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  1. GamersFirst players! We want to inform you about an important change with our Support Center. As of April 25th we have transitioned our support tools from Zendesk to Zoho Desk. We made this decision after careful consideration aiming to enhance the efficiency and accessibility of our support services. We understand that during this transition some of you may have experiences delay in receiving responses. Please accept our sincerest apologies for any inconvenience this has caused. Rest assured our team is diligently working to address all outstanding inquiries. If you have not yet received a response to a ticket submitted before the switch we kindly ask you to reach out again via our new system. Additionally, there will be changed done to the submitting system as well, so if you have feedback we would be more then happy to accept it. We've also relocated our Help Center https://www.gamersfirst.com/support/ to ensure you can more easily find helpful articles and open support tickets whenever needed. We currently have APB Help Center up with the rest of game following in the coming weeks. Additionally, we have a known issue list for APB that you can find here: https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/known-issues. Thank you for your understanding and patience during this transition. We are here to assist you so please do not hesitate to contact our support if you have any questions or need further assistance. Warm regards, Customer Support Team
  2. Introduction: Hey fellow Enforcers and Criminals, It's been a wild ride in San Paro, hasn't it? Countless turf wars, daring heists, and enough bullets fired to rival a fireworks convention. But one thing that's remained relatively unchanged over the years: the user interface. While the core gameplay remains addictive, the UI... well, let's just say it could benefit from a refresh. As a veteran player who's seen it all, from the glory days of the launch to the current iteration, I felt compelled to take matters into my own hands. So, I present to you: UI Reborn! Scope of the Project: The project aims to redesign every aspect of the UI, from the main menu to in-game overlays, ensuring a consistent and visually appealing experience. Motivation Behind the Overhaul: Many of us have been longing for a revamped UI that aligns with the technological advancements and the changing gaming landscape. The current UI, while functional, lacks the flair and intuitiveness that modern gamers expect. My goal is to create a UI that not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also streamlines the navigation and enhances overall gameplay. A Fresh Look: Gone are the dated boxes and menus. This new UI boasts a sleek, modern design that prioritizes both aesthetics and functionality. I've implemented: Streamlined menus: Navigation is now a breeze with intuitive layouts and clear labeling. Find what you need quickly and get back to the action faster. Improved information display: Essential stats and information are now presented clearly and concisely, making it easier to track your progress, performance, and objectives. A Call to Arms: This project is a passion project, a love letter to the game and its dedicated community. However, I understand the importance of player involvement. I invite you to share your thoughts and suggestions! This is your chance to help shape the future of APB Reloaded's user experience. Let the discussion begin! Share your thoughts, ideas, and feedback in the comments below. Let's work together to make APB Reloaded even better! Remember, this is just a starting point. The future of APB Reloaded's UI is in your hands! Take a look at new UI here: https://imgur.com/a/bRjNtE9
  3. Hello Everyone, Today's 1st of February, for the past 2 hours I been refreshing the website over and over and so far the tutorial that APB reloaded provided step by step how to migrate your account didn't seem to work. Once I log in to G1 website with my Ps4 credentials nothing pops up.
  4. I was looking to find out something about the company UNIT GAME that everyone here always comments on, but never has a specific purpose about it. So I ended up finding these links in my Google searches that could say something about this company. So I wanted to know if these links could answer any of our questions about the company UNIT GAME, which is a company that not everyone here in the community knows exactly what its purpose is. Mainly its purpose with the apb. Or are they just unnecessary links without content? Links: https://trademarks.justia.com/owners/unit-game-limited-4203390/ https://www.trademarkelite.com/europe/trademark/trademark-owner/Unit Game Limited/1027586 https://www.trademarkelite.com/europe/trademark/trademark-detail/004278891/APB https://uspto.report/TM/85307583 https://www.whois.com/whois/unitgame.com
  5. Guest

    Still dreaming about that in APB..

    After i saw a video i really thought: "WOW, THATS INSANE! IMAGEN THESE TYPE OF EVENTS IN APB" and i've decided to write this topic. No, don't try to reply > "sh1t, i don't care about it" < or any other strange words, because im not talking about it, im talking about the event itself, would be really cool to see future events to be more enjoyable for all of us, new objects, new props, new emotes and special effects. Maybe you think these type of things aren't that helpful but try to think, a game, with a type of marketing and advertising like this can grow up so damn fast and much more than you expect. Sadly the pop of the game isn't increased much than the previous years, we need something different, something that APB never seen, we need something Special and Unique. I do know Little Orbit will do for sure some other special events but i do highly suggest them to really think in making some sort of surprise and see peoples scream and remain with their mouths opened for the entire day or maybe the full week. Let me know what you think and what you would REALLY LOVE to see in this game. Thanks for reading, Alisha Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NBsCzN-jfvA
  6. Almost all of you remember this system called Refer a Friend, which is a simple system which gives you the option to invite a new player to the game and play missions together, and win points on each mission you win or everytime the referred friend rank up(?). heart of the point is if you are going to bring it back, because I heard you are willing to, in which stage are you going to do so, because it helped a lot of people to get into the game and get interested more in it, in other words it's a valuable kickstarter which will interests a lot of players into coming back or joining the great community again, I am not denying that this system got abused a little, but the only reason of that is the lack of events and giveaways and content that was presented by gamersfirst. Regards, /Recenite
  7. After some time, during missions the picture of the game hangs, but the sound continues. It helps only to disable the game through the task manager. Current.log file: https://dropmefiles.com/v8kFv
  8. I just want to say that the breakwater district (in-game social district) is still down im not trying to complain or anything im just wondering are yall working on fixing it cause for me its been down for three days others say two days i just want to now.
  9. Hiya~ Some of us really REALLY love to breathe more life into our characters by giving them a backstory that explains who they are and where they came from! It's fun, and I've seen some really creative stories come out of people's characters! With that said, I figured that there should be a thread where people can post what they've written for their APB Characters! It would also be cool for new people to have a place to read what others have come up with! It might even inspire some to write stories of their own! I'll start off in the first reply! EDIT: I got some complaints about formatting, so I'll just be upfront and say that formatting doesn't really matter here. Feel free to post anything you got! Art, stories (even if it's just basic stuff), rank, faction. Whatever you want! Be creative guys!
  10. HEY BUDDIES. New forum comes, so I hit you with our second (old as well) apb funny moments compilation. I find it a little bit better than #1 but it's subjective opinion. As stunt masters we tried here to show you every available apb place, that you thought as unobtainable . Let the nostalgia hit you even harder by backing into gold age of stunting in APB ( I hope LO will give it back tho). Please, don't hate so much :D. Say what you think and rate. PEACE. ( AND YEEEES I KNOW MY INTRO IS SOOOO LONG. It's too late to change it. skip it- 0:30)
  11. I have gotten the 50 and 150 Joker tickets which were the bronze and silver goals. This was in fight club 'The Asylum'. I did not get my 200 Joker tickets from the last Gold goal.
  12. Lovely Races at DOUBLE B in financial bronze district [NA]Jericho to chill and hangout everyday in the evening. (PST) Even when i'm not there have a Lovely time Chill Races~ I dun know how to make posts~ Edited: The reason for bronze district because it is my hometown^^ (I play there 99.9% of the time). I just wanted make an announcement for bronze district. I know there is a gold district but i do not know a lot of people from try hard (silver district so-) It doesn't to have to races but can be just chill car meets around 5-7PM Pacific Standard Time. I'm not stopping you from hosting one in gold or silver district i just intentionally wanted for bronze.
  13. Hi all members of the community. here i created a topic, about posting your art and fan art that is inspired from the game. simply post your art here. as a beginner of this, here is what i created exactly from game, the mail and i am working on it for texturing:
  14. Greetings, since there is a few discords out there with APB-R mainly focused then i would like to post mine aswell. This discord tho is much more than just APB, it is a public social discord for every invidual to enjoy and to be a part of. It is named '' Equality '' because there is on basis no restrictions to rank / roles that can be earned. It has everything from anime, gaming, art, music and so on. If you wish to, there is a role called APB-Reloaded, which unlocks the APB section within, in order to get this just contact me in there i am the owner '' Xaint ''. Click here to join -> Equality Discord Server If you have any ideas, suggestions or similarities then feel free to DM me here or on discord. Best Regards, NoobOnDrugs .
  15. Ahoy! Klan byl spojen s českým klanem Crew Blood. Pro přijetí pište do topicu nahoře s daným názvem nebo mně. (This topic will be written only in Czech and Slovak, because it is only meant for CZ/SK players.) Vítám Tě v našem klanovém topicu. Před dvěma měsíci bylo All Points Bulletin: Reloaded odkoupeno Little Orbitem a s tímto důležitým milníkem přichází spousta změn k lepšímu. Zbavili jsme se otravných cheaterů a spousty bugů. Před námi je mnoho nového, včetně updatu grafiky, přidání nového obsahu a dalších novinek. Tyto kroky na mě zapůsobily jako impulzy k tomu, abych také podpořil APB komunitu vytvořením klanu pro Čechy a Slováky - společné hraní mezi bratry určitě pomůže členům si tuto úžasnou hru ještě více užít. Klan Vám poskytne příležitosti k navázání nových přátelství (či bratrství) mezi lidmi, kteří mají stejný zájem - hraní APB a dalších počítačových her. Co se týče klanu a základních informací: Název jsem převzal z historického českého hesla "Pravda vítězí" (v latině "Veritas Vincit", aby jsme si nezáviděli, v jakém to je jazyce), který pro mě představuje hlavní smysl klanu - říkáme si vždycky pravdu a chováme se k sobě s úctou - pokud toho nejsi schopný, nejsi vítán! Kromě zmíněného pravidla týkajícího se chování, je tu několik dalších podmínek: Enforcer charakter na evropském serveru (EU - CITADEL) věk: 15+ mluvit dobře Česky nebo Slovensky (a taky rozumět) pravidelná aktivita ve hře (pokud se nelognete déle jak 120 dní a nebudu znát důvod, tak jste z klanu automaticky vykopnuti) ochota se spojit s ostatními členy a vytvořit tým (pokud jdete na mise) mikrofon a sluchátka (nepovinné, ale vhodné) Můžeš se k nám přihlásit ať máš jakýkoliv RANK a THREAT. Přivítáme jak vysloužilé veterány, tak i nováčky, kterým budu rád nápomocen a se vším poradím. Každý jsme někdy začínali a je zapotřebí nové krve do komunity APB, aby budoucnost této hry pokračovala. Žádosti můžete psát do tohoto topicu, mně do zpráv na fóru nebo in-game emailem na charakter se jménem JareCzech. Pokud klan máte a nechcete měnit, tak mi napište ve hře a můžeme se hodit do přátel a spojit někdy síly. Good Luck! Have Fun!
  16. HEY BUDDIES. New forum comes, so I hit you with our very old apb funny moments compilation. I have a little tear in my eye watching this nostalgic video and backing in the time with memories of old apb. I really hope you enjoy it! And please, don't hate so much :D. Say what you think and rate. PEACE. ( AND YEEEES I KNOW MY INTRO IS SOOOO LONG. It's too late to change it. skip it- 0:30)
  17. The plan - set up my xbox controller to play abp on pc using the APB controls option in the settings. #FAILED Problems are as follow: 1. firing weapons is automatically set to B button and wont be affected by changing binds from settings. 2. automatic controller settings are trash so the do need revamping. 3. some preliminary binds do double actions when edited in settings or dont conform replaced with another controller bind. 4. vehicle controller Binds need to be reimagined.
  18. APB originally doesn't allow 1v1s to happen but if there is 2 people without oppisition and 1 leaves it bypasses this. I want there to be a fix where if the other person leaves it should automatically end the mission.
  19. do you happen to know what the tuning of weapons is called? like coloring, body kit, etc... I tried to find it, but I couldn't. there are all sorts of fan coloring pages for showing, with and without a body kit, windings, accessories, and like that.. I would like to find something like that. this kind of creativity, so to speak. maybe something similar to the phrases "custom weapons" "weapons with street style", etc. I just thought that people playing APB should know something about it, because in this game I like the customization of all things. in general, the more information you give, the better. I beg you very much... (it is possible not only with weapons, but also with tattoos, car coloring and other things) why do I need this? to search for content and enjoy it (I don't play APB myself. previously, I only had a chance to play a little). thank you in advance.
  20. Goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood evening, Ladies and Gentlemen. While it may not necessarily be that particular time of day when you read this, I was aptly informed to create a forum thread regarding my twitch channel. Schedule: Monday - Thursday: 6:30pm* - 11:30pm* Friday: 6pm - Late (read: after midnight) Saturday: Afternoon Start - Late Sunday: Afternoon Start - 11:00pm * Please note that these times are the the start points I want to hit, but I do typically run late on this due to other arrangements. Updates: Typically, you can find out the moment I'm going live from my twitter. If you're interested in joining in further (rather than JUST the APB streams), I have a discord you can join here. What Is Streamed: Presently, I have the following arrangement for the streaming week: Focus Game: This is the game I typically play and stream during the week day streams (excluding Friday). This is one that I plan on investing more time into or I'm having a lot of fun with. This can vary depending on what I feel like doing, but typically it'll stick to one game for the week. APB Stream: I have Fridays booked as a guaranteed APB Stream. Unless something else comes up or I'm not able to stream on Friday, you can expect this day to be when I stream APB. Weekends: Anything goes. I might try out some other games or continue playing the focus game that I've been streaming over the week. Depends what people are interested in. It's definitely more flexible here. I might even sneak in an additional APB stream if I feel up for it or it's been going well. The Stream:
  21. Hello APB RELOAD devs I have future ideas for APB RELOAD I suggest launching an APB RELOAD sequel something like gta online like having a lobby inside the pve missions in Apb reload 2.0 Like either you play with friends or alone And release Map expansions in APB RELOAD 2.0 And have new User Interface and much more
  22. The last couple of months has been pretty crazy for the APB community. So many old players are coming back from the unbans and so many new players are trying the game for the first time, we're hitting population levels higher than ever in the past two years. APB received it's first update in over a year and a half iirc. LO has people's attention and a great deal of hope is being placed in them. Things are changing at a way faster pace then it was a year ago, but for better or for worse has yet to be determined. Everything so far points towards progress so with that in mind what are some of the biggest changes that you guys are looking forward to seeing in APB with the coming months/years? Obviously an engine update is in need, so before they really decide to add anything major to the game it should most likely wait till post engine update. But personally I'm hoping that after the update we see at least a handful of new cars. Not super sport luxury or anything of the sort. Just maybe a bigger verity of civilian cars. More compacts, sedans, SUVs and trucks. Or even at least different kits/models for the existing ones. I feel a weapon rebalance should be a thing, not suggesting what should be rebalanced though. Maybe a wider array of weapons too? I know we have a lot right now but the majority of them are remeshes. Honestly, ask yourself, in your weapon lockers, from Loyalty rewards and the likes, how many damn remeshes do you have? Sword, PDW, C9 and PSR. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And two of them are the same thing! So definitely adding weapons just to bring something new to use into the game would be nice. Given they aren't ARMAs or Joker Distribution guns. Gotta make something new for the common man right? Something to get people to work towards. New cars from contacts would be nice. Unlike the Growl that was supposed to be for everyone turned out to be a half a mil sad mess that didn't have any other slot variants besides freebie 2 slot or premium 4 slot. (As far as I know, and I even bought Pack of Rev on launch for acc bound). Oh and the Coywolf is only available to free players though a massive grind and it's not even customize-able. And this is coming from someone who owns two of them for both his crim and enf. Again, just spit balling ideas. As always, curious to hear what you guys think. TL;DR Want new civ cars that are available to FTP and P2P gamers alike. Same with weapons, More unique weapons that aren't remeshes and a weapon balance.
  23. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rRHCoj8QrzY Hard at work like usual, look at all of that productivity. Well at least there use to be at one point in time for maybe a week. This is pretty much what I think of when you mention either RTW or Gamers First. A empty office, and nothing but empty promises and broken dreams. Little Orbit please don't follow in there foot steps, please don't just give a bunch of empty promises for the next few years, you are starting off on a good note, please don't let us down long term. If you do don't keep the game on a life line, just put the game out of its misery, and do us all a favor. Thank you.
  24. Credit to "ITzBlackout" from Discord This contacts appeared instead of bunnies. I'm not in game yet but seem players who already are there can't drop eggs on them (Confirmed). Someone did oopsie. @MattScott @Lixil Edit: Drop off possible via evidence locker in case of enforcers (Thanks to ITzBlackout yet again) Second edit: It's even worse, for some reason Chosen One event is active as well! Third edit: Event freezes a lot. 1 minute freezes are often.
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