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  1. Didn't know you could get armas guns via joker tickets. Go with G1c. Armas guns are sold by character and by account, the later is slightly higher priced but well worth it. All of the Armas guns i have are account bound. So all of my characters have the weapon/s. I have 4 Max ranks and a new reroll. I normally would say to invest in the open slots. But if you plan to reroll, grab a pre slotted version, so as a low rank you dont have to grind out cash to buy sites and other mods. Now if you want to go the joker route, get a Huntress rifle for your one character, This one shoots fast and is accurate, room for one mod, and the kill damage is almost as good as a sniper, and the mobility is high. you can run with it. VERY GOOD question. We know the 5% would goto the weapon you spend the jt's on. Where is that 1% applied?
  2. If they make it, it's good. if not, I wouldn't bother. LO has lost much money already from free premium, and it's not something that could help, I think. The ARMAS itself is bothering me. Outdated gun stats, many guns missing, proper bundle contents required, some prices are makes no sense, some items are hard to find via bad naming/photo, more and many more issues. I'm not even talking about new content (which was a thing back in 2019), or at least old content to be able for account-bound purchase. ARMAS must be fixed. After all these years under LO's management, I got one thing: they do care about any aspect of the game, they do try to fix some, but never ever paid attention to Marketplace. Just IMO. Thanks.
  3. Veteran players' humor is so sad ngl xd Armas haven't updated yet? I just wanna see these clothes account bound or not... And about griefers... I think there is have to be GM in every district to prevent such behavior... only reasonable solution for me.
  4. Thanks, gotta go shopping (+rep to LO for account bounded pack) Also agree, it needs total rework.
  5. Buff Cisco, buff ISSR-a, buff Thumper, buff Cobr-a. ty Edit: And give us account bound CBMP "Arrow"
  6. that is if they're permanent account bound (or if bought for said new character xd)
  7. "mailed to the character currently logged in" Doesn't look account bound to me (but some staff confirmation would help)
  8. -Remove R195 restriction for mods -Stop nerfing everything and making meaningless buffs, or overbuffing, OR nerfing one gun and buffing the alternative, usually end up in the same place you started -Stop putting guns into the grave (which by the way creates the problem of 1 gun becoming too powerful, simply because alternatives have been nuked) -Controversial revert the pioneer and espacio. They're genuinely pointless now with the vegas 4x4 still existing and matt himself said in one of the dev streams there's a vehicle counter nade coming YEAH I WENT BACK AND WATCHED THEM ALL, SOME OF YOU SHOULD TOO *cough* 1000 new players a day *cough* -Stop listening to people that don't play the game, or barely play (maybe listen to the streamers that put in working class hours into your game, they might have this thing called, uh, I dunno... experience relative to the current balance and not boomers from 8 years ago when the pop peaked in 2014 who log on once a month and give a thumbs up when the guns they hate the most don't ruin their kd as much) -Bring back 50/50 districts (or more if possible? Who cares about performance impact, game barely runs as it is, and 20 extra people helps alleviate the disaster headache that is matchmaking) -Anticheat, BE is disgustingly easy to bypass, EAC is free now, even if the backend doesn't work, or whatever the problem allegedly was, it was better than BE -More account bound weapons (yes some of us nerds have disposable income we'd instantly waste on those. It's disposable to us for a reason, you'd probably rather have it than idk, the liquor store or something, free $ for some text edits bud, and don't give me any nonsense about it's not just a text edit, you're not building kernals from scratch and the community members that claim it's hard either don't know or don't understand your backend and frontend, unless you've done the silly thing of giving them access to how it works) -Account bound vehicles (more $ for idk, whatever you do with the games income) None of these take a brand new engine to do
  9. Hey im come up with an idea what about an method to sell unused weapons (in mailbox) like 3days 10days 15days etc versions which u currently have account bound for example 300 APB$ per 3 day 500 APB$ per 5 day 700 APB$ per 7 day 1000 APB$ per 10 day 1500 APB$ per 15 day 3000 APB$ per 30 day about cars 5000 APB$ per half year version 7500 APB$ per year version 10000 APB$ per lifetime (cause u have it already) it could work with JT too just depends on what we would like to do. cause i will never use it and i cant delete the messages anyway (still having like 100+ pages of it) What did u think ppl ? is that a good idea ? same i will go with increasing max ammo in storage (i mean the storage not character) to 99999 or something similar and same with consumables (500 isnt enough or just change random script that gives u an consumables so u will obtain this ones you dont have.
  10. A blackjack minigame (and other tabletop games) would be nice, though I don't think it would work within this suggestion since account bound joker tickets would also now be untradeable.
  11. I'm here to do my job as a necromancer. +1 to everything said so far. More stuff should be account bound by default, specifically expensive stuff.
  12. vsb

    Weapon roles

    adding new ways for players to obtain f2p content is something that needs to happen imo i think role level 5, 10, and 15 should unlock the corresponding 0slot, 1slot, and 2slot armas weapons for leasing perhaps role 16 could unlock 3slot armas weapons for leasing, or possible even create a role 17 for that i really like the idea of roles being account bound tho
  13. true, but I think you missed my edit on the post above, I updated it with: "actually, make it so you have to play 1h in an action district (or complete 5 opposed missions). or, bound it completely to hours played instead of making it a daily thing..." this would probably make people re-consider abusing the system, since they'd have to play double the time every day to get extra joker boxes... and 1h (or ~5 missions) playtime yield ~10k cash anyway, so what's +3k extra every second day, when you can easily farm money faster in fightclub... joker tickets are account bound anyway and everything you buy with them, so that's fine. if someone really wants to play 1h extra every day, making it 7h per week for 1 single joker box that will probably just yield a 3 day weapon, that's fine with me lol. they'd have to play a lot more hours on a lot more accounts if they want to farm JB's for legendaries effectively. no one is going to play 5h on 5 different accounts, for 7 days every day just to get a slightly bigger chance for a legendary... that's nuts.
  14. everything should have options for account bound and character bound, hopefully this is something that happens in one of the armas overhaul phases
  15. If it was account bound I would of been buying some of these But at those prices for the bundles and for each new character is just not possible for most people
  16. someone said they have around 11 characters or more. In this manner buying these packs for each individual char adds up quick armas prices in itself I don't have an opinion on at this time. 11 chars having to buy the same pack is a bit much cash wise though which is what i was referring to. definitely need an account bound option and I know id be buying them but not as it is right now it would cost me too much money.
  17. Am i the only one, who think that weapons purchased through the joker store, should be account bound and not character?
  18. Revolted

    Error 30006

    Hello I cannot make any characters in the character creation as it says I have reached the maximum amount of characters. However I have absolutely no characters on my account. I have tried resetting the game and I have also tried repairing the game through the launcher. I do not know what to do but I really need help as I cannot play. I cannot make a new account because I have many armas market items account bound. (This is on citadel by the way.) Before you ask for any character names I do not have any :D
  19. Any chance we see a JT store upgrade where all current weapons will be offered account bound? JT shop price increase is acceptable ofcourse. It's a bit bs in its current state imho. In my case: My main with 5 characters x 6.500 JT = approximately 70 USD Average account bound weapon on Armas: 2000 G1C = approximately 24 USD I think the difference is way to big and offering account bound weapons in the JT store could be a nice solution to this problem. Is this something you can do @MattScott @Sakebee in the near future?
  20. Legendary weapons: These weapons are meant to be tradeable Armas Weapons: These weapons are meant to be permanent JT Weapons: These are meant to be character bound guns you can get without spending real life $ Besides what cowhorseman said, being able to trade JT and Armas weapons would be a bad decision for LO because they wouldn't make money off of armas purchases if the guns are in circulation What about guns like the norseman? I paid a lot of money to get the account bound pack of them making the Odin a rare weapon to have. It would feel like a slap in the face if all of a sudden it was in the market for 1-2million
  21. This was like reading the intro sequence to star wars Yea there are a lot of fundamental issues with everything in this game. The only thing that aged well is the customization, it is still by far the most in-depth and lets me make the characters I WANT to make. Games these days have such terrible face models where no one is allowed to look hot or handsome because it will offend someone im sure. Missions I hard agree on, none of them are fun. They attempted to expand the mission roster but the mission types are all the same and they're all terribly designed. I think a HUGE stepping stone for this game would be to start over from scratch a lot of this game's systems when it comes to combat. I think everyone agrees that VIP is the WORST mission your sorry butt could get stuck doing. If your team is newer and your opposing are veterans you can count on your VIP getting rushed by them in a VEGAS until the game is done with. The runner up for worst mission would have to be the ones where you take the item to your base and defend it. God forbid that it's a heavy objective because it will be taking you 3 years to get it anywhere and once you loose momentum the game is over before that last objective started. There are countless other examples but missions are more or less Go here -> Do task -> Go here -> Do task - Go here -> Do task -> alright now for a 7 minute deathmatch. Can we just skip all that intro garbage and just go to the mission's finale? It just feels like such a waste of time to struggle over breaking into a car for 4 minutes getting absolutely slaughtered to have to deliver the car only to do a similar objective for 6 minutes. Missions should be short and chaotic, Have 1-3 objects per dispatch and have like 5 vs 5 player minimum. This would be FAR more fun than the constant 2v2, 2v3, and 3v3 the matchmaking CONSTANTLY puts you in. I personally hate this game's modification system. There is a clear meta for certain things and a lot of the struggle with balancing this game stems from these mods. Imagine if all the guns in the game had no mod slots. Think about how easy it would be to balance them all. Because right now you more or less have to ruin the base gun because people put HS3 and IR3 on it, or CJ3 and RS3. Then there are character mods and just about everyone runs Clotting agent three or you're just at a disadvantage. I've been running 2 as of late and have been liking it. So my proposed solution would be to remove mod tiers, example: Take CJ1, CJ2, CJ3 and replace them all with just 1 mod: Cooling Jacket This would allow for LO to instead of having to screw with every gun in the game to try and balance it to only have to worry about the handful of mods that someone COULD put on the gun. I just feel like this would be the best compromise of keeping mods in the game while also sliming it down to be more coherent. Then when something like this is done go back and make the base weapons stronger and have these mods be a tool for players to *nudge* a weapon in a direction of their choosing VS making it a MUST to have these mods on the gun. Next progression in the game is also not amazing. I think the idea is there, that you gain trust/respect from contacts by doing missions for them which in turn they give you better gear. But this style of leveling is only suitable for a game that is PVE focused. Which APB has none of ATM outside of ram raiding. I think a compromise here would be to change what contacts give as rewards. The whole idea behind leveling is that when you do hit that max rank your character should look the best they can or at least have the tools to do that. So I would remove any mods, and guns from contacts and instead pump them up more with "gear" like clothing, cars, and character cosmetics like new hairs, makeup tattoos, and beards. Then have combat related stuff be tied to an account bound check list like the one that's already in game (but is currently character bound). Now all of what im thinking of needs to be woven together by a dev team that can weave all these changes together, and I know that some things are more important than others. Content being one of them and stability fixes is the other. But these are the things that I hope to see completely overhauled soon(tm)
  22. legendaries are already account bound using the mail system.
  23. Hope we are still allowed to mail, or they can just make them account bound, would be nice.
  24. I have already posted about this but will post it again I'm sorry but making legendary weapons not tradeable or sellable in marketplace will ruin the apb marketplace. More over in this game there are many spheres that players are using, for example making Symbols, Cars, Themes, Songs and also trade, exchanging of legendaries. Its like removing one of this spheres. Exchanging, Trading legendary weapons in apb reloaded was always one of the most important and interesting part of the game. It will be very sad to most of us seeing it locked away. I'm sure there are more players who will agree with me. I suggest to improve the trading system instead of removing the legendary exchange sphere completely. There are many players who waiting for a better trading system instead of locking legendary weapons to account bound.
  25. if u have a characterbound weapon it should be posible to make it account bound...you will only be paying for the upgrade and not the whole gun...unless that changed?
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