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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Little Orbit, can you please bring back the chrome hound servers? Why did you shut them down?
  2. Lol your anti cheat only gets rid of 99% cheaters? IT MUST SUCK.
  3. Jokes on you, I came out 100% pure as I expected.
  4. Okay I take it back. Let's go to UE5, just copy and paste the game files. It's an easy upgrade.
  5. Oh that's no issue. Cause VAC wouldn't be used for long, so those that use steam wouldn't miss out for long. I was thinking after VAC, then back to punkbuster, we could try renting a bunch of virtual servers and forcing everyone to play through them instead.
  6. Well, regardless of whether it seems to work or not we can try VAC after that. We could go back to punkbuster for a bit too.
  7. I don't wanna say a certain skin colour and those that try to cringily mimic it are the reason for console........but.....
  8. Add headshot. Everyone sits on corner with HVR/Shotgun/Whatever aimed at head height. Get easy free headshots. Game becomes one sided whack-a-mole. Gtfo this forum.
  9. Played like 2-3 days last week. Only ran in to one griefer being sarcastic. Other than that everyone was talking normally and even being nice in a 'passive aggressive' way.
  10. APB has less toxicity than it used to to be honest. Bu that's just anecdotal, just like you.
  11. Because the system gives the best it can. Even in a 40 district, the actual amount of people it has to pick from might only be as many as 10 since everyone else is already in a mission. There have been official if you go back through the old blogposts from G1, was around 2011/2012 and then further changes in 2014 I believe. Since then it hasn't been touched. RTW used to use the glicko 1 system and G1 then switched to a modified glicko 2 system, both of which are originally based on ELO. The threat colour is purely a general indicator, not your actual rating.
  12. This is already how threat works. It just shows you a colour, not your actual matchmaking rating.
  13. Im more interested to know when this issue started. Cause it never used to be a thing. Me and aero assumed it was changed to help with floating/sinking circles but the opacity needs to be changed now. Also nice shirt
  14. Some of the people in this thread just show how degenerate the world has gotten nowadays.
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