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Everything posted by vsb

  1. the engine upgrade is absolutely required for better matchmaking, and there wont be any significant pop changes without more content, which again requires the engine upgrade
  2. every time the tracking thread is quiet for more than two weeks the "jUsT LiKe g1" people show up
  3. orbit has the same number of games in development that they had when they acquired gamersfirst its also weird that you think server maintenance is the make or break issue for the people still spending money
  4. if you already know the answer why ask the question?
  5. it makes no sense for everyone to receive the same threat change for a mission because everyone does not contribute the same amount to that mission, thats basically the core of why matchmaking and elo exist in the first place as for skill disparity, it shows up in nearly every pug team with how limited matchmaking is, and premades are very unpredictable because theyre generally formed outside the parameters of measurable game skill
  6. the ntec has been nerfed several times over the years, its noticeably less effective than it used to be
  7. the ntec has been popular since day 1 of apb, so that kind of throws a wrench in the whole weapon dynasty theory
  8. because threat loss and threat gain are not equal for every player in a match, and its easier to threat up than threat down ever since g1 attempted to combat dethreating with game mechanics so when global threat levels are redistributed (the last time was with the score update iirc?) the population starts at a perfect bell curve for threat, but its left behind as soon as the first matches are played
  9. because global threat levels aren't dynamic, there is no mechanic that restricts a certain percentage of the active population to specific threat levels
  10. the rfp doesnt need to have a 70m range in order to be a marksmanship pistol, as demonstrated by the pre-fang rfp my "concept" for the rfp works just fine - because its literally just reverting the gun to the point in time it was balanced, saying it doesn't work is a bit silly meanwhile a hipfire rfp has been tried and failed, twice
  11. if the games unplayable then dont play it
  12. joker boxes are no longer available for purchase, instead legendary weapons are available to lease from the joker store with the possibility of permanent ownership https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/6/22/legendary-beta edit: sniped
  13. its cool and all that the original intent may have been a hipfire gun, but in practice both times the rfp has had more than tolerable hipfire abilities its also been far too strong if the only time the gun has been properly balanced was as a marksmanship pistol, and its been a marskmanship pistol for longer than not, i think its better to restore that balance than to go chasing after a design concept that has never worked in practice i also doubt that another hipfire semi auto secondary will ever be correctly balanced in the fbw/.45 meta, and i don't think we need another hipfire secondary at all with how saturated that niche is
  14. the rfp is a marksmanship gun that has tolerable hipfire if forced - there was nothing wrong with it being a pocket obir when it was appropriately limited, the problem was g1 removed the limits and then orbit made the idiotic decision to rebalance instead of revert (which is still all that needs to be done, the rfp was nearly perfectly balanced before g1 tried to make a quick buck off it) your proposal is like the overtuned obt rfp meta on steroids, definitely not a fan of that
  15. halloween 2019 and halloween classic bundles are already on armas
  16. i don't see why not, and they've done it before probably won't see an armas update until much later today at the earliest i'd imagine
  17. if someone else is interested then make a thread after you have an answer it didn't occur to you that there's no eta for a reason? orbit has probably stated half a dozen times by now that they don't like giving concrete estimates because things are always subject to change, and the community always turns into a pack of raving chimps when the eta turns out to be wrong
  18. the devs apparently, since they ruined the game trying to keep na playable
  19. just dm him then, not everything needs a forum thread
  20. "This event is run in special Halloween districts" separate district or not, any event is going to destroy normal playability on na
  21. its not even the 25th for them yet bro, take a chill pill
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