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  1. Exactly. It'd be one thing if I was trying to purposefully commit fraud, or if it was done in a reasonable time frame. I am glad Matt stated that it was wrong. Not gonna ask for my original forum account to be unbanned, maybe... Cause, I will admit my last post (that got deleted, but Sadira quoted) was quite hostile.
  2. I submitted a ticket on Friday when the new system opened. I was one of the first 50 tickets. I get the 3 day weekend, but really how long does it take to answer 50 tickets? This is ridiculous, I cant even access my account because of the password reset, and no replies from support whatsoever. Anyone else getting through? Would appreciate some help / info.
  3. There is not much i want to spit here: -Localized body sliders. There are some sliders that modify multiple parts or whole body. Why not making them localized? -Bigger females muscles. Nothing way too exaggerated. Females body fitness is looking really good. -There are some clothes that are bound to others. There should be freed again, unless strictly necessary. Just that. If anyone wants to bring more ideas its free to do it. ps: this game been really an impact on its customization, why not improve it to make another little impact on people?
  4. Don't cry about me wall hacking when you ran past my car with mobile radar tower......5 straight times in a row without blowing it up. Also, I am using spotter. Please don't tell me my account is going to be banned for wall hacking. I generally just reply "k" now because I don't have time to tell them how my mods work.
  5. I'm a bit iffy on the Advanced Launcher. It gives players quite the advantage in some cases with minimizing graphics to Play-Doh quality. For example; if you lower your graphics to the lowest setting possible and have 0 stutters then you have an advantage over someone who is running the game vanilla. I wouldn't have a problem with this kind of modification if it were a primarily PVE game but, alas, it isn't. If you have to modify the game's files outside of the bounds included with the game's options or launcher then I think it shouldn't be allowed. But that's just my two cents.
  6. Welcome to the game. For finishing one tier of the basic tutorial, you'll receive a weapon selector to pick one free weapon that you'll get a no-slot permanent version of. For the love of all that is true, DO NOT USE IT RIGHT AWAY. (If possible) Leave it in the mail or whatever. Experiment with the weapons first and see what you like. Then make your choice. If you pick something you end up hating later down the line you do not get re-pick. I'm not sure if it's still true or not, but you can pick one of the following: N-TEC, OCA-EW, Joker Carbine, N-HVR, ALIG, SHAW, PMG, JG. N-TEC: Assault rifle. One of the most used weapons in the game. Complicated to use due to it's reliance on "Tap fire" or slower semi-auto clicking on an automatic weapon. Much less forgiving than the stock STAR rifle you get. Hard to master, but if you put the effort into it the gun rewards. There's a reason why a the line "Balance around the N-TEC" exists. OCA-EW: Submachine gun. Very quick to kill at shorter ranges, but lacks long range damage. Pretty simple to use and pretty meta. People might rage at you for killing them though since it is remarkably good at that. Joker Carbine: Midrange semi-auto rifle. It's decent, it performs well, but it is a skill barrier gun. If you're good with it you can pull of some surprising stuff, if you're not good with it... Get ready to listen to people's kill themes. N-HVR: Remember how I said people might rage at you for the OCA-EW? People ABSOLUTELY WILL rage at you for this. Bolt action high damage sniper rifle. Does the most alpha damage of any weapon in the game. Makes you run slower. Easy to get kills with, but prepare for literal mountains of salt. Very meta, however, and the counter to a HVR is another HVR. ALIG: Anti-vehicle machine gun. You want Anti-vehicle something on hand, and the ALIG is pretty standard when it comes to that. It's NOT good at player damage however, so you really do need to save it for exclusively vehicles. SHAW: The opposite of the ALIG. Very fast rate of fire and decent damage. Use it like an SMG and prepare to literally delete people if you get even the smallest jump on them. Salt will be inbound. PMG: Slow firing mid-range ish SMG. I personally wouldn't use it because IIRC it's been nerfed a few times. It loses to the OCA-EW in short range TTK (Time To Kill) and most assault rifles in midrange TTK. So it's in a weird place. Skip. JG: Shotgun. With the servers as they are I REALLY recommend against using shotguns. Even veteran players are subject to the wonderful world of "I hit every pellet but the server didn't register and so now I did like no damage. And the OCA-EW just killed me." Skip. OBIR: I didn't find this on the list but nobody really has the modern one written down. However. I was able to pick one from the list when I joined and went through the tutorial so you should be able to as well. Anyway. The OBIR is a 3 round burst rifle. Primarily a marksmanship weapon so you'll be sitting a bit farther back and poking at people from a distance. You remember the Battle Rifle from Halo 2 and 3? Pretty much that. Not as universal as that, but pretty much the same playstyle. All in all, the weapon you pick is up to you, and this list might not be accurate because a lot of the information that's easy to get to is from years ago due to a heavy breakdown in communications. Also, as one final thing: I'm gonna bold this up and whatever else so you see it and understand it because a lot of people are lead to believe that APB Reloaded is "Pay to Win" You ready? APB RELOADED IS NOT PAY TO WIN. Most of the guns you find on ARMAS are reskins of other weapons. Check the descriptions of the weapons for stuff like "Built to [X] specifications" or "Duplicating the internals of [X]" and "Similar in performance to [X]" That accounts for most of the ARMAS market. There are some weapons that are a bit powerful, like the ATAC family, but these weapons can be beaten by playing against their strengths and exploiting their weaknesses. In addition, the stock STAR and FBW you get are incredibly useful, and (AFAIK) many veterans agree that they are the most versatile weapon in the game. They might not do everything well, but they can do just about anything. Aside from snipe. Because they're not snipers. Also. I mentioned before that the servers were bad. I'm not lying. Someone, or a group of people somewhere has a diehard grudge against the game and DDOS's the game consistently. Servers barely leave mitigation, so expect it to be laggy. It sucks, yeah, but you'll eventually get used to it. The servers have also been pretty squished together so you're going to be playing with a lot of international people with 200+ ping. You'll have to get used to that too. It's gonna be rough. People do cheat. It's a given. However, not everyone cheats. People have played this game for forever. It's very skill intensive. You'll have to get over the rough patch of a beginning that the game gives you, but I highly encourage you to stick with it. The game shines once you learn it's ways. I also highly encourage you to focus more on playing the game than winning every mission. If you get angry at the game it's hard to get un-angry. I also especially discourage whispering players while angry and yelling at them, accusing them of cheating, or other things. You will be mocked hardcore. Not to mention maybe banned. Seriously. Don't do it. Don't let your hate flow into the game. If it's that bad, get up for a minute. You spew salt at griefers and trolls and you'll be giving them exactly what they want. One lost mission is not worth being ridiculed by the entire district and then maybe chat banned or temp/permabanned from the game. Enjoy your stay. If you've got any questions, post them here and I'll answer to the best of my ability. As a note, my forum name is not the same as my ingame name, so don't try to add me. You won't get me.
  7. I would sacrifice one of my many side accounts that I rarely use
  8. Just wanted to make clear for myself and probably others. After the new patch (with BattEye), can we use VPN programs or not? I just haven't played games with BattEye in it with VPN, so I don't know for 100%. Because somewhere in ToU there's a section telling that you can't give your account to other people or something like that. And I don't want to lose my account, 'cause of this... Thanks in advance.
  9. i sometimes play on different pc's and play games at my internet cafe. tbh on all the time i have used my accounts i had no problem on either on those pc's
  10. did you just admit that you participate in account sharing
  11. Hey all, Just wanted to make clear for myself and probably others. After the new patch (with BattEye), can we use VPN programs or not? I just haven't played games with BattEye in it with VPN, so I don't know for 100%. Because somewhere in ToU there's a section telling that you can't give your account to other people or something like that. And I don't want to lose my account, 'cause of this... Thanks in advance. *NOTE* VPN programs changing your IP address. "For these who don't know what is VPN"
  12. Pfff... good to know, all FilmV accounts will be unbanned. 150+ accounts
  13. This is the flag the pro russian side of used in the ukrainian war, there was no slaves there. The reports of neo-nazis actually were to do with pro e.u. forces backed by the nato alliance. This is the russian navel flag, it's also the flag of scotland, as well as various scottish clans. Get the picture yet? Edit: but what does it mean, it's called the st. andrews cross it's not racist. Back to history class. " According to legend, the Christian apostle and martyr Saint Andrew, the patron saint of Scotland, was crucified on an X-shaped cross.[6] Use of the familiar iconography of his martyrdom, showing the apostle bound to an X-shaped cross, first appears in the Kingdom of Scotland in 1180 during the reign of William I. It was again depicted on seals used during the late 13th century, including on one used by the Guardians of Scotland, dated 1286.[6] "
  14. if cheaters still decide to cheat again, they gonna be banned anyways. Dosen't matter if they play on there main accounts or on rerolls. The Matchmaking gonna match u up anyways.
  15. Imagine someone doesn't like you (on a personal matter), and then he decides to reroll multiple forum accounts just to downvote you, so your reputation gets negative or whatever. That's what i meant. For people with brain, they will sure use it wisely, but you know... it's the apb forums, wisdom has never been its most precious treasure.
  16. Agreed, I used to play on a much older account, but sadly I lost that one and couldn't play well due to the "craptop" I was running it on. Either way thanks for showing me there are parts of this community that do love the game. With that, I bid you a good night. o/
  17. All the guns have their own things going for them. Since APB has been pretty much just the die-hard fans and the people that come across it, the game needs to be able to keep players. Personally, I love the game and have recently got a couple friends into the game myself and they love it. There isn't a game like it, we cant just get caught up on the "balance" even though its a minor issue. I know the date of this account isn't really anything to prove, but I thank the people like you keeping the game kicking all this time!
  19. you clearly don't know what its like to be falsely banned being constantly screwed by the system. So much debate over the years dumb players believe FF was soo good all the banns were 100% caught cheating kissing g1 bottom, that's just pure ignorance. I having to deal with accusations from the most toxic players in-game, get insulted by jealous players because I killed them a lot. Now Little orbit has to clean up the mess. Like every gamer, I don't like cheaters and I blame g1's fault for setting up FF. Unbanning those who were banned in the past because g1 didn't even have a proper banned appeal this gives those who weren't cheating a chance. The risk they took pays for it, tbh I don't care which cheater gets unbanned good for them, I'm just here to see how the game develops, why would you give a dam? throughout the years playing on Han winning consistently, new cheaters/ high-rank closets have a vendetta against us, we didn't cry about it we went against them constantly which probably drive most of the player base mad and we won most games, took a while for their ban. I'm sure i hate those max rank account cheaters I vs over the years to be unbanned buts its w/e. I have been banned once by FF 2 years ago, unbanned by tiggs dec 2018 flagg by triggering a false positive. She could have listened to me from the beginning but continue to ignore the issue, but I was very disappointed. looking forward for battleEye & little orbit doing things right.
  20. Matt Scott said on the stream that allowing things like this can lead to a "slippery slope". I may be mistaken but I think he said that he can't confirm if battle eye would pick up on players using the advanced launcher. I'd personally love to see these settings added to the game, especially the audio ones, but we will likely have to wait for the engine update to be completed. In between both patches you may just want to take a break from the game so as not to risk your account getting banned for advanced launcher.
  21. Battleye release is pretty big but i cant say that im not eagerly waiting to see if i get unbanned when it comes out. with my current account, ill still be able to enjoy what battleye does even if i dont get unbanned.
  22. I suspect the game may possibly factor in the contact standings total rank... but I could be wrong on that. Again we can try to make a mathematical formula for the matchmaking and threat system to use but it should consider a lot of factors and it will never take in every possible factor into consideration sadly. Previous experience on another account, practice and experience with other shooter games, these things can't be factored in but I suppose trying to grade something human into a number for a automated bot to quantify is something of a impossible task. Can't help but reminded of an analogy a friend told me of "try to explain the complexities of politics to a dog!"
  23. 6. Miscellaneous things All the little things that didn't fit in anywhere else A) grfx_mail The last one of the major TGAs, here's the breakdown: Few things to note: There are two sets of entries within the WWM for the crafting entries: Skills (the ones displayed on the tabs in your crafting window) Facilities (crafting facilities as displayed on your radar/map) By default, they point to the same textures, but feel free to use two different sets in your mods. On that note, the tab icons have a fixed 24x24 size, anything larger will get autoscaled in-game. I have not experimented with smaller icons. Not 100% sure on which row of mail icons is used in-game, as they are the exact same thing minus the borders or barely noticeable size differences. Account for the faction icons in your radar design and vice versa. Good places to test them (in S1 anyways) were Embry X-roads monster hunt and the Oilville protection events. Note: I had no problems calling up any of the items in this file via external TGAs, your mileage may vary though. B) The "bk" JPEGS Mold 'em, shape 'em, customize 'em however you want, just be aware of the text button fields as seen in the original bk/bk1 files in the default folder. I should advise you here that there are also faction themed folders containing various 'bk"s. Please note that the fields on those skins that would correspond with text and buttons are off position-wise (as they are older versions). You could use them, but you would need to (heavily) modify them first. Again, I heavily emphasize that they're not displayed very often. You're looking at a lot of work and trial&fail for marginal results. You have been warned.
  24. 4. Outside the box Having learned the basics of shape and graphics editing, we can now look at more advanced features and ways of rebuilding our UI. I decided to continue using our previously started Gun UI example and make it a bit easier on the eyes. A) Precise moving When you start rearranging elements, you will quickly find out that some items, primarily text boxes have their top left coordinate corner pretty far outside the actual text field. Here’s a quick technique to remedy this. Take a screenshot of your UI in action. Open it in your image editor of choice, as well as wnd.ini for the skin. Locate your desired fields within both files. In our case, it’s the Total AP number. In your editor create a bright dot at the x/y location. Now create a selection box covering the entire field and including your dot as the top left corner. Move the selection to its future position and voila! Your dot is now your new x/y coordinate. Note: the above is relative to the position of the UI within the game. X=0/Y=0 are at the top left corner of whatever element you’re working within. For first time positioning, I’d recommend to slap it into the top left corner of the screen making the UI x/y zeroes align with those of the screen. B) Transparency There will be times when you will want to make elements transparent even when other parts of the UI are solid. This can easily be done by adjusting the alpha map. As we already know, black content within it is not displayed, while white areas represent solid colors. Shades of grey are used to make areas transparent. The closer the shade is to black, the more transparent the area becomes; a closer shade to white will make the area less transparent. Following caveats, though: Let’s assume, for illustrations sakes, that you’ve made the entire area of the vitals screen transparent in the alpha map, leaving no solid (white) areas at all. You will not be able to drag this UI element around within the game. There is NO mouse collision detection between mouse and alpha map transparent areas! Meaning: Windows cannot be dragged in-game via those areas, nor will button collision checks function in areas where they overlap transparency! (in most cases) This refers to the alpha-map transparency only and is not to be confused with the in-game transparency sliders. There are exceptions to this rule, for example, the menu button & friends can be transparent and still function, which seems also to be the case for a lot of buttons used within windows like gear/equipment for instance. It is not possible to select items behind transparent areas, such as buttons or in-game world NPCs. In our example, I’m demonstrating how to use transparency effectively. The area in the bottom right corner is supposed to house the AP counters and I wanted to make it transparent, however still needed a visible dash between the numbers. C) Adding Text Is a fairly simple procedure. Fire up your favorite image editor, find a font and slap on some text. A few guidelines though: Try text placement/format on top of one of your screenshots first. Things that may look good on the TGA can look stunningly ugly in-game. If possible try day/night screenshots. Lighting within the game can mess with your design. Think about colors and smoothing (anti-aliasing). As you can see in the images throughout this tutorial some of the default UI letters/numbers utilize smoothing, others do not. Same for fonts, the default fonts are unchangeable and while that handwriting font you picked may look gorgeous in itself, it could very well look out of place once slapped next to your blocky Arial 12pt name. Style is king and should be kept consistent. Carefully chose font colors Once they’re merged into the image, they can’t easily be changed (see original Fallen Earth UI’s Vitals textures). After a decent amount of playing around with different options, I personally recommend white. Not only does it seem to work best when put on top of health bars, but as an added bonus matches the default name font style. Play around though, your mileage may vary. Pay close attention to the text entries in the .ini Entries like HEALTH_X and NUM_HEALTH_X are pretty easy to mix up (and you will do it more often than you’d like) A lot of the text can be omitted. A string reading “0/1085” for instance would make sense within the context of the UI without the need to have “Total AP” or “Unspent AP” attached. Similarly smart positioning can have a similar effect. Putting the LVL number within a LVL radial ring-shaped counter just makes a heck of a lot of sense. (/sly wink at the Fallen Earth graphics designer) Player name: If you can fit it in within the style of your design, go for it, it can add a nice touch. In other cases however, consider the option of removing it from the interface altogether. When was the last time you ran the risk of forgetting your own toon’s name and needed a reminder? Never mind the fact that it’s usually hovering right above the character’s head anyways. Also, removing it makes sense considering the limitations of this text field. **(Steps D-G are pictured further down)** D) Bar Counters Slice ‘em, dice ‘em, go to town with it! The only restriction is that they fill left to right, no matter the texture. Try colors that go well with your font colors, especially if you’re overlapping text on top. If you decide to go for custom shaped bars, make sure to throw them into your mod.tga and adjust the .wwm When trying to position everything properly, you will occasionally find that the program just wants to do its own thing anyway. The picture shows how the numbers are out of alignment, even though they shouldn’t be. Keep adjusting... E) Radial counter Last but not least, we have our 2 radial XP counters to dismantle. Their biggest problem (or biggest feature, depending on your point of view) is that they’re well… radial. I’ve illustrated how it works in detail in the accompanying picture. As mentioned earlier in this guide, they can be shaped and textured however you wish, the counting style, however, will still be the same. Now, this is my own personal opinion, take it any way you like: The XP sub level counter is more or less redundant as all it does is display progress at 1/10th of a level. It would be marginally useful as a progress indicator IF the level counter would increment in hard 36 degree steps, alas that’s not the case. The main level counter can display all the required information. Bottom line is, it can be thrown out of your designs, without sacrificing any presented information and giving you one less radial headache to deal with too boot! F) Bringing the Vitals Area Together All tips considered, this was the final product. Different backgrounds show the transparency areas in action. (picture above) f1) Mount Vitals addendum The Vitals area of mounts follows the exact same principles as the player vitals with a few exceptions: Centered HP/STA numbers within bars 3 extra buttons (make sure the background has a non-transparent area behind the buttons) In the WWM there are two references to the buttons: One as Mount buttons, the other as vehicle buttons. Use the vehicle ones, the changes to "mount" have not resulted in any noticeable changes. G) Playing With the Map By default, the map uses only 144 out of the available 160 pixels of diameter real estate. That area is even further occluded by the 4 latches with the cardinal directions within that area. Using the default UI: ~16.3K(radar actual) ((144/2)^2)π) minus ~1.5K(4x direction latches) ≈ 14.8Kish visible VS Mod: ~20.1K pixels (radar actual) ((160/2)^2)π) That’s an over 26% increase in radar area! Note, however, that this does not actually increase the viewing area; it simply stretches the 144 original diameter area to fill the 160 new one, however, this helps a bit with spacing. A possible mod here would be: To use all of it! Rebuild the UI to accommodate the full diameter and tell North and its 3 roomies to pack their bags and move outside. Update: It doesn't stretch it, but rather increases the viewing area. The limit is also not 160 but more along the lines of 180ish-200ish, however this is not quite useable for a few reasons: The in-game viewing area mask is not centered properly, cutting off more on one side than on the other The text field of the radar cannot be moved, with bigger areas it overlaps the radar and directional areas Some objects have different cut-off ranges than others Bottom line is: all of that creates atrociously looking results with very marginal benefits Few things to keep in mind: All buttons with clicky animations follow the same order of states: normal > pressed > mouseover (hover) This is on the textures and within the .WWMs RADAR_X/Y is the position of the map including the directional circle centered in it. Layout order (as displayed on screen): [Back] Radar> directional circle>background>buttons [Front] Custom background shapes will require necessary cutouts. The radar text on top is fixed and un-moveable, regardless of radar size. Account for that in your custom design. Mentioned earlier, but here goes again especially since this is a huge factor when working within the map area: Keep in mind the collision detection limits with regard to alpha map transparency (mentioned previously). In addition to this, the map background and the ring with the 4 directions share the same transparency slider in game. And No, the map window can’t be moved via that ring... period. (Same goes for buttons) So an interesting scenario occurs if you’re trying to get rid of the map background while attempting to still keep the polar directions visible: If you use no alpha map transparency, you will be able to drag the window; however, you’ll lose directions when using the in-game transparency slider. If, on the other hand, you use alpha map transparency to kill the background, you’ll keep the directions but lose any dragability. The duct-tape solution here is to use a small non-transparent area for dragging purposes only and leave the rest transparent. You will also need to put non-transparent areas behind buttons or they will be inactive. The two vertical sound indicators are another challenge in themselves. How do you position a bar counter that’s empty? This is the big test of whether your math and measurements hold up, as the 2 bars will have to be positioned more or less blindly. I’d recommend putting them on a screenshot first (direct rectangle copy-paste from your .tga). As before, move the map to the far top left corner and position your right bar. That will give you one set of coordinates + the Y for the left bar (if your intention is to keep them level at any rate) Few ways to go from there for the X. A good start would be to measure the distance between the middle-line of your background texture and the right bar and then project that distance to your left. The functionality of your textures can be confirmed in-game by taking screenshots while walking with your character. To induce an even better reaction of the counter, I’d recommend firing off a few shots (melee swings work too, but not nearly as effective). H) “Visible” Buttons Start menu, left/right arrows and up/down arrows. Customize to your liking, as there are really no restrictions here I have found. Collision works even with transparent alpha maps, making things just a dream to work with. Just make sure to remember that some of these icons (arrows and filter for example) are used in a number of other different screens as well. (The screenie turned out a lot darker than it actually is) Also, notice that despite a round mask the game engine doesn't display a perfect circle.
  25. you can create a new account and get gold by winning 3 missions or more, wiping out won't change anything at all. just bring back the old threat system already
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