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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. 'ruined' Still the most OP thing in the game. Okay.
  2. Creme only starts in minimum 3v3s. Why are you lying to these people.
  3. You're getting outstrafed and your aim can't keep up. Pretty simple answer.
  4. Told you to play from your elbow.
  5. Yes it is. They were removed years ago. 2013 if I remember right.
  6. This style of video wasn't even funny back when it was popular.
  7. Obviously Matt Scott didn't go karen enough and complain to Tim Sweeney.
  8. No I just don't blame shit. I'm the problem of everything that needs to be fixed even if it is the fault of something else.
  9. Like giving remote det an actual cooldown.
  10. Hahahahahahahah realism in an arcade shooter.
  11. There is a point where the matchmaking takes so long that you just wanna play. Sometimes I'll sit in district and never get a game.
  12. Sakebee telling you shitters that they aren't hacking, you just suck. Lmao.
  13. G1 already allowed it when they changed how heavy items worked but left mediums. Plus, what even is emergent gameplay/mechanics.
  14. I already wait for like 10 mins a mission..........
  15. Trump 2020 lookin good.
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