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Everything posted by vsb

  1. if there no leaderboard than how you know he NOT #1 apb master you are probably just mad haha
  2. thank you for reviewing this game i took your advice and downloaded apb and purchased 1000 dollara of g1c and told al my friends too as well
  3. preset guns shouldn't be sold as permanent options at all imo, for exactly this reason
  4. two steps forward, 3 steps back nearly 12 months since the initial oca buff announcement where basically everyone said "hey this is a bad idea", we're so far past fixing such an obvious mistake that the actual fix just annoys me even more if only there was another (F)AR that has always competed with the ntec, another (F)AR that received a completely unnecessary nerf that took it out of the competition, another (F)AR that hasn't been reverted despite a need for "choice" in the (F)AR category wishful thinking i guess shouldn't have been touched in the first place but at least this fix didn't take 12 months, i'll generously call that progress actually a decent balance imo, altho the consistent toning down of the meta combined with the near complete lack of boosts for the trash guns has me fearing that gunplay will feel rather weak for however long the next balance patch takes tfw a gun gets nerfed so hard even the devs forget it exists its like being proud of a dog when it shits in the house and then decides to eat the poop instead of leaving a mess to clean up seems like it could be a good change its not really something i think i would want, but i am curious why explosives weren't given some similar resupply duration increase im fairly sure the problem with frags is the excessively large overall damage radius, because just about any chip damage while forcing players to move further out of position is always going to be useful so i don't think this will change much tbh orbit has already pushed big changes for underpowered and under-utilized guns, which pokes a few holes in this lazy excuse and trash guns don't need to be brought up to top tier meta level in order to be viable - orbit has demonstrated a willingness to make small balance changes, those small changes are just wasted on guns that are already viable mixed signals tbh
  5. this game is only alive because it can't sign a DNR to stop the suffering
  6. "according to reddit" lmao apb currently uses battleye as an anticheat
  7. vandalism objectives specifically require shooting stuff to destroy it afaik, no idea if unopposed missions count or not apbdb says your best bet is to run missions while pledged to javez in financial, as he gives out 3 different missions with vandalism objectives
  8. you used to be able to see your "Gamer ID" under your account page on the gamersfirst website, but now i think the only way is to go into your email and find the registration mail sent when you first created an account
  9. as long as games are making money without it, i doubt most devs want to bother adding another complex and potentially resource hogging system to their game it certainly doesn't help that the only example is a twice failed f2p game where the increased customization capability has negatively affected the pvp experience
  10. theres a plugin available for unreal 4 that essentially replicates how apb does custom clothing iirc cant remember the name but it had some ex-apb devs involved with it afaik
  11. entertainment, its not that deep
  12. one of the mattscott q&a sessions iirc
  13. gta 5 is significantly more complex and indepth than even a modern apb remake imo while nowhere near cheap i think 10-20 million and a couple years of dev time could result in a decent modern recreation of apb, altho it might lean heavily on a more "fortnite" aesthetic from relying on free unreal licensing, off the shelf plugins, and less realistic graphics to keep costs down
  14. really feels like you're the only angry one here tbh (altho im flattered you went to the trouble of reading my old posts), if it makes you feel better then i'm sorry i think your hypothesis is dumb nowhere did i imply that companies in general never let things die, but i did say that orbit isnt going to continue to pay for a game they're intentionally sabotaging, all while generating negative pr, chasing off their customers, and just tarnishing their reputation in general, in the hopes of getting those same customers they chased away to spend more money i don't have to be a big business mogul to see that costs orbit a whole lot of money for very little gain
  15. fallen earth wasn't "intentionally let die" - orbit couldn't justify the complex server maintenance needed on a regular basis and the game itself was very unstable so it was shut down, afaik it got so bad they were having to reboot the servers daily its not really comparable to apb, which could be (and has been) left on autopilot while the upgrade work happens in the background if you think its "discrediting" to point out how dumb it is to think a company would willfully tank a product that they paid a lot of money for and have put a lot of money/time into just so they might get the 400 people still playing to buy more cash shop items, then maybe you shouldn't blurt out such silly ideas i have no idea what punctuation has to do with anything, if you have a hard time determining where sentences end then i'd recommend glasses
  16. probably one of the dumber conspiracy theories i've heard
  17. roadmap wasn't accurate as it was being written :^)
  18. obviously ingame names don't count as doxxing, what even?
  19. ffbans immediately became an ego stroke for most cheaters, leading them to cheat longer or more blatantly for their 5 minutes of e-fame i also dont think doxxing falls under name&shame or acceptable retribution for cheating, but thats merely a personal opinion
  20. punkbuster was a dumpster fire, but i dont think its really relevant since all pb bans were lifted and the anticheat was discontinued before g1 sold apb to orbit
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