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  1. Please delete this post and the user's account.
  2. Hey @MattScott, I have submitted ticket, recieved CS questions about account and I have answered to them. How long it usually takes to get second response from CS? My ticket number: 1295. Love all the things you guys do, real heroes to this small but believing community p.s. Hey @Lixil, maybe you know how it goes?^^
  3. Why to play a game if you have allready maxed out all factions/contacts? The G1C could be account bound, not giftable. How long it takes from after the reset, to maxed out all contacts too? Also only for one side Enforcer/Crime.
  4. At least finish merging the unmerged accounts so we know which names are already taken. Currently you cannot add unmerged players to your friends list even though they are in the database.
  5. For reference by the way; https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1214-account-unbanning/
  6. There are still over 1,000 tickets that are 'untouched', so your ticket is part of that batch, as is mine. Since they are untouched how could they know what the subject/topic of the ticket is about, right? So I would say we will just have to wait a while and maybe at some point after the weekend we get some kind of response. Furthermore, according to Selali, there will be multiple unbanning waves as there are too many accounts to unban within the time frame they had, as apparently it's a lengthy processes. So it is possible that you may also fall into that category, as well as the one above.
  7. From my perspective, THE ONLY THING, I mean THE ONLY THING that has a good true pricing is Revelations pack pass (4 weapons+car+5 kits account bound) for 3999G1C !
  8. Hey everyone, It’s Friday night, so I’m going to post the current status of Customer Support. Hopefully many of you are seeing your tickets move along. Here are the current CS stats right now: - 3,159 total tickets have been created for APB since the new portal went up on 5/25. - 626 of them were players requesting unbans. We cleared all of these today - however if your account did not get unbanned, please respond to the first ticket you submitted. - 5,375 interactions back and forth on tickets. - 1,346 of them have been closed (this includes the 626 we closed for unban requests) - 1,087 are untouched. We continue to add staff to this department, and we have more new CS folks starting next week. Thanks, Matt
  9. theres a clan called "Madness" they are Pro Dters... everyday they come on play hard as they can ..then befor they go off they all DT.. and people may ask why am i rageing about it...only cuz i come back to the game after rage deleting my account last year..so im on a new low ranked..no mods..no percs..so a newbie in all but i know how to play.. and all day everyday its max ranked players..and ive been in teams today where they r really newbies.. so what about have a distrct just for newbies.. where they have to go.. dont a get choice..and they cant leave till set rank..like 85 or something.."this just an idear" right now u make a new char and can pick where u go.. remove the choice for newbies..send them to a locked green map where only people of 0/85 rank can play.. once u get to 85.. u then can join the next rank of maps.. its just an idear.. i know the big match makein is long to fix .. but if u made it like ive said newbies would get a far better start to the game..
  10. slvyt

    RIP jericho

    A few people had problems with lost Legendaries, everyone cried foul that LO took them away but in reality they didn't and LO is looking into there accounts to see what happened to them for those who contacted LO. and the problem it might of been a account restore problem or as a few rumors had it, said it could of been Old G1 devs that took the weapons when the account got banned, but I'm not sure if i really believe that.
  11. thanks to all those tags and other who related too... to unblock falsely banned accounts of fair players... thanks again...….❤
  12. Yeah, one thing Ive heard again and again in /d chat is that everyone is holding off on making ARMAS purchases in the hopes that LO will do some price changing. During the Q&A Matt Scott did mention this was something he thought should happen as some prices may be slightly high. Unfortunately he wasnt in a position to give more details than that. It was later confirmed by a forum moderator that any changes to ARMAS will happen after the upgrade to UE 3.5 which, they claimed, would be "relatively soon". I for one would like to see both a general lowering of ARMAS prices as well as the unbundling of some of the packs. I really do think that LO and G1 could make more money by doing so, and before anyone assumes anything, I long ago unlocked the Euryale on 2 accounts and really dont have anything else I need to buy personally. I simply think this move would be better for the game overall, and would benefit NOT ONLY the many players around the world who simply cannot afford to pay the current prices, but even those of us lucky enough to be born under different circumstances.
  13. I think now with battleye there wont be closets anymore because they will eventually be caught (much faster than FF) which would make being closet pointless, but because of that they might just go blatant with new accounts for the times they are able to cheat.
  14. DedGaem

    RIP jericho

    They're mad cos their accounts were stripped of their ill-gotten gains. they waited in anticipation for accounts with millions of in-game cash and several legendaries... to find a banace of $0.00 and a stock star.
  15. So I like you wanted to know if Battle Eye was really having an effect on the current Cheater Population. I would say currently yes it is. There are still people who have free accounts and don't care about re-rolling and using a new HWID every time they re-roll. Those people will never be gone from the game whether they get banned every week or everyday. They will just re-roll and do what they do. As far as the more casual pub cheats, I have included snippets below from some of the most widely known cheat sites, without naming them, here are the comments and status's of cheats as of today.
  16. Yeah, I'm happy for the successful implementation of Battleeye, but now the next immediately pressing issue is the server status. Packet loss is constantly sporadic and shots aren't hitting. I had to stop after one game. It's bizarre that some people are seemingly not affected. BUT, they said this was bound to be happening. I hope the server fixes are coming soon, I love playing APB:R again!
  17. Hello everyone, as I came from Hoplon servers, I have the right to talk about the G1 ARMAS prices. I know there's a lot going on right now like, 1 month since new company arrive, a lot of work to do, a lot of messages to answer, a lot of patches and things to discuss, anyways... But this must be something we should discuss, as we are going to have ARMAS prices changed, so every staff member that will read this, take this post in consideration. Particularly I made this topic not only to compare Hoplon and G1 prices, but to show that sometimes placing your product too high might reduce the consumers. So I will divide this topic in two sections, (1) Comparing Hoplon and G1 and (2) About the current prices. (1) So what about Hoplon and G1? Well, I am from a country which is hard having someone that could spend 50$ in a life-account item. I know R$ is very devalued compared to U$, about 1 U$ to 3,70 R$, but things changed since we lost our brazilian servers. You must know that we used to pay a lot cheaper then you guys here in U$ currency. Here's one example: Let's get Raptor 45 "Hawk". If you want to buy it in G1, you'll have to pay 3999G1C without premium. And to have that amount of G1C, you must pay a minimum of U$50,00, doing the maths, that's around R$160,00. Comparing to a real life item for example, a Razer "Deathadder" on US costs around U$50, that should be around R$170,00, but due to taxes, it's something around R$400,00 (Yeah, I know it's way too high). So that makes difficult for us to spend that on a digital item. (Not including rich people that doesn't care for money, I'm saying this because I'm not that sick for a weapon, but I would love to enjoy buying one from time to time). On the other way, we had fair prices at Hoplon. Today, if you want to buy a month premium it will cost you 999G1C (U$13,00), in Hoplon we could buy a month premium for 999H aswell, but instead of U$13,00 we paid something around U$5,00. it was R$20,00 for the same U$20,00 amount in G1C. (I don't remember the prices very well, but It was something around). Take the note here: few brazilians are going to buy stuff from ARMAS at it's current state, I guess rest of APB population aren't speding that much also. (2) What about the current prices? As I stated above, we got high prices at ARMAS, and few players buying stuff I think (maybe because of the scars left by G1). Little Orbit, if you guys will change ARMAS prices, make something that everyone will be able to buy and enjoy buying new weapons, costumes, cars, etc, every week and month, and not a weapon every 5 months, you will have much more earnings, you can trust me. I would be able to spend U$15 every month to buy a weapon, but I think more carefully now, to not buy ANYTHING because of the high prices. Those guys that says all the time that this game is pay to win, maybe they are the ones that doesn't have the same opportunity to buy weapons on ARMAS! My final opinion is: you can keep more people alive into the game, if you have the right price. Note: I'm saying this, because I really love to collect weapons, even if they don't affect anything in-game, but still, I love to have different things, and I wouldn't mind spending a medium fair amount into this game. If you agree or not, please, let's debate, leave your comment below! That's all, thanks for your attention.
  18. https://support.gamersfirst.com Prepare to wait for an answer for a while as there's currently sooooooo many tickets in the queue, varying from "I've lost the email my account is registered with and can't reset my password" to "why wasn't I automaticly unbanned?" and all the usual stuff on top.
  19. *looks at profile* "Joined May 2018" Did you just happen to forget your 1400-year-old login info, or just otherwise decided to create a new account to use on the forums? I've gone offtopic here, I apologize for that However, you shouldn't take "stole my theme" claims seriously - no wait, actually you shoudn't pay any attention to those unless you have something to hide.
  20. Literally I spent $200 on that account and was never racist, mean or toxic in any way. I shit talked back to people who hackusated me and didn't like me whatever but I'm a competitive person with a good heart at the end of it. I know some people didnt like me and was good friends with the GM's, it was highly likely the account got suspended or taken for that pure reason. Hours spent on my car designs and clothes etc. Such a shame as I absolutely loved playing the game and was something I looked forward to playing after work. Crossing my fingers that I can play again at some point.
  21. I'm quite sure that the deletion of items must have be done when the ban was applied and L.O. might have no trial to follow these. Personally I don't care if they banned real money trades since its against the ToS that a lot of other people have been sticking to, and would make sense if they edited the account to delete the items obtained through such trades, I think it fits, wouldn't call it a "deserved punishment" but more like a properly measured action. The "there's no proof" excuse could be truth not gonna deny it, but also G1 had a policy of not giving information of how they prove something so neither could we know. If there is a way to check "manual bans" and there's no proof to back these, I do agree that it is unfair to touch anything regarding these accounts, but in the other hand we must look at the fact that L.O. had to try their best to release these accounts in order to allow all the players to return and this was the best choice they could do to finally deploy BE and bring back the population the game was waiting for, they could still hold all the data to analyze each case individually, but that would make things delay way more than considerably, so I'm just looking at the bright side of things and as someone said, you are literally coming back from the death row, these accounts were already dead if it wasn't for L.O.
  22. yep, this is a similar case as a friend of mine has. Only worse, yep I'm talking about that account stolen by a GM, he found out that even his character was deleted. You should send a ticket, but what I want to know if there is any way LO can know if these claims are legit, I mean they must have some proof on their side that something happened. A possibility to rollback the account perhaps. I hope they do, otherwise well... money and time has been lost because of some douches.
  23. ^This. It's fair to strip recently unbanned accounts, which I assume will operate as already flagged and so keep the users clean... but to remove any in-game reward permanently destroys all incentive for playing the game, and constitutes a continual punishment and stigma. The purpose of unbanning accounts was to give players a new chance under a new anticheat system, not continually punish them. This way the very large banned population has a chance to be welcomed back to INVEST in the game... which no one will do with a "dud" account. Come on, either we trust the new anticheat and GM system or why bother? Who's going to buy premium or items on an account which can't fully play the game? Be business smart LO, yes the community hates cheaters, but truth be told thecommmunity often behaved WORSE than the cheaters by heaping abuse on them. WHY? Because the game was mismanaged for a very long time, there are no innocents here... Sadly cheaters made up a large portion of the population and if we don't welcome them back... under supervision... they WONT come back, and this game is a long ways from attracting any NEW players, unfortunately. I support a general AMNESTY.... because without it, your game population will die.
  24. Hey all, Thanks for reporting this. This was our mistake. We did reset a few accounts back to 0. We are in the process of correcting this issue right now and any account that had this happen to it will have all of the currency restored to the account. Thank you all for being understanding. Selali
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