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  1. All the premium should now have been sent out, should there still be missing premium please reach out to us as soon as possible. Matt posted about why it was chosen to be sent out to the accounts and not just as a code here: As this issue should now be resolved, I'll be locking the thread. ~@mayii
  2. Hello. I constantly connect automatically. I was never manually connected. but I need to change the password because I can not join the game. but I do not know how to do it. because when I try with mail connected to steam, a new game account is opened to me. how I can connect manually. I have 2 characters. and I have cars. as high as level, please help -------------------------------------------- merhabalar lütfen bana biran önce yardım edebilir misiniz ? ben sürekli otomatik olarak bağlanıyordum oyuna hiçbirzaman manuel olarak girmedim. bir süredir oynamıyordum tekrar başlamak istedim fakat şifremin eski ve yeni bir şifre almam gerektiği hatası alıyorum. ben bu şifreyi nasıl değiştireceğim? mail adresim nedir? steam hesabıma bağlı olan mail ile girdim şifre değiştirdim fakar bana yeni bir oyun hesabı açılıyor
  3. I agree. I found that I could login using my Steam u/p on the Armas store. But, my account is very new (past 2 weeks or so).
  4. I dont think anyone is using our accounts. its probably a bug cause its impossible for my account to be used by anyone else since im the only one in this world who knows its password
  5. I can't log in into my account 1. I allowed it thru the firewall 2.rebooted my modem(my phone) 3. I restarted the game. one thing is I use Advanced APBLuncher and when I updated the game it downloaded Direct X and installed it and after that, the error code 9# started showing up. is it the server or me? I couldn't find anything about server nor game update. so I assumed it was me so, please help me. I will Repair the see if it works.
  6. "Computer scientist David Birti considered it fortunate at the time that their hacking activities have mainly been restricted to denial of service attacks and have not been as severe as password leakage yet." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Derp_(hacker_group) DerpTrolling Hackers Leak Thousands of PSN, Windows Live & 2K Games Account Details
  7. @L0pht "Error Code 10004 (The account is currently in use from another client)" Restart ur internet router and PC, should work. Edit// Or wait 30min might work too sometimes.
  8. Tried to login today, the game told me i can't , showing the 11003 error code. I changed my password, still no way to login. Please fix this, it's a real bummer, i really wanna play :). I'm playing the game from steam, but my account might be older, i really don't remember when i made it. I can login to gamersfirst website just fine, only apb seems to act up.
  9. When creating your Gamersfirst account, regardless if you log in via Steam or using your email and password, you should receive an email that allows you to verify the account. Did you get an email like that and did you click the link in that email? ~@mayii
  10. If its the mobile authenticator thingy suddenly locking you out of your account after changing passwords, click the sync time button on the app on your phone. This worked for me.
  11. He's been fast enough to remove the likes he gave himself to hide his accounts once again
  12. Defeated? You mean the fact that you went as far as to relog multiple accounts? You disliked something for the sake of disliking because you didn't like that I stated my opinion on your post. Get your head if your patootie a wake up, you didn't defeat anything you just proved a point. Just keep up the stupidity, and you won't be around for long.
  13. Though a Multihunter (or IP-Hunter) plugin to avoid multiple accounts for one person would be good tho.
  14. That will barely work, and i never hidden myself. There should get ride of likes or dislikes, it can happen anyways but limited to 10 per account...
  15. This happened at 12:13 Am, while I had a couple missions active over near Barret Manor. It wouldn't let me exit my vehicle, so I used the "mount" option and it didn't work either. I tried to exit the game to relog, that didn't work either. I force closed the game through taskmanager and restarted it. Now it says (Invalid account or password). I checked a few times to see if I accidentally spelled anything wrong but I didnt. I tried to reset my password and got this message after clicking the link in my e-mail Invalid Code The security code required to change your account's password is not valid or has expired.
  16. RIP is it just with my account? why? what is happening? what happened?! One of my characters doesnt load for hours, all other characters load fast like no issue happening but they always have less energy and they recovering like 100/132. After all this months i had a 46 level character and a lot of Researches done and now i have 3 low levels and one ghost level 46 idk if i will have to delete it to create another one?!
  17. When i try open FE its working.. and going to load characters then it shows up "This account is already logged in! You can enter your password to force a disconnect" I did try change another email doesnot work.. I also did Complete file check Also doesnot work Pls fix
  18. When going to load characters... Error shows up like this "This account is already logged in! You can enter your password to force a disconnect" I did try another email that i used for gamerfirst also doesnot work I play through steam so i dont have to login my email gamerfirst Doesnot work Pls fix it
  19. Sometimes the game lags in a certain way, that affects the character screen, fast travel, garages and a few other things. So it might have been happening at that particular time you were trying to login and it didn't show any characters. Also, as of 12:13 Am EST, (currently 12:58 Am) the login server seems to be offline. A couple people "myself included" aren't able to login to the game. It just shows "invalid account or password" 4:57 Am, the game is online again
  20. Hi, I have an old account I used for my kids, years ago. When I use the password for it now it says it is invalid. When I try to reset password it wants me to sign in with a mail adresse to gamersfirst. Problem is that account was always logged in through Steam, it never got an email attached as far as I know. If I try to contact support for the game it requires me to login with my mail (!) which I obvious cant, because there is no mail to login with!! How do I progress from here??
  21. On my Gamer's First profile, I've been given a random string of numbers/letters as a username and some gigantic password that is not the password I typed in. And when I tried to edit the password, it told me I couldn't use the same password as my old one. Huh? But the length of the password displayed on my profile is obviously much longer than the password I typed in myself when I was initially giving my email. I can't copy and paste these random username and passwords into the launcher - and I'm not seeing anywhere where I can edit and change them to something I actually know. A quick google search of this problem suggested there might be maintenance going on - but looking at the website, the servers are currently online. Pretty frustrating.
  22. sign into the account you made with Gamersfirst site. press ❖ Win key type DxDiag then click save all information to file Paste these lines Operating System: Processor: Memory: Available OS Memory: Page File: DirectX Version: Card name: Manufacturer: Chip type: DAC type: Device Status: Device Problem Code: Driver Problem Code: Display Memory: Dedicated Memory: Shared Memory: HDR Support: Display Color Space: Monitor Name: Monitor Model: Monitor Capabilities: Display Pixel Format: Advanced Color:
  23. Just saying hi, finally merged the account. Been keeping up with the updates since the Kickstarter started. Liking the progress and direction and hope this game delivers!
  24. hmm. they gotta tackle the abuse somehow, that's right... but they should not give out usables / deployables, these should be permanent mods. I didn't think about people creating multiple accounts to farm login rewards, although that was pretty obvious... would be a shame if a daily login reward system would fail because of abusing... actually, make it so you have to play 1h in an action district (or complete 5 opposed missions). or, bound it completely to hours played instead of making it a daily thing...
  25. But we already saw in the past that people abuse that. As example refer a friend or creating hundreds of character to get a joker box for free. If they give jokerboxes as login reward im pretty sure that people start abusing it again. But some unique rewards you can get only for your account (not tradable) would be nice too. So people don't have a reason to create multiple accounts. (Which I guess is against TOS anyways) If they punish for abusing, then it would be fine too, to give joker boxes. But that is also a lot of work to keep an eye on it.
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