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  1. make sure you send in ownership verification with your original ticket, otherwise you're looking at a month response time just for them to ask for it and then another month before they verify and respond to your ticket i gave support the account email, the account creation date, and 3 armas transaction IDs (which can be found in the confirmation emails you receive from g1 after purchasing g1c) if you've never bought g1c then im not sure what else you would use as confirmation tbh
  2. So I have redeemed the Holiday2019 premium code on my alt account, and when I try designing things on that account, For example at cars, I get the 50 symbols limit instead of 7, but when I go over 7 symbols the vehicle refuses to save, same for clothes when going over 3 symbols, is this fake premium or that game is bugged or what??
  3. It seems all my accounts are premium for a week, not sure what that's about. The code still seems to work. and added some days to the premium total. Guess you'll just have to remake the car mentioned in you other thread.
  4. Maybe just be glad you got your account back like the rest of us, and show a little patience and maybe even a little gratitude.
  5. Removing items from ARMAS is no bueno, if anything, bring back the items G1 decided to remove and also account bound clothes? thx everything else sounds neat
  6. Mirage. Also, as a side note, when redoing ARMAS, would it be possible to looking into breaking up the AIO packs into separate kit, clothes, gun packs? Example: Current Rocker pack. I don't like the clothing, don't need the gun, and already have an account wide 4x4. Just want the Rhino Kit. Also, as a side note to the side note, maybe look into a way to make the packs account wide? Or offer the super sexah Mako kit to Enforcers?
  7. They've been kind of busy doing other things besides regular content updates. Because they are prioritising other things at the moment. No bigger complaints towards subpoints #1, #2 and #6, 'cause yes, these are mostly valid concerns... however: ad. #3) "just deleting" the whole system does not address the question of monetary rewards from various bounty levels. Both factions get 2.0x multiplier to rewards at Bounty 5, but different rewards at each level below that. How do we approach that? What do we do with the interface in the top left corner of the screen? ad. #4) You're using the term "RNG" like you don't know what it actually means. Also, exactly what is wrong with 3-point holds and 1-point holds? ad. #5) "Most of [the vehicles] are useless" ...and yet you only have a problem with the 4x4 Vegas outclassing the Bishada and the Jericho. You're forgetting about a lot of cars. Just to name a few: there's Macchina Calabria Cosenza and Balkan Ravan (both cars are practically made out of paper); there's Han Veo (which is very average at best); there's Charge Cisco (which is good at speed and terrible at everything else, such as durability and grip...) and it doesn't stop there. Practically every car besides the 4x4 Vegas has some kind of a problem holding it back from being competitive, the most prominent examples being the amount of HP and their ramming ability — and yet you only want improvements to be done to the Bishada and the Jericho? APB is literally not pay-to-win anymore. You can get permanent weaponry without spending real money. Nothing you can get for money gives you a straight advantage that is not available to non-paying players. What are you talking about here? See, this is a part of a bigger problem that APB has — a massive identity crisis on whether it wants to be a casual game or a competitive game. You could balance the game around the people who play the game every day, have every single mechanic figured out and can solo most fights... and that's going to leave you with changes that pretty much benefit only those players and leave everyone else in the dust. Instead of making it a game that's easy to learn but hard to master, you insist on making it a game that's hard to learn and hard to master. As a sidenote: How about you contribute to discussions? How about you provide some of your feedback? If you're so knowledgeable on gameplay mechanics, show it. Voice your opinion in weapon balancing threads. You've literally made this account this year, this is your only post, and in that post you complain about how Little Orbit doesn't listen to you and players at "your skill level" — to which I have a question: have you ever even given them a chance to hear your opinion? Honestly, at this point you're complaining about LO not being able to read your mind. They have been actively working on fixing those issues with the new server setup. What exactly is the problem here? Human resources management is a thing. Little Orbit can only allocate certain amounts of people to certain tasks. If you want to organize a tournament that's endorsed by Little Orbit, they would need to have at least one representative present there, in the form of a GM or someone with similar permissions. One GM would probably be not enough, two GMs would probably still mean complaints that it's not enough "care" from them — and the more GMs you have, the less GMs there are to tackle player issues not related to the tournament. Also, can we please please pretty please grow out of that silly attitude that RIOT was pointless and a waste of time? It was being worked on concurrently with the Engine Upgrade (meaning it did not slow down the process, presumably due to a different team being allocated to it) and it allowed LO to get a grasp of the game's codebase, how the game logic operates, how to alter the gameplay flow, how to add entirely new assets to the game, and so on... Yes, it wasn't perfect. Yes, it died quickly. You're absolutely allowed to have a negative opinion on it from a gameplay stance — but if you genuinely believe that nothing good came from those events/gamemodes and absolutely nobody benefitted from them in any way, you're just being dishonest.
  8. I am not able to login to my account for more than a week now, already submitted a ticket week ago, how long more are you going to take to reply and assist? If you need manpower you can hire me to work in your support deaprtment #helpmematt
  9. Why didn't you made this at the beginning...? Any reason behind these strange moves? Now is more difficult because many peoples bought alredy it and the support will be flooded with tickets regarding it, Fantastic, again.. congrats. So do i need to contact support to get them to refund G1C to my account? Or this will be done automatically? Because as you wrote below "support is alredy aware of who has purchased the item", or that is applied only for who opened the ticket? Error after error, my head is close to explode for these. PS Also the 50% off seems broken, 40% off works also not logged in, strange free trial of guns and not actual discounts, what the heck is happening to you guys? Like.. put more interest into this game, don't rush for money, because as you can see.. well, i don't need to go forward. Also, what about new ARMAS overhal design and fixes? Any news about these? @Selali @Amayii They put a gun on a price slightly off, peoples charge more G1C just for it and maybe a car, then they announce that they will refund, but what? G1C or actual real money? Because if they refund G1C only on your account, well.. anyway is like you spent them in the game as always, is not different, would be.. you know.. interesting, that strange new marketing style.
  10. I contacted GamersFirst support over 2 weeks ago as I tried to log into my steam account and was told I needed to reset my password (must have been required since I haven't logged in for ages). Since it's my steam account I can't log into the gamersfirst website and have no idea how to do it. I contacted support over two weeks ago to try and reclaim my account or even find out more information about my steam account so I could reset my password. I've had no response from them after bumping the post again a few days ago. Considering I've spent £100+ on multiple characters over the years I would expect the support to at least be helpful but it's just been pure ignorance...
  11. Hi there, This topic has been moved to the Social District section of our forums. I am sorry you are facing issues recovering your account, and apologize for the delay. You can check the current Customer Support response time on this thread : Thank you and sorry again for the inconvenience. - Azukii
  12. Alright. Thanks for clarification. It kinda triggered me that nothing was said about it. People such as me who were false banned got overly paranoid (back then you could be banned "because" - everyone were labeled as "cheaters", even if game just randomly bugged them out in some strange area or FairFight just borked). We just got so much abuse from previous developer so we are sorry for that extreme reaction. Also good. The worst cases of cheaters are so-called "closets" - people who either cheat on other accounts and on main are "perfectly fine" or people who cheat and attempt to hide the fact of that.
  13. > If you feel you have been banned unfairly, please make a ticket with support at https://support.gamersfirst.com. I've uninstalled the game in August after 48 hours account suspension, out of fear to get banned and lose all the premium stuff I got - even though I didn't participate in PvP since May, then I've played couple rounds in action districts + couple rounds in fighting club with k/d ratio like 1:5 (I'm bad). I've sold symbols on exchange and transported stolen cars few times a week + got shot by notorious players and returned fire in the process handful of times. When I've asked support about the reason of suspension - explanation was "cheating" instead of "false positive". I don't believe company has enough expertise to spot the difference. Maybe a year or two later. Good luck to everyone involved!
  14. I mean, you certainly could know what you did or didn't do. (whether or not you'd be honest with us or anyone else is another issue), but obviously there is no way for you to know what someone else may have done. Especially since this time cheaters lost all their accounts, not just the ones they cheated on... I wouldn't be surprised if this also included accounts of their friend's that the cheaters happened to have played on... even if they did so without cheating. This isn't Tiggs' APB anymore. Gone are they days of catching her or her staff on a bad day and getting banned for nothing. These players were either outright flagged by BE, or banned after a long investigation by Little Orbit. Long story short don't cheat, don't share accounts, and you have nothing to worry about.
  15. i don’t think it’s all that speculative, iirc apb created/modified a unique file for each account/login under g1 apb no idea if this still happens but i’d assume that’s an easy way to catch some unaware cheaters
  16. If you really felt true to giving away the skin, I believe that you should only give it as a redeem code for one character. At the least it will leave the winners will feel better, because they won and got the account bound version.
  17. What is your ethnicity? Also don't boost your account to 255.
  18. Yep, thats my problem i actually have on 4 of my accounts...
  19. You can buy the one for Joker Tickets. Don't spend real money on it though. Get an account wide N-TEC 5 Dvah instead
  20. I like how this thread sets once again such a good example of this community. Not specific players but this community as a whole. Before districts were without threat everyone wanted to have threat segregation removed because it causes issues like people actively dethreating to go into bronze district. So LO actually did that - not even because people were asking for it but because it seemed like they had no other option, the other half that's perfectly fine with the pitiful state the game is in goes full vocal. It's not entirely unusual, but for population numbers this small this community is quite divided. People stomping on new players un punished can be fixed in much better ways than reintroducing the system that caused things to be like this in first place. They could've made instances for people up to a certain rank or account timer and further leave everything open. People wouldn't need to dethreat then. They just have to take distance from all their posessions to roll some new account. Just a small idea that has been chewed over a thousand times before LO took over. Even this wouldn't be perfect, but it holds far more potential than the mess we have now. Instead, everyone just pulls on the brakes... Go back to the awful state of the game we were in before. Before anyone mentions it, the Engine Upgrade really is no excuse for lack of creative thinking to solve currently existing issues that might bring the game into a state where the systems everyone puts all their hopes on, god doesn't even know why but phasing I'm talking about you, won't fix any issues. This game needs a long term vision and I'd be intrigued to see more of what MattScott has in mind to do with this game, because from what I've read sofar especially after all the progress that has passed it's really insufficient to bring this game back to life.
  21. It was always bad... ofc when there was actually a population, there were more shenanigans... but now, LO has done a few devastating things... 1. added the Russians, and 2. added the Brazilians and 3. rely on an utterly ineffective anticheat. What I well and do remember is under G1 the game had actual fast response to tickets, regular, even weekly Armas sales, GMs who at least tried to be in-game and observe based on player reports, and banned a lot of cheaters. There was a point where hardcore banning accounts was unproductive and I long advocated temp bans... but as G1's population declined, their funding declined and they stopped paying for Fairfight updates and simply manually banned in the name of Fairfight... prior to that, and had the bans been temporary and faster than Fairfight's entirely too slow algorithm, the game population would have remained stable. What LO has done to the game has shrunken the population by a magnitude of 10... leaving a game populated by thousands... a game populated by a few mere hundreds... and yes.. the SAME cheaters and exploiters who were mass unbanned... continue with impunity... because the system is so compromised, and the GMs so incapable and so lax... that nothing is done... except the playerbase continues to shrink... down that toilet bowl.
  22. LO didn't add any of them, buddy. The publishers of the game in their countries gave up on APB; G1's the one to blame, they were the ones to create the migration system to begin with. As a BR myself, we don't enjoy playing on "your" servers, all we ever wanted and ever will is having our on server with decent ms. This can also be used for Russians, I belive, but not only for them, as Australians also fall into the equation too. Do you actually think people enjoy having to play with high ms? I don't give a shit about your xenophobia, but at least be accurate on who you're putting the blame on. How can EAC be an "utterly ineffective anticheat"? It's used in one of the most successful games in history, it's basically at the same level of BE and only loses to FaceIT Client which is a absolutely invasive AC. Some other points that you check before saying it's ineffective: P2C providers vanished almost completely since EAC was implemented; R255 cheaters used to almost rage-cheat in FC servers, now from time to time you only see some r40 doing this on EU, which means that some of them ARE getting banned; Fairfight is obsolete, which means that EAC is already superior to it. Also, take in consideration that LO claims to have something else to analyse the gameplay pattern of reported players, so it is something already. Support is working as intended. I just had a problem with my account and the max waiting time I've had was 2 days, which isn't bad for a small team of customer support; There are weekly updates and patch notes, those not having sales sometimes doesn't mean it's bad; Fairfight never worked for this game, and it never will. Fairfight is an obsolete system in general due to the "evolution" of the cheating scene mainly with randomization (let's not get too in-depth on this one, but can check a forum with u and c and do some research on FF); Check steamcharts for the recent numbers pre-LO and post-LO, you'll see that the game have been losing 1k players each year since 2015, so LO isn't making more people leave, they were leaving long time ago; They were unbanned because G1 manually banned alot of them, as you've said.
  23. Oh btw. I'm gonna add few new complaints and fix to my complaint after playing today: What is wrong with RIOT: Bribing stage. You killed every enemy team? TOUGH LUCK. This who bribed most auto-win! (The fuck was this shit? I won for FIRST time since 3 days. But game said I didn't. Why? Because they bribed driver HIGHER. How does it even make sense?! Corpses gonna drive out from zone?! And who gonna carry them?! Team which lost?! Lore-wise, function-wise and fairness-wise this is idiotic as hell.) 16 people TO START (Yeah, good luck keeping this gamemode alive after month. FC dies because there are only 2-3 people always missing to start it and you want to keep regulars at RIOT? Ha. Good joke. Quick glance at will.io/apb and they will resign.) Three easy achievements and one impossible (You all though wins gonna be easy to achieve, right? Ten fucking wins. Are you mad? And all of it JUST for 100 JTs.) ~ (Sidenote: I'm gonna farm this achievement so badly by rigging RIOT and I dare you to ban me. Credibility is lost. I see people rigging up this thing already for wins. Congratulations.) Clarification to one of complaints: Bribing at the end (Excuse me... why we even collect that cash... if "bribing" means bribing with non-existent cash in king-of-the-hill style? - encourage camping at finale zone as well) - after investigating it longer, it turns out bribes come from team account.
  24. some people i seen streaming start to hate people with cyrillic alphabet. all those accounts playing whit that alphabet arent able to be reported by the apb report system. is this a way so they can't be reported and can't be touched. ( i don't want to put names on name and shame but there a few clips on twitch with that issue.)
  25. Seems like it was put back up at it's usual price without much thought put in, so I am not surprised nor annoyed at the price or the lack of account bound option At least it's better than 5 dollars for just a hat :')
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