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  1. 1. I made this thread in response to the now locked thread of replies to Lixil's playing in-game on a boosted account being taught by some "pro-players" who are formerly banned for cheating. I didn't want to discuss what a disappointment that all was, or the revelation that the discord she was in was also hosted by a formerly banned cheater who had made some text about how you could get your tickets looked at faster by talking to their good friend Lixil... or some such. I didn't want to comment directly, so as a long-time player I analyzed what went wrong with that scenario to the playerbase's jaded experiences with G1's former staff: "I decide who's cheating and who isn't.' -Revoemag And as a result of my reflections on the replies to that topic, and also watching what someone had uploaded of the video Lixil had streamed... and she sure seemed like a newb player to me... was what I posted. This COMMUNITY would have a LOT more respect for LO staff who PLAYED at their skill level, and certainly not on rank boosted accounts in the company of the "pro players." WHY? Because for one thing, if she had played anonymously... those same "nice friendly people" would have rocked her to the point of logging off... and THAT... not those guys in particular, but gold players in bronze are the main cancer of the game to new players... and was the primary thing I think people like Lixil, and YOU need to experience so you can be the CHAMPIONS of the oppressed players. Now you can spin this any way you like. I said my peace. We need a non-biased company who doesn't "get in bed" with the current meta circle-jerk or take their self-serving advice, it's been devastating our game from day 1. We need IMPARTIALITY And while I do appreciate your commentary about how you guys have anon accounts... as mentioned before, those who love this game want it to survive and HOPE that you will see the problems that have been endemic for YEARS and have the HEART to help resolve them, and not become another part of a long-standing problem. I have nothing against any of the LO staff. I did not comment on the now-locked Lixil thread. Instead I made this proposal. I hope you can at least hear the HEART of what I hope for this game.
  2. But it is easier to just set their accounts to max rank and add items and cash instead. Why would anyone want to play this game as a new player. People need to get carried by other people instead of actually playing the game.
  3. some people are missing the point badly. it's okay for them to have 255 accounts. but for the purpose of new eyes to be useful, you have to go through every aspect of the game. including the race\grind\hill\hike\journey from r15 to r255. this would be important if not mandatory for the CM to go through as they would be able to relate with incoming new players more effectively. can't expect to prepare to try and retain players if you don't understand what new players go through.
  4. You are late by 20 years, now you can google "receive sms online" and get billion of different numbers for throwaway account verification. Not to mention there are a lot of events/places where you can grab bunch of promo sim cards for free.
  5. Yes, pay $ 20 each time just to cheat for a week would make a big difference. So now we have chance hardware ID, Steam account, APB account and SMS verification I like the combo ooh boy.
  6. The Innocent majority does not need multiple accounts! LO can introduce this step by step nobody wants to do that before the engine upgrade and it would not happen!
  7. You could use the same excuse to any kind of false ban. Any false ban is a lost customer and bad rep for your company. LO are currently cleaning up G1's mess, they can't afford any bad rep. Temp hardware bans for a week or two is the furthest I would go, and even then only if it blocks you from connecting, not ban your new account.
  8. Every time you log into APB, you're sending a massive list of hardware names and versions from your computer to the login server in basically a super long string of text. This data includes things like your motherboard bios version. The entire HWID structure for APB can be found via Google. 100% of it can be falsified (only G1/LO know if they have any sort of detection for inconsistent HWID data for a single account) but you can still log in just fine. There are HWID bans (as I've been on the receiving end of one in 2012), but they're completely unreliable just like IP banning someone.
  9. Back in Gamersfirst/Reloaded days, Premium was shown to be something Tiggs and the other GMs/devs can easily manipulate on demand. There's no reason the new team can't also do so, which would make it a trivial matter for one of the support agents to simply remove it from your one account and add equivalent amount to the other. Whether they'll actually do so, is another matter entirely. It's a good chance for Little Orbit to build a little good PR though...
  10. Mass screenshoting them all. Short pause to say goodbye to the few names that will be missed.. (some barely ever login) SergantSexyAss TomBass Tamashii (add me back buddy) Radioaktv (first friend i ever had) Glaxe (WHY YOU NO LOGIN) Dulla Name removed (The guy who hacked my account but i added anyway cause i forgave him but barely plays now and even if he did doubt he would add me now.) BigZZZ (the guy i sold a one of a lifetime custom made car but i never kept the original Cause i gave it to him and no he doesn't login #IwantmyCarBack
  11. I believe adding two step authentication would be a welcome addition for any necessary change to account information, aside from conversing with support. However, I don't think they should go with the Google Authentication. If preferred, use a cell phone number tied to the account, and text. If texting costs too much for the end user, then go via a second email, or primary email, depending on what the user is requesting.
  12. i think you need wear something what all do so you dont know is a boy or a girl in that clothing ahahahahah so that mean we need read it about weekly not only when we made a account? like umm today im going play apb but let me first see if is something change in 'Termination'
  13. Oh man, i remember my young, F2P days and how i wished on getting some of them ARMAS goodies my self. Never whined saying that ARMAS weaponry is P2W. As a long non-premium player i agree on making modification cooldowns the same. Also I wish they try to re-work ARMAS yet again and unpack all the pack bound items. For example i wan't to buy just a stock 4 slot Vegas G20 4x4 for G1C, but there's no option. Now i have to grind ingame for JT.
  14. Aye and over the course of a few years that's literally nothing I'd say.... sound advice. Not to mention the double loyalty reward events we had back then so check your progress towards it. Like, I seriously remember someone buying the N-HVR 762 (yes, i know I know but it was widely used for a while back then, way back) from Armas along with some Jokers.... and then getting the PSR 'Harrier' in their mail (reward boost as also going)... they forgot to check about their next reward. The ranting on TeamSpeak oh lol... oh gees that's still funny. * (reward boost -was- also going) I guess my message about the account upgrade hasn't been read yet. (oi, mods have holidays as well? )
  15. i think i would prefer all anticheat funds be transferred directly to my bank account, and once a week ill randomly select 10 people to get banned
  16. Hi there. There was a reporting system. I am glad and hope that it works. But quite often there are new accounts that commit chaos in the fight club. for example, here. Yesterday's screenshot: smeared with nicknames so as not to create toxicity. It is obvious who in this screenshot is a cheater. it seems to me that since BE automatically gives bans for 3 days in some cases, then you can automatically block new accounts that play too well + several reports from players. My bad english O_O
  17. It’s fairfight job, and the idea to automatically ban new accounts is stupid, what if someone just smurfs. And how can you know it’s a new account, maybe old veteran decided to create a new character
  18. Tab out, enable fraps, tab back in, wait for griefers, record it, setup YouTube account, upload video file, log in to support site, create ticket, wait for 3 months before anyone even looks at it, griefer does not get banned. Lol this fucking game, why is it so fucking hard to have active ingame GMs
  19. https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/reset_password.php If you need to reset your password it works there.
  20. Learn to read. Thanks. See my screen of Matt literally saying that others are experiencing this too. I've asked a dozen plus times just for the reset email to be sent to the original email on the account since it was created. Still have access to my email. But in order for me personally to get that email, I must provide transaction IDs and details for multiple transactions... for some reason. Does anyone read here? Wait, I forgot where I was for a second. Sorry.
  21. GMs will monitor the chat, answer players' questions and generally help them out. If they encounter a cheater they will be reporting them to our support or me, so that we can investigate on our own. Forum mods can give you warnings, which I will be monitoring. These measures are to ensure the forums stay clean, and that players follow the rules without issues. Neither GMs or Forum mods have permission to suspend/ban any account. The game is handled by support, the forum by me.
  22. The worst part is, there are a few good people here who can handle the position, but I suspect most of them won't go for it and all the wrong people will. Lixil, (I had to think about whether to suggest this, cos I know you're good at what you do), but can make one suggestion based on my own experiences as a GM on Football Manager Live? If GMs are going to have serious obligations re: checking on player behavouir or being generally being available to players at all times when logged on, then I think they should ideally have a separate GM account and their identities kept anonymous from their main account. Or have their GM tags only show up on one or two of their characters. If they're required to be "on" all the time, there's a good chance that perfectly capable and well intentioned people will just get burned out and not want to play the game, because to play the game they have to also GM at the same time. That'll leave you with people who are attracted to the 'power', as such. I've seen it happen. The GM team at the start of FML (which didn't include me, btw) was a lot stronger than the one at the end of it. tl;dr, your GMs will need to be able to have 'downtime' in the game or they'll probably stop playing it. And yes, I know people are reading the anon account suggestion and thinking "Are you out of your head? Have you forgotten the Mod Squads?", and yes, that's a fair point. They were anonymous and they were at best horribly inconsistent or at worst absolutely terrible, and someone of them (imo) abused the anonymity. But that was (imo) partly because the more capable mods had left or fell out with Tiggs and the Mod Squads didn't seem to be particularly well managed or supervised. I suspect Little Orbit will have a much tighter grip on the reigns.
  23. First of I really do appreciate everyone giving me suggestions and I really am grateful players contacting me regarding their concerns. I am here to answer any concern or a question you guys have. GMs are not allowed to give their identity out, that's a ticket to be kicked out of the team. They will have a separate GM account that has no ties to their private account. They will also go through a training process before they are given a GM account, should they fail any of training they will be declined. I understand everyone's worried, but please keep in mind I used to have volunteer teams and they worked awesomely. I don't give access to any Bill or Joe that applied nor I am thinking to keep this as loose as players seem to see. Again not EVERY player that applies will be accepted and each and every single one of them will be interviewed, backchecked and so on.
  24. Thats awesome news Lixil. But as many users may have already mentioned it around here, i will do it again: While GMs are needed to be anonymous for obvious reasons in game, any forum volunteer to be a Moderator should/must be visible to others. For example, Poperon (hey me) became a Forum Mod. I would get a *volunteer title* and my name would still be the same to anyone, so it would be easier to respond any action out of the rules. Thats what we had during the start of the old forum, back on 2011. (Voerman era) If GMs decide to help on forums too, they must get a proper forum account, separated from their main account. I know this may seem obvious, or that you may have clearly thought everything thru so no gaps are left behind, but these serve as suggestions for now.
  25. Have you logged into the game on that account, it seems so silly to ask that, but since you're getting that message that's about the only thing I can think of.
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