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  1. Happy birthday to this account of mine. It was not my first account but I cant find the original from November 2010 for some reason! 7 years old today!
  2. I Saw Some Topics Try To Give Suggestions About Threat System, Its a Sure Threat System is a Mess Right Now, But I Think At Least For Now Our New Dev Team Should Focus On a Very Fast And Effective Way To Fix This Issue. im not Playing Game Since 2016, and Now Realy Have Hope for This Game to Come Back to Its Glory, And Wish Luck For Little Orbit To Revive APB. So My Idea And Suggesion About Threat Is This: When i Was Play, The Threat system was a Mess, and i Was Perfer To Play in FC, Than Silver District. Things Made this Threat system so bad imo are These: Golds Play in Silver District and No One Play in Gold Destrict, Because Few Years Ago, They Made this Change, And Made Threat System From Gold in Gold, Silver in Silver, to Gold in Silver, Silver in Bronze, And it Was a Realy Bad Idea. Now Golds Play in Silver District With Silver Players Who Have no Idea How To Play in Bronze District, it Make Life for Silver Players a Real Hell, and For Gold Players, i Can Say Like 75% of time i Had 1-2 Silver in My Team VS A Full Premade 255 TS Team, Match Making Was so Funny. So i Was Perfer to Play in Fight Club When i Was Play Alone, and Only Play in District With My Friends. (Premade VS Premade) In Bronze District, All Bronze Players Play There, And Silvers Have to Go There to Save their Asses From being Raped By Golds, Mean Now They Gonna Do Same To Bronze Players Who Just Joined The Game, And Make Them Quit Game, That's Also Horrible. Green District is Dead as Gold District Because Imposible to Get Green at All. So Changes Should be Made for First Phase At Least imo, is to Make it Like old Times, Gold in Gold, Silver in Silver, Bronze in Bronze. And Also Make it Much Harder to Get Higher Threat. So Golds Are Realy Golds. Not Like Some People Who Carried Up, or Smashed some Bronzes and Get Their Gold. i Think in This System, Golds Have Very Good Teams To Play In Their District, and Premades Dont Be Much Trouble, But Still It Should be Managed to Premades Match with Premades More Often. (TS is OP ^.^) Silvers Match With Silvers And Yes Few Golds Dethreat, And Should Taken Care some how, but atleast Better Than this Mess, And Silvers Will Be Fine And Can Learn From Golds, But Bronzes: Bronzes Can Finally Play Peacefully with Other Bronzes and Dont Get Raped Like now And Quit Game, This Make Player Base Grow aswell, Most of People i Get To APB in All of This Years, Quited Game after first Month, Just Because Got Raped in Bronze Destrict, And Had no Other Place to Run. Green Destrict Also Should be Revived For People Who Are Realy New. The Only Thing Here Make This Paradise Unrealestic. is Some People Try To Make New Accounts And Get to Lower Threat Districts. This is The Hardest Challenge to Deal With. Another Thing to Note. I Belive its A Good Idea to Threat Drop By Time, When You Dont Play For Few Mounths, And Get back to Game, You Are not Good as Before You Leave, Its Just Make Sense, That Threat Drop By Time. You Leave Game as Gold, Get back after Few Mounts, And You Are silver. Till you Warm Up You Get Gold Again. Thats My Suggestion, At Least For Now, Im Personally Love Threat System More Than Any Other Matchmaking System, Its Just Need to Be Optimized.
  3. Never thought I'd type this but I'm with those people who say matchmaking probably shouldn't exist at all. I'd make an exception that maybe brand new players should be kept in an instance with other brand new players for like, the first 10 missions of their account (Enough to level up a starter contact but not long enough to keep them away from playing with their friends - and if there's a low population count they won't be kept away from the main action for long) but otherwise? Just match players up with whoever's available. Yeah, you might get some massive differences in skill level, but that's currently still the case with gold and silver players dethreating to stomp newbies anyway. As it stands the current matchmaking system is ridiculously easy to abuse, punishes players for being at gold level regardless by having too small of a player pool, and immediately instills a stupid bronze/silver/gold based elitism in players that just leads to toxicity. APB's entire vibe is about making a name for yourself through your style and notoriety, by removing all the matchmaking trappings you can ensure people get to interact with the broadest spectrum of players available.
  4. I do sorta like this idea, although it'd be too hard to distinguish between actual false bans and people who did cheat, I don't think it'd be fair for legit players who put so many hours into their accounts.
  5. Check my edit, APB very often gives the appearance of snapping. Just because his character wasn't looking at you (evident by the back of his osmaw slightly peeking) doesn't mean he didn't see you. And once he went to fire his character would "Snap" Plus that's not even accounting for potential other explanations like lag, or just because APB is Buggy.
  6. I would like to see a rework of the In game rewards in game play. The rewards in FE have never been in keeping with firstly the level that they are achieved. Rewarding a level 15 piece equipment in a level 35 area is just sad. Secondly, fighting and killing a Boss that has so much health that it takes forever not to mention the ammo used if a ranged player, then getting either no reward or just some random piece of cloth that can be scavenged anywhere just sort of takes the incentive for doing PvE away from the game. The other thing is rewards that cannot be traded even among toons in the same account or sold just ends with tossing most of it away, a change to that and items that "attune" to the weilder/wearer would be welcome.
  7. And the dev team can take that into account in their investigation. They can also get on the game and watch said person in question if something does look fishy. Its not an end all but its def better then having words with nothing to back them up.
  8. I would like to thank Imflacid, who gifted me a permanent account-wide ALIG R&D III years ago.
  9. As I have talked on this subject in the past many a time, I have personally liked @Noob_Guardian's suggestion on the old forum, I'll link if I find it. I think that the threat system needs to change, just as most of everyone else does. If threat changes, matchmaking should change, and the districts should hide your threat from other players, or even yourself. (I do like seeing my threat above myself to keep tabs on whether or not I'm doing good, but I can give that up for improved matchmaking) Similar to open conflict, all districts should be threat unlocked, and the addition of a tutorial district like the past for players under a certain rank on NEW accounts, not reroll characters. (Hard to enforce reroll accounts). Now, while moving current players threat levels to the corresponding new system would be ideal, in a sense, the game should allow for slightly more adjustment in the beginning, as it fine tunes everyone's 'skill measurement' (as for those who don't know, is what threat is). So... in a sense, a reset that allows for fluctuation when first implemented, and a character is created, but stabilizes over time. Link to thread: https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/topic/326688-remove-the-barriers/ Wow that link took a while to find, at least the old forums were saved, makes me finding it easier.
  10. I had the name "kitty". my account was banned a weeks before the merge. they force-name-changed my banned characters and let someone else take my names. Now that my characters will be unbanned... I am annoyed that they went through the extra personal effort to name-change my banned characters and give them away.
  11. My question/suggestion is Little Orbit gonna do something about the Marketplace horribily high prices? I mean the cheapest character lifetime weapons is "1,499" G1C Wich is 20$ and that weapons is buyable/unlockable originally. And the better ones is 2,600 3,200 What is 35$ And there is more if you buying an account life time stuffs 3,900 or even 4,900 what is 54$ That is an "A" category game price, or a single weapon in a free to play game? I hate temporary items, this is why i've only buyed cloths and packs. I wanna buy some better stuffs, but that is too much for a game item
  12. You don't have the account that steam is connected to the apb you want access to? ummm what??? honestly thats suspicious in many ways
  13. Hi guys, I was thinking about this topic although I'm not the kind of expert regarding this like a couple of players out there might be, but bringing my opinion and an idea I had wouldn't hurt. If there are upcoming changes regarding the current threat system and disctrics segregation, such as removing that hilarious badge above our heads that only thing it serves is to enrage newbies, confuse experienced players and let trolls fool the system by dethreating, rerolling on new accounts and spill insults on everyone else by attacking them for being silvers, fake golds, or whatever they want to blame about, then I'd like to start this thread to know if you think that a total rating/threat wipe is needed to ensure the quality of such update if a new match-making system is deployed. First of all, here are some reads about what has been done in the past in APB:R so we can base our discussion with acknowledgment of these previous updates to the rating (threat) system: March 2011: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2011/03/missing-skill-ratings-and-thanks-to.html April 2014: https://apbreloaded.gamersfirst.com/2013/04/settling-score-version-11.html Once reading this and based also on personal experiences I came to this interrogation: Will the current threat ratings be wiped out once the necessary tweaks and changes are made or even if a new threat system is in place to start rating players from scratch? And would you agree with that if so or are you against such thing like this? Personally I hope it does, please check this suggestion I made if you want to contribute with the ideas I brought there and check the vote poll I opened there too:
  14. the game has been changing owners, and theres now a completely new support team id assume you should send in a ticket since this is an account related issue
  15. I and some other legit/ fair players got blocked account suddenly on day.... we believe it's false ban, please I request to reverse all those ban who is really false ….
  16. I refuse to believe the majority of FF bans were corrupt just because some of them were corrupt. I'm actually happy that they're adding BE and unbanning everyone for a second chance at the same time. But when I was talking about bans and feeling vindicated, I was thinking about any potential future bans, which will likely be legit. So tell me, if someone actually cheated and ruined the game for other people, why the hell should I not feel great that they lose their account?
  17. Well, from what I know, BattlEye is proactive, which means many cheats should be prevented right away rather than waiting for them to happen for something to be done about it. As for banning with BattlEye, other than the regular banning options that go with it (Steam ID and account global ban), we are not quite sure if additional ones will be presented.
  18. I'm not disappointed nor is it a very "bad" idea. In fact, it is a great idea. It's "good" because people shouldn't feel vindicated when someone is banned. Gamersfirst ruined a lot of people's reputations, banned their accounts, and publicly allowed them to be shamed all off flimsy evidence or personal reasons. I am glad Matt Scott cleared the air and used the phrase "a lot of instances" and was specific on how they were false bans. So many of those broadcasted FairFight bans people celebrated in district chat and on FFBans turned out to be false. Why allow that to happen all over again?
  19. That is absolutely incorrect. We do our best to mitigate the damage done to the community that is caused by such players. Launch of BattleEye being as close is exactly why I've said that measures against players reported now (new reports vs old banned accounts) might not be executed right away, but that definitely does not mean we cannot gather evidence and complaints and look into them.
  20. Their intention is not to remove players from the game (quite the contrary I imagine). The reason it was suggested you not use it, is because they are unsure if BattlEye will detect it as something it is not and ban your account. Additionally, they're looking to add those features to the game instead. All I can suggest is use at your own risk.
  21. As suggested by in-game GM Yuvie, I'm posting this on the forums. Some of my fellow beta testers have had some issues not long ago with Battleye falsely flagging specific AMD Vanguard drivers (drivers being tested by us). This apparently doesn't apply to publicly released drivers. Sadly I cannot disclose any information about these drivers, but having never experienced any issue with Battleye myself, what should I expect ? Is my account at risk or will Battleye just block my drivers whenever I try to start APB ? Thanks in advance.
  22. Don’t agree with this tbh. If you made a stupid choice let every account have a free name change. After that you’ll have to pay for your changes
  23. I remember retail codes from 3-4 years ago, when I used to play in other account. Nowadays is something similar to this codes? I don't want to pay 40$ for a permanent weapon. Retail codes were a good offer.
  24. it would have been nice, but i think the riots from orbit unbanning all those cheater accounts without any changes to the anticheat would have imploded the game before we got the mass re-ban
  25. Technically jetpacks already exit in real life so them added to the game would be realistic enough but only if they were not cheap on price or fuel etc. and yes 4x4 still launch out into the wild blue and yes that out of bounds means we can't go to the top of city hall to hang out anymore I miss those days
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