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  1. I still have a weapon which is character bound, but doesn't give me the option to upgrade to account bound for a discount Support ticket #84809.
  2. I mean... 95$ (76$ if premium) for probably the worst gun(s) in APBs history? I think all the items are still way too expensive, especially considering APBs current state and population. You can get multiple AAA games on steam for the price of one account bound weapon. But at least the shredder doesn't cost 50$ anymore, so that's nice.
  3. Hi everyone, First, I see lots of good feedback here that the web team can digest. Specifically I like the comments around: - Modifications to the Loyalty Area / arrow down confusion - Premium days left were trimmed for space, but we can find a way to add it back in Second, I also see lots of comments on pricing. I'll start by saying this effort was already complete and being implemented before I started the Developer Discussion thread. I'm sure many players will have there opinions on how this "could have" or "should have" been done. Please bear in mind that we are investing into APB in so many areas, so giving any discount on pricing flies in the face of convention wisdom. I'm doing it because (a) I believe it's the right thing to do, and (b) I committed to it in the Q&A. These prices were literally all over the place before, so it was a bit trickier to organize in a way that would insure every single weapon got a reduction. However I saw very few guns go up in price, and nothing that I'm aware of more than around 7%. The vast majority of weapons dropped by 15-50%, with the biggest drop on Account Bound pricing. We created 7 tiers for weapons that reflect the "Character Bound" price: Tier 0 = 3499 - is reserved for "Just Released Weapons" Tier 1 = 2999 Tier 2 = 2799 Tier 3 = 2599 Tier 4 = 2399 Tier 5 = 2199 Tier 6 = 1999 - lowest price Our designers looked at each category and assigned a Base Pricing Tier. Assault Rifles = 1 LMG = 4 Pistol = 5 Shotgun = 3 SMG = 2 SniperRifle = 2 Each locked slot drops that item down a tier from its base (with the exception of Pistols that have a fixed tier). Then we did some hand adjusting in some cases to pull weapons down a tier or two more if it made sense. Account Bound weapons are now +200G1C on top of the Character Bound price across the board. So as an example, the COBR-A "Venom" is an Assault Rifle. It's original price was 3299 for Character Bound and 3999 for Account Bound. Remember, before the G1C adjustment, 3999 = $49.99. Now that is simply $39.99. The new system starts that gun in Tier 1, which is 2999. It has all three slots so there is now reduction, but we adjusted this gun to Tier 2 to drop the price a little, which makes the new Character Bound cost 2799. +200 makes the Account Bound cost 2999, which now = $29.99. In this case there is a small decrease for the Character Bound version (500 G1C) but a larger decrease for the Account Bound version (1000 G1C). Also, we have not yet adjusted packs that have weapon in them, so those prices will still be a little wonky. I hope that helps. Thanks, Matt
  4. i have to agree it's not the drop i thought, but that's not such an issue if you consider that, maybe you'd need to buy 1 gun every few months, over 8 years i have quite a few, but the overall costs are insignificant if you really think about it, i assume many people DONT buy that amount of guns, so money i spend on guns helps support those who dont spend on guns (see where this is going?) if the price was cheaper maybe more people would spend money on guns... the real issue i have with it is (as pointed out by others) there seems to be a quite inconsistent pricing structure... 3 open slot weapons, should be the highest price point, special mods + open slots should also be apart of this (integrated Silencer for example) Presets should be the next drop. secondaries i would personally put below mains, but i can see them being a similar price. i can see re-models being more expensive than the in game equivalents, but versions of the same re-model, i dont see why they would be more or less expensive than each other. Ntec is a good example. N-Tec - 2999 CR5 - 3199 VAS - 3199 That works, 3 Open Slots and they are re-modelled versions of the same weapon (i personally would love to see reskins as options for a base weapons, because here you need to buy 3 ntecs at full price + 400 g1c JUST for the reskins if you wanted all options) CR-5 PR1 - 2999, 30 day 359 CR-5 PR2 - 2999, 30 day 429 These two presets have the account value being the same, but the 30 day different, they are also objectively worse than the N-Tec Dvah yet just as expensive account bound weapons, true you dont have to buy the mods, but they are relatively cheap on the market and you can get them in game, seems like a daft purchase. VAS R-2 'Crown' - 2999 2 Open Slots and an Integrated Silencer, this price (relative to the other prices) is acceptable since the integrated mod can only be bought with this weapon (but thus is subject for P2W hate) ... if the mod was available in game it would fall into the same issue as the PR1 and PR2 which are over priced for the restriction they enforce. i'm leaving scoped Ntecs out of this because they are fundamentally different and need sorting out separately now compare this to the SR315 and the STAC ... SR315 - 2799 STAC Scope - 2799 STAC Tactical - 2999 why is the tactical MORE expensive! another example are the CR762 re-models CR762 - 2999 Hoplite - 2999 Broadside - 2999 Spartan - 2799 Hoplite,Broadside and Spartan are re-models of the CR762! both with 3 open slots, why is the spartan cheaper?! i'm not saying you've done a bad job, the store looks better and the drop in prices are welcome, just i think you need to do another pass at them and try to normalise the prices.
  5. How about making some Vehicle bundles/Clothing packs Account bound while you're at it?
  6. $5 a weapon is reasonable, account bound maybe $10?
  7. yeeeeey , free account bound gun for every player ! .... no ? , oh well ..
  8. Assuming they're still going through with what MattScott originally explained it would be, it involves a complete redesign. Prices will be "adjusted" (they've never clarified what that means, the community assumes that means lowering but they never stated that). The site will be modernized for better appearance and navigation, along with security. It was mentioned that they'd look into debundling bundles, as well as improving account bound availability (meaning more than just weapons).
  9. I don't know, I think it's kind of in a nice place as an accurate support weapon alternative to the ALIG. Don't want another instance of Shredder happening again too. But more importantly, I own a character bound version of the SWARM but it won't let me purchase an account bound one for a discount I may be nitpicking a bit, but rifled shotgun slugs are meant to shoot in smoothbore shotguns. Rifled shotguns are more for things like sabot slugs.
  10. How about packs be account wide. I love 4X4 Rocker pack. I would gladly oay a upcharge to make account bound like weapons. But, no way would I buy it twice.
  11. Everything in it should be account bound as described, not so sure about the weapon camos but i believe that's their default skin on each wep which you can later modify with other skins.
  12. Up to you really, I'd get some premium to get that cash rolling then perhaps a few weapons/reskins i like and then the armas exclusive clothing would probably come last. Most weapons from armas are reskins obviously with the exceptions of a handful few like the CSG ISSR-B but you can get week long leases from the joker store of these weapons too yadayada. The only real advantage they'll provide are open mod slots unless it's a preset wep but the originals from Contacts offer this as well as soon as you progress to a certain weapon role. I buy them both for new looks sound and the open customizable slots. Worth the price if you're buying account bound want to support the game and looking to try something new that comes with open slots for your future characters, though i'd probably wait for a sale first with prices like these.
  13. The iceberg retail box was a pretty neat bit of kit on top of being a good deal. 30 days premium, choice of 4 account bound weapons* (with one being not so great arguably), account bound secondary and car (non-stackable) - I know of multiple people who purchased more than one box just to get all the account bound weapons & a premium top up while they were at it *Weapon list. They are currently available on ARMAS for a much less competitive price. https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_Shotgun_CSG_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SniperRifle_HVR243_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_SMG_OCA-Whisper_PR1_RT https://db.apbvault.net/items/Weapon_AssaultRifle_NTEC-Scope_PR1_RT Why were they taken offline? Could LO reintroduce them? Should they?
  14. How matchmaking works (thoughts) collect weapon score ratio collect thread level (silver bronze gold etc) collect kd ratio (it should take this in calculation but it doesnt) collect what threat this guy have while entering district (plus 5 last entries [unique] ones so 1 per day etc - if system finds outu are gold and drop to silver than again get gold than u are takes as middle silvgold and system will select you twice of the opposition in bronze server and worst players in gold) (again this system not do that as well) how to "fuck" matchmaking ? take off ur primary weapon and equip fbw only try to not shoot enemies all the time (lower your accuracy) - possible be banned if admins figureout u dethreating - possible easiest way to drop threat (easier then losing and killing team mates) if u have team 3 silvers and 1 gold let the gold take off primary wepon (system will be glitched and match 4 silvers against work only it there are 4 silvers in team ;] ) about getting gold thread system is glitched as well it shoudl compete all statistics like accuracy mission doing etc. but now if u have god accuracy u will be gold or if u do missions u will be gold as well (in slower times) as i think threat system is calculated (i think so) from district time / kills you made if it ticks the gold thread you are gold etc. (and its ultra easy if u drop from that gold to silver to get gold again) how to fix that staff ? threat for each character seperatly (not account bound) change script that compare kd ratio without doing mission and vice versa eventually change stats needed to get that thread in like 25% more to get gold silver bronze and green(stays like it was) so it will separate silvers with golds and even bronzes from silvers + made system that will unallow gold playerd go do silver district (ONLY) and silver players to go to green (as it is now) additional to point above increase backup needs if u meet silver player on bronze 1 silver player = 2 bronze, 1 bronze = 1 bronze, 2 green = 1 bronze 4 green = 1 silver, green is T as well so from now we will see gold players plays with gold players, silver plays with silvers and eventually silvers plays with bronzes (to propably teach them a game etc. but with more opposition)
  15. First off, yeah, sorry, I was exaggerating. If you just got the gold reward in both FCs that's 800 a week so you'd get 10k in 12.5 weeks or about 3 months. In addition, you can get up to 115 JT a day from mission districts, though obviously nobody does that, but if we're just talking theory here 115 * 7 = 805 so if you were an absolute madman you could get 1,605 JT a week total, which would reduce it to ~6.3 weeks to get 10k, or a little under 1.5 months. With the fact that you can more than make up for slacking a little on FC JT by playing missions, I think it's pretty reasonable to say a decent number of people can get 800JT a week, which translates to 41,600 JT a year, up to a theoretical maximum (that nobody would ever reach) of 83460 JT a year. But let's just step back a second and go to another perspective. If we're going to go with what you were saying and say perma weapons cost 10k JT or higher, is that really. . . useful like Killerskull was implying? The most expensive character bound guns on ARMAS are both of the main VAS C-2s and the Shredder EB at roughly $34.99, which equates to about five hours of work at federal minimum wage, and that's best case scenario, more likely you'd be spending about 15-20k JT, or 4.5-6 months, to get something more like a 3-Slot N-TEC or an N-SSW worth somewhere in the ballpark of $15-26, maybe $30 if you're lucky, equating to about 2-4 hours federal minimum wage. And that's assuming you either get gold in both FCs every week or compensate with dailies, and not even bringing in the fact that all of these calculations aren't even going into how much worse of a deal this is if you're getting the same item with JT on multiple characters with how much better of a deal account bound weapons are on ARMAS on average. Quite honestly, I don't see a way that perma guns on the Joker Store would add much value to JTs. Sure, you might get a little more value out of them if you play FC a ton anyways, but nothing to write home about.
  16. Kinda' agreed TBH. Given the choice between APB Premium at roughly $52 and resubscribing to PS Plus at $60, APB Premium really doesn't feel like it does enough for me, ATM and I barely use my PS4. Not to mention that even within APB I could get 2-3 guns account bound for the price of a year of premium, and that'll last as long as APB does. You do realize that a lot of paying players don't have premium all the time, right? I've personally spent more on APB than any other game I've ever played, not that I've spent a ton compared to other people, and I can think of at least three friends of mine who've spent several thousand dollars on APB but currently do not have premium, and are not even considering buying premium unless something rather substantial happens to APB. For me personally, whenever I have shorter cooldowns it's kinda' a guilty thing like running with the task item or spamming AAEPD.
  17. well in all fairness if you do say the same complaints every time to them they respond that way to you....meh no its not.... well its more of a mess from g1 than previously believed I had a support ticket for a weapon to be account bound that g1 said they would to find out it was coded to be a separate special item for some reason so i cant upgrade it now. G1 made special guns that really made a mess of things while they were miking us like my example. It's still coming into the light *shrugs*
  18. Kinda wish there was more account bound clothing items
  19. Still wishing there was an account wide option for literally every item that can be bought in Armas so I wouldn't have to purchase the same product multiple times. Limiting stuff to a single character without the choice to buy for or upgrade to account bound status is becoming an outdated business practice.
  20. I have a rather complex suggestion, so please stick with me here. So, you all are very well aware of all those allegations that Armas guns are P2W. At the same time, you also might've noticed there's been no new weapons for those who don't buy stuff from Armas - not just reskins, but actually new weapons, like ACES, Scout or ATAC, for example. The only weapons we've been given are M1922 and OSCAR - it's something, but require going through slow and tedious progress of leveling newest contacts and always come with two slots, which not everyone might need (or need more, but guess what - for 3-slotted M1922 you'd have to spend WAY too much than it's actual worth; glad Matt Scott himself noticed that too). Sure, there's Joker vendors, but you'd have to go through Fight Club if you want to get all those guns, and even then it'll take a while (no, contact activities give chump change, it's out of the question). Plus not all of us like playing on Fight Clubs (I sure don't). Which brings me to my suggestion. What I'm proposing is a complete rework of Armas and weapon earning process. In my opinion, all the different weapons with unique statistics should be obtainable the same way as any other. As in, unlocked through contacts as non-slotted versions and through leveling specific weapon rank for slotted versions. As for Armas, what should only be sold there are reskins. I'm sure no one would mind cashing out for a cool looking reskin of the gun they love using that also has a convenient feature of being permanent and account bound, but also no one would complain about P2W, because you'll be well aware that, for example, some guy killing you with STAC is, in fact using a reskinned SR15 which you can always get from contacts and be on an even battlefield, where only the actual skill will matter. And as for Joker vendors, I'd say there should be Joker exclusive reskins with unique mods, but nothing too imbalanced please. OCA Whisper or Joker Box weapons would definitely fall into that theme. What about clothing, weapon skins and car parts? Well that one's rather easy. Cash shop exclusive stuff of that sort is absolutely fine. But there also should be a good variety for those who don't spend money. It kinda hurts seeing all available car parts for every car hidden behind paywall. After all, APB's customization is the holy grail of it. Completely paywalling it is a big no-no. For a good example of how it should work see Path of Exile - the game is basically thriving for several years now. And it's cash shop only sells reskins and minor inconvenience removers, nothing more. Well, that's all I have. I really wanted to share this with everyone for 7 years straight, but only now, with our new benefactors from Little Orbit, I feel safe to suggest something so radical.
  21. Also another route it could take inside of increasing joker tickets is make the permanent items account bound instead of character bound, making the grind a little less. JT weapons are supposed to be there to provide 'a taste of ARMAS' to non-paying players, so if you remove Joker Tickets and fold the current crop of Ticket weapon leases into regular leases, what happens to future ARMAS additions going forward? I doubt it would effect ARMAS that greatly, but I do agree somewhat with the first statement. I know there is the mission tracker but I also wish for another way to achieve JT's due to the fact not everyone "gets gud" in fightclub.
  22. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters Yeah, but what they mean is that doing this will harm people with more characters that default, because then those people would earn considerably less. The best way I see around it is making the JT account-wide but putting a weekly cap on it based on the number of active characters in your account. This might make it easier for people with additional character slots to earn JT in comparison to F2P players with less slots, but tbh people who payed for additional character slots kin of deserve the little advantage, the additional character slots need to have a bit more value than just another character in my opinion. I already wrote this above, but this time I wanted to add that the cap will be based on the number of characters in the account, which will balance it more I feel.
  23. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters
  24. i have the spartan account bound but i would 100% recommend just getting the cr762 (better model, better firing sound, classic weapon)
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