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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Weird thing to complain about. Especially when car gameplay can be so oppressive currently.
  2. 10* *the random 10 people that aren't already in a mission at best. Engine update won't save APB. Stop being delusional.
  3. no? .45 is arguably the most skill based secondary in the game.
  4. Well the engine update is one step forward two steps back regardless. So I guess console is one step forward three steps back.
  5. Oh.....no wonder you're still silver. I bet you think there is a door to kick open in social too.
  6. Quick Reminder about the tutorial and perm weapon selector. The ALIG is the most optimal choice of all of them and if you did not pick it your account will forever be less than perfect. So if you didn't pick it you should delete your account and restart from scratch. You have no argument otherwise.
  7. Just uninstall vivox in every game that uses it. It is complete trash.
  8. Console kids still not realising that they have the updated version. Lol.
  9. In game only one If we talk about the forums that's another story. :))))))))))))
  10. Yeah. I'm gonna go with toxic too. 1-3 day bans are pretty common for that. I've had one myself. Stop being mean.
  11. Yeah. It's pretty crazy that this bug has been around for like 8 years without a fix.
  12. Na dude. The cr5 has a sound bug where the fire sound is slightly quicker than the ntec and because of that bug it lets the gun fire faster.
  13. Oh. The r2 is p2w too. it has higher hard damage.
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