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  1. yea scared of the brick your 13k shitposts here wont save you then
  2. this is most likely a good suggestion to save this game
  3. Merge this crappy game into eu already so I can go chuck bricks there on my days off, or put them into the joker ticket store stop hating on me specifically for using bricks, thanks heil victory
  4. i used to jump snipe with the heavy hvr but they took that away from me so now I just chuck rocks
  5. client side shot does nothing no one cares
  6. I would play this shit out of a game that looked like this base. Play the shit out of it. Hey 2010 onwards graphics with a bunch of shit everywhere on the screen, can we get over it and get back to gameplay, thanks shitcan 2010 onwards game development.
  7. oh man good thing we disabled downvote from the 20 people on the forums
  8. wots that more fun removed from the game, enjoy chucking bricks the last bastion of fun, the waters great over here
  9. Percocet


    this isnt a suggestion its an order
  10. Percocet


    aight tired of chuckin bricks for two years gimme back my rng heavy jumpsniping 50 cal cqc battleaxe quickswitch hvr thanks bros
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