from contacts and instead pump them up more with "gear" like clothing, cars, and character cosmetics like new hairs, makeup tattoos, and beards. Then have combat related stuff be tied to an account bound check list like the one that's already in game (but is currently character bound). Now all of what im thinking of needs to be woven together by a dev team that can weave all these changes together, and I know that some things are more important than others. Content being one of them and stability fixes is the other. But these are the things that I hope to see completely overhauled soon(tm)
  14. BlatMan

    Ignore list

    What they need to do is make the ignore list account bound for both players. If I ignore any character, the entire account should be blocked. Then I would not need to have 10+ characters ignored to block a single person. They also need to make it so you are not searchable if you have "Share location with searching players" unchecked. The search feature is only used to stalk and harass. Maybe it's better to remove it entirely.
  15. no you can not , these are account bound. they would be better if they were lifetime bound
  16. Currently there exists only one secondary weapon in-game. But yeah the starting grind is horrible unless you have account bound 3 slot weapons. Imo they should have rank locked districts. Even if someone would create a new char to stomp noobs they would still be bound by rank restrictions on char and weapon mods...
  17. that is if they're permanent account bound (or if bought for said new character xd)
  18. Buff Cisco, buff ISSR-a, buff Thumper, buff Cobr-a. ty Edit: And give us account bound CBMP "Arrow"
  19. -Remove R195 restriction for mods -Stop nerfing everything and making meaningless buffs, or overbuffing, OR nerfing one gun and buffing the alternative, usually end up in the same place you started -Stop putting guns into the grave (which by the way creates the problem of 1 gun becoming too powerful, simply because alternatives have been nuked) -Controversial revert the pioneer and espacio. They're genuinely pointless now with the vegas 4x4 still existing and matt himself said in one of the dev streams there's a vehicle counter nade coming YEAH I WENT BACK AND WATCHED THEM ALL, SOME OF YOU SHOULD TOO *cough* 1000 new players a day *cough* -Stop listening to people that don't play the game, or barely play (maybe listen to the streamers that put in working class hours into your game, they might have this thing called, uh, I dunno... experience relative to the current balance and not boomers from 8 years ago when the pop peaked in 2014 who log on once a month and give a thumbs up when the guns they hate the most don't ruin their kd as much) -Bring back 50/50 districts (or more if possible? Who cares about performance impact, game barely runs as it is, and 20 extra people helps alleviate the disaster headache that is matchmaking) -Anticheat, BE is disgustingly easy to bypass, EAC is free now, even if the backend doesn't work, or whatever the problem allegedly was, it was better than BE -More account bound weapons (yes some of us nerds have disposable income we'd instantly waste on those. It's disposable to us for a reason, you'd probably rather have it than idk, the liquor store or something, free $ for some text edits bud, and don't give me any nonsense about it's not just a text edit, you're not building kernals from scratch and the community members that claim it's hard either don't know or don't understand your backend and frontend, unless you've done the silly thing of giving them access to how it works) -Account bound vehicles (more $ for idk, whatever you do with the games income) None of these take a brand new engine to do
  20. xHenryman90x

    Daily Login Rewards

    Joker Boxes with legendaries that are account bound. I remember when we used to have Joker Boxes as rewards, but because the legendaries were tradeable, players abused this by creating multiple accounts.
  21. Finally someone who thinks like I do lol... attention to details! Oh btw, Matt, give us all those Halloween items in Armas pls. Account bound.
  22. https://www.gamersfirst.com/marketplace/ingame/product_details.php?storetype=g1c&gameID=20&productId=6359 Bruh moment. Same old pack as the last year, sadly I have been bought two separated ones in 2019, one difference is the “Alignment titles” which I cannot get account-bound separately (fkn crying rn). The cringe is, I still have to grind pumpkins for skin and wings, on EACH of my characters, same as horseman games. Why don’t you guys put at least bit of effort into Armas? Imma throw you money for all Halloween 2019-2021 rewards, account bounded, just don’t make me grind again. Otherwise, I would grind and suffer just to show how wrong you are.
  23. Account bound devil wings and Halloween wep skin please, because I don’t wanna grind 8 characters (planning 9th btw lol) And also titles, but maybe just put them in JT store instead?
  24. FC is there for a reason tho, also most guns are reskins you don't have to buy them all. If you buy JT they're pretty cheap tho. People used to grind and buy firebombs and even crowns, i don't see my 10k JT for a permanent 3 slotted gun (you can buy them account bound on armas a lot cheaper)
  25. Needs to be account bound like many other Armas things. Don't wanna buy it on my... many different alts
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