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Found 6388 results

  1. 3D glasses were always an event reward but if you don't have an issue dropping like $150 on KTTW, you can get them account wide. You can give the code to someone else if you don't have an issue with that. Probably trade it for a legendary if you can manage that as well. Seems like a good majority got 3D Glasses.
  2. Bring back disabled out of bounds in open conflict. I miss jumping onto roofs.
  3. oh that's cool.. can u give me your steam? I made new steam account. I need the files tho
  4. Hi all, On October 2nd 2019, we will be releasing character and clan names that haven't been accessed in over a year. In order to preserve your names, just log into your account on APB Reloaded during the next 31 days. It's that simple. Just log into your account. For those with multiple accounts, you may want to double check that you logged into has your favorite character or clan names so there are no surprises later. If you don't manage to log in, then it's no problem. Everything will still be there, but your character names will be changed and we will flag you for a free name change. I appreciate everyone's help with this. We have a lot of work to get through in the next couple months, and this is being done to prep the large world consolidation between Jericho and Citadel that I have previously mentioned as part of this post: Please pass this announcement on to other players of APB Reloaded so we can spread the word. Thanks, Matt
  5. let's not jump to conclusions. only 2 of the 3 accounts who have posted about being banned seem to be Russian. the other post made by the spaghetti post uses too few words to be able to tell. i think it's around evening time over at theEU time zone. would have to wait and see if anybody else mentions about being "unfairly banned".
  6. I have 101 account weapon.Some weapons trails
  7. The forums are not able to offer the help you require, it would be best to make a ticket with our support team. You should be able to do that from this current account if you are able to prove ownership of the other account. ~@mayii
  8. Cool. Doesn't mean they were not silver when they joined. New accounts threat on first 10 matches is all over place, if you didn't knew.
  9. 4v4 clan matches would be full of lame tactics players and cheaters, remember, no active admin on this game. (I know, they are "invisible", but considering the number of hackers that still lives on this game, admins aren't just active at all...) A district server locked is pretty useless, simple example : just recreate an account to access these districts and have fun farming newbies, this game is free-to-play isn't it ?
  10. Wow, I had no idea I just Googled "APB Vegas Rocker Bundle" and used the first armas link. Found it on the PC store - it's under Vehicle Bundles and not Gear - but yeah no mention of Character or Account bound unless you where it says "These will be mailed to the character currently logged in." technically that implies character-bound. But the no nonsense console version seems a little easier to understand. Merged. I did a thing. @LO - you're welcome and you can pay me in JTs.
  11. Depending on what account ID you're referring to this could mean something entirely different. The account info you use to login is the email adress the Gamersfirst account is on. The numerical identifier used to identify you account can be found in "APB Reloaded\APBGame\Config\Account". The folder has a number as name, that number is the account ID.
  12. Tbh i was expecting to see 50 vs 50 dist. RIOT~ enfo vs crims ... Big map FC. I hate to be bound to small groups of random players.
  13. afaik you can't i think its because sony/microsoft vetoed it, but pc accounts can't migrate to console
  14. Ahhh, Your All Hack Sympathizers, HE is right. This is why I don't play. Last mission i got botted in that spot behind double b, how i know he botted, cause soon as i passed the corner i was dead, even if he was watching the corner he still needed reaction time to trigger, then i went up to fc n some pattottie teleported up on me, he wasnt there before n boom he is there n quick switching me. Now Even if I am mistakin and just a bad player, Management is more concerned with people like me Saying anything about hackers than the hackers themselves. I do not believe they even have the anti cheat on, and its well known among gamers how ineffective EZ is. They have the upgraded version on war thunder n they still have hacks, They like to ping ya out. I dont have any lag issues, my pc handles the graphics on High no problem. Why have I choose to regrind WT, because even though you get a hack every few missions, there are plenty of legit players, apb has become a Pro or Go Home Game. To tell ya the truth, I don't miss it. sure apb still has the best personalization, but who i am gonna dress up for, the strange new random golds that never been seen before? , I dont get my music, n i dont get a chat box where i gotta wait my turn to complain or insult someones Mother, WT is not 'Open World'. So I have my music on another player, n when i wanna chat, i Go Outside. I don't really know anyone on the new game, but I don't Know anyone left on apb either. When L.O. decides that They wanna Do something about hackers, or that Legit customer retention is more important, They can pin a thread about it, n possibly myself n others like me will come back. Your anticheat is similar to the 3ft fence I have around my yard, its there to keep honest people honest, but anyone can step over it. A true anti cheat would immediately ban and Burn the account if any cheatware was used, not be like a lazy guard and Observe but not report, No U want Me to be the Policeman and Report it. I do not wish to be 'Toxic', I just wanna have fun again.
  15. I remember back in 2003/2005 there was this third person shooter where they had a server made to "test" cheats, it allowed and encouraged the use of the only cheat that was available for that game so I eventually decided to try it out and once I downloaded it I attempted to use it in any other servers to check if these other servers where actually secure enough against cheats, then I figured there were other cheaters using it in the legit servers so I decided to have it there to toggle it on and off whenever I suspected someone. This way I've been reporting a bunch that got banned by the admins, rolling on alternative accounts when it came to track and confirm if someone was cheating and trying to stay clean in my main character, but after years doing it I got caught using it and got banned on an alt. After that I went to their forums as my main character and created a beautiful post narrating this story about how they could verify that all the IPs I've been playing from coincidentally matched the one of a cheater, it was indeed because I was running a small cyber-coffee shop and it was true that multiple IPs in the same range were logging in in their servers with plenty of different characters. Well, they decided to unban me due to my "reputation" and the clear explanation I brought that they were indeed able to confirm...after that I kept using the cheat to "hunt down cheaters" and finally got an IP range ban in all my 16 computers, lol. The game was C&C Renegade and the cheat tool was called RGH. That's a story of how anyone could be cheating for years in any game and even getting involved with the game staff without them noticing it at all for years. Yes I lasted years in a ranked server and making friends with the admins and mods, toggling on and off between matches, re-rolling alts and closeting by applying all sort of techniques such as tapping the aimbot key bind, avoiding the top rank in many matches, letting experimented players kill me as in normal situations would happen and spotting admins in the server in order to toggle off when reported. I'll let you guys keep going with your thread now. Bye.
  16. He's not a stranger... He just uses another account to browse on forums... BXNNXD meet DrTilt aka Keshi. Keshi aka DrTilt meet BXNNXD :)
  17. No one can stop them cheating on alt accounts, doesent seems you know about HWID based bans that does exist in APB. Lol? Maybe you also need source code of it so every p2c will fix it in 1hr? Did you heared urself? For obivious reasons no one will post things like this so p2c devs wont notice anything untill banwave. I just know about it due reversing this parts of game.
  18. Quick carry is easy to do with just your fingers. V spamming is easy to do once you get rhythm. If the inventory doesn't lag, most players will switch their weapons fast. FairFight can quickly detect 2x running speed, and it's been detected for quite some time. The instant out of a car is a desync issue. Also, ghosters and griefers rarely get banned. It took 6 months to a year to ban a player that repeatedly griefed our clan whenever they were signed in. Then it took another 6 months to a year to ban their second account. Meanwhile, the streamer Summit, who did nothing but talk trash about the game, got a private GM who banned players for bumping into their vehicle during their stream.
  19. As they already explained, BE currently temp bans the suspected player, while the temp ban is in place, a LO Staff member looks at the ban and the data, then either issues a perma ban or unbans and issues a apoligy, however as Matt has said, of those who have been caught by BE and issued the temp ban, then after investigation by LO had their accounts perma banned. All it is is a system that allows time for a real person to look over the data before effectively making it a perma ban, last thing LO wants a system that automaticly throws out Perma bans with no sort of investigation by a real person, you know that same system GF used before except was highly ineffective due to A no interaction by staff, and B well it not being battleeye.
  20. ROFL... Ok, you first have to remember what the banned cheats types are: 1: Hacks 2:Exploits 3:Bots (from the GM post, any macro or anything that mimics a macro} BE only deals with hacks (modified game files) BE can not detect the other 99% of cheats. Exploits: such as Greys (ghosting), glitching items, grouping with a cheater, fast carry a heavy, etc... (anything or action that is taking advantage of flaws in the game (programming, content or models) Bots: the use of a macro or anything that mimics a macro. I remember back in the early days, after 3 warnings, /report ing a player that had bound their fire button to the mouse wheel. A GM whispered me and after explaining what the guy was doing, the GM banned the guy for 2 hours telling him to unbind all macros and if he ever was caught again using bots, the ban would be permanent. That player is still around today and never and any cheats since. Warning bans work, and should be used more for non-hack cheaters as most be leave that only hacks are cheats.
  21. G1 gave stats after they silently launched Fairfight and afaik, thats the only stats ever given. -the number of cheaters who log in to the game stayed pretty constant around 1.2% of all players (some of which were re-rolls). Inversely 98.8% of players in APB played on a daily basis without any trace of any cheat -60% of the players banned in this sample were paid players (For comparison, about 10% of the monthly unique players in APB make a new purchase in the game in any given month) -On a cumulative basis about 30% of all players playing the game have paid money for something at some point during their account history. So in simple terms, paid players turned out to be 2X over-represented in the initial ban sample, compared to the APB population as a whole -paid players who were banned had on average 260 hours of play time in the game, had played for over 1 year, and had on average spent $180 on virtual goods All these stats are from 2014, and this was the only time stats were given.
  22. create a new account and try out the new event before it's gone!
  23. please explain what is the point of an honest player to have 2 different accounts ? p.s. one full account has 12 characters
  24. Back when the game was managed by gamers first (iirc around 2015), my main account was banned like countless others due to punkbuster going ham. It took them a year or so notice the issue and rollback the bans. That's why I created another account, I actually spent some money on it, it would be great if I can have everything on one account. don't you think you're a bit too judgmental for someone whose username strongly resembles a male reproductive organ?
  25. ownership of two accounts on the forum is prohibited . do you think that the possession of two accounts in the game will be approved by the developers ? I doubt it . stock launcher gives you three characters . isn't that enough ?
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