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  1. Hi all, I want to be clear on our stance. @SyllyBear/Excalibur - you chose to directly violate our ToS. This has nothing to do with your First Amendment rights or LO protecting cheaters. You can’t walk into a restaurant and take off all your clothes in the name of free speech. You will still get arrested and escorted off the premises. We don’t allow naming and shaming, and you repeatedly and blatantly broke that rule. Then you rage posted over and over after being warned, and then you verbally attacked my mod for simply doing their job. There were many other options available to you to address the issue. I respect your convictions. I respect that you chose to break the rules to ‘send us a message’. That message has been received loud and clear. But you have to take the personal responsibility for the consequences of your actions. The policy is clear. If I make an exception to name and shame for you, then I’ll have to do it for others, and we end up in a toxic cesspool of accusations on our forums. Instead, we encourage players to submit reports to customer support. We have a special queue those go to. They are reviewed. GMs have a list of folks to watch, and we verify what is happening. It doesn’t do us any good to have players advertise to the people we are watching on the forums. The goal is to catch them properly. Personally, I think its unfortunate how things ended with your situation. I can’t know how frustrated you were with cheaters in Fight Club, but I know how frustrated I am with the cheating situation. Trust me. This is not a simple problem to solve. We spend significant amounts of time working on this issue. There are announcements coming. New systems coming. Optimizations to existing systems happening. But before we start accusing LO of protecting cheaters or some other subversive agenda, let’s consider an alternate possibility - we’re just not very good at this yet. It’s new for us. Many of the things we thought would work, have only been partially successful. We have a dozen work streams to manage - all of them are critical. And we have limited resources. My promise is that we will get better. Hold us to that statement. All posts from new accounts are manually reviewed for a period of time. We implemented this a couple months ago to stop URL spammers. It has nothing to do with cheaters. Thanks, Matt
  2. I love that this snowflake even thinks we are under jurisdiction of US consitution (some are but you are on PRIVATE OWNED BOARD. Do you enter someone house and enforce your first amendment in there? Would you allow someone to give hateful opinion about you in your own house? No? Then why you require it on private property of someone?! Goddammit. It's not goverment or public site and even these have rules "prohibitng free speech"... It's called ToS!) Try such shit with EA, Ubisoft, CDProjekt etc. You will get instantly banned from board for "trolling". Be lucky your account is not limited yet.
  3. This is unfortunately very true. I'm gonna agree here, I personally think it's far too easy to get to Bronze or Gold, make dethreating/threating take longer, if you look at games like CS:GO/Dota/LOL/ect you notice there are people who derank but it's in such smaller numbers because it's so difficult. However, I feel like this will give way to people creating completely new accounts just to stomp lower threat districts, and just swap back to their main account when they want to. The topic of how the new ranking structure should be is a very difficult one, I even admit my idea has flaws to it.
  4. From what I've seen this seems about right. I've noticed there's still a few newer looking accounts/characters being played that use something simple like walls or just basic aimbot but I haven't seen any closets recently, mostly everyone is either blatant (For what few of them I see) or they just aren't hacking.
  5. dude it was him cheating, he even tried to explain his unnatural accuracy with a non existing mechanic because he was too dump to even know that this isn't technically possible but needed an explanaition (spread pattern on shaw LOOOL). Except you want to believe the russians also took over his stream and voice and such. Ignorance is strong in some people. And faking gettign ahckedis the most easy thing as well, just proxy through russia login to your account and claim to be hacked. Also he even admitted sharing his account with others. So in the end he cheated and broke TOS. nothing there was not bannable, and yes maybe due to sharing someoen foreign really got access to his account. But it was still him cheating and breakign TOS. Please stop believing he wasn't cheating. If he weren't his shaw performance wouldn't have been what it was.
  6. Did we just do that thing where we both have the same idea at the same(ish) time and write out it with slightly different plot and characters but it essentially is the same and then people just remember the one idea that was released first and think that other was just a copy based solely on the release time? Anyway I agree and think recreating the RAF program with a longer term rewards scheme in place is a good idea. It will need some heavy thinking and testing to make sure the rewards are not easily exploited and those in the program aren't abusing their privileges. I do like the part where the mentor is given a random newbie based on some basic criteria like a dating website, It will hopefully lessen any exploitation of the system. Like I said before though I do think the rewards should be shared. APB is full of free junk that has been given out over the years and new accounts have really missed out on some variety of items because they didn't happen to log in and exploit at a specific time period. And the anti-toxicity needs to work both ways - we can't have newbies reporting the mentors for abuse because the mentor refused to give them a free legendary etc.
  7. When the servers become accessible for everyone then you should be able to log in with your normal Gamersfirst account.
  8. Still no account wide variants for every sold item and right now it's hard to even figure out what is char and what is acc wide.
  9. seems like both account bound packs have been returned to "normal" price, and numerous other items have had price changes/equalizations
  10. I have not heard of this, thanks! figured the time I spend on studying I'm bound to miss something
  11. can notlogin characters after account merging, characters names : MeganNicle MeganNiclle MeganNicola they are all in NA now pls
  12. dear Matt, since you can merge Servers, Why don't we have a master account server and just get local play servers? This way everyone could play anywhere around the world depending on what time populates which area. Also you could spread out servers more, because you could make 1 asia FIN/WF, one at the east and westcoast of the US and so on. people could at least at their regional main times get a good latency while at offtimes they can find populated servers but may suffer some latency downsides.
  13. Back in the days G1 limited new forums account users to make a post/comment for 48hours if i am not mistaken to prevent people to make new accounts just to spam
  14. Hi, People are getting kicked from district and then that character is locked out of the game, however, other characters on the same account still work. This happened at 5PM PST
  15. LO creates a poll offering to hand out free lifetime account bound versions of ALL ARs to all players. Golds decide to rig the poll and silvers decide to continue complaining about both golds and LO in-game and on the forum. Prunes are now the official currency in the Euro-zone. Consequence being that prunes are too valuable to consume, so old people are shitting their pants from no longer being able to shit their pants.
  16. the huge rants of some of the most blatant cheaters shows quite well how mad and therefore how well punishing a ban is, even if they can just reroll a new account. And APB dollars wiped, WOW, the most worthless currency in APB. There are a lot more things to those cheaters accounts that they value than APB $. It is also not about a bias, which you seem to not understand. And you yourself even show what the problem is, Matt unbanned people who were wrongly banned, which is good, but hardly any of them kept playing. Yet he unbanned thousands of not wrongly banned cheaters and this also drove a lot people away form the game. If you think this was positively for the game, then you are the one who is biased and killing his braincells by constantly telling and believing own lies. It was not positive for the game and Player numbers are still in decline. It was only positive for the negligible few wrongly banned ones that still play And those cheaters who valued their accounts having gotten them back despite cheating and ruining the game for others. facts don't have bias, and look at the player numbers, they are getting lower and lower day by day. or keep living in denial. But I wonder what those people in denial will do should the servers ever actually shut down forever.
  17. do you believe the majority of these banned accounts were non cheaters?
  18. @MattScott Holy cow - just realized that I tagged a "lookalike MattScott" named "MattScot" (see my post above). @mods; there is a "lookalike MattScott" account named "MattScot" xD. What-the-bleep.
  19. i have been playing since before my G1 account creation date, am i a hacker too?
  20. nice to see player feedback actually being taken into account not sure this really changes anything tbh while you havent given out exact numbers this new system doesn't seem to reduce the imbalance caused by extra lives, it might actually be worse - providing there's enough cash, a player now has infinite lives? dedicated groups are still going to outstrip solos and PUGs collecting cash which will allow them to get preset loadouts (i don't see any changes to the frequency/price of loadout purchases) and then all cash can be reserved for extra lives,
  21. Apb is not structured in such a way that it would be remotely possible to create an accurate metric for actions that contribute to a victory. For instance, my main skillset is driving. When it comes to shooting, not so great. Under the current threat system, I've been gold for years. Could you imagine the coding nightmare that would be required to determine a statistical value of, for instance ... timing the nitro on a vegas to use a random car as a ramp and leap up onto an overpass to intersect fleeing opposition, or reach a mission objective more quickly? And yet, these are the kinds of insane variables that can take place in every mission, and as such would require an engine far more complex than the entirety of APB to accurately account for. Or ... you could measure whether or not one's ability to pull off that stunt had any actual impact on the outcome of the mission ... and the most direct way to do that, is by seeing if they won the mission or not. After enough missions, one will be able to statistically extrapolate the general likeliness of someone winning or losing missions, and use that data to assign their threat level. Is it perfect? Of course not, but any other option is either less perfect, or would require a quantum supercomputer and an enormous research grant.
  22. I would come back to this game but nah ill pass they banned my account for no reason was a manual ban still woun't unban me i ain't rerolling unless i see there is decent improvement in this game.
  23. Some time ago i've started a topic about my old clan's name had been changed for no reason: Since it took so long to be answered, i didn't even bothered to go after a solution, just disbanded the clan a moved forward. Some days ago i just randomly tried to put a clan name that i knew it was being used already, owned by an abandoned account, and maybe for the same reason i had to disband my old clan, i was able to create "G Kings". I know there's a posibility of the previous owner just said "f**k it" and disbanded the clan, but about the "glitch", is it really an error or this is just LO cleaning some names? This is not even u bug report, maybe i'm just conspiring, dunno...
  24. RMT = real money trading Also thousands of accounts have already been unbanned. If your account is still blocked you should send a ticket to the new support staff, might take a while, but they've been really helpful so far.
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