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  1. Exactly. It'd be one thing if I was trying to purposefully commit fraud, or if it was done in a reasonable time frame. I am glad Matt stated that it was wrong. Not gonna ask for my original forum account to be unbanned, maybe... Cause, I will admit my last post (that got deleted, but Sadira quoted) was quite hostile.
  2. And that would be a computer from 2010. Which by most standards would be a turtle. So running windows 7 on that cutting edge Core2Duo with 4gb of ram and omg the latest directX 9.0c! Don't forget that video card with 256mb of ram! Devs don't account for everything and as long as it is not interfering with the gameplay why cry about it so much. Did the devs ever care to take into consideration color blind people? Nope! And that is really shit in a game where its is just Red vs Green.
  3. I LIKE IT! I have got my original forum account back! BOOYA!
  4. Hmmm, got more than that on my lil Xboner uno account and i'm not able to do it. (Nice lil notif sound btw )
  5. I don't understand would you rather let them leave your accounts banned? You're getting unbanned be happy about it you have to pay a small price for it! If G1 was still in control you would still be shit out of luck on getting unbanned.
  6. Nice that you unban all the poor KTTC boys ... But why on earth would you unban FFA exploiters as well ? Also I would have deleted all legendarys on every unbanned account too.
  7. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe Matt stated that all banned accounts will be unbanned when BE is out.
  8. Hello I'd like to change my ingame name as but when i add as friend the name i want (just to check if it's available or not) on Citadel it says the character doesn't exist but when i try to create a new character and name with said name it said it's already used. This is kinda frustrating honestly so i want to ask at LO Staff if they are thinking of a name purge in the future because also having lots of names unused could restrict also in new players joining while unable to find their name. Thank you.
  9. To be honest accounts that haven't yet merged probably never will. i say wipe em. the names that is.
  10. send out an email, give it two weeks, then force a name change on every account thats been inactive for more than 365 days
  11. Is it really so hard to take 2 minutes out of a whole year to login and logout to refresh your account?
  12. You all know that it costs money to maintain a online game and that it is eventually necessary to sell their products to the players to assure that the game can stay online and running with good Support?! Sure, it would be nice to get all stuff for free or for a price as low as possible.... but that is not possible all time. I only buy Account wide weapons, the other option make no sense for me because i have 14 chars on my main and i want to play with all chars this weapons. I have spend much money on my Acc but that is not the case. The case is that all the purchased stuff spams my ingame mail after new char creation with over 500 or more mails and it drives me crazy every time to accept them... xD But i understand what you mean....
  13. Hi everybody! A week ago I asked a question on the social district ingame about the weapon account bound upgrade. Let me clear up the situation. I have 2 chars on my account, one is a crim, the other one is an enfo. I have a char bound weapon on the crim, and if i know it right, i should have the opportunity to upgrade this weapon from char bound to account bound. But i don't have this opportunity. On the social ingame they said that i know it right, and it should work. I tried everything, but i can't see the discounted price for the update on the Armas Marketplace. They told me that i should write a ticket to the support, and i did it. It was a week ago. I got no answer at all... Im so disappointed right now. I don't know its a bug or something on my account, or why i can't see the discount price to upgrade? Please help me to get a proper answer for this, cuz i don't know that its a bug or what. Thanks!
  14. Still waiting on the official word though, something like this is pretty unheard of... If this is just implemented the way we are perceiving it, then it's going to cause a lot of unnecessary mix up of accounts based on some wild theory-crafted "identification" method that no forum-based place uses. Merge forum accounts but not game accounts? Again: Having multiple game accounts pretty much equals to, nearly by default, multiple forum accounts. If you decide to mix up one of those sides, forcefully, you are asking for problems in the long run (especially if the identity key that they are going to use and then be based on isn't truly unique). I understand making changes, but they still need to be discussed and really thought out. While these are just the forums, at what point does this unpracticed/undiscussed "implementation" process impact game decisions--which exactly the path that ruined G1. @Lixil
  15. @Lixil- Care to explain the thought process on this (especially if this is forced)? In game, multiple accounts are not against the ToS (with the caution: if you break rules on one, all your accounts can get the hammer)--since coming to G1, this was told to us. Is this wild idea just to make sure the upcoming "Volunteer GMs" can't evade the rules they will have to agree to? You even said earlier that GMs have separate accounts themselves... On the forum rules, it states: Having multiple game accounts pretty much equals to, nearly by default, multiple forum accounts. Merging different accounts sounds ridiculous especially with those who share internet, VPN, or visit forums on free wifi/cell-service. I'm not saying there are not people who have multiple forum accounts with the sole purpose of violating those rules (which justice should be served)...but I rather not have random accounts merged with mine, lose this one, or some other stupid thing that usually happens with half-arsed merges. I have never heard of any forum-like service that merged accounts. Some people purposely separate their game account from their forum account...much like they should do on the internet. For example: If you are dumb enough to share one email to all services you use, you pretty much leave a single-point of entry to your internet life. tl;dr - What is the point of merging accounts? What does it solve? Who thought of this?
  16. I just have two accounts which I use actively... And no. I really don't want them to be merged.
  17. It doesn't solve anything. It is just a burden to anyone that actually uses multiple accounts for legit reasons and anyone that doesn't will just make new accounts anyway.
  18. I'm just waiting for the list of my accounts that will obviously be missing a few and likely even include accounts that are not mine. Or something to go wrong with the merge.
  19. I understand what they want to do, but if you have multiple accounts and you use a VPN for each different account, they will never be able to detect it so ...
  20. So why is it that when check if a name is available by trying to add the name as a friend. Where it will say there is no one by that name. However, when I try to make a character with that name it says its already taken. I understand that they might be banned and the name is just lost forever, but damn LO should really clear the banned name pool if those people aren't going to take their account back. I want the name Polaroid so bad.
  21. Mainly because the majority of us were relatively high ranks. The issue isn't with the players or the mission in the screenshot. The issue is with the high rank players being in a Bronze district. The higher the rank, the more experience they have playing the game. High and low ranks should be separated. For accounts with multiple characters, the highest ranking character should be used for balancing, so an experienced player cant just join a Bronze server and seal-club everyone else.
  22. Match making needs a major tweak in regards to how threat is calculated, or remove threat entirely. The current match making is based on how much you score rather than the amount of kills and deaths you have. Deaths do not factor in at all when it comes scoring and objectives make up a majority of the score you earn. It's normally lop sided for the team with the most objectives in the first place. So losing defense missions hurts your threat more than losing offensive missions. If match making took account for deaths and removed some score when players died, match making would be less of a problem than it is now. Match making is too easily skewed due to the amount of score you receive from objectives as compared to kills. You could become gold 10 without killing a single person if you tried.
  23. Mass farmed accounts is where the real money is at. Sell it before it gets banned for cheating, easy money and sucks to be the buyer.
  24. Also, as for making more cash working at McDonald's, whats the point? What do the DDoSers get out of borking the servers? These are just examples of how people push the envelope to break the game's intention. And so I addressed a variety of problems, like scammers, cheaters who move cash and legendaries thru several accounts and or game the system to make money by borking the game rather than playing fairly and investing in it... but for some people the denial runs deep. Ok, np. buy 60 legendaries and sell them from a third party company for irl cash. It's cool, making less cash than working at McDonald's... it's also a violation of the terms of service and hurts the game on so many levels... shame you can't see that.
  25. if you gift something and then chargeback whoever you gifted it to gets banned if they don’t do it like that, then everyone would just make throwaway accounts to gift free stuff to their mains catch 22
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