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  1. Taxes are 21% in Spain. Case KO (Character lifetime) : 41.36 EUR Case KO (Account lifetime) : 51.70 EUR Kinda stupid knowing that this is just a reskin, as many other guns in armas. Nevemind I just realized its about the in-game marketplace.
  2. Currently the Growl "MAMBA" Kit is only available for purchase on one character at a time. All the other Growl kits offer an "Account Wide" purchase option. Since the Growl is a car that can be purchased account wide, it makes sense that the kits for it should be available account wide as well.
  3. Either your steamlinked email (and account for that matter) is different either there must be something wrong with your account and I would advise contacting support and resolve the issue from there. But I just don't see how you could possibly have 2 accounts tied to the same email. Have you had an innova account before it merged with g1? Maybe the integration didn't completely pass through
  4. Well you could still grind the achievements on every character and receive all G1C on the same account.
  5. Yeah, thats why you create a smurf account and join em in bronze you silly billy.
  6. ...in which case, why even have different characters at all? You want players to be able to only progress through the game once and that's it. This scenario can (and will) result in multi-accounting. The distinction between threat levels should be reworked, not removed. In its current state, APB's threat system has been incredibly offset by dethreaters and the like. Right now, gold doesn't mean "one of the better players", but "anywhere between top and average". Separating players by their in-game rank (especially according to your proposed schematics) is a silly idea. There's no effective difference between a R197+ player and a R255 player when it comes to equipment choices, since all variantless mods (i.e. Clotting Agent has 3 variants, Fragile has no variants) are restricted to players above Rank 195. Even then, the variantless mods and equipment available in the R197+ endgame provides no straight advantage. As a matter of fact, one of the meta weapons is the N-TEC 7 with Hunting Sight 3 and Improved Rifling 3 - all components of this are available before R195.
  7. Im playing since 2010 best character is gold threat R130. But i had a max rank character until my account got hacked and the character deleted. Thats why i want to have something like an account Rank (not the threat its useless) which is used for matchmaking. So I would weight more in matchmaking.
  8. Quite alot of the hours i've spent on apb has been messing around flying on rooftops or jumping out of the map, driving on water etc etc. maybe when the player base gets better, you could add a playground district, where the out of bounds is off and maybe also remove or shorten the cooldown on abilities on that district. know quite alot of people that would enjoy such a feature.
  9. How does it change anything if I bought weapons accountwide? If i merged accounts, I might get them on all of them then, so that would actually be "worse" They could always base it on account"value" as well though (somewhat over 70 weapons accwide + something over 10 legendaries here) merging accounts as a paid service would just be another source for money it would "punish" people for not buying character slots and creating the accounts instead if they now wanted to merge them and they'd need to pay (more), if they now want to have all chars together
  10. Put new accounts into a newbie district (use green districts for this) up until rank 60 or 10 hours playing time on at least one character, and prevent all other players from accessing it. Also restrict green to new players and make it unattainable once silver was reached.
  11. I used to have an account with the original APB from start 'till finish and I was part of the APB:R CBT, which I would say was the "golden era" of the game. (I lost my main account years ago because of an incident involving an adult video link being posted in DISTRICT and not in WHISPER). Personally speaking from what I've seen over the years. The only reason we won't see a resurgence in new players is because of the issue with one large threat level. That level being GOLD. Because GOLD players are unwilling to stay in the GOLD servers and contain themselves there, it is only suitable that the new development team "Little Orbit" moderate them by force and re-instate the THREAT-LOCK on servers. This will solve two main issues at once. GOLD servers being empty and the loss of a player base due to GOLD players seal-clubbing. If this isn't solved as soon as possible, by 2021 All Points Bulletin: Reloaded may be gone forever. By keeping the game open and (basically) refusing to balance said game, you will be unable to attract a new audience of players thanks to an uncaring community of those who wish to benefit for themselves. The few that do care for newcomers will be unable to keep those newcomers into the game for long if at all since those newcomers will constantly be seal-clubbed constantly by higher levels. One of the main things Little Orbit should do before they even start on an Engine Update is re-instate the District THREAT-LOCK.
  12. Explosion

    Gib Armas Guns

    So I'm gonna start this off with a quick response to people who think about using the "you can just buy it response" I do buy stuff on Armas i own multiple account perm guns and loads of other stuff. Now lets get started So currently when it comes to ways for people who cannot afford to buy guns on Armas is through Joker and the grind just to keep one of them weapons is really tough, along with this there are guns on Armas that you still cannot get on the Joker store or even obtain without buying a pack (looking at you revelations). So with this I would like to propose a way to handle introducing Armas weapons into game and making them easier to obtain. So my suggestion is that an attempt is made to eventually move all guns to be available through contacts on leases with Armas being mainly used to permanent buys and the joker store as a holding ground. So for example when a new gun releases on Armas it is at the same time released on the joker store, when it comes around to release a new contact LO can look at the guns in the Joker store and select the guns that have been there the longest and use them with new contacts. Doing it this way means that the guns are able to be accessed by almost every player on release and in time giving access to literally any player if someone enjoys the gun they are still going to go to Armas and purchase a permanent version but a player who wants to try it out can eventually go to a contact and purchase it without having to use their joker tickets or real money. APB needs more content and restricting guns to just Armas or just the Joker store can limit some players ability to use a gun they like, this could start with bringing some guns that are currently on the joker store now to the new contacts that are coming after 3.5. I personally believe giving players access to as much of the games content as possible is beneficial for APB looking into the future and I hope you agree. I'm not the best at putting these posts together so if you have any questions feel free to ask away -Explosion Edit: When i refer to the revelations pack i meant as a perm buy the only way to get the guns from it is through the pack which like come on we should be able to buy them guns separately!
  13. I'd expect this to have to wait for 3.5, but, yes. Inventory/UI Related: The inventory desperately needs a sorting system, preferably by categories such as Newest first, Oldest first, or Alphabetical. Money and joker tickets should be account wide, people still transfer things between their characters the game just makes it as inconvenient as possible to do so. (excluding joker tickets, obv.) The inventory storage needs to be increased drastically, or account wide, preferably both. It's incredibly inconvenient having to spam the marketplace with my belongings to reorganize what i have in my inventory vs the mail. Same with having to log onto another character to mail stuff. When mailing weapons in particular, you should only see what you can mail, and none of the rest of the crap. District queue, and maybe a "Don't show me this again" for things like threat prompts. Customizable crosshairs Ability to change theme and symbol anywhere in the world Mission Related: Objective timers should be standardized across the board, as in all hacks have the same time, etc. You all know what i'm talking about when you get that one mission that has one hack or hijack that takes a millennia even with rank IV equipment for no reason. Misc/Balance Disabled collision for out of mission players during an opposed mission. Consumable ammoboxes should not let you change orange mods without resetting the cooldown as if you changed it normally. Options: Sprint toggle/hold binds. Crouch toggle/hold binds. Marksman/ADS toggle/hold binds
  14. So I wanted to spend some time/energy/money into this game. However I'm a baby and can't use my own credit card blah blah blah, all I have is debit, and so I just can't spend money into this game, which for me (I wanna grind out all crim contacts) is a bit of a killer. I am legitimately thinking of getting premium, unfortunately I don't have the paying method. So I thought about LO linking pay methods through steam (If there aren't already, hence this might be a question and not a suggestion) with linked accounts. Any benefits for LO? Honestly not all that much I can think of, for me it's easier because I can put money into steam easily with pay safe cards :v This might be the case for more people so maybe, just maybe LO could get a nice profit out of it. Yes I am aware of additional charges, which I'd be willing to pay for LO.
  15. Ashika

    Save password option

    Don't know ... maybe because I created account way before it came to steam ... or even to G1. Or I don't want to link it ...
  16. You shouldn't even have google connected to things. If possible all your accounts should be separate entities.
  17. VickyFox

    Save password option

    You are online security aware but find long secure passwords an inconvenience...? Sorry but there are player are underage and probably have siblings who also play, and I'm 100% certain that if passwords could be saved then it's going to throw up complications with people playing on other's account. I can be cynical but I don't think anyone can say "no, this categorically won't happen". While more scams, hacking and account theft could happen and it wouldn't be my problem. I know it would be more tickets to customer support and possibly more unnecessary forum posts asking for help. If you want convenience then you have Steam account linking. Sorry but security and convenience just do not go hand in hand in most aspects of life.
  18. yood

    Account merging.

    No. I have accounts on all servers they are totally different in game content things be like ?
  19. Fortune Runner

    Out of the Box

    That would be the "out of bounds" thread where we already suggested that out of missions we be allowed to do this again like we used to.
  20. A lot of ideas seem cool but in reality are not as cool. People say that car bombs and radar towers are bad enough as it is without having 2 per person. Again players using cars and stunt jumps to camp on missions was considered a rather unfair exploit in some circumstances by GamersFirst I believe, a more stricter out of bounds system was made. ...Controllers on PC version of APB? Honestly I'd like to a first person view VR experience with a steering wheel controller, just so for the driving and maybe to do racing with friends!
  21. YES !!! + Add hours spent on that account in scoreboard (like total hours of all characters combined) Ban multiaccounts - or just block creating them for those ppl (dethreat avoidness) - playing on bronze servers and after day ends they reroll on another account next day still playing on bronze with another account ... you dont need to make new accounts if u play fair and legit
  22. i think they should just remove the threat system , like they did with xbox and ps4 , it would stop people complaining, for the fact , Bronze can kill golds, also silvers , golds can play trash also, the threat system does not matter at all , it depends on the mission and how its played, also Silvers are in bronze theres alot of silver players that are pretty skilled compare to new players / bronzies , why complain about golds when they are also in that district to with new players? it really does not make sense . theres alot of other games that is match making with higher ranks , such as Cod, fortnite , anyother game think of a game and ull realise theres no threat / level matchmaking , its pointless because of the population of players also dropping, once apb was a hudge game when it was first released and we lost alot of players , over this matchmaking. also , u can start a new account win 3 matches , instant gold .. does not mean you are a gold player , its just win / loss ratio /medals pretty much
  23. my sugestion will just increase the time of dethreating and lower possibily max ranks drop to silver and joins bronze servers in the other hand i know a few players who just made a new account to join bronze server playing with theyr friends who dont like to play on pure golds. anyway if pure gold goes on bronze server u will be acousing them as cheaters because they are lowrank and are insanely accurate, because they are playing against top tier players even cheaters and improving their skills + this could be their day so they got insane accuracy only this day next they they will play one mission "sucking" so hard they will leave game for that day etc. yesterday i cant even aim properly ... cant hold aim on enemy so i go to gamezbd play some bdo ;) @eelaaa i could say too that i if i got matched against cheater once i will be getting him all the time no matter what i do @ignore@ button should exclude him from your team same with enemy (it should work like delete this user from my view) - but because there not much players so u will be matched no matter what with this guys again and again and again ...
  24. Your insight has been taken into account. This post's objective is mainly to point out how the game is unfair. When you're getting 200+ kills a day on easy pickings, leveling up contacts fast and getting the killstreak medal every five minutes, it's rather obvious that you wouldn't want that to change, nonetheless we need this to happen if we're going to make the game fairer for newer players. The only way we can get more people to -stay- in apb, is by actually letting them play, not punishing them for their time with a broken matchmaking that puts them against entire pre-made teams of gold people. Regardless of all that, I'm content with the 2k+ views this topic has, and with all the feedback from new players, normal players and even dethreatters. It gives me hope that someone of relevance has seen this and maybe will foward it as a sugestion to the dev team.
  25. @VickyFox Rival and here i thought we was barbershop buds but i'm glad your doin well...as for me I was working doing OTR stuff the last year.. now i come home 2 new anti-cheat software thats bugged so bad it makes the inner city roads smooth by comparison. in Jan. i'm looking to go back otring for a bit.. and you already know how i still feel about topics like this...but i'm learning that as players we reach a point that is our own personal plateau of skills. and for others who have transcend our personal heights does feel like we're constantly on the loosing end of every in-game match.. now I personally have been shut-out of sooooooooooooooo many matches its unbelievable.... 0 points and cash... now i pick and choose my matches that look like it might be fair to me...and yes i do get reported a lot for this attitude..but the current state of the MM, is broke in favor of all these nice long standing players that do deliberately abuse the current threat system. sometimes by the TAB mission screen it looks like i'm the only Bronze left in an all GOLD district. And yet I only play in the Bronze Districts...And on a daily basis i watch soooooooo many people De-threat just to be able 2 re-log back in..and its ALWAYS the same 1s. By the current system in place on Jericho the game is still un-playable at best. i really haven't seen any true new players that last more then 2 hours, the rest are just re-rolls. These re-rolls are becoming a problem.. IN order to get the "T" they need to start a brand-new account.. thats multi-accounting and thus bannable. when you buy a char slot from ARMAS you will start at char. level 9 along with your current threat level...
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