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  1. That has always been such an incredibly weak excuse. They have the database of names, simply run a check for dupes and then contact those players via email and/or ingame. Ask them if they'd be willing to change their name, and if they are, compensate them for their trouble (pretty sure most would be down with being handed a legendary or account-bound ARMAS weapon of their choice as compensation). Hell, they'd probably find that most people they try to contact wouldn't even end up responding due to just not caring about the game anymore. Give them like a month to respond, and if they don't, can easily just change their names to a random string of letters/numbers.
  2. Conflicting names are the issue, its been stated multiple times now as well as that their approach has changed, however, as you should know they are fully focussing on 2.2 so this new approach is likely not being worked on until later. People care about their names and G1's solution during their first set of merges did not work out and honestly just felt like a system that coinflipped who got to keep the name so why risk further community outrage by sticking with the old system. Also not to mention that "just merge the servers" isn't a black and white solution either, players will play with higher latency than usual, not everyone is going to like this, causing further complaints such as "why do I have to play on EU servers to level up waterfront" and so on. The old merge code wasn't flawless either, both major merges they did had multiple accounts wiped off data, something they had to manually restore and merge over again. In short, yes a merge would do some good things but will also cause further issues, some of which you can anticipate and others which you just can't, its a monumental task that they will not want to tackle now. Appreciate the game for what it is, we all know its not in a good state but with everything you do on this engine you are treating symptoms, not actually addressing the issue as to why these issues are becoming a thing in the first place.
  3. Tomorrow, on Wednesday, the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held and - as always - it is taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not any "open world crime" is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. In line with the established tradition members of LAPD Squad will take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we hope to see you on the streets. In any case please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! --------- * Please make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" (19:00 GMT) as well as "Chipp's Car Club" (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST!
  4. The tradelock system implemented by LO is stupid, im thankful for all they did to APB except that This tradelock system annoys players more than they protect them, and funny enough, it doesn't even protect them sometimes, when i login on my account, usually i'm not even tradelocked on the first login, i'm tradelocked only on the second login, so if i were a malicious user i could just steal everything anyway. I don't understand why they implemented that system anyway, you should be able to send an email to your email adress anyway to get a confirmation code or something to lift said tradelock. 2FA Can be done by other means than phone auth apps, you can use emails, or secret passphrases. I just think this tradelock system was by far the most annoying thing LO ever introduced to the game, it's half assed, it's annoying and it doesn't even work properly. Just saying, that's how it should be done: Give us the choice
  5. It will be. Anything having to do with support related actions typically gets deleted because what can we do about it? If he/she makes it a firm point to say this is a criticism thread, it has a chance of staying. Anyways, what's funny is you're talking for your "friend". Trade locks don't get introduced because an IP changed, which was said before numerous times. Maybe there's something your friend isn't telling you. Breaking ToS is the only other reason I can imagine the account getting perm. trade locked. Support isn't obligated to tell you anything about their moderation decisions, and most of the time, the punishment was deserved. By the looks of it, you won't be getting help. My best advice is, find a new friend to play with.
  6. I regularly update my IP (byproduct of some networking stuff I do), and have never had a trade lock imposed on my account.
  7. The support is not responsible for the things your internet provider does. Tradelock is caused by that for various reasons. One of them is that if your account somehow logs in from another location it assumes that you might got hacked and the people won't be able to send stuff around. It sucks and i know from my own experience that support can't do much since this system was implemented by the former owners of APB and that you just cant deactivate it right now. Since i dont use VPN i just had to wait 3 days but in your case Little Orbit can't do anything about what your country or internet provider does.
  8. Hello there, I'm an old school player (play APB since 2011) with my friend our name in the game : Zokin (my account level 209 silver) Lidorven (my friend account level 255 silver) my friend internet provider starts to block many games (block ports and stuff) we try everything in the Router console and the tech team but nothing helps him to log in and play so he decides to use VPN to keep play with me and then the problems come with that, APB system block his ability to buy and sell stuff on the marketplace (trade block) he talks with APB support team and they check his identity and check that it is indeed his account and not an account that was hacked now the system block his ability to buy and sell stuff on the marketplace (trade block again) he talks with the support team again and they told him "we can clean this trade block once to each account" we play 10 years, this is the respect and support we got from the tech team ?? we didn't have many choices in Israel to better internet providers, so he cants play without a VPN he didn't choose to play with VPN he has to because without VPN his connection lost after choosing an account and log in to a server I need your help to bring back his ability to keep play evenly Merged.
  9. Nah I had a forum account before and apparently changing my name resets everything. Was JDM before.
  10. idk some people here seem to be die hard fan and think this game will rise out of the ground like that one arcade game and spend alot of money here or people who keep buying arma weapons on repeat after getting banned and/or new accounts becuase they want more alts and it's cheap for 2 free slots then buying 98 more slots
  11. Don't support it, but I haven't seen anything like this when I get on...unless it's a repeat person it might be a throw away account trying to speed run getting banned.
  12. It does not risk your account otherwise I wouldn't do it myself even, let alone spread it and claim that it is safe to use. That is the whole point of me talking to them about every single file I put out there and use myself, so that no one's account is at stake. Professionals don't usually do that unless its an external kind of thing such as a beginners guide which I've also created for APB and they've officially endorsed it on their official discord server in their APB resources channel. The rest are less sought after and usually only by people who know what they are doing (people who would know where to get configs from instead of the official LO website). My config does not contain any particle removals such as grenade smoke, fire, car explosion particles, muzzle flash particles removal, etc. Those are not allowed by LO. I do not use them and I do not distribute them. And yes, those I consider to be cheating as well.
  13. im not scared of a virus. Just don't like putting stuff into my game that could risk my account (I put a lot of $ and effort into it and rather not loose it for any reason) wonder why then why not include said tweaks as apart of the available ones? Grenade smoke is the biggest to me. So many times a nade will explode in my face and due to the smoke it makes it hard to track enemies in it. Honestly the stage spoilers isn't that bad. Just the grenade smoke one
  14. Actually, you cannot repack APB's UPK files to be used in APB because they use an encryption which only LO can do. The rainbow conc file is a really old file from some really old APB client which just simply still works due to the encryption being the same. I don't wanna go into detail because we are already scraping the bounds of the forum rules.
  15. revert to 2013 patch, release new contacts. release unused names locked behind dead servers/accounts. bring 50v50 too. thank
  16. The weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held on Wednesday and, as always, takes place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not open world crime is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Financial Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. Members of LAPD Squad will again take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we'll see you on the streets. In any case: Please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! --------- * Make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the LAPD Squad Meet Up (19:00 GMT) as well as Chipp's Car Club (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST!
  17. this has been around for awhile, and unfortunately has effected a lot of people including my self, so my understanding to this is.. (iv tried to word it so it doesn't read like dribble) in game "Item" management system is a complex "one tile" system. so in reference to making tweaks to gun stats its the same for trail times, availability, level usability etc, "one tile" being every individual item / version of an item has a "tile" card or "info card" think like football player cards , were the game can reference to the "stats" of each item. these "tiles" also hold prem, trial, contact etc. you need to keep in mind this games system is 10+ years old. were coding was not as flexible as it is now. so example being Stac10 you may of received as achievement back in 2016 as a perm status, if the item is not in your actually account inventory then it is still in the realms of "game/server side Inventory" thus, if dev's changed that achievement reward to 60 day trial in say 2018, then your gun in the email will be updated to what reflects the games "tile info or Gun Info Card" for that achievement. I once had close to 600+ emails of just guns. over the 10+ years iv played since alpha/beta . iv lost probably 200 of them, and most of them have been changed from perm to trial. Just one of those things bud.
  18. On Wednesday the weekly installment of the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is being held and - as always - it is taking place in combination with the "Chipp's Car Club" (CCC) player event. The starting time for the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" is around 19:00 GMT*. We usually meet up at least an hour or two before CCC starts and do regular patrols together as well as custom high speed chases (depending on whether or not any "open world crime" is going on). If you want to participate - on the cop or the criminal side - just let us know. The CCC player event does start at 21:00 GMT* and the location for this week should be the Waterfront Gold district. Please use either the CCC Discord LINK or the CCC APB Forum LINK for more details about the CCC event and the specifics about the district's event location. In line with the established tradition members of LAPD Squad will take care of traffic control during the street races after the CCC car show (where participants present their newest customisations). Any other enforcer or criminal interested in helping out - and thus doing something entirely different in game for a change - is welcomed to keep the traffic at bay with us. If you have time to attend, we hope to see you on the streets. In any case please stay safe out there and use all necessary precautions to stay healthy! --------- * Please make sure to take "Daylight Saving Time" (DST) into account in regard to the starting times for both the "LAPD Squad Meet Up" (19:00 GMT) as well as "Chipp's Car Club" (21:00 GMT) in case you hail from a country not using DST!
  19. xxdinnerxx

    Regular disconnecting

    Hi @Sgt Drayke: I currently use 3 different connections. I tested it with 2 from them: Main connection: Vodafone Cable (coax) 1000mbits down / 50 up Modem: Vodafone Station in bridged mode connectet to WAN 1 on my own router: Synology RT2600ac Backup connection: Deutsche Telekom vDSL 100mbtis down / 40 up Modem: Zyxel VMG3006-D70A on WAN 2 of the Synology RT2600ac The Router is configured to fail over, so connection switching is not the issue. I'm located about 80km south of Frankfurt. Our city has a direct Fibre connection to DE-CIX, so location should not be a problem. I always use RJ45 CAT 6 S/FTP Cable for gaming to avoid connection issues. While playing, there was no connection loss reported by the router. All other applications (router monitoring and a monitoring of a cloud server) was running normal during the disconnect. If there would be a hit on the FW of the router I would get an E-Mail immediately. Also blocked content accessed by a device within the network is reported. Throught gaming with my RIG, there was nothing reported. I can check later with disabled Windows Firewall and Antivirus + disabled user account control to see, if there is any difference. Next step after it would to check if there is a packet loss. Does APB offer a tool built in to the game for that?
  20. now i can understand the price of 'account life time weapons' in the armas marketplace. when you buy the account life time weapons from armas marketplace, you can always get that weapons for free and infinitely from other characters or new characters as long as your account not get banned. i can understand. however most of the joker store weapons are character permanent. that means if you accidentally remove the gun from the inventory then you have to pay another joker tickets to buy. if the joker ticket weapons cost like 'less then 10 dollars' for character permanent then i can understand and buy more joker tickets but most of the weapons from joker store are cost 'more then 10 dollars' also some of the weapons are expensive then account life time weapons from armas marketplace. especially 'Joker CR-5 w/3 slots'. so in armas marketplace, Joker CR-5 w/3 slots for account lifetime cost 15.99 dollars. however in joker store it cost 10000 JT for character permanent. that means it cost 20 dollars for one joker cr-5 w/3 slots for character permanent. that's really expensive for one characters. so my opinion is... -remove the '7days and 30days expires option' of joker store weapons -reduce the price of 'character permanent option' from joker store weapons same price as '7days or 30 days options' thx
  21. R3ACT3M

    JT Store refund

    Honestly the Sword looks like garbage with every skin due to it's matte-like material. The blood rose skin is the only skin that looks good on it. Like you said: That's the whole point of it, is so you can try out weapons and make your decision. Armas guns even give you a discount if you buy the weapon soon after taking it for a test drive. I would just take it as a lesson learned, (another FYI people don't like the sword compared to the NTEC and CR5 for reasons. Also you get a free Account bound Sword as a reward if you spend enough on the armas, I think it's the first reward you unlock)
  22. Legendary weapons: These weapons are meant to be tradeable Armas Weapons: These weapons are meant to be permanent JT Weapons: These are meant to be character bound guns you can get without spending real life $ Besides what cowhorseman said, being able to trade JT and Armas weapons would be a bad decision for LO because they wouldn't make money off of armas purchases if the guns are in circulation What about guns like the norseman? I paid a lot of money to get the account bound pack of them making the Odin a rare weapon to have. It would feel like a slap in the face if all of a sudden it was in the market for 1-2million
  23. Guys, please, pretty please, I want to play APB Reloaded and have a sense of acomplishment. Right now it's just a sense of grind and endlessness! What do you guys think of a special "Ultra-Premium" account status that multiplies your contact exp by 1000? So that every mission played has a sense of purpose and feels rewarding! It's a great idea, isn't it?! It would be sooooo fun! Snipped. - Azukii
  24. Any clue what it will be and when it will be ? I say that the maps s1 and s2 are safe even with the bug that so evil duplicator since the objects that are obtained lack any value at high levels. - Idea : a donation of 5-10 euros / dollars for the creation of an account, which thus we remove the idea of people who make 300 unnecessary accounts, we already know where this leads and where it ends. a greeting!
  25. Hello, This topic has been moved to the Bugs and Tech Issues section of our forums. I am sorry to hear you are facing this issue. In order to get it resolved, please contact our Customer Support at support@gamersfirst.com from the e-mail address of your account. Thank you. - Azukii
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