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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the game can absolutely be balanced to minimize new player disadvantage, like moving consumables to a separate reward pool and allowing players to choose which consumable they receive consumable downsides suck, of the few that actually have one to begin with resupply box has the only downside that regularly affects use
  2. its pretty intuitive that anything that can be shot through/under or destroyed won't block explosions, consistency is a significant portion of how new players learn mechanics and mobile cover bucks the established trend im not salty about mobile cover, i just dont think its well designed you've managed to list a single example of use that wasn't a reactionary button press and i think mechanics like that should be discouraged because it has a negative effect on gameplay - being able to no sell a majority of weapons with such a low skill requirement should have more significant downsides i'd have no issue with mobile cover moving back into the consumable slot again, aside from it being moved away because of a technical issue its definitely not most mods, mobile spawn and car surfer at the most bandaids are fine as long as they're properly implemented, but consumables aren't properly implemented imo - they're another disadvantage for new players, most of them have downsides that don't affect how they're used in game, the others are too niche to choose over the ones with no effective downsides, and they've allowed for exploit after exploit
  3. its a bit silly to claim mechanics you dislike are oversights, especially in this case where there seems to be a clear design pattern to prevent perfect directional cover - vehicles, props, and even environmental cover have all had steps taken to ensure that there's a downside to their benefits as cover "legitimate" usage is unaffected because "legitimate" usage isnt dependent on abusing the shield to tank grenades, explosive damage is only a risk to someone who can't move away from the shield after they panic deployed it and have nowhere else to go i dont have any issues countering mobile cover, i just wouldnt mind if most panic button users were forced to think before they use one of the laziest mechanics in apb
  4. mobile cover isnt broken its just poorly designed and balanced, as you've pointed out every other destructible item that blocks bullets doesn't block explosions such a change wouldn't render it useless, and shouldn't even affect the way you describe using the shield, it would only disadvantage those that use mobile cover as a panic button to cover their positioning mistakes
  5. the overwhelming majority of shield users use them to block bullets, so increasing the threat of explosives wouldn't really make the shield useless imo, its a decent short term balance
  6. it is a nice idea, which is why apb has had this system since 2011
  7. im all for a consumable rework, but if youre having trouble with someone sitting behind a shield for 10-17 seconds its probably your own fault
  8. they've already committed to this iirc, provided the assets still exist
  9. there would still be more equipment than there are equipment slots even with all of them unlocked, dont see how it really matters equipment is kind of a junk mechanic at this point anyway, it should probably be removed or reworked away from affecting balance so that mission and objective timers can be more easily standardized across the board
  10. you'd barely be able to buy a used corolla, the game's never been that popular
  11. http://www.littleorbit.com/ pretty sure they don't accept volunteer work, better off applying for a job
  12. are you sure you're looking at the right spot? threat seg was removed 9/1/21 (as per this announcement) its nearly impossible to single out any one factor from a pop graph like this, but it seems like desegregation gave the already boosted pop another bump up going into the halloween event, and then pop returned to normal afterwards granted "normal" for apb is a slow and steady decline, but the 6 months before deseg were hemorrhaging players much faster than the 6 months after
  13. the problem is everyone who's posted in this thread has been considered a cheater by someone
  14. you want apb to be shut down for two years and then brought back with minimal fixes? weve basically already done that tbh, just the servers never went offline
  15. anarchy/chaos districts require some type of mission system to randomly assign objectives, otherwise players gravitate towards the center of the map and the game mode turns into a spawn killing snooze fest if orbit had spent a year of dev time making riot into a proper anarchy/chaos districts instead of a cheap br i think this game would be in a much healthier state
  16. you can set marksmanship sens at .625 to match it with hipfire sens
  17. vsb


    probably stuck with the mirror's edge knockoff maps unless rapid has alternate versions hidden away somewhere
  18. https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/1/29/apb-2022-roadmap if you're looking for news maybe check the pinned threads in the very forum you're searching in, just a hint
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