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  1. APB can be considered P2W . I personally passed character R164 for 317 Hr. only stock weapons . I'm sure thousands of accounts aren't interested . Zenimax. Another game but with fair looting boxes. there is no alternative to the APB game .
  2. We arent sharing steam accounts. He has his own Steam account and i have mine.
  3. Steam is pretty dang good with accounts that have good standing, the only issue is if they see A LOT of account sharing in their logs, its a big NO NO unless you are family.
  4. When I try to join the EU Test server (35ms) a Text shows up: "Your account does not have permission to create characters on this world." Can somebody help me ? I really wanna try out RIOT :c
  5. heres a detail im curious about, how come you've only gone apb detective on this specific new account
  6. rocker bundle with 4x4 and rhino kit rocker bundle with rhino kit only it is the the only way to get it account bound tho
  7. preset weapons are a pretty big risk when a single balance patch can render them useless, look at how many people were asking for atac patroller refunds after the ir3 changes the flag skins are also lackluster imo, how often would someone use a flag for a random country? kttw just seems like g1 realized players were desperate for account bound armas items, so they threw in other clothing packs that weren’t in kttc, added in a couple not-so-exclusive items, and then a bunch of filler content to justify $150 price tag
  8. revelations pack, juggernaut pack, and any of the sports packs are the only account bound bundles iirc
  9. Yes, tell support you want your account unlinked from steam, give them the email of the account you want unlinked, then the next time you login to the game, login with your other email you acutally want linked.
  10. Just log out manually after the automatic steam startup and log in with the other account credentials.
  11. If memory serves, that's normal for trying to access the game via Steam Login during maintenance downtime, since your login is piggybacking SteamAUTH for that. If you attempt to enter your credentials for your account manually using the normal login above, it'll throw the normal maintenance error 7 or error 8 (depending on the maintenance stage).
  12. Hi i m TzickyT and i m trying to find out what happened to Ram / Mugging and Car Delivery. as i am doing the Mugging challange( getting lvl 255 with mugging only) i stumbled on certain inquieries that i highly needed to discuss. I have done several Mugging games in the past and now i start seeing why this is some sort of lost art in the game. Mugging has a lot to do with prestige and grouping up with other players. some sort of community that can focus on only mugging or other single player segments (Ram and Car delivery). The problem is that there is totaly no one intrest in doing these things becous normal missions give 10 times more experience and standing in the time u are mugging a person. this is the same as for cops but i am not going to talk about that right now. what are the single player options in apb relaoded for criminals. - Raming stores is one of the most common things done by new players. they drive into a store and they deliver the packages to a contact. - Mugging civilians is one of the only things that is not comenly done in the game. lots of players think its not even worth doing so. - Car delivery is just playing a game of stealing a car and play gone by 60 seconds. The reason why i want to talk about this is becous single player segments in APB relaoded is no where to be found. a lot of people hate that a person is doing these kind of things. Personaly i think this art of the game needs an update but i can't realy figure out what the best way is to make this mechanic attractive to others I got some more ideas to be added to the game but that are idea's from a person who just loved this game for a long time. The first thing that came to my mind was why can i deliver items to people i have no contact with. if u are begining a game mostly certain area's are prohibited or they just don't want to talk to that person. if i am new and see that i can deliver the items to anyone i just go to one spot and farm for hours there. if this is not possible than the person would need to go to certain contacts and try to make its way to the money loundry if he is done with farming his green money. also i would suggest to raise or make a mechanic that money wil be better as further u go trough contacts. in differnet games if u get something in single player segment mode u wil get better and wil get more stuff if u do that single player segment mode longer. what i am suggesting is for example if i have a pledge to veronica lee and i wil deliver my items at double-b i wil get lesser money and no standing from veronica lee. if i do i wil get a bonus on the money becous i gifted it to veronica lee. this has somethign to do with math but i don't want to go trough that brainstorm of yet. for car delivery. i would suggest to rework it totaly money wize and mechanicle wize. make it if u deliver your first car than u wil get a mail and u wil need to find that car in the world and deliver it to the next car delivery. its some sort of giving bonuses becous its the right car they wanted. also if pledged to a certain person give it a little percentage if u are for example on rank 130 that it isn't for always 50 dollar a car. but than it can varie to for example at 130 u wil get 1.3% of bonus for that car. - after that is said maybe i could suggest that u add some new single player events to the game for example Bank robery / mail robery / cocacola exchange stealing. there is a lot that the game can offer and enough game modes that can be made by just adding maybe these 3 things and even more. if people just walk trough the city u can see certain items that stil can be used to make missions off. if there is more info u want i probebly would be able to provide this ( its just an idea and an art that i think wil be vanished if no one talks about it) ps: there is a lot of griefing involved with this mechanic and plz don't remove it otherwise it wil be a bad turnout for the game in its overal. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ New message maybe new idea for the same as the above. ^ as i am mugging people there are a lot of people not intrested in witnessing. mugging has to do a lot with notority and getting flagged by cops if u do to much mugging or other stuff. if a crim is having green money on his account would and the cop kills him on notority 5 while the crim is not in a mission would it be possible to make a mission starts between that cop and that crim? its an idea that i had just flopping out of my mind. wondering also what the community would think of this idea?
  13. To my understanding GM's can't ban. I understand the frustration of blatant cheaters, especially the re rolls (at least what I mostly see). But since they don't have the power to do much, it's kind of a waste of time to even have them there. Although they do set the tone for cheaters to watch out, and seem to have a positive influence on the toxic district chat which is a nice change. Try not to ask to much from them, I mean I have yet to see games where the company has members playing in the game itself. All you can really do is report, try and get video, and hope the anti-cheat catches them. Its the nature of F2P sadly. Just remember there is a good game underneath all the crap, and no one's account is exempt from being caught. Just try and enjoy the good things lol.
  14. I tell you know, I know off hand I have duplicates of both the hand and jesus on my main account. I shall send them to you for free. Consider it a peace offering.
  15. I am not even pro and i got the skin on my 3 separate accounts a few times. this event was far from being a "Pro" You just needed to find some cover and have rng with the spawns. Aim didn't play a huge factor in this event. Also ofc the good people are gonna keep playing to get more Joker tickets and this skin is supposed to be rare aka hard to get.
  16. Agree Also if you go out of bounds those are some nice gameplay spaces They just need a bit more of cover props and such
  17. That first picture is just Crackdown. Another good game, but I don't really understand what you mean by the pictures I posted not matching? They were different versions of Asylum from different points in development. I'm pretty sure the ones with the orange sky and heavy fog were teaser pictures from G1 from before Asylum was released. Are you saying they're not Midtown? What is usturoi? I Googled it but it came up as Romanian for Garlic... Asylum Garlic Concept. I don't want to get into a debate and teach you .Google helps . http://news.mmosite.com/content/2009-07-23/20090723223203921.shtml http://www.bbc.co.uk/blogs/thereporters/rorycellanjones/2010/08/realtime_worlds_-_game_over.html The second birth of the failed in 2010 MMO-action with chases and shootings in the modern city. The story of the massive multiplayer game APB or All Points Bulletin is quite sad. On the one hand, the Creator of this project David Jones (David Jones) has a huge experience. On his account such indisputable masterpieces as Lemmings, the first two parts of Grand Theft Auto, Crackdown, Body Harvest and many others. On the other — he failed to bring APB to mind, and the project failed with a deafening crash. The plan was correct and had to work: players were waiting for the urban jungle, the chase on the beautiful cars and fierce firefights. It is enough to present Grand Theft Auto in MMO-format and everything becomes clear. In fact, APB ruined the unfinished network code and the fact that the game was not enough interesting tasks and a lot of bugs. Of course, fans of the genre did not understand what they have to pay a subscription fee for. Soon the servers had to shut down, announcing the closure of the project. I was asked. - I answered. MIDTOWN should get more attention from developers .
  18. Issue with who they grouped with the issue was grouping with a known cheater, who there is still proof of having cheated available. And then there was the whole boosted account and banning people from the stream who questioned their choice of groupmates. If you are a face for a company and are playing that companies game, you are still a face for that company and what you do represents that company. If they were just solo and played with whom ever the system teamed them with that would have been a very different story. Honestly Matt already covered most of this anyway, and it is the failed execution of the stream not the complaints that changed things.
  19. It's just people with the same mindset as modern SJWs. All they want is something to complain about. They don't care what the end result is, as long as they get attention for complaining. If they find the littlest shred of something they don't necessarily agree with they cling onto that for dear life and try to get as much attention as possible and flat out refuse anyone else's opinion, and in a lot of cases even facts. When these people get all up in arms about little shit like what happened on stream they either don't understand or care that this is exactly what happened with the old G1 team. At first they came in all bright faced and optimistic with frequent communication, the community treated them like shit for little things, it decreased the motivation for the team, they started making bigger mistakes, entire community turned on them, they stopped caring, no communication for months at a time, maybe a content release here and there, used the engine upgrade as an excuse to drag us along and keep supporting the game despite their poor performance, they ran out of funds, fired most of the team and eventually sold the company off to be someone else's problem. I'm happy Androvald and Majik are still here though. Now here comes Little Orbit. They're currently in the bright faced optimistic stage, but they fully acknowledge the fact that there's some serious issues with the game. Let's not let them get to stage 2, which is a lack of motivation due to constant abuse over little mistakes. If Little Orbit takes the same path as the old G1 team did, the same people will be the ones to complain about it. They bought a game that has been broken since it's original release 8 years ago. The game itself is going to be partially to blame for a lot of mistakes that will happen in the future just because of how broken it is. Mistakes are bound to happen, so lets maybe show a little sympathy when they do? To me it seems like buying a car that had a few obvious dents in it with the intention to pop out the dents and get it on the road again, and then finding out the frame is rusted beyond repair, and then everyone hates you.
  20. flaws isnt the best example here since afaik he admitted to cheating, but theres a lot of people who dont seem to be inclined to "forgive" anyone unbanned by orbit despite the repeated info that ff bans were pretty hit or miss Just because matt scott unbanned all 10 of their reroll accounts and now they have a bunch of high rank accounts to bypass battleeye with doesnt mean he isnt a cheater.
  21. He meant to remove limit for non premium accounts. You can't do much with 3 symbols... This is the reason why I'm not gonna participate in this event. I'm not gonna buy premium just for few hours of customization. They should give us few days of premium for event like this (at least one day), so everyone are equal. @Lixil
  22. Hi all, All good comments here. Let's see if I can add some context: The Halloween customization contests were meant to be a fun way for people to engage APB without competing in-game. On paper, the idea of doing a "Facebook only" contest looked cool because of the 1.1MM followers there that we want to engage and drive to the forums. However in retrospect, we would have needed to stage the contest differently for it to be more successful. Going forward, we are making more of an effort to post everything to all of our channels (Facebook, Twitter, Forums, etc). Also, the yellow, orange, and purple theme for the character contest was intended to be a fun thematic way to tie-in with the team colors for the upcoming Epidemic event. Not trying to stifle anyone's creativity. Lastly, giving away premium for these contests is a great idea we can try to implement for the future. Once that idea came up (after we posted the contest), we determined it just wasn't feasible. My apologies for those without premium. It wasn't our intention to force you to buy something to participate. The main problem is having an easy way for contestants to sign up ahead of time, so we can add that to their accounts. I didn't want to put more burden on Support, since they are already bogged down. Lessons learned for next time. Thanks, Matt
  23. There is 2 problems with that. 1. Support takes 3-4 months to respond. 2. People have been cheating since Battle Eye and not banned yet even with streaming their hacks. No anti cheat is 100% but this is 100% useless and I don't even think it's being used properly. I want them to at least ban obvious cheaters who are speed hacking and those who are streaming with hacks on. How hard can that be? The founder of one of the biggest cheat providers for APB is still streaming with triggerbot/speedhack on his main account since Battle Eye. If they don't do anything to get rid of these people, it's just going to invite more people to cheat and they will. Not even going to respond.
  24. Players create pale female characters, dress them in black clothes and go to play with the triggerbot in the hope of gaining popularity and drawing attention to themselves (some even stream). They are trying to "find a name" in the game. Now they do it. If LO begin to respond more quickly to such individuals ON COMPLAINTS, there are almost no such people left. They get tired of creating new accounts every month. excuse.
  25. Hello everyone, In tomorrow's patch, we will be adding 2FA and reintroducing a new advanced report system. To see the patch notes for tomorrow, you can find them here! Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) New to this version is an additional layer of security to better protect you and your account. Two forms of identifying information will ensure you are positively authenticated and protected from malicious actors. Using an additional (yet optional) means to verify your identity will ensure you have total control over your account. TO USE: To take advantage of this feature, simply log-in to your account on the Gamers First site (https://www.gamersfirst.com/account/), from the main account page, activate TWO-FACTOR AUTHENTICATION and follow the required steps to secure your account. You will need to use an authentication tool like Google Authenticator App to complete the set-up. For additional info on how to set-up an authentication tool, follow this LINK. Reporting We take the wellbeing of our community seriously so we are introducing a new means to flag those that abuse the service or fellow players. With the new Reporting feature, simply type /Report in the in-game command line to flag a player or scenario that needs our attention. TO USE: There are two easy ways to initiate the feature: 1) Select Report Player from the main menu or 2) type /Report or /Report (Player Name) in the command line to bring up the Reporting dialog pop-up and fill in additional info on the user or incident.
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