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  1. maybe we can get some actual new clothing now? or maybe some more account bound packs? at the very least can we get this artist to actually use the ingame symbol editor to make presets??????????
  2. You tried re logging in and see if it gives you then? bought the exact same thing awhile back and i still get my account bounds in the mail.
  3. Only if all of the following also happen: Players with the RAF CAP40 are retroactively granted account-bound copies of the 3-slot CAP40. The 3-slot CAP40 is added to ARMAS for players that joined after the RAF program was shut down. The CAP40 Sergeant's third slot is opened. It's only fair.
  4. Removing items from ARMAS is no bueno, if anything, bring back the items G1 decided to remove and also account bound clothes? thx everything else sounds neat
  5. If you really felt true to giving away the skin, I believe that you should only give it as a redeem code for one character. At the least it will leave the winners will feel better, because they won and got the account bound version.
  6. Seems like it was put back up at it's usual price without much thought put in, so I am not surprised nor annoyed at the price or the lack of account bound option At least it's better than 5 dollars for just a hat :')
  7. i’m going to give orbit the benefit of the doubt and assume this was a test for the eventual shift of all current armas items to account bound, and not orbit assuming all the people asking for new clothes wanted poorly designed “sets” (i use this word very loosely) of preset clothing
  8. It's clearly more than just one account bound gun, and better than nothing given the situation - they could have given nothing seeing as how they weren't the ones that received the money, and make the players rebuy everything if they still wanted to play (Not as good of an option, given the context it's in.)
  9. I don't think "you did the same if possible" is a good proof of something. I say only about things I know and have at least some real proofs (such as screenshot with those gloves). Also, having cheated items on the account makes you guilty despite of your good or bad previous actions. Anyway, without such accounts, LO wouldn't have any doubts about other ones. Merged. By "doubtful" I mean accounts who got items, unavaliable with any way of fair playing/donating. Most of them were the part of minor administration of Innova. Higher GMs were prohibited to have ingame characters, but the volunteer Street Hunters had both characters and GM support. As they weren't a part of innova staff bound by any legal contracts (but only former players), this all led to abusing their near-moderator rights in various ways.
  10. Well this seems like fun but what about to make it playable this time not like last time with hunting the matt scotts, where the whole fuckin server was lagging like hell and was useless to participate. Whats so hard to make this special titles account bound and not only character bound my god -.- Why only at 4th July and not 5th and 6th July aswell? So other players can have a chance to win something in this "fun" event Anyway good luck to all seems like i need to use aimbot to hit a single shit and able to win something lol
  11. "Every player who gets lucky enough to kill a GM or a staff member will receive a special title ('Firecracker' in golden color) - the titles will be given next Thursday. You will also have a chance to win one of the following: 500 G1C and gold weapon skin, 500 G1C and premium time, 3d glasses." Saddly I received 3d glasses only code, the worst one for me that already have "key to the world" with 3d glasses bound to account. x3
  12. well, or the crown, the few kits or anything, really! i've roughly spent 1.5k (almost none on jmbs, always account bound when possible, almost always durig sales, still lack a few weapons though) and have 2000 hours logged on steam and own a JT 4x4 4 slot on one char - and nothing else bought by jt. across all chars i do have a bit over 12k. personally i think the more open jt store is great - but the yield of JT could still be higher. grinding for a weapon is more achievable than ever - but ultimately, in my opinion it should still be more easy to do so passively through normal play, by just doing missions. 10jt would be okay in my opinion if it was consistent, every mission - it's not like you have to hit the daily cap, i suppose the cap us just there to prevent people from exploiting it (remember gold rush? or refer a friend?) i guess it should be linked to mission length/some minimum score...
  13. we are a good bad example, the fractional percentage of millions of people who have tried apb and didn’t quit this is not a good ratio, and while i’m aware there are a lot of reasons people quit besides new player experience that doesn’t change the hundreds upon hundreds of negative reviews about said poor experience from a business standpoint new players are probably slightly more important, the gaming industry has been moving away from maintaining a small number of veteran players as “whales” and moving towards enticing a large number of players spending a small amount of money even little orbit recognizes this, evidenced by them lowering microtransaction prices and (supposedly) moving armas to account bound and then with apb’s specific situation, where id bet a large majority of veterans are aware that spending money on a game that 3 companies have consistently failed to improve is not a good idea, if they haven’t already purchased everything they want already at the end of the day neither group can be discarded - apb isn’t going to survive on the 600 veterans that still play, but changing apb to appeal to a constantly rotating population of new players will leave us high and dry when inevitably there’s no one new left to try the game
  14. Not sure if that could be exploitable in some way (I am sure someone will always find a way) but I'd love Joker Tickets to be account-bound instead of character-bound. I have a lot of characters with 3-4k JTs but none with 10k+.
  15. Hi everyone, First, I see lots of good feedback here that the web team can digest. Specifically I like the comments around: - Modifications to the Loyalty Area / arrow down confusion - Premium days left were trimmed for space, but we can find a way to add it back in Second, I also see lots of comments on pricing. I'll start by saying this effort was already complete and being implemented before I started the Developer Discussion thread. I'm sure many players will have there opinions on how this "could have" or "should have" been done. Please bear in mind that we are investing into APB in so many areas, so giving any discount on pricing flies in the face of convention wisdom. I'm doing it because (a) I believe it's the right thing to do, and (b) I committed to it in the Q&A. These prices were literally all over the place before, so it was a bit trickier to organize in a way that would insure every single weapon got a reduction. However I saw very few guns go up in price, and nothing that I'm aware of more than around 7%. The vast majority of weapons dropped by 15-50%, with the biggest drop on Account Bound pricing. We created 7 tiers for weapons that reflect the "Character Bound" price: Tier 0 = 3499 - is reserved for "Just Released Weapons" Tier 1 = 2999 Tier 2 = 2799 Tier 3 = 2599 Tier 4 = 2399 Tier 5 = 2199 Tier 6 = 1999 - lowest price Our designers looked at each category and assigned a Base Pricing Tier. Assault Rifles = 1 LMG = 4 Pistol = 5 Shotgun = 3 SMG = 2 SniperRifle = 2 Each locked slot drops that item down a tier from its base (with the exception of Pistols that have a fixed tier). Then we did some hand adjusting in some cases to pull weapons down a tier or two more if it made sense. Account Bound weapons are now +200G1C on top of the Character Bound price across the board. So as an example, the COBR-A "Venom" is an Assault Rifle. It's original price was 3299 for Character Bound and 3999 for Account Bound. Remember, before the G1C adjustment, 3999 = $49.99. Now that is simply $39.99. The new system starts that gun in Tier 1, which is 2999. It has all three slots so there is now reduction, but we adjusted this gun to Tier 2 to drop the price a little, which makes the new Character Bound cost 2799. +200 makes the Account Bound cost 2999, which now = $29.99. In this case there is a small decrease for the Character Bound version (500 G1C) but a larger decrease for the Account Bound version (1000 G1C). Also, we have not yet adjusted packs that have weapon in them, so those prices will still be a little wonky. I hope that helps. Thanks, Matt
  16. I still have a weapon which is character bound, but doesn't give me the option to upgrade to account bound for a discount Support ticket #84809.
  17. Quick sidenote to this thread since it's about the ARMAS market; why am I limited to a 3 day trial of the SNR PR1? I legit want this thing account bound, please add it back. Also would like to see this in the JT store as well.
  18. God that'd be fucking amazing if they ever did that. Although my wallet wouldn't thank them for it, cause I'd have a bunch of weapons I'd have to pick up account-bound.
  19. I noticed the dropped the option for Account/Character bound packs and stopped the whole "You have this Character Bound but can buy it Account Bound for only XXG1C" now. Shame, but in return we got the unbundled items for 49-99G1C, so it's still a win in my books. The new look on the ARMAS website sure looks nice though -
  20. there are some packs that are account bound (juggernaut, revelations) but a majority of them are character bound and cannot be upgraded to or purchased account bound
  21. The concession we had to make to get G1 to implement the account-bound upgrade feature (it wasn't always an option) was that the upgrade would cost the difference plus a percentage fee on top of it (IIRC it's 20%, but it's been years since the discussions about this went down). Be glad that you even have the option for it at all... although it would be nice if LO could be the better company and remove that fee.
  22. First off, why in the world are you factoring in paypal bonuses? Second, you're talking about buying a Shredder 3-Slot character bound when it's currently cheaper account bound (Character isn't 50% off, but all guns are 50% off Account.) Yes, if you had said up-front that you were basically going out of your way to find items that aren't 50% off and buying those, then it's going to be cheaper to buy them later, but it would be better if you bought everything you want that's 50% off now, and then bought anything that's glitched and not on sale later. If you weren't buying the one gun that's glitched then during the sale it would total to 6,600G1c, or $82.50, as opposed to ~$85.78 after the sale. Third, you realize that all of your math lined up perfectly with everything I said, right? Not what you said?
  23. You know what you're right, after rethinking again, yes the Nano is not special, it just happens to be a good secondary for people with horrible ping so you can just spam spray it. But the Ursus, I feel like it's dead accurate on its first shot, and the increased damage makes a difference against players with fragile or when you wanna finish someone off with your secondary after dealing some damage. That's why the Ursus is in such high demand, because if it was for looks/sounds it wouldn't have been worth 100k in the MP.. And I can see the solution you're proposing to be the ideal case, but there would be 3 problems with that. Previous buyers of weapons would give LO sh*t for that. The MP would be nearly rendered useless, as weapon trade is the most used feature of the MP. Current owners of the weapons already transferred the weapons they needed for the character they're maining for the time being, so an account-bound version wouldn't be much of a compensations for them. I think it needs more thinking to find the least destructive solution because there will always be an angry mob after each change, including better cheat detection or an engine upgrade (lol as if it will every come before this game is dead)...
  24. My point exactly. Which is why I am an advocate for reverting many of the weapon changes LO have done. The reason being that just because many of the lower skilled players say that X and Y weapons are broken it doesn't make it true. Any weapon could be in place of X or Y if the player wielding it is vastly superior in skill AND the weapon is commonly used by those high skill players. On top of that, those same lesser skilled players use actually relatively broken weapons (or weapons that are too easy to use) without realising that not only are they doing that but they are also being severely outclassed by better players with weapons that require way more skill and experience to use efficiently due to the skill gap. In the end it produces this big outrage by them, they go on forums, streams, reddit and such and complain about said weapon being broken meanwhile if they pick it up they wouldn't know how to handle it 1/100th the amount of high tier players. Essentially, it is the matchmaking's fault indirectly. Also, if you want a definition of what I consider broken or easy to use. Basically any weapon that takes way too little effort/skill/knowledge to achieve something where most other guns require multiple times that amount of effort to achieve the same (or more). That's largely the formula. Some current examples are ATAC, Manic, FAR (now vs the current N-TEC 5), AMG variants, HVR, JG (vs CSG), PMG (in its current state). I can go into detail about why each of those being the way they are currently is a problem in a game that may or may not become more skill-based in the future. A lot of players that I know and have/had kept contact with over the last 5+ years quit due to many of the decisions taken by the old and new devs. And it wasn't things such as who gets unbanned, who got to be an SPCT/tester (or whatever other meaningless crap people get butthurt about in APB) but actual key balancing decisions, things they've done to date or have yet to do (delaying way too long for simple fixes). One of the most positive changes in the history of APB was the bounty system and how LO handled it. It is impeccable how much better things are now, it does not punish you for being good at the game anymore. Also, yes I also want to help out new players and I talk to new players on a daily basis and teach them things. It's also why I have many spent hours to create and update my APB guide, so I can link it to people and make it easier for both parties. I'm close to clocking in 20k hours since 2010 (forum join date not accurate to when I started playing the game), although probably at least 5k are from Social. APB requires top tier reflexes, aim, high game sense and awareness, some prediction, some luck and experience with teamplay, tactics and how to push/defend points efficiently, meta loadouts. There are many factors and it's not a simple thing to learn on your own, you need good team mates to learn together or to have them teach you the ropes of advanced high skill APB play. Every even semi-competitive PvP game has it's meta loadouts, characters, items, abilities, etc. That's something you can never avoid regardless of how well balanced a game is. You don't necessarily need an official "clan war" mode, people have been playing arranged/scrims in APB in the gold districts for years, that is its only purpose until someone comes along to make it better. I agree that exploits, glitches and such are not competitive in any way but those players who do these things aren't the type of competitive I am talking about anyway. Those players are considered toxic silvers in EU and we pay them no mind. Besides, all of those glitches are bound to be fixed eventually. We also don't consider winning defense as a big deal at all due to how easy it is and it doesn't really show skill much. Aim is always good to be worked on. Again, if you don't feel satisfaction from winning against equal+ skilled opp then competing in APB simply isn't for you. Winstreaks never really meant a lot due to the matchmaking unless we're talking 30-40+ which can be considered a bigger deal but you'd need a solid team for that. I personally want 3 aspects to be worked on in APB by the devs. I want the comeptitive-oritended modes to be fixed up, polished, rebalanced correctly with input from the main players that care about them a lot who have the most experience with them. I also want the new players experience to be greatly improved, add a real visual training (like CS:GO's training course for example) which is forced on newly created accounts (not characters) which would also slow down rerolling cheaters in the process. I also would like more casual things such as player/non-player events to be worked on to be more fun and enjoyable. And it isn't impossible but it requires tons of work and help from the good-willed members of the community. Regardless, this thread is way off the rails and OP even got banned or whatever from the forums anyway so this is where I stop.
  25. Are these the quotes you are referring to? I can't say I disagree with Matt, new players to APB face a number of considerable hurdles towards being able to compete with long standing players, and the progression system is definitely one of them. When we think that some very useful mods such as High Burn Point Fuel or Valzipram are locked away at a fairly high level requirement (Especially for non premium players), there certainly is a case to be made that new players are at a significant disadvantage. This is especially true for weapon mods for example, where if you are a player with no friends in the game, you would need to either grind out the necessary role to then have the chance to buy the modification, or purchase it for an inflated price on the marketplace (Which may not be obvious to do in the first place). I believe Matt's thinking is probably more in line with the changes made to the Joker Store, which was essentially making a wider variety of weapons more accessible to more players. APB has always had an uncomfortable design when it comes to player progression as a result of its unfocused development. On the one hand, we like to believe that an experienced player on a new character would still be able to fight just as effectively, but on the other they also have the benefit of being able to send mods over from other characters and have the knowledge that shiny gold guns don't make you win. If we're not going to restrict matchmaking by character level, then we need to ensure that more players are on the same playing field. This is without going into the mess of the unfinished merging of player characters. By this I mean almost 10 years ago now they decided to make threat account bound instead of character bound, yet still we have very few account bound facilities (Such as symbol storage or shared bank accounts). I don't believe the kill requirements for the Chrome skin are going anywhere, but it's important for more experienced players of APB to not dismiss these ideas. You may say the game will crumble by changing progression, but how can we expect APB to survive without new players?
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