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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. You run the same speed as an item juggler. V spam switching is very easy and is done to BM you. How do they know they are grouped with a cheater. Can never know if someone really is cheating 100% You can jump and grab the item yourself.
  2. Sorry. I forgot reading is hard for the majority of the population.
  3. " So then we attempted to work out a reduction in pricing. But we couldn't come to a compromise, so we have mutually decided to end the agreement. " ????????
  4. Wow that is very descriptive. I'm sure I can totally find this so easily now.
  5. NotZombieBiscuit

    Have fun not getting missions at all then.
  6. That's how I've usually seen it too. Gators gonna gate.
  7. You gotta tell us the details. Like what codec and shit.
  8. Well there is your problem. Your'e 42. It's only down from here.
  9. You'll need to lower your sens and also have a larger mouse pad to play on. When turning your aim left and right you actually want to be mostly bending your elbow to move your mouse, not your wrist. For the majority of mouse movement it should be done by your elbow and arm. Of course you can still use your wrist a bit but that should only be for veeeeery fine tuning of movement. The wrist will get effected by things like carpal tunnel and RSI far more easily if you play only from the wrist. I know a few friends that are still in their twenties and played from the wrist and already have almost daily wrist pains because of it. Plus playing from your elbow is just going to get you a greater degree of motion. It is best to play with your elbow on the desk and at an almost 90 degree angle. Same with the keyboard arm. Make sure to sit up straight and push your butt in to the chair and head in to the rest. You should have your elbow on the desk so that you can easily just swivel your forearm around to aim or even slide it about from the shoulder more. If you don't understand that in a gaming sense, look up some drawing videos as well. The same applies to drawing in a sense since you can get better lines from your elbow/greater arm than wrist.
  10. Dragging and flicking are very different. Dragging really is more of a console aim assist technique where PC players should be flicking instead. Dragging will go over and past the target, using aim assist to pretty much do the work for you. Flicking needs to land on the target directly, staying there, and requires more precision.
  11. Hmm. I like the idea, but maybe not this exact implementation. Not sure what alternative I can think of though.
  12. Enforcers get more money from missions than crims which offset the vehicle spawn cost more easily. At 100,000$ It would take around 100 missions if you are spawning your vehicle 10 times a mission which is already quite high. For that mod to pay for itself you are gimping a fourth mod slot for over 100 missions before it ever makes itself worth it. And then after that you have to keep using it to actually see any benefit. Meanwhile you could have had a normal fourth mod slot, performed a bit better in missions and likely even earned that little bit extra money that would pay for the spawn cost anyway. Even if the mod was free the majority of players wouldn't be using it.
  13. I see way more volcanos than i see concs. Even alig and swarm and osmaw gets used a nice amount. And it's really not unbalanced. Switch the weps around. You can take a volcano, FBW, and frag nades. Now you have even better vehicle and player killing power overall. Yet that isn't unbalanced.
  14. It does though. It outputs a string of characters in to the chat box. There are still people who think the /report command actually does nothing. Incredible.
  15. Dam dude. Your entire clan must be blocked.
  16. OCA for tracking. N-tec/star for all around. Carbine/Oscar for a mix of tracking/flicks. Scout for flicks. Obir/rfp for corner jiggle. Tomymgun if you wanna mess with recoil control while aiming. Play from your elbow, not your wrist. You'll get a better degree of movement and control and your wrist will thank you when you're 40.
  17. 100$ is nothing unless you are spamming it constantly non-stop. Also it is a money sink for a reason. There needs to be 'upkeep' economic mechanics like this to stop inflation.
  18. Even easier rework: Just revert the changes to /who and that'll fix the report issue right up too.
  19. Hmm. I agree spotter needed a nerf but this seems like a bit too much.
  20. Pioneer carrying kit 2 has more stuff than carrying kit 1 and also in more varied styles. Espacio Carrying kit 2 has more stuff than carrying kit 1. Enforcer firehawk includes additional police variants of items such as bumper, headlights, mirrors, and top lights.
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