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  1. Well if they wanna prevent that they could make the fightclub and daily challenges account bound... with that i wanna say that it shares the progress of your daily's and fight club challenges across all characters Yeah, but what they mean is that doing this will harm people with more characters that default, because then those people would earn considerably less. The best way I see around it is making the JT account-wide but putting a weekly cap on it based on the number of active characters in your account. This might make it easier for people with additional character slots to earn JT in comparison to F2P players with less slots, but tbh people who payed for additional character slots kin of deserve the little advantage, the additional character slots need to have a bit more value than just another character in my opinion. I already wrote this above, but this time I wanted to add that the cap will be based on the number of characters in the account, which will balance it more I feel.
  2. Tbh when Gamers First took over APB from RTW, They took a lot of features out, in favor of the micro transaction model, such as trading money, weapons ect. I see account wide currency as a good thing tbh.
  3. maybe I should explain this better, counterstike that we played was 1.5 in the year 2000 I believe it came out in 1999. We where kids the mechanics and strategies that we know today didn't exist then. So basically what I wanted you to take from my post was, counter it or don't use it, don't take something away becuase you don't like it or replace it with an alternative. I wasnt really aware that none excepted maybe one person would take the year into account and realize how younge the game was and we where at that time. So there I guess thanks for telling me how I shouldn't compare games together.
  4. well, that is pretty urgent, I hope LO has priorities set for the category tickets come in for... good luck for a quick solution to your problem then! I have my account banned for NO reason, I did not cheat, grief or refund anything. And LO did not reply in the last few weeks.
  5. this forum account isnt linked to my compromised account so. i doubt someone is smart enough to try that
  6. did you steal my account? you seem really upset over something that has nothing to do with you. i think you need to take it down a notch and just relax. i dont think thats selfish at all. i dont think im forcing/demanding them to help me, i'm just asking for them to help me as soon as they can. and i dont think you're stating any facts, just assumptions. you've been coming off so passive aggressive and i dont understand why.
  7. streamer who got banned for cheating, then unbanned because it was apparently someone who had stolen the account cheating (even tho previously it had been stated that account security was the responsibility of the player), then it came out that he had email tiggs personally or something, then there were a bunch of videos "proving" that he'd been cheating for months/years all secondhand hearsay about a meme, so dont take my explanation as gospel
  8. His argument makes perfect sense, and if these changes go through he won't be the only one pissed off. I own the TAS20 Stock (account bound), which has Improved Rifling 3 and Tagger, and use it often. This change outright destroys that gun, makes it unusable in actual gameplay. I'm already debating putting in a support ticket for a refund or variant exchange. This gets even worse if they choose to not limit the effect to shotguns, because then it would kill another gun I own, the Temptress. That one I can't even request a refund for, because it was obtained via non-paid methods, nor can I request a variant exchange, because it has no variants that would be valid to exchange. The gun would just be a hunk of wood and metal in my gun locker, forever.
  9. No my point is a valid concern and cant be dismissed. It sbould be taken into consideration as this has happened in the past. Void? Might want to look up what that means there buddy. Battle eye MAY catch them.. so what reroll try again with a slot weapon accounts are free. Keep going until they find a work around is my point. Second issue is they need to fix the actual game before bothering to try and bring people back. Make the advanced launcher standard, or after the next upgrade. IMO I dont think it should be an armas weapon either, Maybe a 1 slot or 2 slot weapon would be enough, recieved through the tutorial like the perm 0 slot weapon we get. That way people can make an educated choice of weapon and have time to play through the game for a bit, and more experienced players would get it straight away due to already having finished it. It just isnt as simple as give away free guns fix population.
  10. Don't you get a character bound shotgun and a clothing pack with it? Character bound shotgun = 1,599 g1c, and clothing pack I'll just say 500 at the least, so that's actually a good deal
  11. I can credit G1 for keeping this unfinished game alive for 7+ years + tons of gifts, events and those codes which aren't available anymore Also their ticket support system actually worked. And now LO cannot even give an explanation - why did they suspend my account for the weekend?
  12. Smth is wrong with her account alone. @Lixil someone should check it. Also, maybe someone also bought premium recently?
  13. I don't understand how it can be so hard to just not be a shit bag. What are they even getting out of this? "Duhurhur i maek dem serverz lagee" Like, I don't think anyone here has even had time to have a grudge against LO. I can understand holding one against G1, I mean everyone hated them, but LO has only been here for like 3 or 4 months. How did they fuck you hard enough to want to do this in that time span? Probably just some sad kid who didn't get his account back.
  14. I think that speculating about "who" is behind this only feeds the troll doing it, I bet the guy reading this comments must be licking his cheek every time we say anything about this, but at the end the DDoS attacks are harming the community more than anything, so it looks like it is someone who really hates the community or a part of it. That would make sense considering how far our beloved players, particularly some of the top ones, can go with their bullying and authoritarianism towards other players. These players, same as the DDoSers, truly act and talk as if they were the owners of the game with authority over any other player who is not on their level or part of their group, so I think it makes more sense to think the attacks are aimed to such people and not to the company. Although I always had this paranoid of thinking behind APB cheats and other attacks is someone with deep access to the game code, someone close to the developers or someone who was part of them, not even saying it is a programmer, it obviously is someone with a lot of free time and unable to do anything productive with his life. But I'm more leaned to think is just a banned group of players, I think of a group of scammers or account thieves, these are the worst kind, with a criminal mindset and a computer to remain anonymous, wouldn't surprise me the same people involved in shady real money trades (not the ones helping their friends trading purchases for ingame stuff), scams and account stealing and keylogger sniping are the ones with easier access to resources to just click and pay for DDoS attacks. And yes, I keep doing the TLDR thing... *shrugs*
  15. In one of the e-mails on the redhill website during the ARG, it was mentioned that it will be in Financial. (In the e-mail draft that you send from Anne Partridge's account if I recall correctly.) I think it's going to be Financial only. Edit: "Either way - get the hell out of financial. That is their first target." Keyword "first" might mean we may get it in Waterfront too, now that I think about it.
  16. I think I can have a realtalk here. Cheating under Fairfight was easy as nothing. I saw accounts cheating getting rank 195+. You just had to pay 2$ a month for a Multihack and update it every 3 months. That was Fairfight. Just because there are so many people banned for getting free hacks does not mean it worked. Because it did really not. And I think everyone who knew cheaters or had a simple clue about hacks between 2015-2018 can approve what I said. The only thing you see at the moment is Macro users... god damn. Many of them. Some of them even feel the need of dethreating and use aimbot you. But "think" what you want. Cheers McRabbiton
  17. This is not how it works. I tried to restore the account of 2012 creation .. but then I did not make purchases. I gave all the information, but unfortunately this was not enough .. It is a pity .. I miss it .. Good luck with your account return friend. TAKE MY ENERGY ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽ つ ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽ つ
  18. What the actual fuck is this update? Please actually fix and standardize ARMAS. IDK, like, spend at least an afternoon making the prices work right instead of setting up an AI to randomly assign prices. P.S. Please bring back the Account Lifetime and Character Lifetime weapon pages (as in seeing all guns account or character lifetime.) While you're at it, get rid of the new menu system with the dropdown menu that sucks and go to the old sidebar.
  19. I am not a fan of this title, but I expected it to be account bound at least. Another disappointment with this event
  20. Guest

    What's up with OTW?

    Okay, so how are we supposed to enter it if we don't have our account login there? I mean when tests are opened to the public. I used to use my own account for OTW back with G1. Yes i know there is nothing to worry about, update the topic and check my first comment updated, i wanted to know few more things
  21. You simply can't login because the servers aren't offline , they just use a different database, a private one that doesn't have your account in it so only specific people can acess it. OTW has been closed for internal testing for a while now, still not sure why it's call OpenTestWorld as it's mostly closed to public rather than the opposite . here's when it will be open for the RIOT testing next week : As for the title of the window that has been there since the last two OTW patches , just some debug info that the devs forgot to remove.
  22. I meant the FF bans that they reversed, they would have been putting a lot of people who they were giving accounts back to into a different kind of trouble
  23. I have only one account, however can you please locate for me where does it say that in the TOS or EULA, because I am too bored to search it myself? Thank you.
  24. more essence Saxtus the ban on ownership of multiple accounts on the forum there ?
  25. I don't see any real benefit of having multiple accounts, unless you have never paid anything on any account, so you use them for design purposes etc, or abuse new or other low threat players.
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