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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Opinion: Legendarys were originally designed to be weird sidegrades that delved in to funky niches and should remain that way even if that means they are under powered/'trash'.
  2. Being overweight is not okay. Lose the weight.
  4. I heard underage APB players is also bannable.
  5. I'm still mad over the PMG Stapler Gun and Carbine Trash Can Lid sound changes >:C
  6. A number of reasons such as people's different playstyles lending towards certain things, winning does not always entail high kill counts, and k/d will actually be lower when matched accurately.
  7. Games having emergent mechanics that allow a larger skill ceiling? REMOVE IT
  8. The colour of threat is not taken in to account. It is only a rough graphical indicator. Your actual skill rating is your hidden ELO/MMR, adding another threat level does not actually effect the underyling threat level system.
  9. Shooting and moving at the same time is an exploit.
  10. A new threat level/colour does not do anything.
  11. No. The biggest issue is the destruction of the aesthetic in the pursuit of a mild increase in graphical fidelity.
  12. You sound more like a subhuman than they do though with how you are typing/reacting.
  13. I'm gonna say doubt on this one. How much were you selling your account for? I heard decent accounts can go for a few hundred. Surprising since APB is such a dead game.
  14. I don't know why, but I feel like an idiot trying to use the FBW. it is just the one gun that despite how many times I've tried throughout APB I just can't use it. This also extends to going against it. Someone pulls out an FBW? My brain turns to mush and I die every time. Kryptonite. I love the .45 though.
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