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  1. Well, you need to consider: the 4x4 is NOT available ingame without JT's Most open slotted Guns are available ingame via APB $ from NPC's So the question is a lot more about how many Apb$ do you make, and how much RL money you want to spent . If you ever consider buying guns with RL Dollar, and want to play multiple characters, you can buy them account wide so all chars profit form them. Since the 4x4 is one of the top cars ingame (test drive one from a buddy) I would go with the 4x4 because you will always drive it and will always benefit form it's performance (except you play FC 24/7) while buying a gun is something you can do vial APB$ leasing and you might need different ones for different situations anyways. Especially with the cap and cr5 you already have , you are pretty nicely set o short and mid range encounters. So go for the 4xe you get probably THE top performing car, which is defnitely an "Endgame" Item in terms of no possible other improvement.
  2. If you have a specific timestamp I'd be happy to take another look. But to me he didnt even look particularly good. As far as no spread, thats a server sided thing and cannot be effected by any cheats. Its been this way for years luckily. And like others have said, we aren't saying no one hacks. I only play on Jericho and I can think of three cheaters currently playing (2 who just came back to APB, and one who's already been banned once by BE but bought another max rank account), so its definitely a thing. But I do play daily and of course only in silver districts and its rarely an issue, at least for me. As far as spotting cheats go, its not as easy as you think, with the terrible netcode, buggy animations, and server - client desync... you almost cant trust your eyes with APB. Luckily there are currently no working public cheats for APB (the ones you can find by google), so thats a pretty good start. There will likely always be some private cheats, and they can be hard to detect, but on the bright side few will have access to... or the will to pay for them. Lastly, luckily Goat has moved on from APB. I remember re-goated and yeah that was a god damn mess, his older exploits Ive only seen video clips of, but for now luckily he is a non issue.
  3. Dunno if you are aware but even if there are GMs, they got their power decreased. They can't ban on spot (dunno about kicks tho.) - as Matt stated, they just fill up report with evidence to LO - which after review will get ban. Slow process but our community is so small - it just work. Also we are bound to see that "one idiot" with cheats creating new accounts and getting on everyone nerves - even after ban. So sorry to say that but they are just like rats... can't get rid of them that easily.
  4. Contacting our support team would be your best option, they are able to help you unlink your account from the steam account so that you can then link your 'main' account. ~@mayii
  5. would be nice to atleast get an official "no sorry, not anytime soon" on this topic... but almost every time this question comes up, there's silence... they've lowered the prices of the whole armas a while back (and I'm thankful for that, truly), but still - some things remain a little too expensive... so I'd also be happy with another revisit of pricing on armas instead of a sale. (a sale would still be appreciated if there's no revisit) I mean 24$ (or 19$ with premium) for just 1 single account wide weapon is still quite a lot considering that there is a huge list of weapons, and multiple categories that you'd want to cover. Secondary weapon prices are fine, and should be the standard for all the weapons available. 15$ (12$ with premium). also, looking at other games item shops - for example heroes and generals, a single weapon costs slightly below, sometimes a little over 10$. which is a fair price for a weapon tbh. I'd go some shopping for weapons if prices would be slightly lower... right now there's like 8 weapons I'm interested in but I'd only get 2 for 50$... not willing to spend another 1000$+ on this game like I did when I was a stupid teenager buying overpriced stuff... anyway, that's just my take on the situation.., again, some official words on this topic would be appreciated!
  6. I play since CBT 2010 and I don't have it either (on the account that I used back then). Wasn't there some other requirement to get it back then than just playing?
  7. Is APB actively supported anymore? I have had a ticket it for an account migration and it has not been acknowledged and no communication has been forthcoming. I have invested in this game and was wondering if there is still support?
  8. @Tappey I read your topic about your BAN, to be honest with you this is the first time that i see someone complaining for that reason, people use to sell guns for skins that belongs to a different game or real money as well, cant remember any player that got banned for that reason maybe they just ignore it and move forward. Hope we will see you back to the game with your first account. Mistakes were made and even if you do that ( you said that you aint did it) it could be a warning instead of a permanent ban.
  9. just 3? ok. five servers (NA1 ,NA2,EU1,EU2 plus one just for russian) no out of bounds old login screen
  10. So what happens if I post a picture of my account status being Premium? With the cooldowns out of the picture I guess this can now be discussed
  11. If your looking for ideas for "premium incentives" i got a few, - Spawn cars for free (it's only 100$) - A free (7day trial) gun each week or fortnight. - List items on marketplace for longer "7 days" - More consumable rewards per mission - Able to do more daily activities per day (instead of 5 per day , 10 per day) - Out of bounds zone removed when not in a mission (ok i'm joking a little but it was fun before OFB existed.) These are just some of the ideas I have, feel free to use any , all or even none of them.
  12. Why do you feel "bad" for the F2P population when it's their choice to be free to play. I am generally curious. I currently do not have premium active on my account...you honestly feel "bad" for me? I'll take the empathy I guess and if you can spare any mods for an ole buccaneer I'll take that too.
  13. Who knows really, some people may have simply dabbled in something they shouldn't, so no, I think it's very.. um... harsh of you to have that mindset. Also, TANGENT multiple bans =/= serial cheating, no, ban evasion was not a thing but FF would tag every acc you had associated with that IP/HWID for a ban at a later date (that was total bullshoot imo) so they used their alts legitimately but still got plastered on FF like they were cheating again. Plus all the numpties that account shared with the wrong person and got put up there as well So many things about FF that weren't done well (such as never catching a lot of the cheaters), so I would like to keep it in the past and not have to delve into it anymore, a new era, if you will.
  14. Battle royals arent new though. Im just saying if they try and cuck me and force me to buy more premium Im gonna flip shit; BattlePass is fine but not specialized premium or whatever the fuck it is theyre proposing. Also, on that note, its fucking shitty to have an automatic charging premium thing because its just capitalizing on some people forgetting about it even existing and spending money on LO they otherwise wouldnt have. ( which if youre a broke fuzzy bunny will just auto charge your negative bank account and fine you even more money when you dont have any to begin with )
  15. what purpose had the G1 kicking all the Brazilian accounts in HOPLON ?
  16. So is it me or does it feel like people already have a bypass for Easy Anti cheat, because it feels like the anticheat is literally doing nothing. Merged. What I don't understand is why blatant cheaters who were cheating for years and get FF banned are playing again with their same accounts. Why would you unban them? To raise your population? Unbanning cheaters gives the population a negative effect. If you want to know why basically no one plays now its because you have an extensive cheater problem which doesn't feel like anything has been done about it and your servers are constantly unstable. This is just beyond irritating. It feels like the old FF days where cheaters were running around blatantly making it to max rank with no repercussions.
  17. Rerolling is a thing yeah. But its also nice to see bought accounts get banned. At least its money wasted.
  18. Fairfight was poorly implemented/managed and G1 didn't even pay for it for years, as stated by Matt Scott. Also they were essentially only using it on manual mode and banning whoever Tiggs wanted, despite lying about it multiple times. The unbans were managed the same way as well. BE is not working properly and LO is trying to be overly-cautious about banning people. While I do understand that banning someone's account forever is a big deal, letting blatant cheaters run rampant for weeks/months isn't something they should be allowing. They haven't banned any of the russians triggerbotting on stream and advertising the cheat they use, they haven't banned speedhackers (lag-switchers, is the correct term I guess) and they sure as hell didn't ban the blatant aimbotters in asylum/baylan that pop in every day. I know I might sound like I'm just complaining, but that's exactly whats going on in the game and you're not seeing it because you're probably not as active as me. I don't even know if you play EU either so... The point is, neither solution worked for APB. I think we also need a statistics based anti-cheat module (like Fairfight), which I'm not sure BE even has, and if it does, it probably needs UE4 like all the other big games have.
  19. I've logged into a character before about a year ago after a long break and found my character on top of a satellite in the middle of nowhere a good 250 meters in the air If they don't now, it'd surprise me, but I've seen it done. Teleport to you, perma stun you, and you get a 5 second disconnect notice before your account is locked last I knew, but that may have changed.
  20. There is an accountability for what is said regardless of you denying it. Lets see you not get punched in the face for walking up to someone calling their wife a prostitute lol
  21. First of all, Hello. I hope I'm not bringing this up in the wrong place. I can't access my account, please, somebody help me. I'm actually logging into my account, but I can't get into the game. I can't press Next to enter the game. I was in the Game 1 hour ago. The problem then wasn't there. There's a problem right now and I can't get in. If you look at the picture, you'll know what I mean. My money and Joker loans look 0. https://prnt.sc/q4aobd
  22. so permantly suspended accounts too?
  23. when? i am not sure if my account is banned, but i still haven't received the response for 12 days
  24. If these same closets whom were banned by FF, and punkbuster were to be revealed, they would say 1. I gave my account away, so I wasn't the cheater whom was banned. 2. They've already name changed all their characters already, in fear that EAC, might catch their private hack off guard and get them banned, so there is not a shred of proof. 3. Deny. All in all, these long time closet "pros" are going to cheat regardless, of if they're named and shamed. #getshreadded #Letsgobois #doyouevenlift #myegoisbursting Some of these 255 closets, received their accounts back from punkbuster and because of LO's bonehead idea to restore their accounts that were ff'd, they continue to test their private $50.00 a month hacks.
  25. also received an unjustified blocking of one of the accounts. wrote in support lo and eac. waiting for answers
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