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  1. Once again, I'd like to state that gutting the matchmaking system and making it fully open, no TL taken into account, would be my solution for this. The playerbase is just too small at the moment and TL has caused so many headaches throughout APB's history - just scrap the lot and generally most players will probably have enough equal matches to make it worth it. Also reduces a ton of toxicity regarding TL being a perception of worth.
  2. it's really not. People will just use throw away accounts and keep getting banned until they figure out the thresh hold of how cheating they can get away with. I guarantee you there will be a lot of new characters running around testing these limits.
  3. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  4. Even if it is, players caught know they will get their accounts back with BE. Might as well go full blatant til then.
  5. I highly doubt any cheater who gets banned in the time-frame between LO's announcement and BE's release, will get unbanned. It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date and you'd know that when making the announcement. Hence Matt's answer was "most accounts will be unbanned" ... not ALL. (some wouldn't cause of "other ban reasons, such as fraud" --- but you can also guess he wasn't gonna say explicitly "oh and those who cheat between now and the release of BE, since it'd be stupid to even mention this as a temptation to silly players - much smarter to just say "most accounts")
  6. Sorry guys, had a meeting. " We’re not going to unban all players, for instance players committing credit card fraud, but we’re going to unban the majority of the bans." -MattScott So yeah, unless you got banned for credit card fraud, you getting yer account back fams.
  7. As I read that, it says for instance and majority, meaning fraud is an example of one's not being lifted and "majority" means most, but not all. There were 17k bans and It's a very simple thing to exclude accounts from X till Y date. I'm very sure he intends to exclude those who would try and take advantage of his reprieve and got themselves banned in the time-frame between his announcement and BE releasing. Else he would have simply said "All accounts banned for cheats, but not for instance fraudulent bans". He's not silly to make such a promise and see himself abused by it.
  8. Roaches scurry from the cracks as the bombs as set to exterminate their colonies. Basically people that are gonna use hack are doing it as much as they can before it becomes somewhat harder to get away with. Funny is that they will get to keep all the ill gotten gains if they actually stop before BE catches them, or i guess if they send it all to other accounts... Eh whatever, I guess LO made its choices on what is fine and what is not.
  9. you get unbanned. whats the first thing you do in APB when you log in to your account? :^) /yell IM BACK BITCHES
  10. wow, I always assumed that the companies would account for that. that's not the case here?
  11. I don't understand the question... or suggestion... I'm not even sure which it is. ...anyway you can link your APB:reloaded/GamersFirst account to Steam and buy G1C with Steam credit so regional prices should be more fairer.
  12. Age no, but maturity yes. One of the hallmarks of maturity is taking responsibility for one's actions, and not blaming someone else for the choices you have made. G1 of old being a bad company is no excuse for bad behavior. Plus, what kind of dumb dumb risks their account over a shittier version of the Obir? Sorry, no sympathy for me. And hey, at least G1 decided to let these players simply pay for all the boxes they stole!
  13. I write this because quite personally I'm A little upset and mislead by G1 Support. For a little context, after the acquisition of G1 by LO I sent in a ticket about a potential ban lift from my account. I was replied to by Tiggs from the "IP Block support" Saying *removed* So I make an account and buy the stuff and NEW support gives out what seems to be an automated cookie cutter response to everyone asking about bans saying that if I was banned my the anticheat that I'd be unbanned by the time the new system rolls around. I was NOT banned by that therefore this is different. I was told one thing and so I did it now I'm essentially overlooked AFTER I've already spent my money for this reason. Isn't this against the law to do that kinda stuff? I've sent a third ticket in hopes that things will be set straight as promised before the support switch. Post problem edit: It was resolved within the half hour of this thread. Thanks support.
  14. Honestly, My account already has some 1700 into it. 200 more to keep playing because I technically stole something I shouldn't have isn't so bad. I heard horror stories saying someone had to pay 450. Again though, No issue with me paying for it. But after waiting since Friday to get an automatic response to and I'm still not banned after paying is a little much.
  15. Don't really think there's too much else to do besides this at the moment. If I recall correctly there was an event to get free joker boxes. So what people would do is make alternate accounts to claim them on and mail the legendary prizes back to their main account. I think. Been a while and by that point I had already all but checked out from anything APB.
  16. I thought about that too honestly, because I did have a second account that I also legitimately used. But it didn't have anything worth sweating over, naturally I just want my main account back.
  17. Unfortunately, I was told that I would have to open a new support ticket to get my account unbanned 2 weeks after I put it in, despite it not being cheating related, so I opened a new support ticket to ask about getting unbanned, once again making sure to let them know it's not cheating related, I then got a response telling me to wait until after the BE patch (and the unban wave rolls out) and that only after then should I reply and let them know that my account is STILL banned (which it will be, because it's a manual 10008/account block, not an anti-cheat ban) I find that rather frustrating, but not much I can do I guess. I still don't even know what I did wrong besides "Other/Inappropriate Behavior", it has been 4 years, it's starting to feel like I'm never going to get my account back.
  18. i mean that’s not really the issue here tbh he was told to pay x amount to have his account unbanned and he paid x amount, but now his account may or may not be unbanned, depending on how orbit handles promises made by the previous company
  19. yes he is support clearly gave him the option to pay the balance on the boxes he exploited in return for his account being unbanned, except now there’s a new support team and new rules and new owners and it’s unclear whether these new people will honor the old supports side of the agreement did you even read the op?
  20. I think the problem is thst the spawn system cannot take into account the geometry of the map at all, it just finds what spawn points are closest to the objective and puts them up as available, as well as some less preferred ones. From what I recall, the spawn point it defaults to uses the same algorithm as the old system, except now you can choose if you want it or another one. It needs to be reworked to accommodate more options or "smarter" ones at least. I'm pretty sure it's not possible for it to take into account the geometry of the surroundings and possible routes to the objective from the spawn point, but maybe something else to improve its selection it gives you? I think one spawn point option should be the nearest car spawner location to the objective that's a minimum of 200m away.
  21. So in my paranoia I had a thought. What if LO decided to add Two-Step Authentication to accounts? I mean with how much money people spend to only have their account compromised or lost you'd think they would implement some sort of extra security measure as a last resort kinda thing. I just can't see a downside to it. Even if it's an email two-step authorizing first time sign ins for the forums or even the game itself it'd make me feel a lot more safe. Just my two cents on it. Thoughts? Opinions?
  22. Not unbanned by Fairfight, not unbanned by Punkbuster yet still banned for "hacking", what could it mean? A GM personally banned a players account for superficial evidence? And somehow these, likely to be the MOST falsely banned accounts of them all, as they were not banned by either anticheat but by a GMs own discretion, are the last bans to be lifted. It really doesn't make sense if you think about it does it?
  23. I think you should reconsider what you believe in and what you do not. If what I was saying all along wasn't true, there would not be mass unbans on all ff'd accounts waiting to happen right after the implementation of BattlEye. I wonder, how many more people need to confirm that FF was used incorrectly and was abused by GM's for their personal interest, like in mine and other cases How far does it go for people like you?
  24. This type of functionality only works on Windows 10 S, requires the Windows store and a Microsoft account.
  25. Cannot trust most people to be honest with you mate.. I will copy and paste the main topic on twitch. Additional Gaming Content Guidelines Cheating in Online Games Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster's live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
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