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  1. Matt Scott promised same, that banit accounts forever not will. He wrote in some article that the block accounts will not be forever. Matt Scott promised that unban, who get banned. But it’s wrong to blocked forever in this game, it is not so popular and famous. Here online is scanty and so, and you block forever the players who have been familiar with this game long time, also invest money in the game. You promised that players won’t blocked forever. Make the first block for a month, then for two and etc. Easy Anti Cheat does not want to understand this situation. I perfectly remember that in some article "little orbit" talk about blocking, forever will not block. And will come up with another measure punishment. EAC they respond with a pattern.
  2. Hello, This topic has been moved to the Social District (General Discussion) section of our forums. There are indeed anti-cheat measures in the game (Easy Anti Cheat). Also, threat is bound to your account so all your characters, no matter the rank will share the same threat level. Thank you. - Azukii
  3. Looking forward to see what's new since then. See u all in game! Oh yeah, and shout out to Puzzles !!!!!!!!! Thanks again for your help
  4. Hi there, For the record, we don't ever account wipe. More than likely your account got caught up in the password reset from January 2018 that forced everyone to either reset their password or contact support to regain access. Thanks, Matt
  5. I already said that it won't work on a low populated game, my statement was based on an engine upgraded large populated game. Also, locking a phone to an apb account for 'cheat protection' will not work either, loads of uncharged simcards are free these days so it will defenately not stop cheaters. Besides that, I'm pretty sure lots of people in general will be uncomfortable with sharing their personal phonenumber with any smalltown gamepublisher. The 'CSGO method' has a better chance of succeeding with a $10 Armas spending. It will make cheaters think twice before they reroll and spend more $.
  6. This account has been temporarily suspended for next 9h. 36.m (error code 10008 )
  7. I just want to buy it and the OPGL account wide. I own the Volcano but am too cheap to rent those weapons every week.
  8. Welp, that's what team killing all the time will get ya. Great job. Might want to be a little nicer on your new account. Hopefully this time you stay out of bronze too.
  9. I think the issue with the guns you've mentioned (carbine, Oscar, cr762, and Obir) is that for all of them adding IR is pretty much a straight upgrade, giving them the respective ranges of 42m, 42m, 62m, 62m without any real drawbacks. On top of that both the the cr762 and Obir are still quite useful well beyond their given ranges due to overdamage... Even before you add IR3. As far as comparing the range of rifles to SMGs, you have to take into account how accurate or inaccurate the weapons are. The range on the whisper is mitigated by it's relatively poor accuracy, when compared to rifles. Take the two long range rifles, both of which are accurate enough to consistently land shots at whatever distance you set their range cap to. The whisper begins to rely on RNG at just 19m.
  10. get steam, download APB, get to login thing, it may autolog you in, if so log out, if not sign in with G1 account. If you had to log out, relog using G1 account. Also note you can "link" your G1 to Steam, so when you login via steam it logs you into your G1 acc
  11. Not gonna' lie, this seems absurdly silly in an event where only 100-ish skins are being given out. Is there some technical restriction I'm missing? Because I swear rewards have been given out account-wide before. I strongly urge you all to try and change this. I'm against event rewards being character bound in general, but in this particular instance its ridiculous. *EDIT* Sorry, 100 chances, obviously more than 100 skins. I'm assuming there will be a minimum player count like in asylum or something, but who knows.
  12. yea you are lying about something, aside the fact goodbye topics are already another break of eula. I think you macroed pretty heavily and thought nobody will bother record you and show the sound of your rifle shooting like machine gun. I also think you tested some hack programs on your 2nd account but you were noob enough to login with your main account few min later and you got caught. And thirdly you may have been quite toxic over someone who caught you and got you banned, because you thought there is no active punishment in a dead game like this. Sharing of account is your own responsibility and its not bannable, its literally your own fault if you share it with scammer, you cant cry to support later. So either way, as inactive as new anti cheat system is, i am glad to see some people still getting banned. Am sorry if you got banned for simply sharing your account but i seriously doubt that was the case. Good luck either way.
  13. Your ip changes every 24 hrs but still remains in your country, if you're friend accessed your account from another country it gets suspicious especially when he logs in alot, yet there's no prove you're not using a vpn. So if they really just randomly decided to check your account's login history they still have no solid information on whether you really shared your account or not. Which isn't enough of an evidence to ban a player imo. At this point i strongly believe you haven't told us everything. Merged. Have you ever heard of account selling? It hurts their wallet, and that's why they do ban shared accounts if verified just for that reason alone.
  14. No excuses, the thing about "they hacked into my account" or "my friend blah" is same as your. 2nd and not last, Advanced Launcher is allowed so, dont' even mention about this. Influencers? Are there any Influencers in this game? Mhm.. didn't noticed that sorry. Yeah, retire also your excuses, at least you could tell the Real Reason. Things will not change, peoples get punished for things they do that goes against ToS . So, bye, don't come back to cry.
  15. Serious question. If all you're allowed to give is a receipt of acknowledgement on cheaters (which is completely reasonable, by the way) - then why even have internal standards on CSRs that delay ticket response times to the point where customers are waiting for more than 20 days on tickets? Back in Reloaded times, there was never a ticket queue of more than 150 per day with about triple the playerbase and judging from the forums about half the CSRs. Most of these complaints were about a players' banned accounts, lost accounts/login information scammed items (prior to the trading system) and technical support issues. In fact, by the end of a 8-hour CSR shift, there would be no more tickets and CSRs could actually get other things done. In terms of time spent on tickets, I'd say the most was on scam tickets. At most, a scam case could take up to 2-3 days to resolve - this was before trading was implemented under Little Orbit's tenure and required a lot of research. Scamming should not be handled by CSRs anymore, if they are still handling those tickets it needs to change with a secure trading system in place now. Beyond that, there wasn't really much back-and-forth between CSRs and players and for good reason. Copy and pasted responses do not allow for ambiguity between decisions you make as a CSR team. I have a serious question about this methodology: Why are you not allowing copy-pasted responses from Customer Support? There is nothing wrong with getting a pre-templated response. They didn't result in a loss of quality of the responses, the problem was largely with customers not getting the responses they wanted from customer support and that's where the majority of the complaints came from, not that they were copy and pasted - it's that the customers could not be helped. If anything, please let the customers know they can't get a response and clarify that they cannot get a response. Education of what customers can get information on is absolutely the key here, not disallowing copy and pasted responses. I mean, if you can't give someone an account's details because they can't prove that it's theirs, does it really matter if it was made by hand or a template to tell them that? Sure, it's more personal, but emotion isn't always expressed well in text. And there is plenty opportunity to be personal and courteous in instances where you can actually help a customer. I'd be extremely curious as to what lead to the decision to do this. On that subject, customer service is a bandage for a faulty product. Every time you can deal with something programmatically, you definitely should. As a customer, if you had asked me to submit a support ticket like as stated in this news post: ...I would feel extremely insulted that the issue could not be resolved by the game's developer or publisher automatically. There is no reason that people should have to submit a support ticket to get something like that. If I was in the developer/publisher's position, I would immediately rectify this by resetting the trial flags for each account affected. You have the transaction logs with third-party (and definitely first-party side) so the data is available, it's just a matter of acting on it to make good on issues like these. Matt, please consider going easier on the CSRs so that APB: Reloaded does not suffer from these CSR wait times. They do not deserve having to put in additional work to satisfy the complaints of the vocal majority forum trolls which account for 5% of all active accounts. Additionally, neither does the playerbase.
  16. I have alredy G1C into my account but i cannot buy more, sadly. (due to this issue) Honestly im not going to open another ticket, just because everyone there know alredy the point. (i hope) Strange, they didn't even made a specific topic for advice peoples, i could understand that there are couple ones opened but if (for example) im not the type of player who visit other topics and only ones from the staff, well..
  17. You still havent answered the question... what is it you think the community can do? First of all you din't ask me that question before hand. I will actually answer you. Contribute? Or leave don't stay salty. 1. Become a moderator, you can take the pledge to become a volunteer Mod, or Make treads helping people out not posting memes. You will help newbies providing with information on how to get started as a newbie etc or similar. 2. Help build a new mods or new "game mods" perhaps even ingame situational missions. And much more ! 3. Give the Advice to improvents via tests and metrics not " i want to jump with my scout and be le wannabe same with n-tec why i can't that etc etc " Probably beacause mayority of players are silver to bronzes and new people who just downloaded game.. Remember game needs new players and you force yours "veteran focus" on game > that suffer from loose on new player base "what doesn't even know how to use weapon" Primary if you'are Veteran you need to think how make This game new people friendly so they will not leave because you as veteran jump shoot with N-tec go in district and do 20-0-0 4. Spread a message. When time is sparse, use a strong voice to help spread the message for a local forum post or social suggestions > Share posts on social media accounts, tell a friend, or offer to hang out and play. Contribute by creating awareness of time and effor some one is doing for dying game what was abbadoned.. 6. Have fun ! Dude if you don't why even waste time on this project.
  18. wot, you can literally have 100 characters on a single account oh and also, when you make a new account it comes with 2 character slots by default not 3, no clue how did you get to this conclusion of yours rip
  19. Because I don’t want my Ex to find my account and see what I’m up to
  20. Well if they have access to your account for some reason you can change the password. If you are worried about stuff you posted, it m not sure deleting your account removes posts.
  21. That's not the point I was making, I'm not actually saying there are more cheats since the unban, it's more a matter of perception. If you unban all those accounts players become suspicious that every person they face "could" be an unbanned cheater up to their old tricks again, and thus hackusations go through the roof, essentially it errodes player trust especially when they don't see any evidence that cheaters are being dealt with, on the whole it just makes things more toxic. Say what you want about fairfight bans, I know that site was as toxic as all hell but at least it gave players the impression that something was being done about the problem regardless of how reliable those bans were, right now nobody knows what is happening and that only feeds the suspicion and paranoia. I only play on Citadel so I have no idea what goes on on Jericho which is where most of the people in this thread seem to be playing, you could be having a totally different experience to me.
  22. I like the idea of JT weapons but in my case I plan on more char slots so I would just buy account bound anyways But I'm happy that this will be useful for someone who doesn't want more than the default 2 char slots.
  23. They had (and still have) a full database, they know exactely what we had. Most guns are the same as on Citadel, the only had slightly differend stats (like the duck, r&d3 etc). Not having financial records of a differend company is just a cheap trick of saying 'We still want you as a customer but we prefer you rebuying the legendaries we denied you of keeping'. I'm one of the lucky ones who have loads of legendaries on my main Citadel account from the OBT era so I can tranfer some if I wanted to. Instead of doing that I chose to spend my money on items of a differend game. And this all because some people prefer lazyness over keeping paying customers. You can't expect those who got screwed over to keep paying, it's not rocket science.
  24. I would of said go submit a ticket to customer support however it does say that it will be character bound, not account wide. But with Solamente's receipt, It does make one wonder if Little Orbit changed the pack's status at sometime.
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