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  1. well this sucks cause i dont remember the email linked to my steam account!
  2. APB needs a proper tutorial that is forced on new accounts (optional for new characters) before they can actually get into the game and it should be somewhat similar to CS:GO's training course. It has you use a variety of weapons, shoot stuff, interact with objectives and so on. It would put new players way ahead of what they currently get. Also, forcing a tutorial on new accounts will slow cheaters down a bit as they'll have to go through it every single time they reroll and they'll just get bored of it quicker.
  3. Just talking about my old 2014 accounts here, as a joke, don't worry i am not banned.
  4. a little bit off-topic, but hearing more and more about new plans for the future of APB makes me believe we'll never get account merging (since it's a lower priority than fixing the game itself)... I was one of the victims falsely banned under fairfight, and now I'm sitting on 2 accounts with great value. I'd definitely pay for a merge (provided that I'd make a "comeback" to APB). so yea, any news on account merging matt? probably something you'd still like to do, but not in the near future, right?
  5. Honestly, I'd be ecstatic if I could somehow get my current account merged into my original account. Hell, I think I'd actually just be ecstatic to regain access to my original account regardless...
  6. Yeah also increase the fucking ignore list. And if you ignore someone it should remove their shit from the marketplace too cause Im tired of seeing MissVane or whatever their username is on one of their 5 accounts they have 30 of each item listed that fill the store with 20 extra pages of the same garbage.
  7. Link your Steam Account with G1 Account. Launch APB from Steam, the game will ask to you if you wanna link that account to Steam, press Yes/Agree. If not, you can find the option right after the game get launched, before login with your G1 account and select your character. If it says your steam is alredy linked to other accounts or you can't you should contact the customer support at https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us. Choose APB Reloaded, login with your G1 Account, then wait, select each category, complete and send the ticket, it will be reviewed after 7 days, the actual response time by them. I hope to have helped you out, have a nice day and stay safe. Sadly that happens sometimes, but don't worry, there are nice experienced peoples in this community that can help in case someone need.
  8. I played fallen earth on this account sorry I'm new to apb Since fallen earth closed down I'm wanting to start here but it's too difficult
  9. the forums have a 13+ rating because there is no age gate to access it afaik, as opposed to the game which is rated M (or whatever the equivalent is outside the US) and requires an account to play perhaps my experience is because i live in the US but nice lady is definitely used towards both genders and given that little orbit is a US based company its likely they share the same experience that aside, the game has much more explicit language used so i'm not sure why this specific instance is more important?
  10. The exception is that you pretty much exclusively play fightclub and the players that do that are far fewer than the ones that primarily play missions or do a mix of both. Why should completionists be forced into playing Fightclub or Asylum in particular all day long if they want to max weapon roles? Not to mention how account wide roles would help new players especially as they won't be locked into one character unless they spend money on armas because all of their slotted weapons are now unlocked across their account. Also you say you would want a bigger reward for "shitting out your nerves", then why wouldn't you want it to be account wide so you can use all the skins across your account?
  11. > Make Tutorial Account wide too.
  12. 2fa is worthless to me since little orbit hasnt added the "no tradelock" feature that it was supposed to have in the first place, until that point i'll take the risk of a 1337 hacker bruteforcing my account
  13. Someone attempted to enter my account in January 2018 and was able to hijack Steam despite different passwords on that one from mail (Irony of this whole situation was that my unjust ban prevented that). So it's not just risk of bruteforcing, it's risk of this repeating.
  14. Dunno if this will work, but give it a try. Maybe use an alt account for a few minutes just in case cheat detection decides to mess with ya https://www.ryobi-sol.co.jp/visolve/en/ Altering the screen HUE could work as well, and you can do that in your GPU's control panel
  15. just buy life time or character bound guns ... other options waist of money also i wonder if there is a 3 hour trail stil of the guns.
  16. @MattScott got a question regarding engine update open beta: I don't know if this has been answered already (or even questioned), but will we be able to play with our current characters and all our stuff, or will it be like the usual OTW where you log in with your account, but you have to create new characters for testing... because it just feels wrong not using your own character, loadouts and designs...
  17. I cant do this I said without going in game. My steam is linked to email I don't use and I want to purchase G1C to other email account
  18. 1. some games will lock accounts if the account logs into an ip not consistent with their login history. 2. ticket system is notorious for having a huge back-log. although it's been a few years since LO has taken over, I'm going to assume the support system is still overwhelmed. 3. most support systems actually want you to go through suggested topics that can potentially solve your issues first, to ease the load. it's normal. they are not trying to convince you to not open a ticket. if i opened a ticket to try to install the game, an article would be a more efficient implementation on both parts, rather than all questions going to support and creating a bunch of needless tickets. 4. if they told you to get lost, your post would just be changed to that. instead it would be "they told me that i wasn't worth their time! at least tell me that you're not going to respond from the beginning so i could avoid installing the game!" weird statement to make, but i understand it's just out of fustration.
  19. Great, altough submitting a ticket would not even be an option... Honestly what's wrong with support atm. Waiting time was well over 2 weeks for me. I got asked extra account information and I'm already waiting for over a week again. Usually I'de at least get a response back the next day, when a ticket has been replied to... Also it's a pretty critical one.
  20. In my weak opinion LO (as a lot Game companies) has to copy from Blizzard and his behaviour against hackers/ cheaters.. for ex when they took several times LEGAL WAYS against hackers sending them in jail and paid a quite fine, an example below. https://techcrunch.com/2018/06/25/overwatch-hacker-seoul-jail-time/?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF0srSXFTQKjiSjeJQH_ae5sukV4HdyzDLK1GGbwWKJfaHig_OS_5LxZ0pdYMg-aGNbMlFr9pdi_4EVJ0Na8mteF7DuNqDBA2RmI4WZx1Zm43cxvBNEq7i460-PqEWAaDi4oc1ewf91mFK_XCNo-dWNGGlbYFlMYQt-A3AK35Awf Talking to others.. actually in EU is not so bad, if actually u look at or compare with a game such as TEAM FORTRESS 2 OF VALVE. After 2/3 min every server is invaded from several sniper bots headshotting at sight and a lot of players with a little knowledges of codes/ buying hacks are FREE TO AIMBOTTING too, they will admit too in their account, Valve seem doesnt care at all X( , u will be spechless of really mean when a game is on the hands of hackers
  21. Im really confused. You said "I had bought weps on Armas on my main (character lifetime). I didn't thought that they were transferable to another server." But at the same time "What I was wondering is that i'm missing some. Is there any reason for this? I really didn't want to start new" I mean, wha? The answer is: While you could have bought few items choosing Account Lifetime (all characters, included future ones), you bought all the others choosing Character Lifetime (ONLY the character you were logged into the Armas when buying those). To have those also on other chars you should Upgrade to Account Lifetime, or buy them again separately. If you are sure you are missing any of your items be sure to contact the support at https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us selecting APB Reloaded, login into and creating a new ticket.
  22. the presence of many accounts and characters leads to confusion . you made your own choice . I hope that the support service will refuse to restore your character .
  23. It is character bound and it gives you all 4 kits on the character so even if you are a crim but you have obtained a Jericho through Armas, it would be available for that Jericho too and vice versa for enforcers with Bishadas. That's how it works with the Pioneer kits and obviously the Vegas ones.
  24. Hi, Alisha here. Last topic for now as i don't feel i need to cover something else at the moment. We need to address this now, because im quite confused about the moves Little Orbit is making. So.. they started to say they were going to change/rework the Joker Mystery Box system in order to have a more linear and let's say not *loot boxy* game. But, here is the main problem. After telling this, they kept releasing more JMB weapons adding Also the chance to find 100 JT inside each box. Which.. could be.. you know.. useful in the case you don't find the gun.. but now the thing is.. peoples will keep purchasing even more JMB just to get the right amount of JT and finally going inside the JT Store to buy whatever item they always wished to have. In this way they are encouraging peopels to buy more, instead of trying to make them (well, us), to save up and play the game, having fun while also being happy. My question to Little Orbit will be: 1) What happened to the changes you talked about? 2) Why are you going in this way? We all know that Loot Boxes will be gone in some years, and while i do accept to pay extra money to get a DLC, i absolutely hate to pay and then find out that i just got the same exact gun for 3 days i got alredy 5 times (or how many you bought), because yes, most of the times you get the same items, alredy experienced by myself. Countries that banned/investigating them: Netherlands Belgium United Kingdom (Ongoing Investigations) USA (Ongoing Investigations) France (Ongoing Investigations) Germany (Ongoing Investigations) Obviously my sources are a bit weak, that's why im asking by myself to Matt, to update us on this situation and change the way they are going/taking, because it isn't what players/community want. You could say "JMB are not same as Loot Boxes are ", true in some strange way, but still, i can't name you the things i will talk about now, but there are few websites where you can buy with real money those guns, even accounts, money, Armas stuff Or just friends with each others (example: hey bud, i've got 50$, do you have a Ursus/Ogre/Volcano? Nice, let's make the deal). That's a big issue and even if all of this is happening off the game, the company Still needs to run behind this pile of shit and close every single hole down, changing the systems, make them more friendly and less like all the other trash games running by companies who just want to milk out money from their players, community, childrens. because yes, even childrens play these type of videogames, and yes, that type of thing (Loot Boxes) is ruining many families. Still, even if the person him/herself should be stopped by the parents, if that doesn't happen (which in most cases is this), then the company should make their moves. What you guys think about this whole situation? But more importantly, what you think about JMB? Should they be changed, reworked, or removed? PS One of the thousands videos out there, but the most recent about this ongoing problem > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0hybENTEh8
  25. It's sad that you think enough of us would pay to play APB on a subscription when there are many many MANY game out there with thousands of hours of new content while APB has two mission districts , two fight club matches , and a few holiday events , but you want people to pay to play. But you think what small amount of playerbase we have , minus any "freeloaders" as you said would pay enough money to support APB with such little content. Do you know how to balance a banking account? Because this is not it. Absolutely doomed to fail.
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