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  1. Some of these rare activities are pure cancer and frustrating. I'm still waiting for my "OCA Nano Assassin" activity to appear, in order to have full rare Nano collection with STAC 10 of course, wouldn't have to unless these items were account wide or transferable between characters on your own account, or the support would transfer these items by request. This rare activity concept is very flawed, unfair and pointless for following reasons: 1. This doesn't reward players for being active player really, i suggested that these rare rewards could be handed out as rare mission rewards (It could work as optional goal excluded from rank progression, for example) instead of completing nearly impossible tasks that could be done with help of friends anyway, making these difficult activities pointless, as they are already unfair for most players, regardless of skill or not. I'd rather earn these rewards by small random chance after missions, as it make me good reason to keep playing past R255, while i don't have anything else to do in the game. 2. There's chance for duplicate rare activities from lvl 15 contacts, which hasn't been fixed making it even more frustrating to check for these activities every day, also you can't do anything with these duplicates if you own any of them, as i've mentioned above.
  2. this evil here's what I think about your project , I will explain on the example of a private project EA NFS World . it was a big , ambitious project . there was much to be done . one group of people was first engaged in the sale of broken slicks on the machine . at this time, EA has experienced difficulties . she could not cope with the flow of complaints about the scammers and was accused by players of fraud with constant rebalancing of machines made specifically for the date of implementation of discounts . in 2014 EA announced the closure of servers . and this group of fans was able to withdraw accounts and tried to create alternative servers . to circumvent the protection of the EA is not fully possible until now . it turned out only to run a closed game in a local with many features that players only dreamed of . why this demagoguery ? while the original project is alive - you and the projects are interesting no more .but! you're evil . if the project is closed and you return to the life of a dead man ! respect to you !
  3. Exactly... I have bought the OBIR “Vladivostock“ and other premodded guns Accountwide years ago and on several Accounts, it was the biggest money waste on this Game, because LO destroyed 80% of them with the IR3 changes. In my opinion the Vladivostock is now really garbage (and other premodded wapons with IR3 too) you cant survive anymore in a 1v1 fight with it, because it is now so slow shooting between the bursts, inthat you can be outgunned by a slingshot for sure.. before the mod changed it was most time hard too, to win with it, but now it is close to impossible. Btw, since the introducion of that changes, APB is no fun anymore for me and i quit playing APB for exactly that stupid shiad. I hope LO will do the right thing and will rework the IR3 mod or better remove it from the premodded guns. Thanks. Update: Lol nevermind. Thanks @MattScott YOU are my/our Hero! APB has me back now.... wohooo... meet ya all on the battleground. Let's PARTEY!
  4. The only way to pay with steam is to download the game from steam, launch it from there and be logged in through steam. So only on the account that is linked to your steam account will you be able to buy G1C using the money on your steam wallet. Also be sure to open the Armas Marketplace from one of the ingame buttons/links, don't just open the website in the steambrowser and then login to your account.
  5. Only game that still use rank systems are dota and league if i am not mistaken, since those gamers still have A LOT OF PLAYERS are you saying the rank system is an unnecessary part of the game ? disagree. bronze will never be able to play against gold . if bronze sucks 10 matches in a row . how long do you think this player will be online ? simple numbers - population USA 329.758.367 , BR 212.664.368 , Mexiko 9.100.000 - population Russia 146.880.432 - The population of Europe is approximately 692 million people - but on the European server, you must also take into account the number of Russian players .
  6. No worries they will get caught in a few months maybe a year max 2 years :). But who cares anyway they just buy a new account for 50 bucks and go another 2 years. Nothing changes with this shitty 32Bit anti cheat.
  7. Normally you can send the clip to support and they will log into the person in questions' account and delete the theme.
  8. I got attempted scam on steam by a trusted backpack ranked #7 on tf2. I contact the silly person on another account with the same stuff and he calls me a pleasant fellow saying im smart saying It like I'm gonna get scammed.
  9. That goes for them blatant cheaters or closets who got lots of unnecessary money to waste on a game by either buying accounts to cheat on once again or by just creating a totally new accounts. Not for the people i know who got banned.
  10. Some people are so dump that they don't even know what wrong stuff they do. I can imagine someone may never have cheated yet got banned because he probably made a few acoounts and sold one or a few of them and then someone cheated on those bought accounts, which connected his legit accounts with the cheated sold one. The amount of people who trade in APB for accounts and other games is a pretty regular sight. I've seen people posting ingame they buy LOL and PUBG accounts and offer APB stuff. And of course the other way around.
  11. The only way to pay with steam is to download the game from steam, launch it from there and be logged in through steam. So only on the account that is linked to your steam account will you be able to buy G1C using the money on your steam wallet. Also be sure to open the Armas Marketplace from one of the in-game buttons/links, don't just open the website in the steambrowser and then login to your account.
  12. Hi guys, Apparently the internal system for advancing rank to 255 is pretty intense on the servers, and we didn't want to skew the results. Also there wasn't time to upgrade everyone, but we appreciated the help, so at my direction Lixil took names so we could upgrade those accounts after the test was complete. I'll check with her tomorrow to see where we are in that process. Thanks, Matt
  13. I think during the time I've had my account, the only time I actually bought JMB's was through the BOGO event, bought 50, got 50 free obviously. Mainly got JT's and leased guns. HOWEVER I did manage to get the perma Whisper, Joker PR2, Joker CR3, and the 4x4 Vegas Gumshoe. Later I bought the Firehawk though. Since then I've sworn off of buying *ANYTHING* until LO takes a look at everything in Armas, especially the JMB's. I dont even have premium lol.
  14. I'm sorry but making legendary weapons not tradeable or sellable in marketplace will ruin the apb marketplace. More over in this game there are many spheres that players are using, for example making Symbols, Cars, Themes, Songs and also trade, exchanging of legendaries. Its like removing one of this spheres. Exchanging, Trading legendary weapons in apb reloaded was always one of the most important and interesting part of the game. It will be very sad to most of us seeing it locked away. I'm sure there are more players who will agree with me. I suggest to improve the trading system instead of removing the legendary exchange sphere completely. There are many players who waiting for a better trading system instead of locking legendary weapons to account bound.
  15. I totally agree with this. THOUGH... if changed... we would need somthing to counter ballance the hole this might leave. some other way to trade rare guns. KEEP IN MIND! if you disallow this people with create mule accounts with these locked guns and trade the account for real money. Don't try and fix a problem so that it might get worse. This is just my thourghts on this.
  16. Correct, and that is because they have no server side anti cheat, just a client side anti cheat that once bypassed, you can cheat for a long time without risking detection. Then when they get banned they make a new account and use a new bypass. So they are constantly playing the game! If they get banned they are gone for a very short while. Then they play for whatever... 6 months, I dunno. Seems like it's worth it. Who can blame them? and who can blame the others for getting cheats themselves when they get tired of getting beat by cheaters? I sure don't.
  17. The polar bear amuses me. So does Asger. Back on-topic: Are you sharing your Steam account? Who with? If you are; STOP DOING SO. Have you given your account information to anyone? Who and when? Can you see what went missing? I saw mention of a mail. I presume this was included in your ticket to support. Contact support. Give it a couple of months because they're still slogging through the complaints and other issues left by previous management. It'll be a while, but they're slowly gaining ground on the pile of tickets. In the interim, you may want to update your security settings. It will not get your stuff back, but it might stop something happening again. Change your passwords. All of them. DO NOT DUPLICATE YOUR PASSWORDS. Update and run your anti-spyware. If no anti-spyware present. Find some anti-spyware, update and run that. Then slap yourself on the wrist. Update and run your anti-virus too.
  18. the PIA (polar intelligence agency) got into your hacker's comp, eat his mayo, activated his webcam and took a photo of him. im reciving the file right now, aaaaaaand... here you go: that doesnt really proves anything. but you said you got the mails, then tell me when did they got into your account?
  19. It was a quick 1 minute thing to take the weapons and left everything else like 50 million in game money and objects so it is logical to think that it is not just me and that they wanted to do it fast with many accounts, if someone finds out my password and He wants to rob me, he does not leave everything and he takes only weapons, besides they did not delete the mail that they send you in auction when receiving the payment of 10 dollars for the sale of weapon and you can see who bought them the name appears, I doubt that someone enters me steal only weapons buy them and do not even erase evidence of the crime
  20. the way to steal suggests a large-scale theft, if you get information of 5000 thousand inactive accounts completely empty one by one? no.lo faster and easier is to steal only the weapons and this is my case. Surely if they reviewed the information of the sale of weapons of the year 2017 that was when they happened to see an increase in sales and could follow those suspicious sales easily
  21. Pretty sure i can beat your UL3 with my Snub nose.....( and im absolute crap )... I bought all of em, tested and then made an account EXCLUSIVELY to test these out and guess what? i ended up as bronze.... ( i would gold if i used just FBW n played)
  22. Just a bit of feedback to LittleOrbit. I got and enabled 2 factor authentication when it was first implemented, but it too overbearing and marking the box "remember me" when logging in to APB seems to only last a week at most. Web browsers ALWAYS asks for 2FA when not already logged in despite using the same browser on the computer, also there is no "remember me" toggle for external browsers. Even while logged in game and I want to switch servers or character, You press the Escape key and click on Return to Lobby... To get to the character selection screen it may randomly ask for 2 factor authentication despite being logged on. Sometime I log into APB and I accidentally click on the wrong character or wrong server and need to go back, again press escape key and Return to Lobby from District select and 2FA asks for a code despite logging on 2 minutes ago and clicking the wrong charater/server. ...and I'm ranting now but I do find myself looking at my monitor going "excuse me, can I help you to getting lost?" 10 seconds later "Here's you code and ---- you very much!" It almost developed into an irrational hatred within me. We shouldn't have to enter a 2 factor authentication code to switch servers or characters while logged in game! I hate to say security is becoming a nuisance but with G1-2FA, It really is inconvenient when APB takes at least 4 minutes to load a district. Every time I log on to Armas it feels like going to your favourite bar and the bouncer asks for ID despite being of a legal age... and coming to the same place every night earlier that week, and yet the bouncer is not convinced and doesn't remember you! Recently my email was breached somehow so I am online security conscious more than normal, My Netflix account was also access but it later turned out to be as a result of data breach. At the end of the day I am living on my own and not sharing my computer, I do not have a reason to be concerned about my online security more than anyone else, I don't believe I'm more at risk than anyone else. I shouldn't post this to the internet but I'm confident I could recover my G1 account. So yeah... I've removed 2FA from my GamersFirst account. Does anyone else feel like 2 Factor Authentication is being over reactive?
  23. I'm really excited about the ARMAS changes, thanks a bunch Matt (et al), I look forward to taking a look! I'm really hoping for account unlocked packs and such in the future.
  24. That's APB for you. Angry little children or worse - man children. There's really nothing you can do indeed.But I've heard broadcasting bans was causing toxicity. Alas I see no difference, this game is still a toxic s.it hole. But hey, now we can't hold the company "accountable". APB is really the most toxic game I've ever played. ANd I've played almost everything that's available in the west.
  25. Hi all, I want to be clear on our stance. @SyllyBear/Excalibur - you chose to directly violate our ToS. This has nothing to do with your First Amendment rights or LO protecting cheaters. You can’t walk into a restaurant and take off all your clothes in the name of free speech. You will still get arrested and escorted off the premises. We don’t allow naming and shaming, and you repeatedly and blatantly broke that rule. Then you rage posted over and over after being warned, and then you verbally attacked my mod for simply doing their job. There were many other options available to you to address the issue. I respect your convictions. I respect that you chose to break the rules to ‘send us a message’. That message has been received loud and clear. But you have to take the personal responsibility for the consequences of your actions. The policy is clear. If I make an exception to name and shame for you, then I’ll have to do it for others, and we end up in a toxic cesspool of accusations on our forums. Instead, we encourage players to submit reports to customer support. We have a special queue those go to. They are reviewed. GMs have a list of folks to watch, and we verify what is happening. It doesn’t do us any good to have players advertise to the people we are watching on the forums. The goal is to catch them properly. Personally, I think its unfortunate how things ended with your situation. I can’t know how frustrated you were with cheaters in Fight Club, but I know how frustrated I am with the cheating situation. Trust me. This is not a simple problem to solve. We spend significant amounts of time working on this issue. There are announcements coming. New systems coming. Optimizations to existing systems happening. But before we start accusing LO of protecting cheaters or some other subversive agenda, let’s consider an alternate possibility - we’re just not very good at this yet. It’s new for us. Many of the things we thought would work, have only been partially successful. We have a dozen work streams to manage - all of them are critical. And we have limited resources. My promise is that we will get better. Hold us to that statement. All posts from new accounts are manually reviewed for a period of time. We implemented this a couple months ago to stop URL spammers. It has nothing to do with cheaters. Thanks, Matt
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