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Everything posted by vsb

  1. vsb

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  2. what if all these "macro users" are just scroll wheel apes?
  3. if you have a 120hz monitor you should be aiming for 120fps, why else did you buy the fuckin thing? also you'll still be getting frame drops and stutters regardless, i would much prefer to go from 120fps to 100fps than from 60fps to 40fps
  4. yeah, another significant problem was the notoriety system encouraging n5/p5 players to simply kill the closest player from the same faction and vice versa, because losing or delaying n5/p5 status was more valuable than the minimal kill rewards
  5. as long as theres multiple weapon choices there will always be a meta, its impossible to eliminate
  6. you definitely can't do this if ttk is going to be increased then everything has to get smacked with a proportional increase first, only after there's more wiggle room without min ttk pushing right up against instant do individual weapons start getting dialed in
  7. it says across all stores, so it doesn't look like there's an exclusivity clause
  8. https://www.pcgamer.com/epic-has-made-easy-anti-cheat-free-for-game-developers/ https://dev.epicgames.com/en-US/services-games
  9. i think that teamplay and premades should be prioritized in just about every facet of apb, so i disagree say the average ttk of smgs is .7s and weapon x is considered trash because it has a ttk of .9s - if the average ttk of smgs is changed to .9s, weapon x will no longer be considered trash a ghost shot is effectively a missed shot, lowering damage (or increasing stk) makes missed shots less punishing valid point about single fire/semi auto weapons still experiencing ghost shots, lowering rof probably wouldn't be effective I doubt bloom and spread will ever be significantly reduced at the current ttk, as it would push too many weapons closer to min ttk, and too many weapons have competitive min ttks for that i don't think this sentence makes sense, but consistent tracking is just as much of a skill as twitch aim
  10. except you could have done really well on the last mission but not be doing so well on the current mission and still go n5/p5, even though the teams are balanced and a single death is more than likely not going to allow a bunch of bronzes to win a mission against gold opp anyway
  11. -apb is a team based game at its core, i dont think its unreasonable to lean into that with higher ttks, especially when there will eventually be a matchmaking system capable of separating premade and solos -weapons considered trash because of higher ttks are considered so because of the disparity between average/meta ttk and and their own higher ttk, if the average ttk was lengthened this disparity would lessen -increasing ttk by lowering damage (missed shots are pess punishing) or decreasing rof (less chance of shots falling between frames) would lessen the effects of poor network code, not that the game should be balanced around such a thing anyway -weapons would need to be rebalanced regardless, theres no reason that bloom and spread would not be taken into account i think a longer ttk would allow for more accurate weapons as well, as minimum ttk moving closer to effective ttk would mean weapons dont need the artificial rng the current ttk requires overall im not certain i support a longer ttk, while it would have a lot of benefits i think the biggest obstacle would be many players finding the slower game pace less fun than other shooters
  12. no seg doesnt prevent dethreating, it simply removes the reason to dethreat - because everyone has access to lower skill players whenever they want, no dethreating required no seg is like bandaging a stab wound without dealing with the person stabbing you
  13. the rtx issue was explained in depth to you the last time you made a thread about it, and it was made clear that its not something that can be fixed with a simple hotfix
  14. the meta is always going to be dictated by what is the most effective option, that's why its called the meta the only thing that affects the meta is balance changes
  15. it doesn't matter how you scale back the damage, either rayscaling guarantees a 2stk and is way too strong or it doesn't guarantee a 2stk and shotguns still rely on rng for min ttk
  16. i think "milking" requires a profit
  17. what sudden change? consumables being normal mods or outright deleted have been pretty common suggestions since they were introduced
  18. rayscaling only "solved" shotgun rng by making even partial shots do so much damage that rng was effectively bypassed, it was nearly impossible to land shotgun pellets and not do 500+ health damage if damage is lowered so that 500+ guarantee goes away then shotguns go right back to "maybe you landed enough pellets for a 2stk, maybe you didn't" rng hell
  19. yeah the GMs who may or may not be volunteer players should take over coding duty from the developers instead of hosting community events
  20. if apb is full of cheaters then how is the pop so low smh
  21. being prevented from playing apb sounds like a reward to me
  22. i dont have anything super obvious this week fix game?
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