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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. I bought an RTX card knowing the issues they have with APB and have had for years. HELP ME GAMERS I ALREADY KNOW WHAT TO DO BUT I NEED ANOTHER REASON TO MAKE A WHINY THREAD
  2. Soon only ffbans will remain and we will have to use the comments section of that.
  3. Or just make them not have consumables at all.
  4. Cr-5 should be higher than N-tec. It has slightly faster fire rate and better accuracy. Too bad it sounds and looks worse though.
  5. Eh. Nerima doesn't look like shini at all tbh. The only similarity is the obvious anime art commissions. I think Nerima's outfit and vehicles look nicer, change my mind.
  6. The only right thing you said in that entire thing is Havarti
  7. Imagine living on a rock in the middle of the ocean and being the only western country in that entire timezone. hahahahahahahahahaha..... ...hah
  8. As much as I love that movie its completely wrong. White bread is the only choice for grilled cheese. Sourdough is amazing but is wrong here. His cheese mixture is pretty lame too. Gruyere is perfect and you only need one cheddar. Parmesan is too sharp and salty and will overpower the other cheese. A better mix is Gruyere for texture, cheddar for some mild flavor and then the third cheese is more to taste and what you want to be the forward taste. Things like provolone, colby, muenster, monterey jack, goudar, etc. if you want to boost your grilled cheese, put some cheese in the pan and let it melt then put the sammich in that and let it grill on the sides. Then youll get the perfect mix of gooey cheese on the inside and grilled cheese outside.
  9. Eh. That is more personal preference and depends heavily on the person's playstyle.
  10. Jokes on you. The crown is patootie anyway cause all hats ruin hair. You wasted your tickets instead of letting them sit there unused for 7 years. HAH
  11. Just do it on discord like everyone else.
  12. These people not playing the legendary market and doing profit trading to easily earns millions in a weekend. Hilarious. I remember once taking a shitty jersey devil all the way up to an ursus in a day and a bit.
  13. Butter. Mayo is a meme for grilled cheese that needs to be stopped. Even better if you brown the butter. If you're gonna use mayo at least use jap mayo like kewpie for the higher fat content.
  14. No. Part of the health mechanic is meant to be slightly ambiguous.
  15. Just macro it. I've had a few macroed for the better part of a decade to spam the start of the emote for funny things.
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