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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. ............Listen to this Little Orbit. He is fixing your game.
  2. Not enough golds to fill out gold. Not enough silvers to fill out silver.
  3. BuT HoW WiLL I PAy FoR ThE SiX DoZEn WEapOnS I rEnt EveRy WeEk!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Increase accuracy and increase recoil so that it is more dependent on player aim.
  5. But they are on other sides of the city and don't actually connect.
  6. BuT tHE MaRkEt TaX anD CaR SPawN CoSt IS toO HigH!!!
  7. I don't remember waiting 10 years for the engine update. More like 7ish.
  8. Bring back movement mechanics to APB, keep them, and add more to maintain the pace of the game. Examples: Jumpshooting, Sprint shooting, Removal of HVR Accuracy changes. Or increase recoil and increase accuracy.
  9. Aeronaut might actually have the best shirt in APB.
  10. This sounds like a character showcase. For a certain sub forum. For a certain thread. Hmm.
  11. Jumprunning is easily done. Having a super low config does not let you see through walls. Griefing is not cheating. Removed Name and Shame ~@mayii
  12. Exactly this. This is why I spend all my money now and then will kill myself at 40.
  13. You know it's very easy to item juggle right? You don't need a macro for it. If anything a macro will screw you up more because it needs dynamic timing depending on your movement. It is only slightly harder than jump kicking a door.
  14. FBW. I can't use it. Anytime someone else uses it against me my brain turns to mush and I die. Fuck that thing.
  15. Why care? If it ever does get released everyone will quickly realise they were wrong about the engine update saving the game.
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