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Everything posted by NotZombieBiscuit

  1. Does the /ignore function work in APB still?
  2. So....You want to just block progression of lower skilled players?
  3. Battle pass was cancelled. Armas prices have already been dropped. And civis don't need AI.
  4. Pretty sure the vehicle speed limit is both an engine limitation and a server limitation. Also something about people with terrible harddrive speeds.
  5. Same response this comes up every time: APB did not actually take 100mil to make. That 100mil was an investment for RTW as a whole, of which they were working on 3-4 projects at the same time. APB likely took up the majority of those funds, but it certainly was not 100mil.
  6. It's allowed, but probably won't help you much. You should have a VPN handy in general anyway.
  7. NotZombieBiscuit


    What does this add to APB
  8. Just nerf every single weapon.
  9. All of which have seen a large rise in players too. Lockdown got everyone playing everything. There is also the fact that the play times are now longer too. So a lot of the population increase is actually just the same pool of players staying on for longer, thus increasing the peak.
  10. Doom Eternal will only get one play through from most people, and Animal Crossing is done in short bursts over a long time.
  11. Hopefully they change everyone's character to just a generic NPC. I hate seeing people's personal character's and customizations that they spend countless hours on in social instead of actually playing the game.
  12. You're honestly over thinking this and making it more complicated than it really is.
  13. Did you really need a thread for something this obvious?
  14. Social district is playing the game though. Customizing, talking, trading/selling, etc. These are all just as important as missions.
  15. Now that I think about it. Nerfing the STAR would actually get the NTEC nerfed again in the long run. Okay we gotta buff the STAR.
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