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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. People buying legendaries with G1C/JMBs. lmao Just stop being poor and buy it with in game cash. Even if NTEC got nerfed in to the ground you'd still see it a lot. People don't realise that and think because it is overused must mean it is 'OP'. You'd still see if because it is the only easily obtainable free AR besides the STAR, as well as other alternatives moving towards niches. And the STAR despite being pretty nice has a stigma of being bad due to being a starter weapon.
  2. Tell if it is strong from external sources? Sure. But if it is truly OP? I'd argue even a single person can't tell that just from personally using it.
  3. Depends on what part. EU has more players but also more non-english speakers. NA is still the better server though when it comes to culture, players, etc Honestly, just pick for whatever gives you better ping.
  4. No. They would kill each other. Criminals have Asylum for their Social district and enforcers have base set up in a bank.
  5. Maybe one day they will actually be useful.
  6. Who thought the exponential recoil change was a good idea?
  7. Yeah, assuming that someone is racist ,is racist in itself. Its current year. Everything is racist.
  8. Why do people always ask us these questions as if we somehow know more than them? Sorry, let me just call Matt on his personal number and ask when the next armas sale is.
  9. I always love seeing those youtube/stream videos where someone is talking about the game or doing a review and how they don't understand it while the first step or two of the tutorial is still up on the screen in the corner.
  10. The best way of learning long term is to get your patootie handed to you and beat in to the ground by those better than you. Of course that isn't very fun though for the majority of people. I'm still confused as to why they changed the tutorial away from a 'tutorial section' to just a tutorial HUD. If anything the previous tutorial style should have been built upon.
  11. Flying repair/zappy beam drones was the better meta. Thing that killed robocraft for most people was the complete overhaul of their inventories/how you get blocks/and the stupid monetization of it. The stupid mega bots didn't help either.
  12. About the same time. If we are being honest though carbine back then was pretty broken. I am still mad about them changing the carbine sound though. I still hate those trash can lids with a passion.
  13. They really are. Condor is my second waifu. Probably the best mod in the game.
  14. Sitting here owning every variant of the ATAC. Don't think I've used them for like 4+ years. If I ever do feel like using it I'd rather just play with the Condor.
  15. Vivox has always been absolute trash in every game that uses it. Bring back in audio vivox ads.
  16. Yes, because someone disliking the post must mean they support what your post is about. Nice conclusion there.
  17. I wouldn't mind the ttk going back to being a bit longer. Obviously not RTW levels, but where it started back in 2012ish before the ttk creep started.
  18. I always find it interesting that the OP of threads like this always just disappear after a post or two.
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