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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Yeah, you can't fool me in to letting you hack in to my PC. Nice try.
  2. People don't want it buffed, just reverted to how it was before. Sure, I guess you could call that a buff. But it's more a just handling/feel change.
  3. /me stares at my three silenced HVR codes that have been in my armas redeem for like 7 years now.
  4. NotZombieBiscuit


    It's crazy quick to level up the low tier contacts though?
  5. It's fine as is. Is meant to be a special little model.
  6. I thought you quit. Also for a second I actually got excited to see your style of montage again, then I was let down by this uninspiring video.
  7. NotZombieBiscuit


    You mean suppressed NTEC.
  8. No mercy, no quarter, no surrender.
  9. Rabbit Hat Casino is the one usually use. Butcher skin is a nice secondary just to brag.
  10. No. There is nothing even close to a high ping advantage in APB. It does not compensate for it well at all. You pretty much have to add your ping to your ttk in a lot of circumstances, you'll die behind walls constantly, you have less reaction time to get out of the way of vehicles and will die to them even if they don't hit you, you have added delay on your vehicle driving, etc etc etc.
  11. If you're losing to LTL, you would be losing even harder to actual weps. Also stop using 'oNlY EnORceRS hAve IT' as an excuse. That's the point, some faction identity. Also this is like your fifth "REMOVE THIS" Thread.
  12. Male/Female nips are allowed in APB though. Just genitals below the belt or is an overtly sexual act are bannable.
  13. You could make an LTL version of it. That would be a buff right?
  14. AHAHAH You can't name every single youtuber over 1mil subs off the top of your head? You must be living under a rock you silly billy.
  15. Oh noes, that is so terrible. I hope you were not hurt at all.
  16. How do you tell 100% without a doubt that someone is actively dethreating so that no false bans will be handed out?
  17. Of which is against the ToS and if found will be banned, like has been done in the past. Certain symbols are already bannable and APB is a mature rated game.
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