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  1. Well the forum account I have now was banned under the rein of toggs. So I'm happy to have it back. Although I have two other accounts with 5500 posts as well. I think I had one account with -100 rep but over time it evened out. I'll take positive karma anytime. I guess you just have to make topics that people like to farm them.
  2. When you're trading off of CA3, no, because 9 times out of 10, they'll just rush you after that and since you're tagged, you're probably going to lose the fight. Also need to take into account how few people are running explosive weapons, excluding nades, flak is just too situational. You're not going to take it to counter that one guy with an osmaw. At least talking from a fight club perspective here. tl;dr, flak is good, just not good enough.
  3. if my account was out of fairfight ban am i willl be unbanned
  4. Yes we're aware and if you've seen replies within previous threads on this issue including this one. We're trying to make the case that isn't the correct procedure to take. Giving people the option to migrate to Jericho is a nice gesture. It however doesn't help with the underlying issue, that and a lot of the people on Han already have seperate accounts on Jericho anyway. The reason people on Han may choose to stay on Han are purely for network based reasons and Jericho cannot accommodate that niche for SEA and ANZ players.
  5. I already give up start new account and done from loyalty rewords gl with unban
  6. JennBearTurtle

    Error 12003

    I just created an account on Gamesfirst to link with Arc so I could play the game, but it keeps throwing this error at me stating that I need to check my login email/pass. I know both are correct, and everything has been validated. I'm getting rather miffed here. I've tried reloading the game, repairing, etc. Can someone please help?
  7. At least you got to keep your forum account. When I logged in it made me make an entirely new profile. Even though I can use the same exact email and password on the old forums and still have my account from 2011.
  8. Cannot trust most people to be honest with you mate.. I will copy and paste the main topic on twitch. Additional Gaming Content Guidelines Cheating in Online Games Any activity, such as cheating, hacking, botting, or tampering, that gives the account owner an unfair advantage in an online multiplayer game, is prohibited. This also includes exploiting another broadcaster's live broadcast in order to harass them in-game, such as stream sniping.
  9. New forum account, numbered name, social skills of an angry turtle. Yeah, you aren't starting off strong. Since you don't seem that educated yourself, if a server doesn't update at a certain tickrate then you'll still only see what the server can output. Look up hz vs tickrate in games like csgo and battlefield. Then try and come back to me, child.
  10. It would have been easier if they just had a general amnesty and put flags on sketchy accounts after giving everyone a chance to start fresh,, and spend money!@~
  11. I haven't played for ages and my account is still ranked gold. The skill gap is so bad, I've considered myself good back in the days. I feel so bad for everyone I'm getting teamed up with, I'm so sorry for everyone. I'm experiencing a lot of lags tho, I don't know if it's me or the game but eh, holy that's annoying. I'd consider thinking about something like every 2 weeks of not playing count as one loss or what ever, I really can't face 2018 gold players currently, without losing 2/10 But all in all, didn't experienced any real hate so far and I'm pretty sure, I haven't been facing hackers yet. So yeah I'll stick to this game, not as active as I've been 5 years ago but hey, if the company who bought G1 can rule it, I'll rule with them
  12. I'm still one for the option of removing threats and just pitting everyone against everyone like the original game, it solves every problem down the board. The matchmaking system also takes more than just your threat into account, your gun, gun mods, how many stars you have, rank, and character mods are taken into account as well, which is obvious when you're in a semi empty district, and change your loadout and stuff while waiting for opposition. Edit: I should also point out that I believe the old system with Wins/Losses determining your threat was much better and made it much harder to gain and lose threat levels, the worst thing they ever did was make threat score based on the requests of elitist players that disliked having to use teamwork to gain gold.
  13. A better tutorial that properly prepares new entrants for the gameplay yes. Half the newbies I see floundering around in bronze district are already half-confused about how things work in APB even before they get tossed into a mission and gunned down by some dude who they -think- is wallet-warring (when no such thing exists here) just because his scoreboard weapon icon is a special color. Matchmaking should still take threat level into account (and we need way more threat levels too IMO), but there's no reason to bar players from being in certain map instances because of it. Let the mission match-ups deal with that.
  14. Same for me. I can log in to different account but cant log into my main i got discconected from.
  15. I finally received a ticket response, I submitted my ticket on the 26th of may and was ticket #1056. My ticket was about trying to get my account back because I didn't have access to my old email for the password change tiggs did. dont know why this posted twice oops
  16. I finally received a ticket response, I submitted my ticket on the 26th of may and was ticket #1056. My ticket was about trying to get my account back because I didn't have access to my old email for the password change tiggs did.
  17. When Reloaded did the merge, they went by which characters were active in the last month, not who created the character first or which character had the longest hours played. Most likely someone on another server used that name and signed in once during that time period. Even on my storage account I had two characters with the same name. The one that was created first and played the longest was the one that was required to get a name change.
  18. This is a good idea, but some accounts has been banned since the merge and are logging back in just about now as the first unban wave has been done and a second one is about to roll out too. There are truly unused character names though, registered incorrectly as "in use" by the system. Example: I made a name change which I regretted. Payed for another name change to change back to that name, system says name is taken. I'm pretty sure it isn't. I think there are plenty of names like this registered as taken which are not taken at all. I wrote a ticket to support to see if that name could be released. We'll see what they reply.
  19. I still have the name Rapid99 on my main account, but my criminal / alt did have a forced name change; so my crim went from Agnosia to Allochiria. Wasn't the end of the world though, since not a ton of people recognize my crim character anyway.
  20. Next unban wave? date if possible please...is everyone getting unbanned? or are you going to single accounts out for more in depth look...details if possible plz
  21. Sort of... but not exactly. Subsurface scattering doesn't actually affect the shadow. It has to do with light in relation to the materials it is passing through and bouncing from. The actual effect you're referring to also only really occurs or is noticable when the source of the light is positioned closely or directly behind the core shadow with respect to the view point of the observer. Basically, put your hand in front of a flash light, and you'll see a redish corona tracing the outside of your fingers where the inside will be core shadow. To be fair, you probably won't notice that without some kind of controlled environment or something. But generally, that's the case. That isn't to say that light isn't typically its most saturated at the edge of the core shadow--it absolutely is. For artists looking for authentic lighting models, this gets into Color Theory. It's kind of complicated, but it's not that complicated. Also, most of this theory really only applies to RGB stuff, though if you're working digitally, CMYK behaves pretty much the same way. You just have a much smaller spectrum to work with. With actual paints, you're dealing with real, physical qualities. Mixing color is a little bit complicated. But that doesn't affect anything we're talking about here for this examination. In APB, we're dealing with RGB only, so that's what I'll talk about. Generally speaking, you'll start with the natural qualities of the light: Hue/Color - Red, Yellow, Green, Cyan, Blue, Magenta. You also have a range of colors in between those which is where you get your Oranges, Violets, Indigos, etc. The naming policy doesn't really matter. It's the hue that counts. Saturation - Each hue has a range of Saturation that is pretty much constant across the entire color spectrum. In APB, you have something like 32 Hues, 8 levels of Saturation, and 16 levels of Light if I remember correctly. Zero is counted into those numbers as they are accounted for in the permissible spectrum--so whatever the numbers are. I forget. Saturation is basically how much or little light is affecting the hue. More light means the color is being move more to white. Less light means the color is being moved more to black. In the direct center of that spectrum resides the color's true hue. Both Black and White have an equal measure of non-effect on the hue. Temperature - Temperature is not something APB records, but generally speaking, Yellow, Red, Magenta, and any mixture of those hues are warm colors. Green, Cyan, Blue, and any mixture of those are cool. This is one of the more important aspects in Color Theory that I think most people should really nail down in regards to rendering effective lighting qualities. Value - Value determines the lightness or darkness of the hue in respects to a grayscale--not in respects to how light affects the hue. It's similar to saturation, but not quite. They work independently and simultaneously. To consider the difference, imagine a Light Red (Pink) and a Dark Red (Value) vs a Red that seems dull to a Red that seems to really pop (Saturation.) Each hue at its equilibrium, otherwise known as true color or maximum saturation, carries an inherent value. Of the primary colors, it goes Yellow, Cyan, Green, Magenta, Red, Blue. Yellow has the lightest inherent value. Blue has the darkest inherent value. The secondary colors, the mixtures, generally carry an inherent value that find an equilibrium between the two primary colors used. So if you mix Cyan (the second lightest) with Blue (the darkest) you'll get Indigo which will carry an inherent value similar to that of the Primary color, Magenta. You can experiment with mixing colors which rest on opposing ends of the color spectrum, but you're going to end up killing the quality of the hue. Basically, you'll end up with just some muddy gray--the equilibrium gray. This is not really that important for the simple examination below, but for advanced users, you can really get into this quality when picking your hues and such for lights and shadows. The simple rule of thumb is, whatever the Temperature the object has in the light, you should use the opposite Temperature to render its shadow. In reality, if the surface of the lighted side is Red, you don't actually have to make the shadow Blue. I mean, you could if you wanted a real dramatic effect. But more realistically, you just move the hue more to a cooler temperature. Usually one or two hues is fine (depending on the inherent value if you wanted.) So for Red, you could make the shadow Orange or Yellow, or you could make it more Violet or Magenta. Point is, either option is a cooler temperature than Red. The next part is you have to determine whether the Lighted area is high in saturation or low in saturation. And then, you simply reduce or increase the Shadow area's Saturation as needed. Basically, you're doing the opposite of whatever is going on inside the Lighted areas. If the lighted side is high in saturation, you want the shadows to be low in saturation. In real life, generally speaking under natural lighting conditions and assuming there's nothing weird-sciency going on, Shadows are more saturated than the Lighted areas. This doesn't have anything to do with subsurface scattering--it's just the way light behaves. And this is typically on any surface. Shadows are naturally more saturated... in Earth's atmosphere so far as we know. Also, all of this is measured against Sunlight. If our Sun was a different color star, everything, including our sky, and green leaves, would be a completely different color. Not important, but fun fact. The effect you're speaking of, where the hue is more saturated at the edge of the core shadow is mostly just a natural occurrence moving from light to dark. It's because the hue is neither obscured by shadow nor is it washed out by light--thus saturation in at its purest measure.
  22. my friend account got " displayed all over the social district on han because Sexual was falsely FF banned. he still not unbanned LOL unbanned Savage thanks
  23. what you said is literately nothing new. people are doing that the now anyways because it means their character is more easy to control when de-threating. also who says that would be the case. like i said the threat system needs and overhaul as well as matchmaking. so the chances of them smurfing actual new players would hopefully be very low. either way smurfing is nothing new and is in every game that has multiple characters per account
  24. First, login to your Gamersfirst account : https://register.gamersfirst.com/login Then, you will be prompted to a page asking you to change your password : choose one you haven't used for Gamersfirst, and you should receive a confirmation e-mail. Once the password change is done, you should be able to login to Gamersfirst LIVE! and APB: Reloaded through your Gamersfirst credentials.
  25. i gotta disagree. my guess is that,some people would just make new accounts to get into the newbie district and destroy them. you know... its the APB community were' talking about here i already did =P
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