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  1. This. I have heard through the rumorville, that accounts are getting banned for using AutoIt, AHK and whatnot. Triggerbots, no-recoil and such. Those players got a 3 day temp ban and subsequently a permanent ban. This is not related to the OP's situation, as he has a new laptop. Not sure what the Make and Model is, hopefully he gets this resolved with support.
  2. No offense but that's not a reason. You'd be surprised how much money people spend on cheats and the accounts they cheat on.
  3. You can even play on a 200k$ supercomputer, if you manipulate the game by exploit/cheating and break the TOS your account will be eradicated.
  4. How So? Let me add in that Bronze Dist Players feel the opposite toward the OP Gods of the Silver Dist. With their license plate names. Thats one thing has always been with this game, U vets Expect noobies and intermediates to posses some super human skill, and when they dont you blame the player. Not the Hit Regs, Not the hackers of many, not the continuous nerfing of weapons and aiming physics. To answer the Thread. 1. Due to the low pop, I cannot complete joker jobs, such as kill 5 with a sub, cause they aint 5 people to kill in the server I generally come in and check if the torch job is up, if its not, I go play warthunder which has Waaay more hackers than we do, but even if they whoop me, i still get some progress. 2. We already had very little faith in EAC to start with, but without any I automatically assume the player is a hacker if i dont know them, or havent seen that name, or its not a name its a jumble of letter math, meaning they have been banned so many times and had to remake an account, that they have ran out of names in their head to use. And we know there is not a darn thing we can do about it. And there has been nothing from LO on future efforts to employ a different anticheat. 3. Their paywall wont accept my cc, since like March, So I cannot even Buy joker tickets or anything else. My card works fine everywhere else, plenty money, and no i wont join paypall. This is Their problem not mine, they don't want my money, piss on em. Without a decent community, you remove allot of what attracts players here. I mean i can't even get Trolled cuz even the trolls have left.
  5. that's the fault of the journalist, not little orbit. matt scott already cleared that up. it's 10m registered accounts, not active players.
  6. I'm not sure we're reading the same thing here, where can you read that there was account selling going on? I've been an APB player since the Beta of APB from RTW back in 2011, never have I put my account up for auction, cheated or used profanity of sorts. Not sure where you got that information from since LO and Steam themselves (as can be read above) stated nothing has been done with my account.
  7. Hereby the response of Steam, updated and well today at 29 July 2020 Steam states the following: Hey, Unfortunately we are unable to provide access to tickets that are no longer listed within the Help request section of your account. That said, I was able to see that you had previously mentioned the games team stated that your account was trade locked for being IP associated with another account that had a reversal. Unfortunately we are unable to see what account that might be. Since this game uses a separate system that we have no access to, that information is not something we can see. At this time I can only confirm that we do not have any types of blocks on your Steam Account. There is also no record of any reversal of a payment on your Steam account or of a possible dispute of having occurred. If your in-game account is restricted for being associated by IP to another account that had a reversal, only the games support team would be able to determine what account that might have been. Hopefully this information helps confirm that there is nothing on your Steam account that should have triggered any such ban within your APB reloaded account. Steam Support Nick
  8. the economy is fine lore wise not that unrealistic really, even heavily violent cartel areas in mexico have civilians on the street trying to go about their lives plus there isnt really a war going on in san paro yet, if you take the gameplay into account there's only 100-ish people involved in violent crimes at any given moment across a city the size of LA we were mid-escalation when g1 decided to pull the plug on the first dev team, so canonically were still right on the tipping point lore states that the rest of the country is almost as bad as san paro, and the feds have no interest in coming down hard on the city
  9. And if I remember correctly the FFbans.org stats show a significant number of re-rolled accounts, which we wouldn't know the true number of.
  10. Hi everyone, It's been a while, so it's a good time to update this thread with new stats. I mentioned back at the end of September that we were in the process of hiring 3 new CS staff. Their training is now over, and I feel like we can finally see the results. Here is a set of monthly stats from before they were hired: 1393 New Tickets 1282 Solved 4822 Interactions with players on tickets Net result: +111 Tickets On weeks like this, we actually lost ground, because we ended up with more tickets than we started with. Here are the monthly stats from 1 month after they were hired: 1224 New Tickets 1536 Solved 4038 Interactions with players on tickets Net result: -312 Tickets In this case, we gained ground by end up with 312 less tickets than we started with. Right now we have 2358 total tickets open (unsolved). 1944 of those tickets have not been touched (contacted). 208 of those tickets are waiting on responses from players. We have more changes coming to our Support site, that will help players properly categorize their issues to help get those tickets into the proper queue and addressed faster. Many players ask what our most common tickets are, so here is a breakdown: Issues getting into their account 31% Scammers / Reports on other players 25% Issues with gameplay 20% Issues with purchases 14% Tech support 10% Thanks, Matt
  11. Hi everyone, I haven't updated this thread in a while, and some players feel like our Support has gotten worse. So I thought I would post a raw comparison between the last update near Thanksgiving and now. In November we had the following stats: We had 2,358 total tickets open (unsolved). 1,944 of those tickets had not been touched (contacted). Here are the current Customer Support stats: We currently have 2,060 total tickets open (unsolved) which is 298 tickets better than November. 1,246 of those tickets have not been touched (contacted) which is 698 tickets better than November. I fully acknowledge that we still have players who have waited 2+ months to sort out their ticket, and that is still an unacceptable time to wait. Please know that we will continue to bring these stats down till we get response times to industry standards. A couple players asked why we haven't gone to an outsource support group, but that's not something we can do. My team has to be trained across 4-5 different systems that they use to collect data and manage accounts. All of those require high security protection, which we can't arbitrarily grant to external companies. However, we will continue to hire and train new supporters. I appreciate your patience. Thanks, Matt
  12. Hello Little Orbit and people of San Pedro, You can say this is a rant, but its just me rying to get something off my chest. I've played this game since it was in open beta, I’ve had 3 accounts prior to this one, two on the US server because at the time I was a kid that had no idea that there are US and EU servers and had no idea what’s lag, and two this one included on EU. It was a rough ride, a lot of promises and a lot of disappointment, there is probably a lot of these posts but truth to be told Little Orbit, you should not disregard any of the long time players, the reason being, we have been playing this game for a long long time, and you are, truth to be told pretty new to this game. I will not bash or be rude or how the game is disaster I actually think the game is great, the best, been going on and off for a very long time and in a few days will come back on again. The reason I am typing this is so you can understand the people that play this game, if you got to this part I am glad if not, so be it. G1 did a lot of damage, they kept promising but not really delivering, People, including me, kept on playing this game because G1 promised the engine and the only reason people would play then stop and comeback days, weeks, years later just to see if the engine is up, it wasn't and people got sick of it and stopped playing, then G1 would give us a glimpse of the engine, screenshots and people would jump back on the hype train thinking well League of Legends updated its map, Worlds of Tanks updated its game but got the game just to be disapointed one more time. I really love your effort Little Orbit, I love the commitment you have for the game and it makes me feel like you really do see and understand the potential in this game and you are trying to get it to work , but you have to understand something, people won't believe, they can't believe, they've been lied to for years and years, we wanted better graphics, we got more guns, we wanted stable game , we got more guns nad now finalIy years later, it's coming, but too late, few years too late. I also can't point out how G1 actually made the game worse with "new" contect, The reason the "" is because its not new but its pretty much last big contect we got. But I am specifically talking about the ammo resuply, the respawn, the car surf, the 4x4 vegas and a lot of more that doesn't come to my mind right now. I understand not a lot of people feel the same but I’m sure some poeple do, the game became fiction, it was great before because people could literally compare it to Grand Theft Auto and some people, including me, thought APB was and still is better game. By putting respawn in cars, G1 destroyed these great fights on the middle of the street, people shotting at each other from cars and then going to the trunk to resupply, by adding car surfing, there is no more drive bys, hell, passenger can't even get out of the window if the person is on the car, by adding 4x4 vegas, almost no one is even driving the old vegas, the one that feels like a real muscle car the one where if you didn’t know how to drive properly would crash in seconds, I still remember the days at the waterfront at the gas station when people were ripping wheelies in it and launching each other in the sky. I know its optional, I know you can chose what you are going to drive, I know you can chose do you want ammo supply or spawn, but to be honest if you pick the normal vegas and ammo box and the enemy team has the opposite you are pretty much losing in that part so to say. I feel like people are gonna judging me, so be it, this is my first post ever since the game came out, 2011, and will probably be my last. The people want to believe the game will get better, but the game is dead saddly, I can see it being great once again as it was, maybe ask a few streamers to play it to get the popularity back after the engine update of course since know they probably won't be to excited now, I am sure APB will be great as it once was but also, piece of me feels its too late.
  13. Whilst I'm also no fan of players using exploits in these events (as well in action districts) the fact is APB's maps have so many different areas in them that you can bug your way up to or launch yourself with a car. The only saving grace is that most people don't know how to access these areas/they're not generally useful all the time. The out of bounds system realistically needs to be re-examined, and more blocking volumes put into the maps (For people who are in missions/events, leave people who are messing around alone).
  14. Interesting to see how much of G1's old philosophy around monetizing the game LO will dismantle. A few questions: Does the discount on Joker Store clothing apply if you bought the item on Armas? Will the Joker Store clothing items cost APB$ to buy from the clothing booth? Will this affect the clothing packs already in Armas? Any plans to make all of them account bound?
  15. If you have the money, I'd always advise to go down the G1C route and buy account bound guns. The Joker Ticket system for character bound guns is mostly meant for Free-2-Players who don't want to spend a dime on the game. If you want a legendary then sure, buy JT but keep in mind that you can still buy legendaries from the auction house (marketplace in social) for APB$ which you will get anyway through playing. If you aren't desperate for any of the legendaries, it might be better to keep your money for JT in your wallet or just buy other stuff from Armas. Generally speaking, legendaries aren't that great to begin with save for the Ursus or something.
  16. G1C is the best route, as you will get it account bound. Don't forget you also get JMBs as a reward for spending X amount of G1C too. You're better off specifically targeting a legendary you're actually interested in than leaving it to fate, as there are a fair number of legendaries which are not particularly interesting or fun to use.
  17. I myself spent some time in the fightclub district, 242k here on one character, those 13% more like 13 people :0, and where do you bring those statistics anyways ? Merged. Moving out of the map is no longer possible, it will place you in a ''Out of Bounds'' status. Clotting Agent is alright as it is, once even the level 3 was nerfed from 100%/100% to 100%/80%. There is nothing wrong with using Low settings to have the game run better. Jumping with Heavy item was fixed, the Medium item jumping was left on purpose. unfortunately the old forum was terminated and not archived, we could've seen the old patch notes.
  18. Never understood wtf is the deal with those, as they just distract you from a mission and sometimes end up inside buildings that we can't reach, yet they never bothered to remove those... but ok let's remover everything else that bother a bunch of you know who. Waypoints, something that never made sense, yet them clowns never bothered to complain about it much. I mean wtf is the role of those fucking things?! Wth do they actually help you with or give you about? WTF is the waypoint purpose?!? IF 10 years isn't enough for it to make any sense, wtf do you keep it on then for???!!! Lmao it never was a symbolic meaning to APB, but they remove themes and all other actually symbolic mechanics, because colored clowns needs for it to be so. Go figure... this is just ridiculous, but keep on with your sarcasm, as its the only important things going on atm. Goes to show that time is just priceless no matter how much, too bad this game doesn't need it, but gets stuffed with it no matter what. Clowns, its all this game has... always had, waiting for a real company to take over... NOT. I mean i'm just eager to witness the last statement this company has to say, this or whatever account i will make after they get sick of me and finally decide to ban me.. I must say, i never seen a troll survive this much... BUT you know... when a game is dying, you can only expect zombies to hang around.
  19. I think perhaps the best distinction that can be made will be that Joker Tickets = Character bound items, G1C = Account bound items. It's true the distinction will get blurrier, especially for new players who will need to think about 3 currencies at once. Perhaps the best way to think about it may be that JT are just F2P G1C? I guess it remains to be seen how it will all play out.
  20. Should also mention that TOS violations extend beyond hacking violations - racism, sexism, homophobia etc also are TOS violations, though often punished in less severe ways. And a lot of folks lump in 'ban' with 'suspension', especially today. Historically, ban used to not be synonymous with suspension. Additionally, a players' history with offenses is typically included in consideration with the investigation. The statement is technically correct, but may be misinterpreted by players. I suppose the part that is open to interpretation here: If you're repeatedly reporting for 'cheating' and that is found not to be true, but you are also are toxic, you are punished according to the current and prior offenses... AND repeat offenders may be subject to harsher punishment. Is that correct? Are players investigated for cheating via automated /reports also open to being investigated for other offenses they may have committed that haven't been reported, such as verbal harassment? If so, what I described would probably be a slippery slope and the exact reason why Tiggs' ban policies failed ultimately - players would get banned by 'FairFight' because it had been used to determine information about the player based on a cheat report, but ultimately players were banned for other reasons such as extreme verbal harassment that wasn't reported. Which also opened up the player to humiliation as well as discomfort knowing they would not get their account back without significant work, neither of which are acceptable treatment for consumers. My opinion on that would be: If someone 100% not detected as cheating/hacking, is being interpreted as being toxic by the CSR pulling the players' other logs... and additionally, the separate violation would not be affecting the person who reported them for cheating... They are ALSO not causing financial loss AND has not been reported for anything other than hacking. The action should then result in the player being able to get away with the TOS violation provided the TOS violation is not affecting another consumer AND is not an automated hack detection. Would LO agree with that opinion?
  21. I find it EXTREMELY OFFENSIVE that the Mask OF the President of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA has been removed. He IS YOUR President, IT IS A FACT! I am soo tired of this BS of kissing patootie to the apparently Social construct, which is ALSO FALSE! This Company is putting themselves in a liability situation, by taking sides. We are to here to play a game. Merged. This Game SHOULD NOT BE POLTICAL but YOU made it that way! Get BACKBone AND stop this insanity, You are wrong on ALL accounts. There is NO discussion that needs to follow, YOU are wrong for doing this. And , it shows your weakness.
  22. For me, it's less the ticket inside as compared to the thousands of dollars in account bound content I have unlocked. Not really interested in just letting that slip away in favour of the same game "2.0", whatever the hell that means. Somewhat disingenuous. It cost a 100 million to mismanage. Efficiency is important and they were definitely not.
  23. Maybe u guys rework armas as well? More account bound packs pls
  24. >>For those who want something a bit more far out, we are also adding the Spaceman Skin to the Joker Store for 4000JT. I agree that 4k is a lot for a event skin. The future tech skin is also priced astronomical at 7k JT for something that was given away account-bound for comparatively little effort during the refer-a-friend promotion. Another suggestion (seeing that the SNR is now 'meta' with 1s TTK) is to re-add the SNR PR1 back to ARMAS as a 'Limited' offer.
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