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  1. becuase name and shame = mute and "i will put action agaisnt your account", and hacking infront of everyone = good boy spend more money on the game.
  2. imagine getting banned on a forum... I saw CBT veterans that are actually NEW on this game. For example: Hoplon (former brazil server) and Russia server had their own CBT title, which means that people that migrated CBT veteran accounts from those servers to LO APB can use CBT title even when they made their account past 2011.
  3. When a friend, who does have the holiday achievement, logs into your steam account without ingame/steam connected it will add the achievements to your steam account. The only thing that doesn't add up is the achievement date, just saying.
  4. The way to win APB is simple... 1. spit on segregation 2. make a new account (u can make as many u want) 3. join the district of ur choice (mostly there is just bronce open cuz if there would be silver u would play ur main) 4. Stomp ppl with STAR + FBW 5. Realize that segregation is useless...
  5. Why do ppl still think rank and gear is that important in APB? Take a look at my scorebord pics and u will see i'm not rolling by any means... (pls join silver district and "enjoy" some bitfenix gold matches and tell me again about getting "rolled") They should open green districts to protect snowflakes and new players. Than we would have a 1/2 green district and still 1 full bronce and 1 full silver... at least on EU. I also don't want to play anything but my main!!! Seems like u don't understand the problem. Sometimes when i log in ther is only 1 single bronce district up. So what i can do is: A) make a new account or B) not play APB at all So u want me to always go for B? Well than gg u fixed small playerbase by vote for -1 playercount... But u are totally right! and thats the problem with useless segregation. There are ppl willing to play but they just can't join any district and don't play at all. So u should have said: "for every player making smurfs there is also 1 player not playing APB at all" Just to clarify I also get rolled every now and than and yea also on bronce districts. Un can be an upset kitten or u can go on and enjoy the game. Ppl can choose for themselves.
  6. look i'm sure i have said this before but no matt how hard matt LO or anyone inbetween on any team works and makes anything people will just go "LMAO i could do better" becuase in fallen earth i saw atleast 50 people say they could make it a better game and when asked plans on making it better i could hear the static in there brain ytuth of the matter is people think becuase APB and fallen earth are fully done game with everything sitting right in the laps of the teams they can just whip up some new engine in 1-2 years then get all mad when it's "look guys a ball hehe" yea you tell me mister i took a coding course in highschool once a moon ago how easy that is. from sctrach first go ahead simple. using old tools on a old game that had the upkeep and care of almost none? yea your not gonna make it in a week hell a month flat until you tangle that ball and see what is trash and what isnt and for the most part it was trash with exrta trash on top of trash mixed a bit of useful code lines matt explains in a lot of simple easy to understand detail thats why when he said fallen earth was gonna shut down i wasnt shocked i saw the post the game was as stable as a 50 ton house on a 2 inch wide wooden pole and in shutting down sure i wasnt happy put i understand it makes it easier to work on the game without having to balance a sever or accidently fucking up that sever and palces a statis on all chars accounts etc for that game so we can pick up were we left off the same is for apb they did the same rodeo of "lets not take care of this becuase it's now our issue" then lo comes in and has to dig up the trash and get things running and etc so give them 4-5 years not 1 or 2 and understand it isnt just these two games but they got other projects on hand aswell as other companies to worry about trying to buy them out or what ever it is game companies do or you can keep complaining like the spoiled shits you are i see how you act ingame and it does not refelct good on what you might be like irl in honesty i couldnt care
  7. First off. Dont Try the guns till you are ready to buy. the Try gives you a 35% discount, n its only valid for 24hrs or so. Second. All My weapons are Account Wide. So any new reroll i make gets all them guns. The .45 is an Excellent Pistol, it had the long range of a magnum but is not made for range combat like the .44s. Its best used close up The FAR is a good gun, its precise, lightweight. it tends to bloom out in CQ and becomes weak at range. The Cobra-A is a nice gun. It has slightly more punch than the Far, but slightly less range. Let me suggest you look at the sub guns, get the bullpup called Trouble Maker. this is a chopped down Assault rifle. with AR range, it comes with a hunter 3 site, tagger, and its silenced..DONT GET THE ENTENTE its a pos The Trouble maker is very accurate, great for taps, full 32 magazine, it has some bloom in CQ but makes up for it with its AR like damage. Its not the meta sub gun, but a very good medium. It does not suffer from the 'Drop Off' in power that the other subs have recently be subjected to. Not to mention the tagger comes in handy if you like the Joker job and or when you are the scrub on the team. You run out n tag em, n the gold goes over n kills him
  8. Must be a Russian that hack your account!
  9. This forum is mostly the same trash over and over, but every once in a little while there's still some humour to be mined from it... Support is the only way to get your account unbanned. So whether you're telling the truth or not, it doesn't really matter to anyone here. We can't help you, but good luck.
  10. Well, I have the impression that talking about ban on this game is a taboo, but I have no problem with that and I announce that I was banned from this game without even having used the slightest cheat and not even having played during the ban period. After checking with support no suspicious activity on my account I was banned during a period of inactivity and I asked support if anything suspicious had been detected on my account the previous days but nothing came out. I've been streaming the game for 7 months, so I know it's not proof. I have been playing on my account since 2015 and I have never used third-party software or even before, with FF then BE then EAC then again BE I sent everything I needed to BE to verify my statements because I am sure of myself, unfortunately BE never responds to the email. Now I don't even try to unban myself because I already know that LO handles this game very badly and won't do anything. A streamer was banned live and the next day he was unban without even sending a single message to support. Several people on his live have complained about the same thing. We can imagine that if errors are produced but resolved, we can imagine that others have not been resolved
  11. I regularly update my IP (byproduct of some networking stuff I do), and have never had a trade lock imposed on my account.
  12. On stream i have said that this thing that they were going to do was utter bullshoot. Contacting saleli is mostly contacting a wall. people can contact him constantly for measurments that are falls or about something else. if u have to check everything than u need a person 24/7 focused on that. so they wil not do it. same with GM's u don't have any GM"s that are on certain hours in the game. so u can't contact those becous u have no idea who those people are. Reason for that is that they are under rules that protects there face. something that they tried to correct but is so hard to controll by only a few gm's + those people come back to the game anyway under an other account with a vpn.
  13. You should also try to be more objective. A lot of things that they added was already mostly done be the RTW team (just like the fight club you mentioned). Even after they reworked the matchmaking several times it was still in a lot of cases really bad. Adding new contacts was a nice thing, but things like car spawners, low-yield fragmentation grenades, blowtorch, remote detonator were so poorly planned out, i don't understand what were they thinking... Why are you talking about events that happen only couple days a year, what about the other 300+ days? They are also really boring, because of too much grinding. If you have more than one character you had to do it multiple times (how fun). Also players always found a way to abuse glitches, use op spots to camp... Console port is so bad i'm surprised it even got any players. The f2p with p2w weapons concept might sound better than paying a monthly subscription, but let's talk about facts. You cheat for a long time in a f2p game and get banned, after making a new account 5 minutes later you can already be back in the game. Having p2w weapons make the game extremely unbalanced!
  14. If i give brandnew players all weapons, and the not yet created "M1Abrams" car and put them against random rank 125 silvers with just what they have now, the new player will still lose 90% of matches. This fixation on gear is a mistake all new players make, and this included myself back in the day. The game is not meant to be "perfectly balanced" because that would break the teamplay element where teammates have to account for the individual weaknesses and strengths of their co-players. Does this create shit moments? - Yes certainly. But it also creates legendary moments. Sometimes you're the dog, and other times you're the tree - nuff said.
  15. im not scared of a virus. Just don't like putting stuff into my game that could risk my account (I put a lot of $ and effort into it and rather not loose it for any reason) wonder why then why not include said tweaks as apart of the available ones? Grenade smoke is the biggest to me. So many times a nade will explode in my face and due to the smoke it makes it hard to track enemies in it. Honestly the stage spoilers isn't that bad. Just the grenade smoke one
  16. So my situation atm is my "144hz" monitor set to 120hz (it has problems and since I can't hit 144hz in most things I just set it lower and it helped alleviate said problems) The monitor is supposed to have AMD freesync but I have my doubts on whether it's working or not. The situation im in at the moment is I have my laptop setup in a desktop manner (gaming laptop: gtx 1060 6gb + i7 7700hq) I already turned down most graphics settings without turning the game into wet clay but trying to maintain at least 80fps is impossible as fps will drop to about 60. So for (another word for fecal matter) and giggles, I set "smooth FPS + double buffer". Now, I am aware that having either of these settings enabled in pvp shooters is generally not the way to go. I would like to keep testing more, but I don't think I noticed any degrade in "skill" since turning these on. I was curious if something like RivaTuner is allowed for locking FPS (I'm kind of paranoid about my APB account and don't want to risk it) My whole thoughts on why im even trying this in the first place is I feel like it's easier to be more consistent with a stable frames vs getting the occasional 90fps then hard dipping to 50.
  17. You logged in to APB and found your things missing, meaning you have access to your account. This is good You may browse ARMAS history to show Support that you really bought these items before. Purchase History is no joke, it exists for such reasons. I heard people using it and got their things back, perhaps you can do the same.
  18. see a guy go 14-2 in fightclub that ive never heard of. look him up on bans, oh look he got banned in 2016 for cheating. LO literally just gave hackers a free account to cheat on all over again.
  19. So they can't merge till this engine comes, Who's idea was this. Boarding the door shut? I voted Yes. That pretty much seals my wallet As far as desegregation goes, your gonna loose your casual daily players, n gain a bunch of tryhard golds that your not really gaining cuz they already here, they would just be able to goto bronze n farm. Meaning no place would be playable for casuals When i say casual I mean Legit non cheating players, non toxic in chat, non trolling. I got news for ya, theres already quit a few golds that come in bronze n call EZ n Noob, or just troll the Real Players. Im not spending a dime, I feel like ive been robbed. They cant even afford a GM to keep to keep the trolls out. Every fkn Day same player that goes by the name of an 80s Arcade game come in does his best to ruin the game. Why U dont have cookies like facebook games. I used to run several accounts and it was known if you cheated FB would put a cookie on you that said you were a cheat, n that pc would not be able to use that game afterward. so u cheat on one account, u lost them all. wasnt fb itself but Zynga games. Only way out was a complete wipe of the pc. couse tech has changed that was 10 yrs ago..fuck im old
  20. Conflicting names are the issue, its been stated multiple times now as well as that their approach has changed, however, as you should know they are fully focussing on 2.2 so this new approach is likely not being worked on until later. People care about their names and G1's solution during their first set of merges did not work out and honestly just felt like a system that coinflipped who got to keep the name so why risk further community outrage by sticking with the old system. Also not to mention that "just merge the servers" isn't a black and white solution either, players will play with higher latency than usual, not everyone is going to like this, causing further complaints such as "why do I have to play on EU servers to level up waterfront" and so on. The old merge code wasn't flawless either, both major merges they did had multiple accounts wiped off data, something they had to manually restore and merge over again. In short, yes a merge would do some good things but will also cause further issues, some of which you can anticipate and others which you just can't, its a monumental task that they will not want to tackle now. Appreciate the game for what it is, we all know its not in a good state but with everything you do on this engine you are treating symptoms, not actually addressing the issue as to why these issues are becoming a thing in the first place.
  21. While technically correct, this is a free to play games and these guns were monetized in the past, changing one gun into another regardless of how commonly used it is will upset players. There is no winning scenario here even if it seems like a logical or 'simple thing' to do. I don't agree with this at all, G1 meta while there were guns that aren't in the meta right now wasn't exactly great and IMO was a great example of what I mean with "guns that are unhealthily strong". Here are a few examples of gameplay that sooner or later was deemed frustrating. Being tagged by an 850 DMG HVR and having to wait 15 seconds to regen. PMG being the meta SMG by far due to its range which meant that sometimes fights would be decided by pure RNG as well as the not so uncommon scenario in which you got out ttk'd by a PMG on 20-30 meters, once again due to pure rng. Every mission having multiple N-tecs as it was the essentially the only usable AR in the game despite the others not exactly being bad on paper. The FAR is accessible on both Armas and through events correct, however, in the past that has not stopped a weapon from becoming the absolute meta pick. Old version of the CSG, Whisper, Trouble Maker or even Scout are good examples of this and none of those were available as part of an event either. Looks, sound or whether something is a starter gun or not does not impact the Meta because the Meta isn't decided by those stubborn to try something new for whatever reason they might have. The meta is outlined by those willing to play something new and match it up against the meta to see if it does well, an example here is the DMR AV which has been slept on for a while but was popularized after good players picked it up during the CET and did surprisingly good with it in an environment that matched some of the best players against one another, this is and will always be more meta defining than any gun sound, look or prejudice. Neither the STAR or FAR are good enough at mid range to reliably compete with the N-tec or the guns the N-tec can take on within its effective range. They are better in CQC but this tradeoff was not worth losing out on mid range capabilities. I feel like you contradict yourself in this statement, if the weapon in question (The N-tec) was made a lot worse then people would've steered away from it already or even back when it was at the 2.4 Modifier Cap initially many months ago which was also in an environment in which the FAR was even better than it is now. This isn't the case however, NONE of the weapons changed in this update have dropped in popularity by a noticable amount which is an indication of a set of changes that don't disrupt the meta but instead leave some room for new weapons that break into the meta. I'd argue it won't take long for weapons like the PMG or even Manic to see more of a use again while guns like the Cap-40 may not become the most popular but will at least have a decent chance combating an OCA. I agree here, over the past 10 years Shotguns have been re-iterated around the same idea of a 2 shot kill with a big delay in-between shots, this concept is fundamentally flawed as it plays into the idea of playing around corners / corner popping heavily for as long as the JG / CSG follow this concept they will always end up overpowered or flat out bad. Your last paragraph doesn't make a lot of sense as it revolves around the idea of the N-tec's CQC being killed entirely which isn't the case because if it was, people would've steered away from it back then and especially now. The N-tec will continue to be a dominant pick, however if you want to full auto it you now need to be closer to your target OR opt to burst it in 3-4 round bursts which due to its very fast recovery and extremely low recovery delay will always be strong regardless of its max bloom value. You could argue that you're changing the way the gun is played in CQC and how that is something 'bad' but I feel like players with a mindset like that are preventing themselves from improving heavily. G1 has allowed stagnant balance to kick in by not making changes, this has allowed players to spend years playing a weapon and making them believe it is fine that way but as LO took over the game the game has started to evolve and with it evolved the meta, however, due to the stagnant past of APB's balance players have often perceived these changes as an attack to their favorite weapon / playstyle, often not accounting for the overall health of the game for their own sake. To an extend you prove this point by saying that a worse player with a CQC gun can beat the N-tec, stagnancy has allowed for the idea of "my gun should beat this guy because he is a worse player" to fester when in reality he SHOULD have something going for him playing a CQC gun into a mid range gun, somewhat levelling the playing field, if you're the better player you can adapt to the situation and optimize the way of playing your mid range gun in CQC even after a direct nerf. If you find yourself in a CQC scenario against guns that you feel like the N-tec can't match in that very scenario then you can opt into using a gun that is better suited such as the ATAC or FAR for AR's or weapons such as the Carbine, Oscar or OCA much like in a different scenario you would consider opting into using a gun better suited for long range instead of the OCA you have equipped. The patch has been out for 3 days now and so far the meta has shown no signs of shifting, only time will tell but at least now they can actually focus on buffing weapons instead of having to pay attention to just whatever seems to be overperforming. In a game like APB the meta SHOULD always be evolving through continuous balance, if something is too strong it might see adjustments and if it ends up too bad as a result then it should receive adjustments to bring it back up.
  22. I meant AV version of it. 16th role unlocks just the chrome skin. I have 3 slotted dmr and AV PR2, both acc bound tho.
  23. Been wanting to rip my character but don't want to risk losing my account i would give credit is Ninjaripper a ban? I seen threads on this in the past with mix results so i wanted to make sure before i do anything.
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