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  1. Not with red mods tho. Also remember that at range you have to pause after the second Dog Ear shot at max RoF to allow for bloom recovery. (lets say .1 seconds maybe?) DMR-AV becomes a 2shot at 88m. Dog Ear becomes a 5 shot at that distance (technically by 85m) giving you a .6 second ttk advantage for the DMR-AV. (bloom recovery again) Then remember that the Dog Ear becomes a 7stk at 93m, and thats a 1.8 second ttk (not accounting for bloom recovery) giving the DMR-AV a 1 second advantage, and that's where the balance lies. (I think that math works out, but I'll be honest Ive been up for way too many hours at this point.) So yes, the ISSR-B is better at AV, but the DMR-AV kills faster starting at 88m and only widens that gap as range increases.
  2. Hi all, I've already said that I will not post ban statistics or embrace the toxicity surrounding the practice of glorifying bans. We usually communicate at least a couple times of month with their developers to see if there are upgrades. We also have some very helpful community members turning in cheats they have found or paid for. BattlEye has quietly flagged plenty of accounts for cheating. My team reviews each case, and has banned 100% of them. I find it interesting that no one is stepping forward from that group to admit they got caught. Thanks, Matt
  3. Man, 2fa would be really nice huh... Almost like a ton of accounts were compromised in the past year, Matt said in the FAQ referring about Unification that 2fa would specifically come before 3.5 and here we are. Guess sometimes it just be like that huh.
  4. LUL all those dislikes on my post. Someone must of created multiple account or people are just pure dumb fucks. I only asked for no vehicles after I knew they were working on a battle royal...I didn't ask for one in the first place XP
  5. Even if the player cheated and had their boyfriend use their account to win the contest in the first place?
  6. Tbh I think the whole tutorial system should be revamped. A really long time ago I posted a suggestion for fresh accounts (the first character of a new account) to spawn into an offline district and have a contact (depending on the faction) walk them through the basics of the game, maybe have them shoot some targets, then drive somewhere to do an objective (with the rest of the city blocked off to avoid exploring and getting lost during the tutorial) all with prompts and images popping up on screen telling you how to do everything.
  7. Yeah normally its more like days or weeks, its hard because if you resubmit your ticket your going to the end of the line again or you can wait it out and hope your ticket isnt bugged or has been mishandled. Hard one. I would just create another user name/account and submit a ticket on that and see if you get a quicker response. Then again they would be bogged down with all the unbanning support tickets atm. So maybe wait .... omg sry
  8. Guess whos back.. Alonzos back.. back again ..tell a friend. Good to see you back bud this post count from LAPDAIonzo makes me think this is a fake LAPDAIonzo He said he would never be back no matter wtf happens. If this is our hero back from his leave, then please for the sake of our sanity, sign in to your normal account and post here. or of course this is not LAPDAIonzo and we are all being faked in to thinking it is.. if this is fake well then you sir are a ball bag of the highest degree.
  9. sorry to hear that. It doesn't look to bad, but also keep in mind the game has high quality bloom, doesn't look ugly to me at all. Nice photos, but your's has nothing up there lol. I'm use to it though, been doing it since 1999. Cheers! *logged into the wrong account, lol *
  10. We arent talking about BattleEye, we are talking about HWID/IP banning people. Those are different. No solid argument at all. You and indi granola bar ( RIP account ) are arguing the same thing. "I know how to go around bans therefore everyone knows how." That is a fallacy. Anyone can use google but that doesn't mean everyone will. You are still being dense even when your argument is invalid.
  11. The best what they can do to prevent cheaters creating new accounts is adding mobile authenticator like in csgo, but still it will barely fix the problem, those who wants to cheat will find the way to do it
  12. Those accounts were lost 6 years ago holy shit stop with tthis subject why do you care about my fucking accounts
  13. you had six accounts stolen? so you just admitted to not having a brain then, making your accusation even more of a joke than it already was
  14. So is CS:GO, the only alive part about it is the cheaters. And plus not to mention the fact. i have myself 9830 hours on APB on span of 7 accounts. But when someone is cheating SO obviously, then you cant compare it to a 10K hr player.
  15. Jesus, you just showed your computer illiteracy card. Why the hell would you create accounts with email's you can't recover or use to recover, why the hell would you not have a fail safe for a fail safe, i've got email accounts 3 layers deep so that if i ever lose access to one, i can get in from another, easy as pie. My main issue is forgetting what the password is, due to the fact that i had some issues with Russia logging into my Origin account a few times, and i decided to change the password, and stored it on my Chrome, couple years go by, new HDD upgrade, install Windows 10 Pro... and now wtf was my password again??? all boils down to my having an old barely related email with the same password that is over 12 years old. if i lost that, i would have lost thousands of dollars worth of Windows Server OS's, dozens of Windows OS's and nearly a hundred Steam games, and Origin games. YOU are the reason for that, not some kind of keylogger, which FYI is detected by UAC and NOT A/V software, in order for an unverified program to run invisibly it would need admin rights, and access to resources that are in a controlled by UAC folder that is normally invisible to you, and would require rights to install itself as a service... which again would require permission via UAC, which would pop up the message asking YOU for permission... which would mean, either you are NOT running a version of Windows that is in a support cycle still, or, you once again are showing that computer illiteracy card and turned OFF UAC, thinking you were hacker pro master when you discovered you could stop that annoying pop up asking you "are you sure you want to be brain dead and install this software that will clearly fuck your shit up from the site: "steal.youraccounts.co.ru" You need some LTT quick bits and as fast as possibles Though some don't update as often as others, and some are just ridiculously behind in their update pools. Though with that logic, you could just you know, not install an A/V and use the Windows 10 Defender A/V and be just fine, also freeing up a lot of resources for the game to use, thus improving frames, and unlocking the "got guud" achievement! I had not intended to make such a long winded reply, but some things were needed to be said.
  16. OP, I believe you should make a Twitter account and post everything there. I know most of the people like you do that.
  17. Following on from what I said. HVR was also balanced in RTW because certain guns couldn't shoot past their intended range. The problem is this wasn't taken into account when APB changed with reloaded. Back then HVR was 850dmg even with high ttk. But now all guns can fire out at all ranges and easily make you easy pickings for HVR. There's just not enough downsides to the gun at the moment. Ok then if you say so, put all those things in APB then, whats the problem if skilled players have no problem.
  18. Ive already sent an email to support but decided to to post here so everyone is aware. I bought 20$ worth of g1c with my Visa credit card. I was charged 27.71$ on my card (exchange rate and taxes I assume account for the extra cost). However I was also charged an additional 5$ in cash withdrawal fees by Visa for the purchase. Obviously making an online purchase is not the same thing as making a cash withdrawal. I spoke to Visa and was told that due to the way g1 processes their payments as a "quasi cash withdrawal" I was charged an additional 5$ in fees. Im really not happy that I was charged this additional 5$ without being warned in advance. Over 32$ for 20$ of g1c is really not worth it. I dont like being nickel and dimed in this way and dont think I will be buying anymore just out of principle. So just a heads up for anyone planing on buying g1c with their credit card, the payment is processed by g1 as a cash withdrawal and you will be charged additional fees by your credit card company as a result.
  19. I used visa 1 week ago and I didn't have any hidden cost. I took the 10 dolar pack, my bank account is in -10 dolars.
  20. As far as I remember LO themselves banned the will.io "bots" at some point ? Remember when MrEpicGoat used to spam whispers from hundred accounts at once? That's how it worked lol.
  21. It's not about having hate. Even if it was LO who created the application, and thus being official, and knowing my credentials are safe and encrypted on their end, i still would not use this application as it serves no direct purpose for me, as i have clearly stated previously. So i would in no way use your application, and therefore my concerns regarding the security and safety of your application would literally have no direct impact nor affect on me. There's no hate and there is nothing to "chill a bit down" about. My issue however, which seems to go over your head with every post i make, and you are actively ignoring with every response you give me, is the fact that you are asking people to submit their account information to an absolute NOBODY, all under the pretence of "but guys i have no malicious intent" - oh well in that case then, here's my social security number while i'm at it. Transparency of an applications code is irrelevant when in the hands of a third-party, whom, at any given point, could alter the applications code to begin taking note of peoples login information and credentials. In fact, you wouldn't even need to alter the code - the fact that you've created an access point through which people can log in to their APB account, through YOU, means you could simply use a a program like Fiddler to inspect all traffic going from your application to the servers, you can create a simple breakpoint by delaying the connection between when they input their information, and when the server receives the information, which you could then intercept and inspect, giving you all their account information ALL THE WHILE your applications code is completely transparent. The fact you are trying to create an application that will you give you the ability to act as an access point using other software, is the point at which people should realise this is easily exploitable. And this is why NO ONE should ever submit personal or sensitive information into a THIRD-PARTY program. Simple as that. If it's not made by, or officially supported by, just don't. AKA don't fucking use your bank information to log into an application just because it has your bank name and was made by someone who uses the same bank as you, because as transparent as the code for the application may be, as soon as you use me as an access point to submit your information to send traffic back and forth between the official server, i can intercept that traffic, create a breakpoint, and review everything that has been sent back and forth. You fuckers need to go and see how easy this shit is. Bunch of wanna-be coders talking out their asses, thinking this is safe because the code is opensource. You have to be fucking kidding me. It's somewhat ironic though, how the very people I am trying to protect from getting their information stolen, are probably the same idiots who are commending you and down-voting me, not understanding how easy it is to jack their shit without them even knowing. Fuck it, good luck with your endeavour and may these poor sods get what's coming to them, ignorance is bliss afterall. Here, for all you 1337 c0d3r5 out there who think this shit is safe, go watch this, literally watch 60 seconds, that's enough, but if it interests you, watch the full thing; When they mention an IMSI Catcher, think of Fiddler as the software alternative.
  22. could be a good idea, you character is account bound, to the point that in any game from the same company uses the same characters, at least as a base, then you can have a nice "social hub" game ... and almost use it as a launcher... the metaverse
  23. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters Yeah, but what they mean is that doing this will harm people with more characters that default, because then those people would earn considerably less. The best way I see around it is making the JT account-wide but putting a weekly cap on it based on the number of active characters in your account. This might make it easier for people with additional character slots to earn JT in comparison to F2P players with less slots, but tbh people who payed for additional character slots kin of deserve the little advantage, the additional character slots need to have a bit more value than just another character in my opinion. I already wrote this above, but this time I wanted to add that the cap will be based on the number of characters in the account, which will balance it more I feel.
  24. Tbh when Gamers First took over APB from RTW, They took a lot of features out, in favor of the micro transaction model, such as trading money, weapons ect. I see account wide currency as a good thing tbh.
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