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  1. yes i went out of game completeley and back in stil,same prob says account not active and i cant add stuff to cart or check out coz it says in that block account not active
  2. You are damn stupid, do you know that? More than half of armas guns are available in JT but why are people still buying from Armas? Also what is this FREE you are talking about? Who's giving anything to anyone for free? You should seriously get your head out of your patootie, i have more than 7000hours, a player who spent arond 1700$s on 2 accounts , with 9 255 chars , a few low ranked ones. You are just a RANDOM PLAYER WHO IS ENTITLED TO NOTHING OTHER THAN THE PROMISED SERVICE. A service that you and i were promised. You couldnt even come up with a proper counter argument and you had to go look at out of context factors like join date to makeup .... well an argument.......... Also keep your insults to your self. You might need them lil princess ! OK HERE GOES AGAIN. Do not reply back to this or the thread, if you want come talk in PM. 1) I didnt suggest taking away armas items. There is literally a link posted on the first post showing the blog made by MattScott about "dropping unpopular items from armas" 2) You are just butthurt you spent money on something. Understand this princess, you paid for the item and you got the item before anybody else. You gave money and they gave you something. This in noway is gona make you more entitled. They didnt promise that they wont give it away for free, they didnt promise that they wont change it, they didnt promise you ANYTHING other than, giving you the item [char or account bound]... You are entitled to nothing other than that. Its just like paying for early access, you can EITHER pay for early access or wait till everyone gets on for FREE. 3) Most of the players will agree with me on the fact that those guns are just NOT worth it and are underrated because there are better counterparts . 4) Why would anyone spent a dime? To get the item they want, WHEN THEY WANT. You paid for a service which was delivered and thats it. Nobody, i mean NOBODY asked yo to spent any dime. You are talking like only you have spent money on this game.... FYI, i have 29 account bond weapons .
  3. That is somehwat what I was going for with my comment as well. I think it's fine to have exclusive content limited to the armas store and even if that inhibbits certain gameplay features. But completely locking the F2P players out of drastricly gamechanging weaponry is a bit much in my experience. F2P players are very limited in terms of weapons to pick from when properly counterpicking and I think that just takes the fun out of it for them in the long run. Some weapons should be considered new additions and added to role progression I think, and some variants of weapons with special modifiers, strictly bound to armas store and perhaps joker store.
  4. yeah when i got forum banned for the hamster thing, you can't reply back on that account when you're banned. which is funny when they ask you to privately message them. this happened under the g1 era, but it's sad to hear that they haven't passed on that information on. or maybe it was just an oversight.
  5. Forgive my ignorance but I really don't understand how wiping our accounts would help for the new engine. I have to agree with BXNNXD that this would very probably disastrous if that would happen just from everyone losing what took years and money to get.
  6. That's how much it was going for at the time, the boxes were literally free if you make enough accounts and you played good enough to do the event multiple times.
  7. Nekrova is dead. Most Russian players are already on Citadel. I personally think we shouldn't ban them due to the fact that they are the main reason why Citadel is somewhat of an active server atm. There is a lot of Russian players who are cheating but that's probably due to the fact that it's mostly populated by them so there is bound to be more Russian cheaters than from other regions. The game providers just need to focus fixing the anti cheat so that it auto bans the blatant cheaters and have process for banning closet cheaters.
  8. Don't being worried, the server say "there is already someone connected" but it's because you was logged when Citadel stopped and your character "stayed" in the server, I tried to connect with my other accounts and I could reach the characters page but couldn't connect, the problem is just from the Citadel server, they got ddos or crashed or something other like maintenance maybe ^-^/
  9. I got false banned by FF in 2017, October, didn't spammed, just opened one ticket with another account and after some time tiggs reached me out for helping. The same day i got the response from her i got unbanned. If you don't know how things goes just don't keep going, thanks.
  10. Can you stop. Not only are you a complete mong in the in game chat but you also can't seem to make polls or understand simple logic. Delete your account, do us all the favor.
  11. just adding on that secondary weapons are all standardized to $12 usd ($10 usd premium) for character bound and $15 usd ($12 usd premium) for account bound
  12. I got an account back thanks to LO, so I have zero issue with others getting theirs back as well. But thats just me, no doubt people who got scammed might feel differently.
  13. Yeah but I know several admitted cheaters where were unbanned. Some who even admitted to MattScott that they were getting accounts back that they cheated on.
  14. What more documentation do you need aside from "Hey thanks for giving this account back, and I totally was cheating on it btw" ?
  15. I recently upgraded my computer and i got the "Trade Lock: 7days" message , i thought it only works for the trade system , but no seems like i was wrong , it blocks you from sending mails / trading / and Using the market place (Buying / Selling Stuff). Now the question is: -is the trade lock really a good idea ? I wonder if it can really help players "protect" their accounts, i think its completely useless , the trade system is already there and does the job , so is there a real need for trade lock ? , also not being able to Mail/ Put item on market & Trade is really bad, theres people that are in social most of the time and with this feature added it will just worsen the game.
  16. They are fine, from the few times that I've been around, since their introduction, they've kept a pretty good ratio of transparency and releases. Nothing too fantastic, which is realistic considering all things. I hold a bit of glimmer of hope that they can finish things up before everyone just moves on. Their recent releases weren't all too bad, with all things considered. (spiced up the meta and whatnot) Still amazed that they did the player trades a reality. Personally wish they'd work on spicing up the game and fixing the god awful out-of-bounds system to only work when you are running a mission, but all in all, they are alright.
  17. You guys probably thought about it already, but what happens to the dismally slow STAR LCR with this rifling fix? It's TTK is already 1.2 seconds... are you guys going to alter the gun to take into account the change? Sorry, don't mean to nag but the realization hit me a few minutes ago.
  18. I'm new and I was looking through the ARMAS store but really couldn't find a good explanation of what the ACCOUNT LIFETIME PACKAGE text actually means when attached to some purchases. It's not really a clearly defined parameter within the shop. If someone could better explain that, for me that would be great. THANKS!
  19. Some prices have been changed, most notably the shredder SB R&D III is down from 4,999 G1C to 2,799 G1C account wide.
  20. Everyone here is wrong. Movement is not clientside, it has never been clientside, it is server authoritative and clientside predicted. The client is allowed to move on their own screen only before the server receives information that they have moved, their movement data is not "corrupt", warping occurs for 2 reasons (maybe 3 because it's APB and their reliable stream is fucked from what I've understood from Matt's post about why the lag is happening, as apparently commands can be received and processed out of order which should never happen with a reliable stream), the first being packet loss, and the second occurring when a client lags. Packet loss occurs when one end has an unstable connection and packets are failing to reach their destination, and packet jitter which occurs when packets are arriving at their destination late, when they arrive late, the server has to process all of the commands it received late in a single server frame, when a client lags or stops sending packets for a period of time, they'll continue creating movement commands until they either disconnect or stop lagging, when they're lagging, all of the commands are batched up so that they can be sent next client update, when the client stops lagging, the client sends all of the batched movements to the server in a single update, where the server processes them from front to back in the next server frame, when all of these commands are processed, the server accepts the various movements the client has made since they last sent an update and voila, they move, albeit not very smoothly. And would you believe this? Speedhacking works the same way, when you speedhack, you create multiple commands per server tick, they're all batched up and sent to the server at once, the server processes them from front to back, and you move...just a lot faster than expected. Movement is not clientside, what you see is nothing more than a side effect of proper input prediction, which you should be thankful for. Most games to this day are still utilizing networking code from the Quake engine, and for good reason, it can't be done much better than it already has been. What's the fix? Only allow the server to process a certain amount of user commands per server frame, this is what the Source Engine does and it works very well, just remember that you have to account for high FPS or you'll get clients with good PCs stuttering all over on their screen.
  21. "repeat winners even on a different character were being kicked" As the skin will be account bound.
  22. we have all rights to be toxic and we will be because 3 innocent people are banned for no reason that they have reason matt write here public why they got bann but he not have reason for all 3 accounts because players not do anything wrong,3 inactive accounts are banned because some mad kid like you have option to bann people and he bann 3 players and not even sent email why they are banned because he cant write im mad and i bann you for that,of course they must to unlock everything, they also have to publicly apologize to the players
  23. This guy is still trying to act like it's not him. We know it's you Error, we know you're the same guy making multiple threads on multiple forum accounts. It's time to stop. You're not fooling anyone. The cringe is unbearable at this point.
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