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  1. Fortune Runner

    Out of the Box

    That would be the "out of bounds" thread where we already suggested that out of missions we be allowed to do this again like we used to.
  2. A lot of ideas seem cool but in reality are not as cool. People say that car bombs and radar towers are bad enough as it is without having 2 per person. Again players using cars and stunt jumps to camp on missions was considered a rather unfair exploit in some circumstances by GamersFirst I believe, a more stricter out of bounds system was made. ...Controllers on PC version of APB? Honestly I'd like to a first person view VR experience with a steering wheel controller, just so for the driving and maybe to do racing with friends!
  3. YES !!! + Add hours spent on that account in scoreboard (like total hours of all characters combined) Ban multiaccounts - or just block creating them for those ppl (dethreat avoidness) - playing on bronze servers and after day ends they reroll on another account next day still playing on bronze with another account ... you dont need to make new accounts if u play fair and legit
  4. i think they should just remove the threat system , like they did with xbox and ps4 , it would stop people complaining, for the fact , Bronze can kill golds, also silvers , golds can play trash also, the threat system does not matter at all , it depends on the mission and how its played, also Silvers are in bronze theres alot of silver players that are pretty skilled compare to new players / bronzies , why complain about golds when they are also in that district to with new players? it really does not make sense . theres alot of other games that is match making with higher ranks , such as Cod, fortnite , anyother game think of a game and ull realise theres no threat / level matchmaking , its pointless because of the population of players also dropping, once apb was a hudge game when it was first released and we lost alot of players , over this matchmaking. also , u can start a new account win 3 matches , instant gold .. does not mean you are a gold player , its just win / loss ratio /medals pretty much
  5. my sugestion will just increase the time of dethreating and lower possibily max ranks drop to silver and joins bronze servers in the other hand i know a few players who just made a new account to join bronze server playing with theyr friends who dont like to play on pure golds. anyway if pure gold goes on bronze server u will be acousing them as cheaters because they are lowrank and are insanely accurate, because they are playing against top tier players even cheaters and improving their skills + this could be their day so they got insane accuracy only this day next they they will play one mission "sucking" so hard they will leave game for that day etc. yesterday i cant even aim properly ... cant hold aim on enemy so i go to gamezbd play some bdo ;) @eelaaa i could say too that i if i got matched against cheater once i will be getting him all the time no matter what i do @ignore@ button should exclude him from your team same with enemy (it should work like delete this user from my view) - but because there not much players so u will be matched no matter what with this guys again and again and again ...
  6. Your insight has been taken into account. This post's objective is mainly to point out how the game is unfair. When you're getting 200+ kills a day on easy pickings, leveling up contacts fast and getting the killstreak medal every five minutes, it's rather obvious that you wouldn't want that to change, nonetheless we need this to happen if we're going to make the game fairer for newer players. The only way we can get more people to -stay- in apb, is by actually letting them play, not punishing them for their time with a broken matchmaking that puts them against entire pre-made teams of gold people. Regardless of all that, I'm content with the 2k+ views this topic has, and with all the feedback from new players, normal players and even dethreatters. It gives me hope that someone of relevance has seen this and maybe will foward it as a sugestion to the dev team.
  7. @VickyFox Rival and here i thought we was barbershop buds but i'm glad your doin well...as for me I was working doing OTR stuff the last year.. now i come home 2 new anti-cheat software thats bugged so bad it makes the inner city roads smooth by comparison. in Jan. i'm looking to go back otring for a bit.. and you already know how i still feel about topics like this...but i'm learning that as players we reach a point that is our own personal plateau of skills. and for others who have transcend our personal heights does feel like we're constantly on the loosing end of every in-game match.. now I personally have been shut-out of sooooooooooooooo many matches its unbelievable.... 0 points and cash... now i pick and choose my matches that look like it might be fair to me...and yes i do get reported a lot for this attitude..but the current state of the MM, is broke in favor of all these nice long standing players that do deliberately abuse the current threat system. sometimes by the TAB mission screen it looks like i'm the only Bronze left in an all GOLD district. And yet I only play in the Bronze Districts...And on a daily basis i watch soooooooo many people De-threat just to be able 2 re-log back in..and its ALWAYS the same 1s. By the current system in place on Jericho the game is still un-playable at best. i really haven't seen any true new players that last more then 2 hours, the rest are just re-rolls. These re-rolls are becoming a problem.. IN order to get the "T" they need to start a brand-new account.. thats multi-accounting and thus bannable. when you buy a char slot from ARMAS you will start at char. level 9 along with your current threat level...
  8. Can LO (after the engine update) make it where usplayers can trade cash back and forth between character's on the same account.. This might help reduce the multi accounters in the game. Or Smurf accounts as their known as..
  9. I Recently Deleted one of my apb names on my other account and then when i went to claim it on My other account it says its not available but when i look to type it in to see who has it it still says my account has it its been 2Days now but i deleted the name and i still cant claim it on my Main account please help me Merged. @MattScott can u fix
  10. This is how it used to be so I'm okay with it. Though I do find it odd that they can't be sent to your own characters cross your account, which you used to be able to do. Still a good change
  11. This was the response I got today. Bear 14 minutes ago Greetings. After conducting an investigation, it has been determined that the ban on your account will not be reversed for the time being. Thank you for your understanding in this matter. We may be looking into an alternative solution to bans such as these, so I will be putting your ticket on hold and putting it into a queue to look at down the road, after we have looked into possible solutions. This does not mean that we will be unbanning your account, just revisiting the ban later on down the road. Regards, Bear I dont understand how the other person effected by this false auto ban was unbanned recently and is playing again with money /tickets not removed. We literally did nothing wrong but play at the same house of a stupid weapon scammer and get auto banned. Its not fair I get banned for what another person did just because we decided to play at the same house a few times. Im absolutely just baffled at how this isnt tied in any investigative way to the friend of mine whom got unbanned FOR THE EXACT SAME REASON. PLEASE HELP ME ADMINS
  12. im trying too get support too help me ive sumited many tickets on this matter .im trying to recover my account from a email im no longer able to use plz help
  13. This is more of an account problem, but I still haven't heard back from support so I thought I might post here just incase anyone knew how to fix it. After re-installing the game and having issues with Steam login, I was able to get into the gamersfirst site with my old e-mail and password. I changed my password and tried to log into the game, at which point I succeeded. Unfortunately, my main character with hundreds of hours of gameplay and a few G1C purchases is missing entirely from my character list. Both my characters were on Jehrico, I was never banned with either character, and the remaining character hasn't been accessed since about 2013 whereas my main character was last played in 2016. My main character is also missing from the Gamersfirst website and armas marketplace, even though I have a couple of transactions in the armas marketplace that specfically show that this character existed at some point. Just wondering if anyone has any tips or ideas for what I could do about this. I've already contacted support but obviously they're flooded right now.
  14. Hello. Will players from Kazakhstan (the country near Russia) play APB? I used to play on the euro server. But already three months I can not go on the server. Creation of the new account too nothing has given.
  15. As stated, your problem only arises when trying to connect to financial. Which of the following have you tried so far?: - To enter financial using another character. - To enter financial using another account (different E-mail). - To repair installation. - To redownload APB.
  16. Summary: Decal customization is suddenly more limited then it used to be Description: Today I have decided to play APB once more, so I decided to make a car themed on one of my favorite games. well after I worked hard on all the decals that I was going to add on the vehicle of my choice, I noticed something off. as I placed the 5th decal, it said that my design was too complex and a couldn't place no more. strange enough, the counter said 6/50 was filled as it should be. is the counter starting to count the amount of shapes used in one decals into the max the car can have? in the past I was able to make much more complex decals than this and have more on my vehicles. P.S. I do have premium on my account still, so that isn't the issue. Steps taken: 1. Making sure game recognizes premium account 2. Restarting game 3. trying different symbols and vehicles to see if the limit is the same (it isn't) Results: The editor likes to say the designs are too complex but is inconsistent with how it judges it (ex. it will allow 5-6 moderately complex on one side of the car like the hood but it doesn't like it if it has decals on multiple sides like the driver and passengers door) Expected Results: It should allow the designs to save, especially on accounts where premium is present and the decal limit should be greatly increased
  17. I have done that, no response whatsoever it takes time just to find out where my mods gone None, no one has an access to my account.
  18. I'm trying to upgrade a character bound weapon to an account bound one but the weapon I want to upgrade is still showing a full price of 2.7k G1C, any fixes for this?
  19. Gotta ask (sorry I know it's a really dumb thing to bring up): regular guns can't be traded and are bound to your character. Guessing they are all JMB weapons? Those are the only ones that can be traded. Anyway. Trade lock possibly? If it is this it'll show how long in chat on login. Few days at most typically. Something like "[Trade][System]: Time remaining on Trade Lock: _ days" I do recall other people mentioning a bug where it'd state an absurd amount of time for it. If that's the case then.. you might have to toss a ticket to support and wait a good long while unfortunately.
  20. AliOff

    Error code 10004

    hello guys ... I cant login to my account since yesterday ... anyone know whats happened ? it says its currently in use from another client . I changed my email and password for safety ,, it still dont work ,, what should i do if someone else logged in to my account ?
  21. I'm facing an issue when trying to log into character. It says that i should wait for 15 minutes but nothing really happens even after long period of time. First time this happened like 1 month ago and i still can't log into a game. I tried to reinstall game, change server, fix game through launcher, through steam and tried to reboot router. Also i tried to log in from another account but the problem remained the same. http://ibb.co/cQJtFJ Screenshot isn't mine but an issue is the same
  22. This should help you more on making the email more useful. Answer to the questions below in your ticket! Which game are you trying to access?What is the email address listed for the account?What is your date of birth?What are your character names / server name?What is the registration date and Country of registration for your account?What is your IP address?Please provide transaction IDs and invoice IDs for any purchases you may have made. This is not Armas or Marketplace purchases on your account but the actual transaction ID and Invoice ID provided to you for purchasing G1C. These are typically made with Payment Providers like Steam, Paypal, Boku, Payment Wall, Ultimate Pay, Karma Koin ect.
  23. Hello, recently I had a friend of mine who had a problem with buying character slots. The game tells us that we can have a maximum capacity of 100 characters on a created account, except here below the Armas shows that when a 3rd character slot is created the purchase of another character slot is blocked. The screenshot below shows and is the concrete proof of this !
  24. CANINE

    Support Help....

    Hey TobregirT! I know it's frustrating not being able to get access to an account but due to how sensitive some information can be (in this case an email) they can't just give someone an email unless they're 150% sure the email belongs to a the player in question (data protection) - Best bet is to just wait if your ticket has not been closed since as a player said above they're pretty stacked with support tickets.
  25. The same bug seems to apply on guns from when you could trial packs and bundles, it thinks I have packs like Army of FR0Gs Bundle, Death & Taxes, Forces of Nature Pack all character bound(I don't have any of these) and the buy lock also carries over to the individual items form those packs. Other guns that I do own the flag does not show at all, I have both CSG RT1 and PR1 but none of them are showing as ever having been bought.
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