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  1. I doubt they'd have done it with the intention of inducing players to cheat and then get caught. That being said, if previously clean people opt to cheat expecting to get their account back imminently in a mass unban, but then totally have their shit ruined because LO don't unban cheaters from after they took over, I'll have less than no sympathy. Although I expect pretty much no one's been stupid enough to do that.
  2. So MattScott the CEO said " Even if it is, players caught know they will get their accounts back with BE. Might as well go full blatant til then. " So why didn't you put his name by the quote like - MattScott? Also find me the quote? the exact quote where he said this.
  3. Even if it is, players caught know they will get their accounts back with BE. Might as well go full blatant til then.
  4. We should make a thread where vets offer to help the newcomers, that would be pretty tight. I’m in Enfo: Pandastepz, Vashie Crim: Eshindo as soon as I get access to my account( don’t have access to old email to change password) via ticket I’d be hyped to play with some T’s
  5. Smart. I mean... you could have sold the account and then claim it was hacked. Just a thought.
  6. He's saying they returned a stolen account.
  7. Thank you LO support for giving me back my Hacked account. G1 didnt gave it back to me because i couldnt give enough info...well i gave them an payment proof. But LO did gave it back to me! Thank you for that.
  8. We have just 2 type of account use, Premium and "Freemium". Why dont add ,maybe as loyalty reward a special new type? Like "Vip Client". When player reach an amount of loyalty points (with real g1c spent) player could reach the permanent status of "Vip Client". Nothing exagerate for dont ruin the Premium revenue, Just some symbolic benefits . for example allows: 9 symbols on car (+2) 4 symbols on dress (+1) 30 decals on symbol (+5) 10 Daily Mission Rewards avaivable. (+5) 1 Motorbike ok , this not, for now. I guess "Vip Account" Could be appreciated ,especially by artistic part of community. "Vip pass" could be also on market as an unique product, could cost less than a KeyOfCity but more than a precious permanent gun.
  9. Read through the tickets yourself. They explicitly state that if my ban was for cheating or use of 3rd party tools (which it was not) I would be unbanned. So that doesn't apply. I already know that heads up my account wouldn't be unbanned so it would really be nice to know up front if they could help me. It would help if I would actually get a proper answer to the question I proposed.
  10. To be fair my support ticket got a non-matching template answer. Someone didn't even read through what I asked (I specifically asked if the whole Chargeback-Unban-PayToGetYourAccountBack stuff was still a thing or not and got a copy paste reply that my account will be unbanned if I used 3rd party tools like wtf) Please don't continue where G1 left off and actually READ through the support tickets. I'm more than happy to wait a week for a reply if it means I don't have to reply to the ticket 5x to clarify my problem.
  11. As said previously, wrong forum section. As for your question, all purchases for account bound can be used in other servers. All purchases that are character bound will be locked to that character in that specific server. Account bound can be used in other servers because it's linked to your account, so any character created in any server will get the items.
  12. - You have been disconnected from the server unexpectedly.The server may have gone offline, or you may be experiencing network connectivity issues. Please note: A common problem is that your character has been locked in a district server - it takes a maximum of 15 minutes for them to be unlocked. I've gotten this error after the halloween event every time that i tried to log in.. it never went away and I've tried everything, Updated drives , reinstalled the game , repaired the client a bunch of times and also, i made a new account i made a character and i tried to log in with that too but it still said the same message as before... This was in 2016 now its 2018 and i still haven't fixed this problem.. so at this point i'm asking for someone to help me as I've tried support ticket too but it still hasn't helped... Please...
  13. In response to @Unclean I think people are going to feel cheated regardless. They do seem to want to adjust prices and overhaul Armas, so someone somewhere is bound to be pissed that they could’ve bought it for cheaper. I can’t count how many times I’ve bought a game and it’s gone on sale a few days after I bought it. But in terms of the micro transactions in this game, I think Little Orbit needs to research and have a real discussion about what microtransaction models make for a successful game and what’s worked for other games that were struggling and what is able to breathe life back into a game. I mean we can say to just do cosmetics but maybe that model doesn’t necessarily work in their favor financially. i personally don’t like that some weapons are behind a pay wall, would’ve rather bought something that gives me “free” access to those without Joker tickets or G1 credits. But again, its up to LO to figure this out and us to point them in the direction of things that have been proven to work.
  14. Technically I am, I simply made a toon to see if they resolved one of the many dupes. If my main account gets unbanned I'll probably be in-game sooner rather than later.
  15. Yes, there is no button available for Steam payments usually, unless you are using the ingame Steam browser. This has almost always been the case. But you can always access https://checkout.gamersfirst.com/credits/amounts/Steam/DE - BUT you can only actually pay with Steam if your Steam and your G1 account are linked. You can do that in the normal browser too, just be logged into Steam and Gamersfirst (- with the linked accounts!) and use the URL I put above. You might wanna change your countrycode if it doesn't do so automatically though. (You do need to provide one though.) This also works when you are in any other game that uses Steam, so you'd only need to log into G1 (with the linked account).
  16. Kevkof

    Steam payment gone

    You need to be logged in through steam fully, not just launch the game from steam to be able to purchase G1C with steam money. Even if you login to the same account with email and password it won't work
  17. xWeak

    Steam payment gone

    Yo, so I wanted to buy some G1C with Steam wallet. As I checked the Steam paying option was gone, every other payment method was aviable tho. I'm playing APB on Steam and I have cash on my account. any idea what to do? also idk if this belongs here, if not I'm sorry. Thanks in advance
  18. yeah, I think I've probably spent almost 2,000 usd if not more.. I feel like people who invested into their accounts shouldn't feel like they were ripped off by supporting the game before the new owners.. in time, no matter how much people have spent, there will be more to buy..
  19. Regenance

    2Auth code access

    So the suggestion today is having the code thingy for connecting in-game (and it will be saved as a cookie if possible for month or so.) so if people try breaking into accounts they will not have access unless they got the code. I have been experiencing a account theft (the hacker used to purchase things into the old account of mine so he can bring it back whenever he wants to.) so basically the account has "2 owners" he used me as a child and I was pathetic and believed him, long story short it was I think 7 years ago when I started playing? Indeed. so the suggestion came after a personal experience within the game a long time ago. There are basically few options or an option that LO will develop it's own application to have codes getting regenerate every few seconds. or you can simply use the Google Auth. Just a suggestion to have some sort of 2nd gate to access your account so it will be more tightly secured if any purchases will be made and you afraid losing account cause of the account hacking waves.
  20. To back your statement, moderators and GM will have no power on banning or suspending member, that will not be an issue. Account action will be handle by the customer support in-game and by the community manager @Lixil. On the forums.
  21. That's assuming the Obeya/HVR are just sitting in the open. HVR wins at range if the HVR has any cover. It's taking into account any hypothetical situations - HVR has generally been seen as only TRULY counterable by another HVR simply because it's the only weapon able to pull out the amount of damage in that short span of time. Forcing a stalemate. At mid-long range with favorable set-up and all that, sure, those weapons aside from the STAR counter an HVR. But these days, you're not gonna find a HVR that's either not QSing or out of cover. Not to mention, that's not even taking into account the enemy team outside of the HVR - or more HVRs. I mean, my personal go-to counter to the HVR has always been a brick in the face since they usually don't see it coming but I'm always laughed at by my team for using them. Yet it keeps giving consistent results.
  22. If you havent played regularly, and you dont play regularly, I doubt you will be getting the job regardless of how old your account is, or how many forum posts you have. Would be nice to see some actual current and consistent players get the job.
  23. Hello guys, nobody transfered this guide from the old forums so i gave it a go, hope you guys dont mind. Thanks to n0xious for this awesome guide. In order to fill the list the following weapons need review. Hope somebody with more time/experience could do them and ill gladly add them to the list and give credit for: Please follow the pattern of the guide. (recommended mods, optional mods, justification) Assault Rifles - Raptor 45. - Agrotech ACES Rifle - COBR-A - FAR - ISSR-a LMGS - SWARM - CASE Shotguns - Shredder EB - Colby CSG-20 Sniper Rifle - PSR - N-HVR 243 Scout - Nekrova ISS-b Submachine Guns - C9 - VAS-C2 - Norseman ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Introduction: There has been a lot of discussion and questions as to which mods pair well with weapons on both the forums and in-game. Everyone has their favourite mods for their play-style but there has also been little nuggets of excellent advice as to what mods are best. It is this guide's attempt to amalgamate the fractured information scattered hither and thither into a cohesive encompassing guide for the newbie purchasing their first slotted weapon to the most competitive player trying to find the optimum mod set-up and to take into account different possible play-styles. Mods have a variable effect on weapons. Some mods are a straight upgrade when attached to a weapon vastly increasing combat efficiency, some mods increases the strength of a weapon's niche but makes it weaknesses more pronounced, vice versa or have little to no effect at all. I will systematically list each weapon in the game and provide a list of applicable mods in descending order of beneficial effectiveness (It'll be colour coded too!). If a mod isn't listed for a weapon then assume that it provides zero/negative benefit to that particular weapon and is safe to be ignored. [A note on 3-Point Sling: As this mod has no negative effect it is a straight upgrade to any gun and as such does not need to listed. Therefore don't assume it's useless for a particular gun if it isn't listed. However 3-Point Sling is required for some guns and will be discussed as necessary.] [Also, TTK = Time to kill, measured in seconds. The lower the TTK the faster the player dies.] Without further ado; N-TEC 5 Required Mods: Hunting Sight 3 Improved Rifling 3 Cooling Jacket 3 Mobility Sling Recommended Mods: Tagger Optional Mods: Magazine Pull 1-3 Justification: Unlike the STAR, the N-TEC scales extremely well with mods. Hunting Sight is recommended due to first shot accuracy, its synergy with the N-TEC's excellent bloom recovery which is conducive to accurate tap-fire. With the caveat being harder to track someone in marksman mode at close range. The N-TEC works well with red mods. Rifling 3 is standard and synergizes with the tap fire strategy. CJ 3 is also a viable choice. Few players will use this mod compared to Rifling 3 however, as this mod requires more discipline to tap-fire with. The untrained player will have their cross-hair blooming uncontrollably if their tap-fire is not consistent. However if you're able to tap-fire well you can kill at the same speed with CJ3 than you would without. The main strength of a CJ3'd NTEC is its full-auto ability. Hold both mouse buttons down at close range and take down any close-quarters user without taking away from your mid-range superiority. The N-TEC got an indirect buff with patch 1.8, in the form of Mobility Sling. This mod is a good buff for the N-TEC, as it already has minimal accuracy loss while moving in marksman mode, being able to move faster means it makes it harder for other people to track you. It'll make it that much easier when in an open ground firefight with an Obeya/Joker Carbine user at 50m away. They have to crouch while you can WASD strafe without you losing much accuracy at all. Tagger is a straight upgrade but it means you lose out on Mobility Sling. Magazine Pull is a personal choice mod, it also doesn't have to be max rank. You can either choose to drastically reduce the reload speed or for a slight reload speed change. Bear in mind, a larger magazine size is also an additional panic button if you need it. ATAC 424 Required Mods: Improved Rifling 3 Mobility Sling Recommended Mods: Cooling Jacket 3 Hunting Sight 3 Magazine Pull 3 Justification: The ATAC is almost exclusively used in marksman mode. The ATAC is extremely forgiving with automatic fire and can use Rifling 3 without virtually any downside. Mobility Sling helps with in marksman mobility. Hunting Sight is also a recommended mod maximising in-marksman accuracy. If you're having trouble tracking targets with the increased zoom Hunting Sight provides then feel free to go without. If you'd like to maximise close quarters effectiveness then consider Cooling Jacket 3. It will however make it harder to pick off targets at mid-range when trying to burst fire. Magazine Pull 3 can be an option If you instinctively reload after every kill and your aim is consistent enough to ensure a kill even with the fewer rounds in the magazine.
  24. Found this Rock Paper Shotgun article a few moments ago & would be interested in what y'all gotta say. https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2018/05/28/why-are-people-still-playing-apb-reloaded/ I think it's a fair question to ask, even if I felt the article was pretty low effort. Anyways, I think there's a pretty unique coalescence happening with APB. It's basically the foundation of what people always wanted from GTA:O (long before it was a thing) and so much more. Respect to David Jones for birthing both GTA & APB. I still wish the world could've seen RTW support APB. RIP. However, the fact is the core basics imo are just right. The customization options are still pretty insane by 2018 standards, especially when you consider this is a game from 2010. Just so many extremely high potential features were implemented with APB and that explains it's longevity. Finally, the most important thing is APB's PvP. I am glad there was never any PvE implemented, this game is fun because it let's you hunt the most dangerous game, humans! Truly, it is the players that keep this game from being boring. Always coming up with new tactics, sneaky tricks, etc. It will always be the human opposition, the brain behind the screen. APB is probably one of the best PvP experiences ever crafted because it's the most human. It's heavily dependent on the player's imagination & creativity. Even with these battle royale games now starting to gain in popularity, they're years behind APB. Also the opposition in Fortnite & PUBG is mostly brain dead. You know Epic almost purchased APB before G1. I doubt there would've been a Fortnite had that happened. That would've been interesting to see too! Anyway, APB is a great game that's been operating while being bound & gagged by it's operators. I hope LO can pull this one out as this game always deserved better and now even nearing a decade old can still pull out a clutch victory. It'll take time & commitment, but the upgrades for the Unreal Engine will open up a lot of doors for our little game here. That's why I still play APB, it's because APB deserves to be played.
  25. GMs wont have ban powers anyways, no need to put your account on the line
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