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  1. From today's patch notes: What does this mean? I don't really understand.
  2. See though Support is NOT bad so you attempting to bad mouth them is pretty trashy. Have had support do good replies, heck the CEO has replied in an insanely fast time frame to things. So he can sell the account for rw$
  3. Im not sure if they are unbanning for ToS violations though. He will have to wait and see, just like thousands of other banned accounts.
  4. It depends on the violation, my account got released and I was banned for things under the umbrella of "harassment"
  5. i will try to explain the situation. 1. TasteMyKetchup this is the character we talk about. 2. Hes got banned then hes not in his account as i remember or on social district 3. he has plenty of hours played on thich character same as insane ammount of legendaries and apb$ 4. he want to know "WHY hes got banned!!" - he tryies to get this ansfer from at last 1-3 years as i remember with replies COPY/PASTE aanswer and close ticket 5. maybe some patootie fuked devs will look below their divine person and get know about it what hes done wrong 6. he's not getting any information about - Time of ban / Reason of ban / system which bans him etc etc etc. so i think it was unfair anyway i got unbanned just now and the reason was "you will not jump using vegas 4x4 on empty district" + manual ban hammer using fairfight system
  6. Of course, first thing's first there needs to be a solution that prevents mission griefing from happening. Reporting is absolutely an inadequate solution as select teams may sometimes have clan mates log in (through a VPN) to alts to grief objectives and won't care if their alt account gets banned. Second is that missions really need to be rebalanced, somehow. Enforcer missions are harder since they have enforcer exclusive objectives like phone booths which are usually in the middle of the road. Meanwhile Crim's have some exclusive objectives are always in CQC. Third, crims are able to bribe crim contacts (pretty stupid btw, you should be bribing cops, not other criminals to lower notoreity) to reduce notereity down to 1 before every mission. Meanwhile enforcers can not bribe and are forced to either rejoin the district to reset or become P5 during the mission and be at a massive disadvantage.
  7. If you have the gun character wide, an upgrade to account wide usually costs around 400-900 g1c so maybe it's that
  8. 1. You title a thread with a presumption and false accusation... mmkay 2. You are crying because the forum is moderated. Let's be real, a forum is certainly full of gripes, complaints, and occasional rage because of unfair things that happen in game and to the game. I made this account after I was forum banned for expressing an opinion about G1 so I can relate. That's expected. But forums are still the public face of a business which is hoping to attract new customers. We are guests here... and they have reasonable rules. If you want to have no holds barred and unsupervised trolling, make an APB fan discussion on Reddit... or one of those personal websites like APBflames. I have followed a lot of the threads that got "cleaned" and let's face it, people get angry and start becoming abusive. That's human nature but mods are hired to delete that stuff. Come on now. iodyne_ you're Willow? Welcome back babe. So sorry for how you got unjustly targeted and banned for simply playing the game. If anyone has a right to be untrusting of a company it's you. but I really think our whole community is very jaded due to past corruption but I don';t think that's happening here.
  9. So, like many of you, I've been skeptical of the new regime and their plan of attack with server lag, cheaters, etc. I was also really curious how their support system would play out. From my experience already, the quality is the same as before. Apparently there's only so much information that is kept on-hand and giving purchase history all the way back to 2012 isn't enough to help solidify claims. Lesson learned: take a screenshot of everything you have before you take a long break with a timestamp in the picture. For those unaware, I took a break for an extended length of time from late July/early August of 2016 until earlier this year when I popped back in-game to play with a few people. My account was compromised and my legendary weapons were gone. (Edit: The people who took the stuff off my account left one email in a character's mailbox. This is how I know it was compromised and that I didn't just forge to claim my stuff from the mailbox.) The items that I for a fact know I had were a Yukon, Ogre, Ursus, Kommandant: Hearts, Volcano, Sitting Duck and quite a few huntresses as well as odds and ends of grenade launchers. LO, I'm not even looking to be made whole again. I don't care about the lesser weapons as long as I can get my Yukon, Ursus and Ogre back. My hope with this post is to make awareness to others and perhaps to get more than a single GM to look at my case. Perhaps a new community manager *wink* could talk with me about this whole thing seeing that I have multiple people who played that knew I had a lot of things. Whether or not this post gets flamed or ignored, I don't care. If it helps a single person from losing items that they spent a ton of time earning, then it proves to be successful.
  10. This time it was Dixie and not Puck. It doesn't prove exactly that I owned the legendary weapons, however, it gives them a date and time to reference the account. But what it does show is that I had bought many boxes in the past and stopped after various amounts, amounts of which would indicate that I finally received the item I was looking to get. The first day the nanos came out, I opened enough boxes to get nanos on both my crim and enforcer. IF they had the information backed up and saved for a decent amount of time and not a shorter period, then it would be relevant. Hell, they could have pulled up logins with that information and saw that someone other than myself logged into my account. Crocodile tears are fake tears. I'm not crying about anything. Crap happens, but like any other person who has lost an item in-game from either a bug, exploit, etc, they would want it back. It so happens that I lost my items out of my control and I would like them back. It can't be difficult to understand my point of view on this. I couldn't tell you how someone gained access to my account. I have no idea. I did have my email used in various forums/etc in the past, but not the same password. My password was 11 digits with uppercase/lowercase/numbers/symbols.
  11. You can argue all you like, when a person with a semi-auto only has to hold his aim while a program rapid fires (AHK, Mouse wheel bind, or mouse software), it becomes a full auto with extreme accuracy compared to the nerfed limitation of full auto guns in game to prevent their being OP with widening bloom to greatly nerf accuracy at the expense of extreme rapid fire. The limit on low recoil, high accuracy, low bloom semi-autos is the HUMAN SKILL and inconsistency of requiring to both aim and tap fire. Hence it is an exploit for a clear advantage to macro part of the process, simply aim and program the rapid full auto speed fire portion and over advantage the gun. Macroers should get at least temp bans and a flagged account so GMs can spectate players who've used macros in the past, as anticheats can't detect them. Not from range though, and it's clearly giving an exploited advantage to some weapons, for example the highly accurate, long range obeya... when macroed becomes a full auto sniper.
  12. brb making more forum accounts to vote for the 3rd option (( again ))
  13. I just wanted to jump in here and comment about this. We are not doing unbanning for any account that was banned for cheating. We are reviewing accounts that were banned for other reasons so, yes, there are a few accounts that are being unbanned. Even if they say that they were banned for cheating and now have their account back, it is not true. We are still following this post: Selali
  14. The last couple of months has been pretty crazy for the APB community. So many old players are coming back from the unbans and so many new players are trying the game for the first time, we're hitting population levels higher than ever in the past two years. APB received it's first update in over a year and a half iirc. LO has people's attention and a great deal of hope is being placed in them. Things are changing at a way faster pace then it was a year ago, but for better or for worse has yet to be determined. Everything so far points towards progress so with that in mind what are some of the biggest changes that you guys are looking forward to seeing in APB with the coming months/years? Obviously an engine update is in need, so before they really decide to add anything major to the game it should most likely wait till post engine update. But personally I'm hoping that after the update we see at least a handful of new cars. Not super sport luxury or anything of the sort. Just maybe a bigger verity of civilian cars. More compacts, sedans, SUVs and trucks. Or even at least different kits/models for the existing ones. I feel a weapon rebalance should be a thing, not suggesting what should be rebalanced though. Maybe a wider array of weapons too? I know we have a lot right now but the majority of them are remeshes. Honestly, ask yourself, in your weapon lockers, from Loyalty rewards and the likes, how many damn remeshes do you have? Sword, PDW, C9 and PSR. Those are just the ones I can think of off the top of my head. And two of them are the same thing! So definitely adding weapons just to bring something new to use into the game would be nice. Given they aren't ARMAs or Joker Distribution guns. Gotta make something new for the common man right? Something to get people to work towards. New cars from contacts would be nice. Unlike the Growl that was supposed to be for everyone turned out to be a half a mil sad mess that didn't have any other slot variants besides freebie 2 slot or premium 4 slot. (As far as I know, and I even bought Pack of Rev on launch for acc bound). Oh and the Coywolf is only available to free players though a massive grind and it's not even customize-able. And this is coming from someone who owns two of them for both his crim and enf. Again, just spit balling ideas. As always, curious to hear what you guys think. TL;DR Want new civ cars that are available to FTP and P2P gamers alike. Same with weapons, More unique weapons that aren't remeshes and a weapon balance.
  15. Look, no one likes cheaters. But there is no possible way cheating can be stopped. Not in a FTP game where IP bans can be evaded, and new reroll accounts made endlessly and instantly. Just give up. You cannot punish them. You cannot ban them permanently. So stop trying and wasting resources and ensnaring the innocent players with settings that actually work. STOP. Permanent bans are a huge failure and have nearly destroyed this game and turned it into a vicious, ugly, hateful toxic community who can't wait to destroy more accounts. We just need a fair and instant solution. Temporary kicks for suspicious players who exceed the normal parameter settings for a district. And I don't mean someone who gets, what 15 kills or even 28 kills this one time. But someone BLATANT who far exceeds the norm repeatedly. Should get a kick because... either he's too good for school and needs to play in a higher skill district... or he's not human and is using some automation. Either way, the kicks would be that very day and not months later... so the average players get a break. And the above average players should still be beneath the radar... but those too brilliant amazing god-tier players... can get a few minutes time off. And if they are so excellent, they can create their own special platinum district or tone down their cheats, erhm... fantasticness.
  16. Instant Temp Kicks for suspicious players for a brief cooling off is the solution!~ What LO NEEDS to do is for every suspicious player flagged... give them an immediate temp kick from game, and a 15-30 min cooling off time. if they are legit... they must be playing too good for the district average in which they entered. If they are not legit, everytime their program gets them kicked, which should be frequent enough to be comical, they might just turn the dam thing off. In any event, BANS have FAILED. Esp since they just rage reroll instantly... so immediate temp kicks are the solution. the account remains intact, so no reason to rage or even make a new account since... in a short time, you can log back in what's the point? Back in the day, where there were *disputed* a large number of closets... the game was actually good, because cheaters tried very hard to stay under the radar, and games were doable against them if you had some skill. Even if we can just return to that, we'll have our game back. It was this perma-ban witch hunt that destroyed the morale of the population, destroyed the clans, destroyed reputations of the streamers who actually were advertising the game, etc. Plus temp kicks free LO from the significant manpower and time investment of manual review process. Just bring on temp kicks for mischief. I'd much rather see someone with 17 kills in bronze get a temp kick out of mission for playing too good, and still able to log back in after a few minute, then wait months and months and perhaps a year for some blatant rager to get perma banned and reroll in 1 minute.
  17. But you don't seem to get that banning cheaters doesn;t work when they can reroll, and steamroll the population making exorbitant cash to just buy the best legendaries and rinse repeat on new trainee accounts. Not only does banning FAIL to stop the hacking... it enrages the hacker population causing MORE hacking. And not only that, it greatly diminishes the population. The time I'm talking about... when APB had a &disputed* large amount of closet accounts... and big clans and talented streamers... they did not WANT to lose their hard-earned reputations or investments and thus played gently, and more often then not legit... to AVOID a ban. Well once mad bans happened, people didn't care about reputation and so it degenerated to what we have now. But in the closet days we had a game with 3 million active accounts so... yeah. We need 1. fairness, and immediate kicks force people to rethink... 1. turn off cheats (if cheating) or 2. play in a higher threat, greater skilled district (if legit but too good( and 3... it PRESERVES the population... which in APB has hemorrhaged into near extinction under G1. I don't mean *do better* as in play better. I mean *do better* as in not get KICKED. Why should golds be squashing bronzes in a bronze district? If they get kicked either they tone down their playstyle to be with friends, or they up their ante and play with equals.
  18. They didn't find that you were innocent. They found that enough of the bans didn't have sufficient evidence to prove that they were for a good reason and they have done a blanket un-ban which does NOT equate to innocence of everyone being unbanned. Tiggs is still around working with LO, perhaps if they asked her, she might be able to tell them if (for example) people banned for scamming had all the legendaries removed from their account during the banning process.
  19. Are you sure your account didn't get compromised and your things emailed away to another player?
  20. i feel you. i really do. but being able to log back into an account you lost for doing things that are not allowed is a privilege for which we should be grateful. take losing your items and your currencies as a ticket to your old account. had they not given us this privilege, we would never see our old accounts back. that's how i see it at least. who says i wasn't affected?...
  21. Also LO should properly trace and remove all scammed weapons from scammers and strip their new accounts of everything they have traded. There is an infamous scammer on Citadel who stole at least 5 weapons *from G1's/LO's paying clients* (some of them quit as the result) - he just moved the weapons from throw-away scamming accounts to his main, then passed it further to newly unbanned cheater account. Then he traded a bit and now have full collection of legendary weapons. AFAIK there are multiple tickets against the guy and his accounts yet LO did nothing concrete so far, except for banning throw-away accounts. If anything this is an invitation to do the same for the rest of the player base.
  22. If Joker Box items become untradeable to comply with legislation, then Legendaries need to become account wide.
  23. When you're trading off of CA3, no, because 9 times out of 10, they'll just rush you after that and since you're tagged, you're probably going to lose the fight. Also need to take into account how few people are running explosive weapons, excluding nades, flak is just too situational. You're not going to take it to counter that one guy with an osmaw. At least talking from a fight club perspective here. tl;dr, flak is good, just not good enough.
  24. Didnt exactly go off without a hitch for me, but I do want to say thank you. Its nice to have the old account back.
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