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  1. how do you plan to make a wipe work. while keeping player base up. some people have items that are rare, or basicly stuck to there toon, and those of us who have made many many level 55 and other gear. i want to know also about names. becuase some people will steal anthor players toon name to piss them off or just becuase they want it. all i need to know is how they plan on making all this "server wipe" bs work while kepping it's older player base like me around. There is no way they will be able to get a return on investment if they only get to keep old active players. Since the old player base is all but gone, I think they will be relying on new players and returning players to bring the players count and the economy back up. One problem is: although we 'should' be the most valuable players, the fact that we have so much experience and items means there is a good chance that we (the old players) will be the ones to unbalance the new system - something L.O. doesn't want to happen. So you see it's kind of a catch-22. They want to make us old players happy because we invested so much time and money, but really they need new investors to make this work. As much as I hate to say it, the new wave of players that L.O. wants to bring to the game are more important than us right now. That said, Matt suggested that he is aware of such issues and hopes to find a compromise that keeps as many people happy as possible, without punishing folks like us. Can it be done? Only time will tell.
  2. We do have issues with how things are currently, as almost nobody is using anything other than CA3, while it's a major upgrade from unmodded players, aswell as taking 15.2s to be able to survive the 2nd shot from a HVR. Matches where everyone are using CA3 gives everyone the same conditions, but that case isn't the same for new players that can't equip it. Mods shouldn't make you stronger than unmodded players, but rather focus you in a specific niche. I think we both agree that having 8s as default regen is what's ridiculous here. The gameplay works well and is enjoyable with low regen delay, hence why I think that should be the default as to make people's first impression be a better one, while I feel it would also benefit from having lower total regen time. This would of course not work with the current Clotting Agents, hence why I suggest reversing their benefits, as they can still be useful, instead of removing a mod from the game. Most importantly, it would make all the other green mods more viable, and make for an more interesting meta. - 3.74s before being able to survive the second shot from the HVR, enough to shoot twice more with the HVR. - It would take 9.12s (incl. the regen delay) to fully regen one HVR hit, enough to shoot five more times with the HVR. - There's only a few weapons where the effect is extra profound, and those are mainly the same ones as they are with the current Kevlar Implants 3. 33% bullet damage reduction isn't meant to be the same as 1300hp, and is intentionally meant to be an improvement, to make the mod both scale better and making it more viable. Here's an reference for how it would affect some of the weapons: HVR: 2 > 2 shots (1.75s > 1.75s TTK) +0s ACES: 15 > 22 shots (0.63s > 0.945s TTK) +0.315s Euryale: 10 > 15 shots (0.59s > 0.91s TTK) +0.32s Manic: 9 > 13 shots (0.64s > 0.96s TTK) +0.32s ALIG: 5 > 7 shots (0.72s > 1.08s TTK) +0.36s OCA: 8 > 12 shots (0.64s > 1.012s TTK) +0.372s ATAC: 8 > 12 shots (0.7s > 1.1s TTK) +0.4s Obeya: 5 > 7 shots (0.84s > 1.26s TTK) +0.42s Curse: 10 > 15 shots (0.77s > 1.19s TTK) +0.42s N-TEC 5: 6 > 9 shots (0.7s > 1.12s TTK) +0.42s STAR: 6 > 9 shots (0.75s > 1.2s TTK) +0.45s CAP40: 7 > 11 shots (0.7s > 1.16s TTK) +0.46s Raptor: 7 > 11 shots (0.75s > 1.25 TTK) +0.5s PMG: 5 > 8 shots (0.7s > 1.225s TTK) +0.525s Ursus: 5 > 8 shots (0.704s > 1.232s TTK) +0.532s N-ISSR-B: 4 > 6 shots (0.9s > 1.5s TTK) +0.6s Scout: 2 > 3 shots (1.75s > 3.5s TTK) +1.75s .45 AP: 5 > 7 shots (0.8s > 1.2s TTK) +0.4s ACT44: 4 > 5 shots (1.5s > 2s) +0.5s FBW: 6 > 9 shots (1.0s > 1.6s TTK) +0.6s RSA: 3 > 5 shots (1.7s > 3.4s TTK) +1.7s Again, keep in mind that with my suggestion, the Kevlar user would be as vulnerable to explosive damage as someone who isn't using Kevlar.
  3. @Kewlin Alright, I did the math, and you're entirely correct. 23% damage reduction is very close to the actual comparable damage scale for 30% additional health. I was mainly calculating the amount of bullets, and didn't account for overdamage. That's why discussion is good since it can bring new perspectives or potential issues. I've now updated my suggestion with this in mind, and I think it makes it a bit more balanced but still scale good: K1: 15% > 11% K2: 25% > 22% K3: 35% > 33%
  4. Clotting Agent Default regen (14.5s total) 12.5s health regen time (80hp/s) 2s health regen delay Clotting Agent I (11.5s total) 8s health regen time (64%, 125hp/s) 3.5s health regen delay (175%) Clotting Agent II (10.75s total) 6.25s health regen time (50%, 160hp/s) 4.5s health regen delay (225%) Clotting Agent III (10s total) 4s health regen time (32%, 250hp/s) 6s health regen delay (300%) Kevlar Kevlar Implants 1 > Kevlar Implants I -11% damage from bullets 69% of sprinting speed threshold before additional acceleration. (414cm/s) - Requires slight effort to reach sprinting speed. (2s from threshold to max speed) Kevlar Implants 2 > Kevlar Implants II -22% damage from bullets 46% of sprinting speed threshold before additional acceleration. (276cm/s) - Requires moderate effort to reach sprinting speed. (3s from threshold to max speed) Kevlar Implants 3 > Kevlar Implants III -33% damage from bullets 23% of sprinting speed threshold before additional acceleration. (138cm/s) - Requires considerable effort to reach sprinting speed. (4s from threshold to max speed) Fragile Fragile I +10% marksman speed (302.5cm/s) +10% sprint speed (660cm/s) +10% run speed (454.3cm/s) -5% health (950hp) Fragile II +15% marksman speed (316.25cm/s) +15% sprint speed (690cm/s) +15% run speed (474.95cm/s) -10% health (900hp) Fragile III +20% marksman speed (330cm/s) +20% sprint speed (720cm/s) +20% run speed (495.6cm/s) -15% health (850hp) [Would require HVR damage nerf] Flak Jacket Flak Jacket -50% explosion damage taken -1 Grenade count EDIT: Remove rank requirements.
  5. Hey guys, I have to say I really gravitated towards the Q&A between MattScott, Nysek and the community today. I have some personal opinions and reflections to come from it, but first I'd like to sum up everything that was said for those who missed it and don't fancy an hour long stream. Thank you MattScott and Nysek for doing this- I finally feel like I can relax a bit knowing FE is in good hands. I'll be summarising each point into a small paragraph for the sake of this post- I may have missed some small and/or big points as I was trying to write as much as possible down during the stream, so let me know if I missed anything. The Interview 1. The situation with game code? There is an established team looking after this, but it's difficult due to the code and software being outdated. Unity is being introduced to host client-side models and a test server is being used to experiment with these models. "We are not trying to change the mechanics- this first wave of development is literally just taking the game we love and bringing it up to current standards." 2. Anniversary event? Something will be put together regarding FE's anniversary, but next year it will be made a much bigger deal. "I'm gonna try get on the server- hang out with players a bit on the anniversary." 3. Nysek's involvement? Nysek noticed the Q&A post went dark and decided to step it up to "get the information out to the community." He has been involved with small-time testing on the Private Test Server (PTS) and also helped to set up LO's Mixer. 4. Stacksplitting? It is returning. It will be back ASAP, but there's no specific time frame. "There is a core-level issue we're trying to address related to duping." 5. Clan vaults going away? No, nay, never. "It needs work but we wanna keep that." 6. Waves of unbans? LO need to figure out how to handle reports from players, related to unfair play, duping etc. They are aware that some people were unbanned that didn't deserve it. "It really came down to what was in the records- what we could look up and verify." The situation was dubbed a "complicated scenario". They are working towards unbanning everyone- anticheat will be established so that constant offenders will be rebanned. "Give everyone a second chance and if they mess up, re-ban them." They apologise for the absence of GMs- their tools are still being figured out since they weren't explained during the handover. 7. Tickets taking a long time? LO are overwhelmed with tickets. "They're being worked through- wait time with customer service is inexcusable." 8. Monthly rewards returning? Yes. Subscription model will be altered, but monthly rewards are difficult to establish due to the game's old software etc. 9. Possible change in marketplace? The economy situation needs to be looked at, but it will all be refreshed. "I have to be careful there a little bit." 10. Daily maintenance? It's a fix for lag. It's either daily lag or daily maintenance. This will not change until the server packets are changed. 11. Hazmat powers? There's no opposition to giving Hazmats muting powers etc, but there is a fear of abuse. 12. Faction system change? No changes will be made to core systems like factions, quests etc- not yet anyway. "I wanna preserve everything as it is- I kinda feel like that's a Fallen Earth 2 discussion." 13. PVP / PVE additions or changes? They'd like to address these things- some things need to be changed, but the situation needs to be- as Matt put it- surgically picked apart. This is to ensure the MMO feel is retained. 14. Potential wipe? What's that about? The game data is too broken to fix entirely, so in future when everything is set, there will be new servers but the old one will also be kept so you can continue on as you wish, if you don't fancy taking over. Progression and premium items will be carried over, but otherwise it's a fresh start. 15. Server stability currently? Working on current code base is kinda a waste of time, but the new system will be designed correctly. Some kind of PTS may be open to premium players. 16. Compatibility issues? The new system will actually be more supportive for low-end and high-end devices alike. It will run extremely well. 17. Will FE have a comeback? Yes. It's a unique game that shouldn't be discarded, "I think it's unique- (work on) making it viable again." 18. PVP / PVE mechanics? Both will still be very much applicable, unlike APB which is only PVP. "I don't think there's enough systems out there that do both." 19. Player housing? He sees it as a core, endgame mechanic. "I don't wanna rule it out- I love the concept." 20. Achievements, badges etc? They are a huge deal and will be addressed, "We should fix those- don't know if they'll be (fixed) for FE 2 or not (before then), it depends." 21. New player-friendly environment? Matt agrees that the controls etc aren't similiar to that of FE's larger counterparts. "It doesn't have standard shooter controls- it took a lot of external research for me to figure out what was going on there (regarding him investigating an in-game feature)." Work will be done on the tutorial and standard controls. 22. Still using the PTS? Yes. "I'm a big fan." 23. Is Tiggs still around? Give Tiggs a break- she loved the game dearly and contributed to it massively. "Tiggs has had a rough go of things- she's no longer with the company." 24. Gathering and crafting revamp? "This is a whole area- implement it as is." A new analytics system will be developed to better understand items and their features etc. "We don't want it (gathering and crafting) to be abusively grindy." 25. Online statistics rather than Steam chart? Population is low currently, but can't be counted confidently because some players don't use Steam to play. "(Other games) closed down at this level." The new objective is to attract players to the game. The mobile app may also be reintroduced, "expanding the platforms it's on in some fashion." 26. Crafting times / slot adjustment? They want to focus on fixing the bigger things first, then focus on these aspects. "How can we improve that experience?" 27. VOIP? Plausible in the future, sort of like APB. Possible private chat groups for friends, like parties on a console etc. 28. New rules to follow? Get more GMs on first to enforce the rules. Terms of Service and Code of Conduct were updated recently, so maybe implement a new usable reporting tool. 29. Is Blackjack coming back? "I don't know- I love the idea. (Love to) restore the Bunker Bars..." Possible new alternative to Blackjack, or using the ingame pool tables. 30. Will there be new furry pets? "(To Sloth pet) I'm gonna say no comment." New pets will be looked at. P.S: Keep an eye on Forums. Follow LO's Mixer and a reward may or may not be put together for the followers. Thank you. Ella Clinton. Director of Survivor's Refuge, Fallen Earth clan.
  6. FE's 9 year anniversary is approaching at the end of the month, and a few of us wanted to have an event to celebrate the many years (and hopefully many more to come!). So come pvpers and pvers, lets gather to celebrate a game we all want to see thrive! On Sept. 22, we will be having a gathering at Beau's Tavern in New Flagstaff, along with a few more events during the day. While at Beaus, we'll be placing instacrafts as they expire, and most likely at other points during the day. All players are welcomed regardless of level or faction! Beau's Tavern: /waypoint 4513480 5493226 Events Convoy: I will be hosting a convoy from Embry to Flagstaff prior to the gathering at Beau's. For any lowbies needing a vehicle upgrade, I have a bunch of spare motorcycle keys to hand out (requires 25 coord). I'll also be handing out a cosmetic fastback at some point during the convoy that has no level or stat requirement. We'll be departing from Embry at 12:45 PM EST. (5:45 PM BST) Timer TAO's Melee Fight Night: This will be the 9th annual fight night hosted by The Awakened Order. Players will be bracketed based on level, and anything goes in terms of equipment, skills, etc. if you'd like to participate, inquire with Mutare Nebula via mail. It will be located in the motel pool across from Beau's, and will start at 2 PM EST (7 PM BST) Timer Trivia: Trivia night was a series of events hosted by G1/Icarus GMs a few years back, and I feel like it's long overdue for another. I'll be asking questions related to in-game knowledge, first person to answer correctly wins a prize. Normally I do my raffles in region, but this will be in local chat only! Trivia will be throughout the day (especially at beaus!) Bosses: Following the activities at Beau's, Luka and I will be hosting several boss fights (Most likely GORE/Scav bosses) throughout Deadfall/TW. For this event, its suggested level 40+. If it's your first time, instructions for each boss fight will be given at the event, you can also view them prior on the wiki. Many of the bosses have a decent chance for keys, general books, vol. chems, gore books, and gore parts. We will roll for anything dropped! I do want to note that this is a community run event and all prizes, instas, tents, etc. are supplied by the hosts out of their own pockets. If you want to support the festivities, items can be sent to Lukasocz, Mutare Nebula, and Op Hooligan in-game. Thanks for the support!
  7. Mitne Basic Newbie APB Guide Welcome in San Paro. In this guide I will answer many questions I had from newbies in way better form than tutorial in-game presents. It won't be just text but also prepared in-game screenshots. Of course I advice to try out in-game tutorial (by pressing T in-game you get inside it) but if you still don't know anything, this guide is intended to fill that gap. So let's get started - it will be done in form of QA - with possible question asked by any new player and answer to that: Q: Alright... I joined district... I click K to get ready... and I got no mission...? A: Simply click M and look up in the upper right - that's population of district [Picture 1]. [Picture 1] Ops... It seems it's empty. And even if it's not... - to start mission at least one side needs to have 2 people (either criminals or enforcers) - this also will start mission only for side meeting this requirement, if you are only one on your side you always will be called on defensive side of mission. Q: But how do I get to district with more players? A: Click esc and district select button [Picture 2] [Picture 2] Then after it you REALLY don't want to use basic view [Picture 3]... it's uber unreliable and will throw you at ANY free district of your threat... if you went gold or green that's totally not gonna work as both this servers are almost always empty... instead you press tab called "Advanced" [Picture 4] which shows you advanced view on all possible districts. [Picture 3] [Picture 4] You want to uncheck certain two ticks [Picture 5] so they won't hide server which are blooming with players right now. [Picture 5] PRO TIP: That's how you get to fight club with players too[Picture 6]! As basic view usually throw you into empty FC district (like one random player would help population of that server suddenly grow) [Picture 6] Edit: "Due to privaty concerns" - Sadly it sneaked in post-edit but i'm aware of grammar error. Thank you. Q: All enemies outshot me whenever I approach them. Are they cheaters? A: First of all. No - if everyone would cheat, this game would be long dead - for starter you need to accept fact that there are better players... it doesn't mean there are not worse than you, over time you will find that old enemies which dominated you, might fail to do anything near you in later stage of game. All it takes is patience. Second. Apply right tactic for right weapon. It's obvious thing that sniper rifle should be fired at range and shotgun in close quaters, rifles and ARs at mid-range and LMGs to be anti-personel and anti-car... but only if put in hotspots, well-covered. Some weapons also REQUIRE you to aim sight down (like sniper rifles, ARs, rifles) while other discourage you (like shotguns or SMGs). Third and last ALWAYS THINK. Enemies might try to ambush you, lure you but they got one clear disadvantage - they gonna understimate you. Especially after second or third try you might find that there was shift of powers... never give up and adapt to situation you are faced in. If you got idea you not sure gonna work, why not try it. It's only game after all! Q: I don't feel like playing missions... what else I can do? That depends on what side of conflict you are but contrary to popular belief, enforcers also can earn cash outside missions: Enforcers got three possible ways to gain money outside missions: 1. Witnessing criminals [Picture 7] [Picture 7] If you see criminal with symbol of handcuff, you can initiate witness mission (by clicking ALT) which is quick mission of who gonna secure dirty money from criminal in dedicated for that hideouts [Number 1 on Picture 7]. Beware though, you don't want chase criminal for few dollars, you can see how many money criminal have on him here [Number 2 on Picture 7]. As of now you can't witness criminals while sitting in car. 2. Hunting Notoriety 5 criminals [Picture 8] [Picture 8] By simply killing him you earn bounty put on his head, be on lookout on this. Word of advice though, this players are Notoriety 5 for a reason. This is also the only option here which earns you instant money. He/she is always shown on map and radar. 3. Looking for stolen cars (more rarely loot abandoned by criminals or vans containing it) [Picture 9] [Picture 9] Exactly here it should show what is name of car and what is actual state of it (it should be usable - stolen, due to wierd bug it don't show me that in screenshot but you can check it out in-game). I consider it the safest option to get money outside mission for enforcer and which should be done in full action districts. All you need to do is to lookout for cars, to see if car is stolen, look for marked reference in picture. You can't return commandered cars, only stolen ones! [Picture 10] More rare is that you find loot on streets, abandoned clearly by criminals (things like PCs, TVs, gold bars, jewelry itp.) Even more rare although possible is that you find stolen vans or other kind of cars with loot (see reference). If trunk of stolen car is filled it's most likely by loot which you can just take to near contact for pocket money Warning! After that always remember to visit evidence locker, money you get is money on hand until you visit evidence locker! Death means dropping "loot" on streets of San Paro where it can be taken by litteraly anyone. PRO TIP: Criminals don't have counter-option to get your "loot" so you can safely have on hand as much as you want... just make sure you gonna drop it. Criminals got four possible ways to gain money outside missions: 1. Looting shops [Picture 11] [Picture 11] Grab a van, ram the shop, load the car, unpack it at contact. Simple? Not much. You can be witnessed by enforcers (as described above in witnessing criminals). And if you just grabbed van from street, anyone just can sit inside and take it anywhere, taking your hard work with them. Consider using your own van. Packer Ceresco is the most spacious of all cars in-game which you can own. 2. Hunting Prestige 5 enforcers [Picture 12] [Picture 12] Litteraly the same thing as with enforcers. Kill bounty, earn instant money. He is always shown on map and radar. WARNING: Killing P5 enforcer AS enforcer will drop your prestige to 0, reducing your reward multiplier to 0,1. You really want to avoid that whatever you doing as this even affects how much you get for kills (in matches). 3. Mugging [Picture 13] [Picture 13] Go to any civilian walking on street, press F. Wait for timer to complete... profit. Also many of pedestrians drop small on-hand items which you can drop for additional loot at contacts. 4. Steal cars [Picture 14] [Picture 14] Infamous among criminals for being tiring and slow in comprasion to others. Grab car from streets, drive it to chop shop. Unlike enforcers you can grab any car (except player owned ones) and drop them at chop shop. Ka ching. Warning! After that always remember to visit laundry, money you get is money on hand until you visit laundry! Death means dropping "loot" on streets of San Paro where it can be taken by litteraly anyone. Warning! As criminal you can be witnessed with loot by enforcer, you can know if you are witnessable by looking here [Picture 15]. [Picture 15] Although after you got more than 2500$ of loot, you gonna be permantely witnessable until you drop loot at laundry - you get warning in chat if that happens too. [Picture 16] [Picture 16] Q: I keep getting mission from the same guy and I keep not advancing at all. Ugh... is there way to farm some other? A: You should ALWAYS pledge to one contact you desire to level up. By either interacting with contact directly [Picture 17] or via double-clicking contact on map using M [Picture 18] you can enter contact window and pledge to them [Picture 19]. [Picture 17] [Picture 18] [Picture 19] Also note that Financial and Waterfront contacts are unique and each needs to be pledged in their respectable districts. Q: What are this joker tickets, how I can earn them and what I can do with them? A: Joker Tickets are tokens granted for you for activites in APB. You can earn them either by completing objectives of FC (shown both at basic district selection screen, via FC window (f7) and in upper corner of screen [Picture 20]) or getting mission to earn them from fully completed contacts only [Picture 21]. JTs can be used to purchase items from Joker Distribution at Social District [Picture 22] to purchase many items (excluding permanent weapons, sorry! Although you can lease many which are in ARMAs Marketplace [Picture 23]) [Picture 20] [Picture 21] [Picture 22] [Picture 23] Q: I run out of ammo... also how I can change my weapon? This starter weapon sucks. A: For ammo - Go to any ammo distributor, press F to buy certain type of ammo (it will show if it's for your primary, secondary or grenade slot weapons [Picture 24]). You can also press I to get ammo for holded weapon immediatly [Picture 25]). Use whatever you feel better with. Edit: As of last updates, it's not longer true. You can't run out of ammo as long as you got money to purchase it. My advice though is to always keep some ammo on hand as you might run out of ammo after you lose your money in some way (like via purchase). [Picture 24] [Picture 25] To change weapon, you first need to have some or lease one. Since you most likely want to have free to play experince, you for now should only lease - do it by interacting with contact, going into buy tab [Picture 26] and selecting weapons [Picture 27]. After purchase it will ask you to deploy it. You can always swap weapons in any car spawner or ammo distributor using I [Picture 28]. [Picture 26] [Picture 27] [Picture 28] Q: My car sucks! I saw players having this muscle cars and... A: ...they pay for respawning it. 100$ since it's tier 3 car. As someone who is litteraly broke on start you should stand with your starter or so called tier 0 cars - it's every car which cost 5,000$ for zero slot version, they cost 0$ for every respawn but they are underpowered. All of them are used by civilians so you can get good feel about what you gonna get by just commandering or stealing cars and driving them around. Don't worry, you will find out how to get better cars soon - it just my starting recommendation for you. Edit: If you really want better car - the best would be getting some decent tier 1 car - their cost is 20,000$ for zero slot version, they cost 25$ for second and further respawn of car and among them are cars such as Packer Ceresco and as you work your rank up, so you should work your cars up (but in my personal opinion, you should always keep useful cars around - just like Packer Ceresco, just in case). Q: I want to group up with someone, how? How to create clans? How to ignore someone who annoys me? A: All of this can be done via pressing U. Each tab represent each problem, you get easily around it as everything is described [Picture 29]. [Picture 29] Q: How do I change my clothing? Or theme, symbol? A: Everything can be done in Social District. Use map to navigate to kiosk corresponding your needs [Picture 30]. [Picture 30] I hope you survived to the end as you grasped basics to get you started! Good luck out there! If there are any questions which are left unanswered, please ask them in this thread. Edit: Updated guide, checked for grammar errors.
  8. ...which is why Matt Scott regularly posts updates on the status of customer support and how many tickets they've resolved or received or picked up etc... You're creating a catch-22 situation here. You're not reporting issues because supposedly the support team isn't doing anything about it. The support team isn't doing anything because supposedly they're not looking into the issues. They're not looking into these issues because you're not reporting them. Do you see the flawed logic here? Please try to bring actual arguments that you can support with factual evidence and try not to hide behind the "anyone who disagrees is an idiot" card if you want to be treated seriously. Cheers. 1) Good job on trying to imply that the man himself is personally responsible for things you don't like. 2) You do realize that the average APB player is accusatory and confrontational, and the vast majority of complaints concerning other players boil down to "i don't like this guy" or "i think hes cheating", right? 3) I'm sincerely sorry that you're angry about LO not doing everything RIGHT NOW AT LIGHT SPEED FOR FUCK'S SAKE. They're already swamped with thousands of support tickets and they're trying to help each and every person with their issue in the game. 3.5) Why do you consider tickets about certain issues to be more important than others? 4) Pray tell, how many people would you want hired across all servers and matching all timezones so that there's always someone in every instance responding to each and every complaint by the players, no matter how slight or objectively irrelevant? 5) Since you're such a sweetheart and you've stated that , then please, enlighten us all: what is stopping people from submitting their tickets as "ToS violation" to get on the fast lane? Another defeatist and accusatory thread that ultimately does nothing but inconvenience LO by stirring up player dissatisfaction through pushing empty lines of hatred. You could be doing something useful with your time. You could be helping new players find their way in the game. You could be understanding towards LO and think for a minute about how much work they're swamped with right now. But I suppose creating this thread took precedence over that.
  9. Unfortunately from what I’ve tested with friends on OTW, I don’t think this would be quite enough as I’d still be able to 3 shot people at 22 meters with CJ3 just because of how tight the spread is over range and how much over damage this weapon has. We found currently that the base spread of shotguns has a much greater effect on the overall effective range than damage drop off. For example we tested a shredder with different mods at several distances within 30 meters using a flare gun to measure distance. - With IR3 the shredder was 3 shotting reliably at around 28 meters - unmodified it was about the same. - With CJ3, the 3 shot range was reduced to around 22 or 23 meters due to the increased spread. The same effect is even more apparent on the Thumper where aiming causes the pellet spread to be reduced significantly. The damage drop off never changes, but tightening the spread with mechanical choke makes the thing reach out close to 20 meters with 3 shots. Granted I wasn’t able to measure any distances in controlled conditions with the thumper like I was the Shredder, but I noticed a huge difference in fight club. With this in mind, I’m thinking maybe an alternative suggestion may be needed other than just nerfing the range a bit, so I’d like to suggest a different balance test. What if we gave the Shredder the same damage drop off as the NFAS (20 - 30 meters), BUT decrease the fire interval to 0.2 and increase the amount of shots to kill to 5 with a decent chunk of over damage while increasing magazine size to 12? That way, it behaves less like a 3 hit wonder gun which can do anything, but it’s still able to kill at 40 meters if you dump 8 to 10 rounds into the enemy? For an idea of what that translates into, TTK at ranges under 25 meters would be 0.8 at 5 shots to kill, and the TTK at around 30-40ish meters would be 1.4 seconds at 8 shots to kill.
  10. Yes its that time again. The anniversary is sept 22nd, so anyone wanting to do an event, post it here so we can all be on the same page working together. The Awakened Order Fight NIght Anniversary Event Tao clan will hold the 9th annual fight night club at the motel pool by Beaus tavern. Time will be determined by LO's activities and other groups events. If you wish to compete, please send Mutare a in game mail with the avatar you are competing with and what level you are. I will make brackets so you compete with your level. At the end we will have open fight call outs as usual. I have the short and tee shirts we made for the 1st years events, but we aren't making everyone play nekkid this time. This time anything goes, all armour, buffs, tents, mutations and heals are legal. Unless you opt as a competitor to wear the cute short and tee shirt set.
  11. Check the who list at different times of the day, the numbers are not that much higher than what is listed on steam. And of those on the who list are mainly PVE players. Not everyone that plays FE is a PVP nerd, some detest PVP. So will those that never PVP, will never ever PVP, get a zone to place harvesters with possibly a reduced output considering less risk? Will the questions already asked by the greater FE community that have been asked since May finally be addressed? Will the questions asked on old forum also be answered? Considering FEs low population, the fact it doesn't appeal to many gamers, why would LO spend valuable resources on updating FE? Does FE really have the potential to give LO a good return? For without a decent return the players couldn't be expected to invest their own time or money on FE. It is a catch 22 situation, without players spending on the game, it generates no income but without incentive to spend money, the players will not do so. Will the lag be reduced? When will stack splitting be returned? If you are putting FE onto a new engine, does this mean all maps will be ported over or will some content be removed? Matt had once hinted the game maps were too large so this seems a legitimate question. Some individuals (that most of us laugh at their absurdity) are asking for a game reset. On a new engine will people still have all their characters or will they have to start from level 1? Or will their be a reset of all accounts on FE as it currently stands? What time frame are we looking at before we will see anything change in FE? There has been talk of removing many things from FE, from clan vaults to all items that players have. Can you finally confirm or deny these rumors so they might be put to rest. We were told we would have new rules to govern us. I see them for the forums but not for the game itself. Is there a set of rules players are to follow and if there is, where? When will tickets finally be answered? Quite a few toxic players have been reported by many in FE, yet these toxic individuals continue to enjoy playing the game with no consequences. You even have people in FE claiming they know LO staff personally and will have other peoples accounts banned for disagreeing with them. When will LO finally act upon the tickets sent in about these people? They have made a few new and old players leave FE for good. Where are your player GMs? LO unbanned some of the worst offenders in FE with no oversight. Why does LO even communicate and seem to value the ideas of a player that showed total disregard for the contracts they signed with G1? Many of the community find this insulting. Lastly what is LO vision for FEs future and what direction are they going to take the game, if at all?
  12. Mine is the IR3 preset with a .83/4 ttk the normal one is lower. I've never seen the CJ shredder, infact, in the last 2 weeks i have seen exactly 0 cj 3 shredders. Z-E-R-O, in fact the majority of shotguns i've seen are csgs and jgs, NOT shredders. The Range is ofc ~22/23m for 3 shot 4+ onward for the cj3 variant. CJ3 actually INCREASES spread btw, not decreases, ever actually test that on any shotgun? it's right there in the fine print on the mod I was thinking .99 there because i forgot I already applied IR3 for the .84 lol my bad on that fixed in post. Now, do I think thats broke with Cj? I can see the issue, but the only way to fix would be to nerf the ttk even more and thus nerfing the already balanced preset variant. Because nerfing anything else would make it worthless to use, especially against the current CSG/JG/OCA/PMG. The only thing that makes it stand out and keep it somewhat in a balanced state is that it dominates in it's 20-30m niche where very few other weapons actually compete. SMGS worsen past 15m especially at 20m, and AR's are decent there, but BXXN is right, the ATAC is really good at 20m-30m and has a .7ttk, actually faster with cj but that's its only real competitor other than ntec and carbine. That's not an "shredder is op" fault, that's simply because it is in its own niche. Easy to use doesn't mean broken, star is easy but its not broken, hvr is easy but isn't broken, atac is easy but not broken, far is easy but not broken.
  13. There was a bit of a mistake I used an old letter to mail to all the contestants. The event should have started at 8pm uk time but I sent a mail out saying it is starting at 22:30 so we're waiting around until then. So if you think you missed it, come for 22:30
  14. Hi everyone, Little Orbit has published 22 titles since 2010, and about half were developed in-house under studios we own. The other half were done with 3rd party devs. Right now we are working on 4 titles - all of which are in different stages of development. We are not looking at anything new for a little while. These are getting 100% of our focus. - APB which is split between supporting the last changes in Unreal 3, finishing Unreal 3.5, and initial work on Unreal 4. This is being handled by a combination of teams both internal and external. We absorbed the devs from Reloaded and have added to that team. - Fallen Earth is a server and client port with no source art. Right now this being done internally, but its all pre-production and exploratory. - Unsung Story has been a combination of external and internal, but we are in the process of shifting everything internal and expanding that team. Engineering is very far along, but art has been running behind. - Descent is being done externally and is nearly done. That title comes out this Fall. Each project has their own ‘rescue’ element, where we came in to help finish. I guess that has been our unofficial business model since 2017. Thanks, Matt
  15. Battleye just gives me a error message when i start the game and then the game doesnt start 22:15:51: Starting BattlEye Service... 22:15:55: Launching game... 22:15:57: Note: File blocks can be ignored if they don't cause problems with the game. 22:15:57: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\winspool.drv". 22:15:59: [INFO] Blocked loading of file: "C:\Windows\SysWOW64\dwmapi.dll".
  16. Sent this out to all participants today: Hi, Just a reminder that the Gauntlet Catwalk is taking place tonight at 22:30 UK time. If you are unsure what time the event is for you, check here. It adjusts to your time zone: https://teamup.com/event/show/id/zjmdn8j5GZizpe9yrE6QDvAiFLjXsw (If you 'forward' this e-mail you will be able to copy/paste it). Meet at the TOWN HALL in GOLD FINANCIAL. You will simply have to drive from the town hall, through the park under the bridges. Go around the Roundabout in Jangma Square and come back. When you get back, emote for 30 seconds and then you are done. When everyone has gone, people will vote for their favourites on my twitch stream. Remember you need to take part in the catwalk in order to qualify for the Gauntlet. The top 10 will qualify and the winner will get $400k apb money. Those finishing in the top half will also be able to choose which way they race around the track. If you can't come please let me know. Thanks Witch
  17. Severe In Game Lag since noon eastern, Nothing is working... Any idea when this might be corrected??? Any and all info would be appreciated... Thank You
  18. slvyt

    Show us your setup!

    I'm pretty new to PC gaming started in 2016 this is my current setup but have plans to make some good changes in the somewhat near future. PC Specs Prebuilt ASUS M32-AD intel i3-4170 OEM Motherboard 8GB DDR3 1600Mhz Samsung Ram 1TB Toshiba HDD Windows 10 Home Zotac GTX 1050 (Added by me) Peripherals Emerson 22” LED TV 60Hz (LE220EM3) Asus OEM keyboard (0K001-00360P00) Sentey Lumenata Pro Mouse Microsoft Xbox One (X) Wireless controller Corsair HS60 Headset Corsair MM200 Medium Mouse Pad
  19. 22 days and no response on my ticket damn
  20. As explained in the video, as tested on multiple platforms and providers myself. I spend alot of money on hardware and fiber connections, I always get the same outcome, server performance vs high latency players.(servers run great at restart but degrade verry fast) APB's low server tick rate , around 20 at best wich used to be closer to 30. The server has much to low update speed to handle high latency players(warping), so good latency players suffer ghost shots and bad hitreg on those high latency players, logical yes. @Dahel Love the way you help ppl out, +1 P.S. You can always run a tracert to the server (not sure if the server ip is still valid, can't test it cause the servers are down atm) Tiggs Jan. 22, 2014, 7:14 a.m. (Jan. 22, 2014) I've created this post today for players to report lag issues or service outages. If you have problems once the server is up please let us know below. Additionally, if you're experiencing excessive lag issues please post a traceroute below to the server you're connecting to along with where you're geographically located. ]To run a traceroute and copy the results to us: Click Start Go to Programs Go to Accessories Select Command Prompt Enter the word tracert followed by space then the ip address of the server you are trying to connect to. Right click anywhere on the command window and select ‘mark’ You can press Enter to copy all of the output, or select the text you want to copy and then right-click with your mouse. Paste the copied text into a .txt file by hitting Ctrl + V. Server IP addresses Joker: Colby / Han: Patriot / Obeya: For example, if I wanted to run a traceroute to Obeya I would type: tracert
  21. First, the gun is fine. All i ask is that they give it a third slot so you cant stop be so gimped by either the ammo left,the accuracy at range or the aim movement speed and have to choose a mod to solve just one of those problems. Also gun is quite underpowered in almost any frontal confrontation. (0,75 ttk with 7 btk with 22 bullets in mag doesnt help either). With the current one, you have to literally gimp yourself and look for weird ways to get the kills agaisnt all gunns when you cqc. i know with hs3 its a laser cannon, but only on mid range and most of the time only works by flanking
  22. Mr Scott could you please give a check on the Raptor 45.? Is not broken per se but it has more ttk (0.75 with 7 bullets to kill) than any gun in its category and can only compete with short or medium range guns by flanking and shooting first, else it has no chance. Also it has just one free slot with makes it annoyingly hard to mod, and barely enough bullets to kill people in normal server conditions (22 for 7 shots to kill is quite short)
  23. All, Good evening. As some of you may have seen from this post here, I had an issue with missing legendaries from my account being compromised. This post is an update and hopefully some sort of hope with your unresolved tickets. For those of you who didn't click the link above, my account was accessed from Vietnam on 4-12-17. I obviously don't live there. I didn't even know the date the issue occurred until this new ticket. I sent in a ticket the first time I logged in after that had happened on 7-22-17. My ticket then was basically ignored by Puck. I made another ticket in October after I tracked down all of my purchases all the way back to December of 2012. Again nothing was done. Fast forward to 5-26-18 and I created yet a new ticket. I lost over a dozen legendaries and around 17 mil between my characters. No modifications, cars, etc were ever affected. Support and I have had 34 messages back and forth over the past month. This brings us to today. I just received two legendaries (my Yukon and Ursus) out of all the things I was missing. You can see the screenshot here. I could only tell you 6 legendaries I know for a fact had at this point. But the two I wanted back I made a compromise with support for. Since the information they keep on hand is currently only 3 months (!), Selali and I came to a compromise that I would receive 2 non-tradable legendary weapons, which you can see in the picture that I finally received today. All in all, this is finally over. The new support is here to help, so give it time. It may have taken me multiple escalations and five weeks to get an acceptable resolution, but here I stand happy and content. Be respectful and you'll get some help. Thank you Selali and Salacia for your help. Dixie, if you're out there reading this, I'm sorry you aren't around to help us anymore, but you actually did try to do stuff to help me as well, and for that I thank you. Best regards, CrocodileTears
  24. What I mean is 5 usd is around 22 turkish liras and our economy is falling apart thats why it is around 150 turkish liras for a permanent gun . Steam helps us with it we buy the games from not 1 dollar to 4.2 turkish liras we have a constant exchange rate of 1 dolar to 1.8 turkish liras and thats what Im talking about.Blizzard does that too they have sale policies according to countries.I hope thats more clear for u know
  25. Zolerox

    about the bug

    Ironic pie time. Compensation costs money. Money that could be used to remedy the problem rendering compensation unnecessary. Catch-22 (i think i'm doing it right) If they paid for everytime (you made me lose my premium time) that would be a weekly payment (every Wednesday is patch day) There's compensation then there's entitled. The ddos was compensated when it was taking servers off for hours at a time (multiple times in a day infact). LO is a different company last thing you would want is them to have less money. And premium is optional. What did you lose in "3 days" some apb cash from "winning" in missions some standing and a couple extra random drops mostly icon's. Let them work, they care more about fixing the problem then paying people to play a free game.
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