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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I was ready to bltch at this due to how most AI upscaling sort of ruins the look of the video a lot of the time. But it seems that the art style of APB actually sort of lends itself nicely to it. There are certainly some issues I could see, but on the whole I think it actually works pretty well. A bit of tweaking and manually fixing and I could see this being a nice upgrade. Also the old menu 'video' isn't actually a video but a proper 3d scene that dynamically changes along with dynamic music so that both are unique every time.
  2. I want a g903 but with more side buttons. Logitech please.
  3. Like I said on reddit. I'm not happy with this at all. The in game adverts are a huge part of APB's world building and aesthethic. To add real life ads in to that is to go against part of what makes APB. I was already opposed to G1 advertising their other games in APB like Airmech (even though I loved airmech).
  4. Colours? Eh. Some different shapes/variations would be interesting though. Such as muzzle brake mod actually flaring the muzzle flash differently. But I'd only see that truly working if APB had proper weapon customization on the level of vehicles/character.
  5. NotZombieBiscuit


    No. Stop trying to make RIOT a thing. RIOT will never be a thing.
  6. Yes please. I'm way way way way over any extra rewards they would ever put in.
  7. What are weekly maintenance.
  8. no. don't risk a remaster. Just copy and paste. Yes I know each time you launch it, it's dynamic with the audio/main menu to be unique. But fuck I'll just take a video playing in the background.
  9. The actual APB theme song.
  10. Let's go back to the RTW system of paying for hours. :)))))))))))))))))))))
  11. K/D is not an accurate true indicator of skill. It can help to some degree but it alone is not a good indicator. I'm head to bed but the short answer is that there are numerous reasons why. These can include different play styles, objective focus, K/D actually being lower when in accurate matching, player choices, etc.
  12. "If, at the end of a match, you're in the top 50% of the high score table, your threat level goes up. If you're in the bottom 50% your threat goes down. Even if you lose, if you fought harder than anyone else in the match, your threat will still go up. If you win but got carried there by the rest of your team your threat’s going down until you start to be more of a team player." Patch 1.11 - Settling the Score from 2013
  13. That is an issue between equipment/mechanical access. Not skill. Rank is purely an indicator of time played on the account.
  14. This occurs in rare cases where your short term ranking accuracy/other player's rating/etc are all aligned juuuuuuuuust right in this weird spot to do so. It's an extreme outlier that can occur in a lot of ELO systems.
  15. Threat is based off upper 50% and lower 50% score. Not W/L or K/D. K/D is not an accurate indicator of skill. Rank is not an indicator of skill.
  16. I'm okay with vehicles having HUD markers as long as its consistent. Some missions have them, some don't. Either all have markers, or none have markers.
  17. Don't say that about yourself. You can make some decent symbols.......sometimes.
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