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  1. 3 pages to discuss a nonsense. The GM told u to remove it, u remove it and move on.
  2. im on windows and game is running fine on my end, but i just had to like OP msg for its effort and contribution (my contribution to this thread is useless, but i still had to write this msg :D)
  3. Hi LO, Seems smth is wrong when launching the game. After i log-in, the characters won't load up. (i see the list of names, but they all shows 0hours played) Could you please look into it. Thank you
  4. Hi guys, i see no post about it, but looks like login server is down? Is there some thread about it, or this is just on my end? Thanks
  5. i will actually take another opportunity to thanks LO for keeping the game alive. Bad or good, but we can still play it. Thanks LO!
  6. another selfish silver thread... silvers are complaining about difficult opp yet ignoring that golds could simply not join instances altogether during lower hours.. i was hating that there was only a bronze instance on and on top of that, even if i was lucky enough to get into one, then every now and then i'd end up with afking opp or teammates, cuz everyone was trying to dethreat... ...bottom line, i get your point as well, but if you take a step back, you would understand that this move was needed considering the low pop.
  7. balance wise, i prefer the current state more then it was before. In good hands, even with the current bloom, top tier guns like ntec, obeya still feels op. (ps. im not saying they must be nerfed)
  8. game is fine, stop complaining is the first step.
  9. Same crybabies every now and then.. On another note, id actually like to thank LO for still keeping the servers online and letting us play our favorite game. Thanks
  10. @LO, i wanted the valentine boxes as well, can we get them on Armas please?
  11. oh really man? some of you just don't deserve anything tbh... regardless what they do or don't, you just whine
  12. can we at least have those boxes or some items on Armas ?
  13. oh daaaaemn, its still down :(( its friday evening, what a bad time
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